HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1981-10-27SPRTI{GFIELED CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public lVorks October 27, 1981 Ir{r. Hugo Kriekis 246 ttl{tt Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Courtesy Inspections at: 335 ''D'r Street #1 4421e Notth 4th Street 335 'rDn Street #3 Dear Mr. Kriekis: At the request of the tenants residing at the above referenced addresses, the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted Courtesy Inspections of those dwellings on October 15, 1981. STRUCTURAL AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY The following items do not meet the standards of the Uniforn Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adopted by the City of Springfield: 1) In unit 335 ilDr Street #6, the bathtub drain and the water closet are leaking and have already caused extensive water damage to.the floor and ceiling below. U.H.C. 1001 (b) 2) In unit 442r., North 4th Street, the bathroom floor is listing due to the deterioration of the support system or settling. U.H.C. 1001 (a) ELECTRICAL SAFETY The electrical system has been improperly altered and maintained and constitutes hazardous wiring as descrited in Section fObl ie) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Spiingfield. Although the existing-electrical systen may have net the standards of the Code that was in effect at the time oi its installation, alterations, andfot improper_main- tenance require corrections to be made in accordance with both the Uniforn Housing Code as adopted by the Ciry of Springfield and the current Oregon State Electrical Specialty Code (E.S.C.). Oregon'gtectrical Safety Law Section 22-110 states that electrical work performed on prop"rty th;t is for rent, sale or lease, sha1l be done by an electrical contractor' 1) The electrical service of all buildings has been inproperly altered and additional circuits installed without permits or required inspections. These alterations in addition to deterioration of the service equipment have significantly increased the chance of shock and fire to a potentially hazirdous level. The following itens in- clude but are not limited to a complete iist of violations that exist relative to the electrical service equiPment: 225 North Sth Street . Springfield, Oregon97477 ' 503/726-3753 ! a) b) c) d) e) f) 406 406 North 4th North 4th #6 Street #9 Street #L2 Mr. Hugo Kriekis Courtesy Inspections October 27, 1981 Page 2. I a) b) c) d) ..e) f) s) h) i)j) k) 1) Overcurrent protection in excess in all circuits. Conductors paralleled in panels. Conductors and cables thru open knockouts. More than one conductor under a terminal Conductors of diffelent sizes under same overcurrent protection. Sockets installed in wiring space of panels for additional circuits. Additional fuse box feeders added to overloaded nain paneI. Additional fuse box feeder conductors cascaded from main panel f.ine-Iggs. Extension boxes not properly grounded. Cables installed from the service center tc apartnents are installed at ground level with no protection from physical damage Circuits in panels and extension boxes are not identified. Additicnal circuits installed intermittently within dwelling units. Because of the above violations anC the severe overload of the existing equipnent, it will be reuqired at this time to install electrical services of adequate ampere capacity with sufficient circuit spaces. E.S.C. 230-79 4421< North 4th Street 1) P.emove the grounding tlpe receptacles installed on non-grounded circuits, or, bcnd the receptacle to the colC water system. E.S.C. 2L0'7 (d) 2) Replace or repai.r the defective south bedroom wall heater. U.H.C.70L (b) 3) Replace the defective north door light fixture. U.H-C. 70L (b) 4) Replace all missing cover plates on receptacles and switches. U.H.C. 70t (b) S) Replace the defective upstairs hal1 light fixture. U.H.C. 701 (b) 406 North 4th Street #9 1)Remove all grounding tlpe receptacles installed on non-grounCi.ng circuits, cr properly bond the receptacles to the cold water system. E.S.C. 2L0'7 (d) 1) A coverplate shal1 be installed on the open splice box below the kitchen sink cabinet. E.S.C.370-15 2) Replace or repair the defective switch in kitchen waIl heater. E.S.C. 11,0-3 (a) 8 3) Replace or repair the defective kitchen light fixture. U.H.C. 70t (b) 4) Install extension sleeves in all outlet boxes in panelled walls and secure devices to the box. E.S.C. 370-10 and 12 5) Replace or repair the defective bathroom light fixture. U.H.C. 701 (b) 6) The outside entrance light fixtures sha1l be fixtures approved for instaLlation in wet or damp locations. E.S.C. 410-4(a) 335 t'Drr Street #6 Mr. Hugo Kriekis Courtesy Inspections 0ctober 27, 1981 Page 3 2) fnstall a ccverplate on the open transformer outlet box below the stairway. E.S.C. 370-LS 3) Install extension -eleeves on all outlet boxes in panelled walls and secure devices to the box. E.S.C. 370-10 4) Replace the defective kitchen light fixture. U.H.C. 707 (b) 5) Replace the defective receptacle in upstairs west bedroom. U.H.C. 701 (b) 6) Replace the Cefective light fixture at wost side entrance. U.H.C . 