HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-08-14.. RESIT\F\TIAL.. APPLICA, rvttl/PERMfT 225 North ith Street Spningfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIIIvGFIE'..D- Date: res hotder to aee that aLL inspections ate nade at the pro?er tine, that ecch cddress is readabie t catd is Located Rccei nunber, iob aCdress, type of inspeclior mtmbct. Requestl recei"^ed befcre ?:00 an \ Ceneral P lurnb llechanica It ie the responsibility of fron the atreet' arld trat thetBuilditg D,luicion approe*ed p PI?OCEDUPE POR IilSPECAI)N RIQUESTTCALL 726-3769 (recordet) state your City desigrn-ted iob @ber,eadyforinspection'contyacto?so?a)nerananeandphone;,,iLL be rmde the sane day, "equests nade after ?:00 qr urtll be nnde the ncrt:,nrking dag. shl:ll ?eilain on the at the frcnt of the property. Building Sitc at aLL tines. Aften installation is Iwr City Desig:nated Job Nwnber fs: SIIE IIISPLC?IQN: To be rmde after e*ca{;tlon;Tut pz.iot tc set up of forrne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & MECH{IIICAL: To be nade before any GiE-iiiooered. PCOTINC & FOUNDA?ICN: ?O be nACE after trenehes are excaoated and forns are erected, but ptiot, to Wuring ccncreta. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPFCIION : To be made after aLL insulcticn axd required uapor bawie?s dre in place but befone oty lath, gApslon boarC oz' tnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nade 7f6-alT@uiTTts in place, but prior to ang taying. MASONRY: Steel Location, bond dffilgrouting or oerticals in aceordotce vLth U,B.C. Section 241 5. V u lotacpoullD pLUMt!!t-!!t{ER"_!.ar! R,t)Lir4 trenches. 71 uno*pr,ooR pLutlBttc I MEcqIANTGAL:itof fToor insulction ot' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Priot to TiitiTTatian o7 floot insulation or decking. ROUM PT,UIIBIIIC, ELECIRICAL E IIECII: lutCaf : -no uork-is to be co"*ered GliTthese inspections haue beer made and approtsed.. ||.".ELACE: Pt"ior to placir4 facing,nct;;l;G and before froning inspee- tion. PRAI'IINC: l,tust be "equested after approual of nough plurbing' electni- cal & meclnnical. AIL t'oofittg bracittg & ehinmeys, etc. trust be completed. llo ucrk is to be con- . cecled until this inspection las 'been made anC approtsed. WOODSTO'IE: ccmpT;TA. CURB & APPRCACH APP.ON: arc erect;{Etnior concrete. Aftet formsto pout'ing SIDE\4ALK &. DRIry!!4Y: Fot' all con- crete pauirq Lrithin street right- of-rcA-, to be maCe after aLL ecea- oatina canplete & for'n uonk & eub- base interLal in Place. I ALL project cond,itions, such as the installation of street !l?-l-,- "o'plction-of the ,"q"7nia-ii"d"o"pirg, ctc., mtst be satisfied befope the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested- FINAL BAILDINC: The Final Building fnlpection mret be requected alter the Final Plwnbing Electrical, anC Mechatical fnspeetions hquc been made ard approueC' Job Locaticn: ?c,s Iot #Aesessoro Map ll Sttbdiuision: Phone: zip Address: City: Describe h'ottk: ValueDate of Appliea t eddition RenoCeL s cc E. r ij:a c1aElec trSrrpe OR :.:OVE' BUILDI;]CS Satilary aeuet capped et property lire t,rt*i r,r.,iilgi ru',./ld\t,',hl 1,,! 11,,, ,l Septic tork ptaqed atd filled vith gra;sel Final - l{hen abcrse itens ave canpleted and uhen Certoli.tion is complete o? st!'u3- ture noued and prerrLses eleaneC up. Le Hcnes Blocking otd, set-ttp Plunbing eonnections -- 6a)e? anC uater Electrical Cc,nnection - Blocking' set-uo and plwnbing connections rrust be apprcu-ed befot e requeatlng eleclrical inspeetiot': Aeeeesor-g BuilCing pcrehes, ekitting, decks, leted. Pinal - After etc. are comP'. Page 1 of 2IIAI,L IIANNCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BD ACCESSIBLT, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I,I,ADE /.T NO CCST TO CITY # ? la Yevce: l,lhen conPlete -- kouiCe l)ffi or mottable sections thnough |-lP.u.E. I I T ,! Accesg. th t Df House Lot Faces - % cf Lot Cotterage_ ! of Stortes Total P,eight ITEM F?G Y VaLue Lot Sq. Ftg. Topogrqhy LOT TYPE _ Interi,ot' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sae I'la.in Cntoce Cd?Dort Accessot u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x CHARGENO,EED Frbtutes Residential (1 bath) Saditary Seuer Hctet, Electricol Permit Were State La,t requires that the electrLeal uork be tlone by an Eleetrical Conttaetor, the eleetnical porti.on of this pernit slnll rot be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrtcal Contractor, ?otal * Na,t/ktend Circuits