HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1990-01-24I N FO RMAT loN: ?26'3753 tNSpECTIONS: 726'3769of sPringfiel n. 5th street dci ty 225 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION ADDRESS PHONE NA}18 OF BUSII.IESS, FIRM, ETC. TYPE OT BUSIT:ESS TA.Y LOT.T Sa,'v- I 4 ?-;ol 4tS- I 7 w 14to 3SADDRESS t ? I Go fifu ST 4 3G Ezl'l b r-s99G FC1 l*,rr.ni LECAL DESCRIPTION Bt..t,* OI.'NER OF SIGT{ CIF OTHNR THAIT PROPERTY OWNER) OIINER OR PROPERTY A' lo.erroN oF sr,GN (ADDRESS) . TYPE OF WORK: ALTER B K rnnct RELOCATE OTHER C' ,rroarrRAl TYPE oF srGN: X rnrrsraNDrllc PROJECTING ItrALL MAROUEE ROOF UNDER I,IAROUEE OTHER USE AT{D CIIARACTER OF SIGN: \,,^r\ IDENTITY INCIDENTAL _SINGLE FACE MTILTI,-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD D. )C pourln rACE x-crrY LrcENsE tn -r'iBER u Exp DATE E I 5a- -"3- SIGN I.IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER TIIAN ERECTOR) zII SIGN VENDORS, CONTRACTORS ADDlJss 3?o)-f 't+r,\rV 54 ll-tLa,**--\ Or . EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIIERE ANY EXISTI}IG SIG}IS? YES h1O G ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINnSS, ETC. IIUHBEP. SIZT. 'I.ltLL srcN HAVE ELEcrp.rcAL rurnmct [!.S ELECTRICAL COIITRACTOR ADDRESS . H SIGN LISC. NTJMBER DII,tEllSroNS, IIISTALLATIoII & CoNSTRUCTIO]I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN HORIZONIAL WIDTII OT SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOII OF SIGN !'IOTE: IF PR0JECTIOII IS I{ORE THAN 12" 6VEE puer.rc pRopERTy run srcN snscion I'ruST TILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF IIIS/}IER LIABILITY AT,ID PROP- ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISURAI.ICE POLICIES. lo/ E tg" YES A-NO I TIIICKI.IESS OR DEPTII L7/ DCES SICN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IT YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OP. VALUE OF SIGN: E ?B,so t. K .SITE INFOF'}{ATION (LA}TD USE) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR I.AST USE IF VACANT) K runoon BLrsrNEss ourDoo^\. I4ERCHAI{DrSrNG PR.OPOSED LISE OT' BUILDING OR LAND -w\;r<_;> J 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that a1Iinformation is Erue and correct, and I further certlfy that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City ofSprinqfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprinefield and the laws of the StaEe of .g to tale worll descrj.becl herern. I further certify that mv l?1gn ContracEor Ll- Ity of Springfield is in full force and effect as'required by-springfield Codes -2b(2). -t witt requesE all required sign inspections'listed-on the approved t.-f 5 t-2-{-7/s ) NAME (PLEASE Cregon percalnin cense wiEh Ehe C8-2-6(3) and 9-7permit. ADDP.ESS PITONE q13 I LIGHTED) IF YES, IJHICII _ILLU!{INATED PLEASE REAtv 1)Separate Sign Apprlcation: A separate application is requlred for each separate slgn as defined 2) fi@ Elecrrical: Any permic issued under thts application will include wiring 11 or 9n:ign srrucLure, ifa-"-rtffi'"i;;'"'for "orrrr."rion must. be covlied on an electrical-p-ermit.- Electricar connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. fl-lirninated signs (both incernally and ex.ernauy) m,rl'r;.#;;;;-s;;;r";;-9:1:4-\4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the springfield sign or- dinance. plans Required: This application is to be submitted wlth two complete seEs of plans showing di- ft.-.ri"=#aff"-iffi.igfrt of sign; adverrisfrg-n""."g.-on "iin; iocarioir of sign on property with di- mensions ro properEy lines, -structur;i--8.;;ii"-or tt pplri ;;;il;; braciig and'footings; materials of consrrucrion for sign and sign "ti""r"i"l-etectrit-ar-eq"ip*i"i'rtto. ligf,ting; size and--location of existing signs on property fo.\ Ehe same busienss, "ff-j" iequired to deteriinq cornpliance with the Springfleld sien brdinanle (Arrilr.-7-oi-rhe sp;in;iilia-ciiv-coa.