HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-03-13Receipt # 1777?---- )c_ €c Dd.te: ires ; Plurnbing l,lechanical ectrica Sup efv I Elec t' t'( l- i.l tl It ie the tesponaibiltty of the petmit holdet, to see that aLL inspec-tions a.r'e nade at lhe pt'oper tine, that ecch adl'ress is readaLle fron tlg'stre'et, anc that the_p"intt-card is Located at.t-h3. ftoll of _the,,P:9p_e^lty.ibi;tainT iuisTot appt"ot:ed pl,tn shcll remain on the Building Sitc at aLL times' pRocgDup| FoR rNsptcrr\tlt REQUIS!:cALL726-3769 (t,ecord.et,) state aout, City cesigrn-ted job nwnbet" iob acctess' type-of inspe^e=:)^ct' ";;;_i"!_;""pection,contl,actcrsc",,0,mer's",,c'neLndptwnenunbey,P.equeststeceixedbefcne7:00an:,,itl be na.de the sone dcy, r,equests-nZde afiet, 7:00 an r,vtll be rrude the nert wrking dag. A - t^- rout, city Destsr.ated Job Mmbet' ,", 8 70 /qS -/3" APPLr 0,, - -. JN /PqRl',lr T 225 Nonth Sth Sbreet Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-s7 53 .. RESINtrNTIAL..SPRINGFTELD- Job Locati.cn:I QO Tca Lot llAssesso?a lla? #J Subdiuision Otmer: 7HAddresslru I t I't {;ed Phone:? )a*?? y 12r?> At€ct+Date of APPLicati *t)utaT 6oo +'f clg q value I.lobile Home Additicn RemoCeL Describe h'or'l<:pvT uP O* 4enct Y tract Ceneral l'!ob Hcmes Blocking and Set-uP Plwnbing connections '- sa)er anl uater Electrical Ccnnection - Blocktng' set-u, and plunbing connections m;st be apprctei befoie requesting electrLcal inspeclion Aceeseor Buildnng pcrehes, skirting, decks Leted. Final - After etc. a.!e comp Pege I of 2 Reauined Tnspec SITE INSPECTION: 'lo be nade aftet'TNStit,,l't'T()N /VAPO!? BIRRTER TlISPIiCTT0N : ro O" *"an ai'Le,ti aLL insulattcn and required uctpor barrie?s are in place bui befiore any Lath, gApston boarC ot' wLL couering is applied' and before oty insulation is concealed. DEI.IOLITIO!! OR Sanilaty saset' eapped et pt'operty Lire Septic tank pwrped and fitled uith graLei" Final - l{hen abcoe itens ote ecnpleted and uhen Cenolition is cornplete or st:'t,:- ture notted and premises cleanei up. ti'.tJ i- uNDtRcpounD PLtJMxtNC, sgw|.?, tt.lTEI?, t::-.! I DRATilAGE: To be na:e PrLoI' to JLL- Lirg trenchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUID [T|G,9 I4ECIIANICAL : of floor insuLation or decking, PlST AND BEAM: To be nade Prion to ffiTdlTill}Tof floot' insulation oY' deckirq. ROUGH PLtlltBrllc, Er,EgrRrcA!. t I4ECII: ifrTdnr: uo uor[ns' to be co"-ered ffiTTthesn inspections harte been made awJ approued. FIPE?LAIE: Prior to placirq facittgmat;ildls and before franing inspec- tion. FRAI'IINC: ttust be requesterl after apiFoiit of rough plwxbing, electni- cal & necLnnical. ALI t'oofing bracing & chinmcys, etc. nrast be eotnpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled until this inspection \as 'been made anC approv'ed. etcauati-;a but prior tc set uP of forne. IJNDERSLAB PLUIIBINC, ELECTRICAL 8 MCHA.IIICAL: To be nade before anY GiT-is-iouet,ed. FCOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be nwCe ifier'tiencG{ are ntcaoated and forns an,e erected, but Priot' to pouring ccncreta. FIIIAL PLU!|BII]C FII'IAL MECHANICAT, t, , DRYI,IAIL INSPTC?I1N: Tc be nade after itt tlnyuall is in P Laee, but prior to any taPing. MASONRY: Steel location, bond GidGlgrottl;ing ot: uerticals in accord<tnce uith U.B.C, Section 241 5. I,IOODS'(,'O'/E: campT;T;J. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP'QN: AftET fOTNSat" ""."tA-6;;V;7;i to pouring concPete. SIDEWALK & DRI','El'llY: For al! con- crete pa:rilA-Gtiln street right- of-ucy, to be nade after aLL erca' uatinq complete & fom uork & sub- base "material in Place. FV :tuct: hhen conplete -- Pt'ouiCe lA g"L* or mouable sectians tht'ough P. U. E. AIL pt,o;jt:at aort4ibions, suah as Lhe 'i.nstallation of sLreet trees, conoletion-ctf the ,nqu7nod. LanCsccpirg, ctc,, mtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL ean be requested' FINAL BI|IL,)INC: The tinal Building fnspection mtst be nequested after the Final Plwnbing Electrical, anC Mecharieal fnspections hque been made artd appt'oueC. FINA,L ELECTRICA XAT,T, ILANIICLES AND CLI\ANOUTS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEN? TO BE I'IADE /.T IIO COST TO CITY LOT TYPE _ Intericr Corner _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-( ecess Range Fi Lace th t/est JOB NO. P. L.House Lot Faces - Be,iroons Ileat Soiuces L-CO d Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cottetage I of Stories Total Height Topography -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This permit it; ly,anted on the erpt,ess condition that the_ said_constraction slwll', in all r'espects, conform to tlrc Crditniice adopte,T fiiy t'he Ci'ty of Sprin4field, i.ncluding the Zoning Crdinanae, regulctt,ng the ccnstmtcticn ird "i'n of buildings,- and nay be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon uic- Lation of any prcoisions of said )rdinances. TOTAL VALUE Date Pattl x Value /\ Fee Signed s.D.c. 1,5 r rTEM Main Building Permit Total Clnraea State Plumbing Permit No pet,son sLnLL construct, instalL, alter or clwnge,anlJ neD-cr eristing ptrintlng or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unless such person is the iegol pbsses"on oio u-olid pl*,bnr's Licensb' etcept that a.pe"son nay do. pfurtfhg uork to property uhich is oumed, Le,tsed or opet'ated by the appli- cant. Plwnbing Petnit N0,FEE CHARCE State ITEM Fi-rtut,es Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Electricol Permit Ithere state Lan requires that the eleetrieal aork be done by _an Electrical Contyactot,, the eleatrical portion of this pernib shal.L not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrtcal Contraator' L * te Tol;al Nau/Ertend Circuits Set uiee ITXM Mechonicql Permit Ezhanet HooC Hcodstoile Vent Fan PetwLt Issuance l'lechantcal Perwit -- ENCROACHMENT -. Sea,u,itu Depoeit Storage l,laintenance Pennit Cvrbcut Sida,talk Fenee € ,oO Electrical La.bel Mobile Hone Receipt ll ['Lan Ercml.tlef DaLe I HAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED the conpleted application for permit' and do hereby cettify that aLL information hereon is true anl carrect, an'C f furtkZr certiiy that any ard aLL aork perforned sh,zll be done in aecor'- 'dance ,,yith thb" Ordinancbs of the City of Springfield, anl the Lc:;s of tha state of hregon pertaining to the utotk cescribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 occu' pANCy aZLL b"e nade of any struetut,e dithout pernissi_on of the Building Di- Otaion. I further certifll that o.nly contractors aiid enplcyees uho are Ln cmpliance -ultn cas 701,055 uiLL be used on this proiect TotaL * I J-r ) -ffi ,IOTIL A'ITOUNT DUE:' oo Date Wcl:on CIlARCE Tolal, Choroas State Swcharqe - /h/ n^^" a 4,L sis;e