Semtice ITSM DqD CIIARCE Jt Mechqnicol Permit khanst HooC llcodsto;se Vent F@t Permit fssucnee Mechanicel Pendt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secarita Deposit Storage Maintenance Pcmit Cvtbcu! Sidasalk Pence Eleetrical la.bel Mobile Horne JOB NO, Building Penmtt State Total Clarges Plunbing Pernit State ?otaL soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d -- Fees -- lleat Plan Date Pa"-d: il Signed: Building Volue & Permit This permlt is grunted on the etp"eaa cottdition tlut the said-constmtction slall', in all r"espeets, eonforn'to the Ordinanee adopted 6iy the City o.f Springfield, inctuding the Zoning Crdinance, r'egulating the ccnstnteticn cnd. use of buildings,- utd may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of ut! prcoisione of said 2rdtnances. * * Plumbing Permit No person slnll eonstmtct, instal!, alter ot cl'nnge cny ned cr ecisting plwnbittg or drainage systat in ahale or in patt, unless such person is the legal pbseessor ofa ualid plunber"s License, ezcept that a Pelson nag do plmbing uonk to propertA uhieh is o,,med, Leased or operated by the appli,- cant. * PLatT liaanlne?Date I HAW CARSFULLY EXAIIINED tle earrpleted application for permit, and. do hereby certify that aLL info:mation heneon ie true ard correct, and f f\tnther certify that ang ard aLL uork penfomed alull be dote in accor- danee ttth the Ordinanees of the Ci.ty of Spningfield, atd the la;e of the* State of onegon pertdining to the Lnrk Cescribed herein, cnd. trtdt No occu- PANCy viLL be nade of ang atruetura uithout permioaion of the Suilding Di- oieion. I further certifg that o:tlg contraetors ad etplcyeee uho are in eadpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be ueed on thie project TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:'gs Sign:td [ 1be Bedroons: Can aae No"th Fn< f tt FirepLacttt l qc081 Y FIRE DA}4AGE REPOP.T OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD Ir'l tt - Qr)( DATE: a TO: trDntl . SUBJECT: Bu'il di ng Deoartnent Springfield Fire DePartment Structural Damage to Building fuU\,8[blqo f\ Address or location of building ,1 )a N 1 Name of o\^Jner Type of bu i i di ng Est'imated vai ue of bui 1d'ing Estirnated I oss to bui 1di ng ,-. \a (Dvrel 1i ng ' re , I^Ja r ehouse, etc ' D grtO ) Date. of fire -v ,1 -?o-l C,.f Location of damage i n bui'ldi ng L- flcof, l,Jal I ,Exteri or 'lnte . -!^Fl0l^ r e LL Structural weakness as a result of the fire ,b ie-k-es rOr C- (Burned ra ^----t ief S ! Dedill) t "1oi sts , etc. Acici'i tlonal cer-uinent information Electrical Hazard P"l f ! ur;\(tJirinc, Siqned LC. )S,uJ-b{.4 Cutl ets , e t) r.lt t t\sl eF,*) !.. RESIP"{TIAL.. APPLICA, ruN/PER\,|IT 225 North ith Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-s7 5s l'lechanica ec Er iJ]a SPFIINGFTELD-.h a t Date: S uDe Elec Er clan SITE INSPEC?ION: To be made after es;at iiio-oa but prtot, tc set up of fotme. UNDERS LAB PLU!p!!c,-EtE9!!!!l!- 3 MECH|ilICAL: ?o be made before any GtT6aouered. PCO?INC & FOUNDAIICN: ?o be npCe ;fr;7tr."".tes ar. "-cattated and forns are erected, but prior to pow,ing ccncrete. u NryERG P)ut! D PLtlM? rNc? sst!.tP, wAr-!_-?-, DRAIITACE: To be nvCe Prior to fil-Tfr-iiinches. UNDERFLOOR PLUI.EINC & I4TCIIANICAL : of floor insulation ot decking. P1ST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Priot' to ffitaTTilcn of floor insula tion ot, deckirtg. RO!ICII PI,U!!BI!]C. ET.ECT!?ICAL 3 I|ECH. ullTthese inspections haoe beer rnade and. approtsed,. FIPE?LACI: Pt"iot, to plccirg fccing,"t;;A; and before froning insPee- tion. FRAIaINC: l4ust be requested after apptoual of rough plunbing' electti- cal & mectanical. All roofittg bracing E chimeys, ete. mtst be conrpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- eecled until this inspectLon las 'been made anC approved. FTNAL PLUIIBIIIG FINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL It ie the responsibility of tle penrtt holder to aee that aLL inspections ate nade fron the st?eet, anC that the permtt cavd ia Located at th9 ftwnt of the -propetty-iZuildirq D.luicion appro"*ed plan slu:Ll remain on the Building Sitc at aLL tines. PnOCilU!?q FOR I!'t PEC?IOI: R9QUESTTCALL726-3769 (recordet,) state !ou? City Cesigrn_ted job eadyforinspection'cont"actarsot.oumersnaneandplane.' 