>. A1so,'dhow the follow- ing inforuracion onts'Jh;';iffi'^;i;"'<ii""-"t"ring prolert! rines and locatlon of sisns): a) show the locarion of all existing stgn(s) as well as ProPosed stgn(s). ni Show the leneth of the srreet frontage taken up by Ehe business or bullding. For wa11 .ie"t, it", Eh" length of the building frontage' c) show the locarion of entrances oPen to Ehe publlc and drJ-veways. when required, because of design,.sLze, etc., englneered drawings and-caLculations must be pre- pared by a ricensed engineer or snau-ioniorm to-deslgn sEandatE. ott flle at the Building Divi- sion Office. plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. sisns must ,,eer corner vision cLearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the springfierd Coilprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: l.lo sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead 6-I6trica1 conducrors in excess of 750;;it", or l"ss it." S feet in'any direction-fron overhead electrical rines wrrich-are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit' the permit shall 3) be void.. Inspections:+-e Footing InsPgctionThe Footlng fnsPec- ement of concrete. - to be made upon cornpletion of alL work' electrical signs must be Lnspected for electrical hook up afEer the sign fore the sign-is turned on. 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) a)site lnspection - to be nade before the sign ls placed. usuaLly, th tii-tiiitiaas-tal ,"i-u"-r.ae at the same tiie as the Site rnspection' tion is ro be made'"I["I-tJf;i"i--f"-;;avaEeci, but prior to the plac b) c) ! lnar Inspection Lllectrical - all tdrr-ffiEt?d and be CALLToRTHEREQUIREDINSPECTIoNSoNTHE24HoURINsPEcTIoNLINEATT26-3759 srGN DrsrRrcr - zoNE DrsrRrcr REQUIREU 1 SITE/LOCATIOII -FOOTTNG OR METITOD oF ATTACIS{ENT -FINALOTITER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORN ERECTI'ON OF SIGN: ADDITIONAI INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: ELECTRICAI l-at- 7 o APPROVED BY: SECTION: SIGN ORDINAT{CE ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: Drr;E l-L4-76 Pe 37 5% STATE SURCIIARGE: 3TOTAL ^JCLERK CEIPT SIGN PER}{IT FEE: JOB # 8. so Canned"Foo to'-d' o (o ; I,r 2f PoUE COVER ,TU(J-O Fll'llrH I o tl h 7t FORESS SIGN COMPANY PH.928-5858sCl IFNT: CANNEP F@??t SCALE:'" tr1'= t'-o. .l ,PRINGFIELP' i Y 'tk J r. i . :'r'r ;1 ' r' t. lo/ g/ 15/6n t f,f,sTEEL PIPE lra'cjJawlAn FoonNc - lar. :.- a.ai :e. .j'i a t t it , .t a' {C: !t-' t ( JI, I l.- /V v S/..-t d d.N lo v , rtyrtain ft \ A %$a * r u){ o' P 5it* St"".t {^pfr"- rn*iq#.2 oo (f / ? r( sr, f,oo(l: A st cfoo?t . ^hh/r\l ,^ I - l"= Do €h I nst( i I I I i I t i i \ sqqni% '- CITY OF SPFII) IELO ELECTRICAL PEI(ITT APPLICATTON en, 225 YIYTII STREET SPR,INGPIEI^D, OREGON 97477 INSPECTTON RBQTIEST: 726-3769 OPPfCE: 726-3759 OP DESCRTPTION ,0N /S,/' 4zo I Clty Job Nuuber One Clrcult Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addtrl ten orportion thereof SUBTOTAL OF ABOVB5f stite Surcharge TOTAL s7 / 3. COI{PI.RTE rEE SCEEDI'I^B BELOS A. Nev Resldential-Slngle orHuItl-Famlly per dvelllng unlt. Servlce Included: Items Cost 1500 sq.ft. or less - S g5.OO . Each addltional 500sq. ft or portionthereof S 15.00Each Hanufrd Home or -Hodular Dvelling Servlce or Feeder $ 35.00 Sum JOB & EIectrica,l. Con tractor Address ,Z 33f, 5€3 $ry-cpv^-u* /L"Phone 7f,(-Q Z I Supervlsor Llcense Nurnber 36 O4 -5; Expiratlon Date o - /-L Constr Conltr. Number 6 7.<z ) Explration Date ture trl Ouners Name Address Ci ty Phone Services or Feeders (10 Branch Clrcultslncluded). fnstallation, Alteratlonsor.Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 anps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1OOO amps-over 1000 anps/volts -Reconnect 0nly Permits are non-transferable and explreif vork ls not started vlthin 180 diysof lssuance or lf vork is. suspenfed for180 days. .? s6}n ?Aqr0R INSTATJATION Orvrl OgNER TNSTALIATTON The installation ls belng nade onproperty .I ovn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, Iease or rent. Omers Signature: B. E. 35. 60. 