7OL (b) 406 North 4th Street #tz Replace the defective kitchen light fixture. U.H.C. 70L (b) P.eplace the defective S-way light switch in the kitchen. U.H.C. 7Ol (b) Install fillers of equivalent material as panel in the open sPaces in the service panel board. E.S.C. 370-8 Identify each circuit in the service panel dead front. E.S.C. tlo-22 The exposed supply conductors to the water heaters shall be protected in flexible steel Londuit. E.S.C. 536 (b) and Department of Commerce, Building Codes Division letter December 13, 1976 1) 2) 3) s) Utility Room 1) The water heaters, U.L.listed as 90oC, shall be supplied with conductors not less than R.HH cr THHN Nurnber 10 (ten). E.S.C. 110-2 and 110-5 (a) Z) The exposed supply conductors to the water heaters shall be protected in flexible steel Londuit.--f.S.C. 536 (b) and Department of Commerce, Buidling Codes Division Code letter, Decenber 15, L976 Metal covers shall be installed on all open spLice boxes. E.S.C. 110-2 Correct the re..rerse polarity in the receptacle behind clothes dryer. E.S.C. 2A0-tL prorride a separate 20 amp circuit and outlet receptacle for each washing machine. E.S.C. 220-3 and 220't6 Nonmetallic-sheathed cable shal1 be secured close to wa11 surfaces to protect the cable frorn darnage. E. S. C. 336-A 3) 4) s) 6) SANITATION The plumbing system is badly d.eteriorated and has been improperly naint-ained and falls into the category of hazardbus plumbing as described in Section L001 (f) of the uniforn 4) Mr. Hugo Kriekis Courtesy Inspections october 27, 1981 Page 4. ' Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing plumbing may have met the standards of the Code that was in existence at the tine of its in- stallation, alterations and/or improper maintenance require corrections to be made in accordance with both the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Spring- field and the current Oregon State Plumbing Specialty Code (P.S.C.). 1) The hot water heaters in all units sha1l be provided with a pxessure relief valve with not less than 3/4 irtch piping extending from the valve to the outside of the building with the end of the pipe not more than two (2) feet nor less than six (6) inches above the ground and pointing downward. P.S.C. 1007 2) In unit 406 North 4th Streel #9r the bathtub overflow drain is leaking and allowing water to empty to the exterior of the building. Because of the potentialLy hazatdous conditions cuased by the electrical violations, all electrical corrections sha1I be completed and required inspections conducted by 20 days from the date of this letter (November L7, 1981). A11 other violations, although not potentially as hazardous as the electrical violations should be corrected and inspected is expediently as possible, but no later than 40 days from the date of this letter (De- cember 7, 1981). Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726'3753. Sincerely, Dave Puent Building Inspector cc Lori Linto 406 North 4th Street #9 Randy Campbell 335 rrDr? Street #6 James Cronk 406 North 4th Street #L2 Roger Whitford 44212 North 4th Street Michael Session 335 'rDil Street #1 Steve McClusky 335 I'Drr Street #3 DP/1s ET"ECTRICAL :INSPECTION REPORT JoB AL)DRE-sS. OllINER . A',+DR.t5$ - PArE *lA-:Lt:& -- qi{oNE -z4a_:zz_s_a1t TENANI QR. 0Eq-U_PANT TYPE OF INSPECTION: - HOUSING - OCCUPANCY I u. COMPLAINT ,, FIRE DI\MAGE ) Cre o I INSPECTOR I J. t./*-,- ,^"tp- A /p,-, - ';,dll cc^- L ,-.e c,{ /r',{/e re. t.p/-e.?-p - {e-r- r t I ,rr / ELECTRiCAL INSFJEC]'IOl\i RIPORT . .IOB ADDRISS Oi,fNER ADDRESS DATT o- PHONE TTNANT OR OCCUPAN'T A t/ flu TYPE OF INSPECTION I-IOUSING OCCUPANCY COMPLAINT FIRE DAMAGE 0- e la . / /c(l o i NSPECTOR { o z))p i a ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT JoB ADDRtss 40 6 l.l.4tl,3t,Ir/rTE le - /5 'S / (]t{TEB Pr-tqNE- _zt_6 zL1[*_ TENANT OR OCCUPANT /J /,' /,'I jlPE 0F INSPECTI0N: HOUSING occL,PANCY ,/ complRtrur # a. rIRE DAMAGE 6J 200 -/ / I e-r-.,Je ., f,Jr* {NSPECT0R, - o. 1, ), /,it/ ADqBrls_ 24_6 __ Al_l t.. _-**.. - (r) , ET.ECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT #JOB ADDRESS 0l,lNER ADORESS DATE PH0I,{E J,*-_L-ZU_$_ TYPE 0F TNSpECTI0N: I-I0USING 0CCUPANCY TZICONpLAINT FIRE DAMAGE I NSPECTOR a '/o-".9/ ) TLECTRICAL iNSPECTION RTPOT(T N\ JOB ADI]RESS - . OL.INER ADDRTSS t'DATE pr{9NE 7-44:22"'a€ TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION:HOUS ING OCCUPANCY I/ COMPLAINT FI RE Drl.l'tAGE /a) -4a) -'"l,,af /e ^?,"rJsrerurr Jer ' .S ME,c.&-LZlli-m//2 INSPECTOR / n - t.