'siLL be nade the sane dcy, requesta nade aftet ?:00 on rrLLL be made the nest':'nrkitq day. at the ptope" tine, that ecch addrees is readabie nwnber, job aCdress, type of inspeclicn befcre 7:00 cnnumber. Requests recei"^ed Iour Citg Desigr.ated Job llutnber fs: INSULATION/VAPOq BANRTER IIISPEC?ION : lo be made after aLL insulaticn a:'.d required oapor barrie?s are in plaee but before qnA Lath, Wpsun bcat'C oY unLL couering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIION: Tc be na.de ;fre"7iA:yual-ia in place, but pnior to cny taPing. \IASONR!: Steel location, bond difrijg*outing or: verticcls i-n aceondotce ttith U.B.C. Seetion 241 5,, WOODSTO'IE: ccmpTetA. After installation isT CURB & APPBQAC!-4!P0-N: Aftet forns,r,, erGt;{frt pn." to pouring concrete. SIDEHALK 4 DRIIlEl-l4v: For all eon- cnete pating uithrn st"eet right- of-,xy-, to be maCe after aLL erca- oating eotnplete & fora v:ork & sub' base naterial in Place- ?ENCE: When conPlete -- ProoiCe @di or notsable sections through P,A.E. ALL project condiLions, suck as the installation of sit-'eet t-re-e-s., conpletion-of the n"q"7'rliiira"'.ip'i.rg, ctc., ,,ast be satisfied. befoie the BUILDING FINAL ean be requested' 7INAL BLTLDIN7: The Final Building fnapection mtat be requested after: the Final Plunbing ttn"i"iill-,-'anC uechar.iccl Inspectiono hquc been made atd apptooeC' DEI.IOLruION OR !,!OVE' Sanitary seoet capped at properfii Line , rrr. l,t,,,il|ta Wi/ldl,r,irl i.'; ;l,t.,i Septic tank pta:rVed atd filled trith gnattel Fi.nal - h4ten abcoe itens ave eanpleted and uhen Cenolition is canplete o" stz'uc- tut,e noued and premises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking od 5et-up Plumbing connections -- aa)el and. ualer Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and plunbing connections tntst be apprcted before requesting eleelrtcal inspeclio:l Aeeessor-r. BuilCing ' pcrches, ekinting, decks, leted. Pinal - After etc. a"e conP Pege 1 of 2 .tob Locaticn: ?az Lot flAesessors MaP il 5 Subdirtision: PhoneAddt,ess: City rS Describe [t'ot'k: rac t Value&Lo -qo od Date of A ldditicn RemoCeL itobiLe Gener P lurnb i I IAT,L MANIICI,ES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I,IADE /.T I]O C1ST TO CrcY IJ tr n r JOB NO [at Faces - Setbaeks P. L.Hou€e Can aqe Access. North tast Fire South tlest LOT TYPE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac VaITEMFTGA Iat 5q. Ftg. Z cf Lot Couerage i of Stortes Total P,eight ?opogrqhy I'lain Catnce Cd"Dort Accessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c - 1"1"3 erl l_3 CHARGEN0.ILL Fistures Resiletttial (1 bath) Sanitarg Seuer llctet' L Pernit Total the signed done by an gleatrical LL not be oali.C untilthis permit slnContractor, the electrical L has been Nau/Eotend. Cincuits Seruice Electricol Permit I{here State Lat requires th.at the electrical uork be -- ENCROACHMENT -- ITSM FEE CIIARCE , tlcodstote * Mechqnicol Permit khanet HooC Vent F@t Petwtt fsaucnee Mechanical Perqrtt Secarita Deposit Storaqe l,laintenance Pcrmit Cvtba* Sida,taLk lence Electrical La.bel Mobile Hone soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO d Bedrooms: oe Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erpress condition tlat the said constvwction shall', i.n all r"espeets, conforn'to the 0rdinance adopted tiy the City of Spriigfiel,d, inctuding' the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstrueticn and u-se of buildings,- and may be suspended or neuokeC at cny time upon oic- lation of any prctisione of said )ndinances. lteat PLan Date Paid: Reeeipt # Building Pemrit State Total Clnrgee Plunbing Pernit State Total Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install' alter or cltange .anA ned _c" eristing ptuinbing or drainage systet in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the legal p'osseasor of a ualid plwrbet's License, ezcept that a pe"son,,aV 4o-ptintlig uork to prope"ty ihich is ot^med, Leased or opetated by the appli- cant. 4 Plant Exaniner Date I HAW CAREFITLLY 9XAILINED the completed application for permit, and do herebg eertify that all, infonnation hereon is true atd eorrect, attC f further eertify that any ard aLL uoz'k perforned alnll be dote in accor- danee vith the ordinancee of the City of SprLngfield, arud the Ic;a of the* State of 1regon pentaining to the uork Cescribcd here'ln, cnd tlut N0 )ccu- Pl,tlcy DitL be rmde of ang structure ui,thout pennisaion of the BuildinE1 Di- oieion. f funther certifii that otly contracto?e and enplcyees uho ate irt eazpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be ueed on thie project T,TAL A!"!1UNT DUE:.34 \3 ,DaLe Total Charaes * t'-