90. s300 Sgs 130 s s s s s $ 00 00 00 00 00 00 C. Temporary Servlces or Feeders' Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocation D. 201 arnps to 400 amps - i ao.Oo0ver 401 to.600 amps - S SO.OO0ver 600 amps or,tbOOETEs """ ;i; aEoF Branch Circults Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel 35.00 s0.00 Hiscellaneous (Service/feeddr not lncluded)-Each lnstallatlon liliril:ii;l'itlit," s= I il:BB 7z o aSlgnal Circult orllmited energy panel_ S 36.00 s 1s.00 5DATE: BRECEIVED -ba 1'. // city of springfield 225 n. 5th street I N FORMATTON : 72(i_3 is3 INSPECTIONS: 726.3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A.locerroN or SrGN (Aopnrss) .160 l4th Street LE6AL DEscRrprrou I 7 03 36 32 TA.\ LOT *I orrNER oR PRoPERTY Greg - Canned Foods i nc. ADDRESS l7l7 Harris on Blvd. San Fr anci sco. CA ztP 94103 SPFIINGFIELE' OIJNER OF SIGI.I CIF OT}IER THA}I PROPERTY OWNER)Same ADDRESS PHoNE NAME OF BUSII'IESS, TIRM, ETC Canned Foods Inc.TYPE or BusrltEss Grocer c D. uss AND cPARA.TER ot'- srct'l },!tILTI-FACE READER BOARD -BILLBOARD X rornrrrv -INCIDENTALDOUBLI FACE Y ,ron.", ,o.u TYPE OF WORK: -X-unncr ALTER RELOCATE OTH}:R B. CITY LICENSE }It'}'lBER EXP DATE E EatraPIIONT qzA- zIP q7?21. .ADD!J,SS SIGN I,IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER TI{AN ERECTOR)Same PEOI.IE . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: srcN EREcroR Foress Siqn Comoanv 32055 Hltv 34. Albanv. 0R ADDp.ESS Same . EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIIERE ANY EXISTIT]G SICIIS? G N o-YES ,Y t,o ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR NUSINIISS, ETC. . I.'ILL SIGN HAVE ELECTF.I,CAL IILR]]TC? q €f I} YES, TIHICH }.PPLY? ,2\ ELECTRI'O'-"'O- flurtumerED (rNDrRrcTE LTcF.TED) ELECTRICAL CONTPACTOR Lr sc . NtiMBER_PI:CI.lf, _ H ADDRESS DU,IETISIONS, UISTALIATIOI.I & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOIAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE YEP.TICAL DI"},IENSION OF SIGN HORIZOMAL WIDTII OT SIGN DI}IENSION TROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I1ORE THAN 12" OvEE punltc pRopEpJy rsE srcN EREcroR I'ruST FILE I^IIII{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI'ID PROP- ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"AI.ICE POLICIES. 7b'. t7 2 btt E f YES {no -4{ /{/q',. TIIICKI.IESS OR DEPTU DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YES, DII.IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE l. DEScRTBE TypE oR MArERrAr,s srcN rs . VALUE OF SIGN:f,o c) o.oa 5a,{o Fq*-l'1,4 K CONSTRUCTED OP. r'Q . SITE INFOF}{ATION (LATID IISE) .- EXlSTING USE OF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR I-ASI USE IF VACANT) &rnooon BUSTNESS _ourDooP. lrERCHANDrsrllc PR.OPOSED LISE O]T BUILDING OR I,AND: J ,/ d c- Q-.? 'I HAVE CAREFULLY E)GIIINED Ehe completed application for permit and do her-eby certify that a1l informarion ls true and correct, ind I fuither certify that all work oerformed shal1 be done in accorrlance with the Springfield'Sign Ordinance, the U;iform Sign Code-as-adopted by the CLty of ioringfleld and all oi:her"OrdinancEs of the Ciry of Springfield and the laws of the SEate of Cregon pertalning Eo Elle worli <Jescribed herern. I further certi.fv that mv llign Contractor I-i- cens" with the City of. Springfield is in full force and effect as"reouired by Springtield Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2), ' I $ri11 request all required sign inspections listed on Ehe approved permit. NAME (PLEASE s , t r\ArE / o -/ 9' (41 ) R6t -5qR6 STP.UCTUBAL TYPE OF SIGN: -k uou -FREE'TANDTIIGROOF PROJI1CTING -**nrrE UNDER I,IAROUEE OTHER PLEASE REAt- 1) !gp4!4!e !!gq Appllcaq1qn: A separate applicatlon is requlred for each separate sign as deflned inJhE-SiEE-ToaA 2) dinance. 