{-8/ Huan Kt'r'es *r' , a I ? a I Q, /,' t: ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT t / o -15 -E/ 746 - 22 36 JOB ADDRESS OWNER H, o n krie6 /r'r' D4TE PHONEJ- ADDRESS IENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE. OF INSPECTION: HOUSING OCCUPANCY / COt"Ptemt FIRE DAMAGE ---A-LC---7-e./{l) INSPECTOR , , Pnf/. tP/p,tn /Yet/rt,vku a ( r ^6"u ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT ] JOB ADDRESS OhJNER aNTE __/-a1 Pl-toNE 746 --lz3,r ADDRESS 2- 4 / ,H,* *.df//,---_* TENANT CIR OCCUPANT TYPE 0F INSPECTI0N: |-I0USING OCCUPAI'iCY L/' C0MPLAINT 'r'. FiRE DAMAGE P, l]/i.C " 72/6) €5, a INSPECTOR # / E.LHCTRICAL'INSPEC ION REPORT JOB ADqBESS ot^,l{ER #Ir4Tr J-8:-6frL- PFiol{E _l_4.6*23_5-_ .. ADDRESS TYPE OF INSPECTION: HOUSING OCCUPANCY r''coNptx NT FIRE DAMAGE ( (. e'anJ INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT #JOB ADDRESS DA.I'E d- _ ; PtroryE *zz62z3_L - . ADDRESS 2l:-,-PL --rf ot-2-4 6 TENANT 0R occuPAvr -tkn-et-D,_C tan^k*- TYPE OF INSPECTION: HOUSING OCCUPANCY , ,/'COITIPLAINT FiRE DAMAGE 4 A INSPECTOR 0liJNER /-/"r o, y'(t'r'o,r /i I O r,)- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE ADDRESS OF INSPECTION OWNER n+ADDRESS RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER COURTESY INSPECTION APPTICATION (RENTER REQUEST) BUILDING DIVISION *s PHONE NO. TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY n DUPLEX MULTIPLE mn BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS:a &' o ? U (3 {2 E O c) [u,q rA a (ltarr - fras 3.< q ,tsc/r.//s - Srro- 4f:*." lrt D a,1 f,r er flca o (,/ U//e r! t til t r- %t/. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Insp ection Courtesy Letter Sent - No tice and 0rder Issued To 0wner Date For Comp liance Compliance Obtained - Date I o CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COURTESY INSPECTIC}{ APPLICATIO}{ (RENTER REQUEST) BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS OF INSPECTION 333 2 {6 PH0NE N,A. 74/ G -22 7 f DesE /f2- 7- 7/ OirlTR ADDRESS -z tr RENTER PHONE NO. SIG}{ATURE OF oCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY n DUPLEX n tlMULTIPLE BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: ,ot1 a t/,/<** &-t- [ate 4t lurn,fus b,rrus ,/* -u,1// 5 ) fr.H1.-, -Z^t En=,q.\, a // /r, t /-.- fl,vr, -4' Date of Insp ection Courtesy Letter Sent N otice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Comp liance Comp liance Obtained - Date I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE to -tv- g (ADDRESS OF INSPECTION ohliER 4L\# PHONE NO. ADDRESS I RENTERTc Jt PHONE NO. NION\ -< SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTEB) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY n DUPLEX t] MULTIPLE tr BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS:z) frs S- 11.rt?rt </4zrz * {ra -, Bzz, rr-bvze -3ro, , " rf y'-,D &.ruu&e 2U" ild*rzo &razzrJ Jnru E*rno .frft ('zt, a\)e FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To 0wner Date For Comp liance Comp liance 0btained - Date I COURTESY INSPECTIO]{ .{PPLICATICN (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE ADDRESS OF INSPECTION OifiER ADDRESS 2 RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY -NUMBER TYPE OF DITIELLING: SINGLE FAMILY D DUPLEX BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEI{S: e fr,iJ PHoNE NA.7//6 -.2,."{ PHONE 74/ -2674 LtlA* S,9 S aa1 tl MULTIPLE M /0 ^/0 {/J? J FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspec tion Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Ov,rner Date For Compliance Compiiance Obtained - Date- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) BUILDING DIVISION /t _<,.2a# /DATE ADDRESS OF INSPECTI OhNER ADDRESS I z RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER 7 .2.?f PIIONE NO. PHONE NO. B - zpTz- TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY D DUPLEX MULTIPLE BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: E]- TU,/rut ,/n.-/ - 6l ,(w FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspec tion courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To 0wner Date For ComP liance Comp liance Obtained - Date COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATIOS (RENTER REQIJEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE /O ADDRESS OF INSPECTION q? z I //tn-' PHo\E No. 7?6- 2 2 < 5. q*n- # I .ADDRESS 2 ?H rt- RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUP,qNT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER PH0NE y1g.her7ae. flo.*<_ 7q 7-8 f7o TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY u DUPLEX ff uurrrnr.r tl BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS It A/cr d17, I rt/a /,,4--. ftiZ'?/ ,4--- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Insp ec.tion courtesy Letter sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Compliance - Compliance Obtained - Date OhXER I