3)Plans Required: mensions and hei mensions to prop of construction of existing sign the Springfield ing inforrnation a) Show the location of all existing slgn(s) as well as ProPosed slgn(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken uP by the business or bul1ding. For wall signs, show the length of the building frontage. c) Show the locaEion of entrances oPen to the publlc and drlveways. Igtren required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and-calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer oi shall conform to design sEandards on flle at the Building Divi- sion Office. plans of lnsufficienE clarity or detail wiLl be returned to the applicanE wlth no permit being issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as descrlbed in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: I,lo sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet hofizontally or vertically-from overhead ffii.i".r-"3"a""i"ir ir, "*"".s of 750 volts, or less than 5 feeE in'any direction fronr overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is noE installed r,rithin 60 days after Lhe date of Lssue of this perrnit, the permit sha11 be void.. Inspe c tions Electrical: Any permlt issued under thls application will lnclude wiring in or on slgn structure, EE-upEry wirei ior connection musr be covlied on an electrical p'ermiE. - Electrical connecElon musE be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated sigrrs (b-oth.internally and exEernally) irust conform to SecEions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- Ihis application is to be submitted with two complet,e seEs of plans showing.di- ght of sign; adverEising message on sign; location of sign on-ploPerty with di- Erty linei, structural details-of support framing, bracing and footings; materials for-sign and sign sErucLure; electrical equipmeni and lighting; size and Location ,s on pioperty for the same busienss, all as required _to determing- compliance with Sign brdi.nante (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Als_o,.show the follow- on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and locaEion of signs): 4) s) 6) 7) B) e) a)SiEe Inspecrion - to be made before Ehe sign is placed. usually, the EgglinE-ln:EgEigan= ,;fi;;ffO may be made aE the same time as uhe Site Inspectlon. Ttre Footing InsPec- ii;"-'i;-;;-U. fr"de'afEer hole(s) ls excavageci, but prior to the placement of concrete. Final InspecEion:- to be made upon completion of all work. !-lectrical - all electrical signs must be lnspected for electrical hook up afEer the sign isJr-ereEtea and before the sign 13 turned on. b) c) CALL FOR THE REQUTRED INSPECTIONS ON rHE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726'3769 SIGN DISTRICT - ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSP ECTIONS: SITE/LOCATION FOOTING OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT ,ELECTRICA]. OTTIER rINAI SPECIALCoNDITIoNSToBESATISTIEDBEFoREERECTIoN0FSI'GN: AI)DITIONAI INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: DATEAPPROVED BY: ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: 57" STATE SURCHARGE: TOTAL: RECEIPTuDA PERMI'!E T FEE: 5o.5D JOB /I SIGN SL:CTION . o?o SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDINANCE N*t ?., /1?a A.locatroN or. srcN (ADDRES5) 160 l4th Street eoonrss I 71 7 Harri son Bl vd. San Franci sco, CA oTJNER oF srcl,r CrF ornER THAII pRopERTy owNER) Same - --- T/LY LOT *4201 Inc. SPFIINGFIELE' PIIONE (415) 861-5986 I N FORMATION I 72(;-J/53 INSPECTtoNS: 726-376e SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION ztP q4to? ADDRESS NAI.IE OT BUSIITESS, FIR}I , ETC city of springfield 225 n. 5th street LESAL DEscRrprrorq I 7 03 36 32 rYPE or BUSrI:Ess Grocer o[rNER oR pRopERTy Greq - Canned Foods Canned Foods Inc. STP.UCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: TIALL Xt*ttotANDrllc ROOF PROJIiCTING -**nr"ul- UNDER I,IARCIUEE OTHER C.USE AND CI:ARACTER OI.- SIGI.J .YrnrNrrrv -INCIDENTALX oousln racr -SINGLE FACE MTTLTI-FACE READER BOARD -BILLBOARD DTYPE OF WORK: vN ERECT ALTER RELOCATE _oTrl[R srcN I.IANUrACTURER (rr OTHER Ttr N ERECTOR) same PI{O}IE E anv.0RAtb EXP. DATECITY LICENSE IN.I}IBER . .ADDI.-E,SS ADDP.ES Same . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: srcN EREcroR Foress Siqn Comoanv 32055 Hllv 34 zIP Q7'19] . EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIIERE ANY EXISTITIG SICIIS? YES G FTG ALL I,XISTING SIGNS FOR DUSINIISS, ETC. rzn lH s $,o H'0,r"" srcN ttAvE ELEcrp.r.cAL InrRrt{G? y'eg IF YES, MIICII I.PPLY? X ELECTRIC^" "*TLLUITTNATED (rNDrp.rcfffi ucv.trn) LISC. NWBER PI:CIIII] ADDRESS ilrcrorcnl conrPAcroR DU.IE}ISIONS, IJISIALLNTIOTI & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAL ITEIG}IT ABOVE GRADE YEP.TICAL DIHENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTII OF SIGN DII.IEI.ISION TROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPTII DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YES, DIIIENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE THAN 12" 6VEE pust,tc pRopERTy rEE srGN EREcroR I.ruST TILE WITIT THE BUILDING DlVISION COPIES OF HIS/IIER LIABILITY AI'ID PP.OP- ERTY DA}IAGE ITISUP"A}ICE POLICIES. E YES l(ro /{/ /B// z?/8//o( l- DESCRTBE TypE oR yATERTALS srcN rs . VALUE OF SIGNK + CONSTRUCTED OP. 3b,{o 9i1\ . SITE INFOF}IATION (LAND I'SE) .- EXISTING USE OT BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACAIIT) X rltooop. RUSTNEss otJTDooPr l''ERcILANDrsrllc PROPoSED USE OI" BUILDIT'IC OR LAND | - J Co-a ( Qr" . I ILAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED tl.re completed applicarion.for permit-and do her-eby certify that all informarion ls Erue and corrccr, anJ-i r;;ih;;-;;.tiry th"t a1l tuork performed shall be done in accordance wi.th tfie dpii"iii"iJ'sit" ordinance, rhe u;iiorm-sign code'as-adopred Fv I!".citv of sorinqfteld and "tt o'ttr"r"0rdinanc6s ;i-;i;;'-ar;y-or_spii"efieli.and the laws-of rhe stace of Cregon percatning-io cire worli descrifr"J i"."i"-' f further-certlfy that mv 5l;n Cortracror Li- cense wlth the ctty of Springfiela is-rn fu11 force and effect as-recuired by-springField codes g-2-6(3) and g-7-i6(2i.-'i-;iii-;;q;;";--ait-ieqriretl slgn inspectiond listed on Ehe approved permlt. NAME (PLEASE SIGNATU /a-dO F{ DATE 2.ooo 1C-1a40 2) PLEASE REA 1) Se rate Si li.catlon: A s eparate application Is requlred for each separate slgn as definednce and externally) musc conform to Sectlons 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-L8 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 3) Electrical: Any permlt issued under thls application will lnclude wlrlng Ln or on slgn structure, EEe suTp'ty wirel Eor connection musc be covlied on an electrlcal p-ermit,- Electrical ionnecElon musE be made only by a Scate Licensed Electrical Conrractor. Illuminared slgns (both tnternally 4) s) 6) 7) B) e) Plans Required: Thls application is to be submltted wlLh two compleEe seEs of plans showing dl-mensions and height of sign; adverEising message on sign; locaEion of slgn on property wlth di-mensions to properEy 1ines, structural detalls of support framing, braclng and footings; materlalsof construction for sign and sign structure; electrlcal equlpmenE and lightlng; size ind locationof existing signs on property for the same buslenss, all as required to dererming congllance rriththe Springfleld Slgn Ordlnance (Article 7 of the SprlngfteLd Clty Code). Also,.show the follow-lng lnformation on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and locaELon of signs): a) Show the locatLon of all exlstlng stgn(s) as well as proposed stgn(e). b) Show the length of the street frontage Eaken up by the buslness or bulldlng. For wallsigns, show rhe length of the butldlng frontage. c) Show che locarlon of entrances open Eo the publtc and drlveways. l.Ihen required, because of design, size, etc., englneered drawings and calculatl-ons must be pre-pared by a licensed englneer or shall conform to deslgn standards on file aE Ehe Building Dlvi-sion Offlce, Plans of lnsufficient clarlty or detail wiLl be returned to the appllcant wlth no pernlt beingissued. Signs must meet corner vlslon clearance requirements as descrlbed Ln Flgure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: I'lo sign may be erected whlch is less than 12 feet horlzontaLly or vertLcally from overheadelectrlcal conducEors ln excess of 750 vo1ts, or less than 5 feet Ln any dlrection fron overheadelectrical lines whl-ch are energized at less'ttran 750 volts .If a sign is not lnstal.led within 60 days after the daEe of lssue of thls permlt, the permit sha1lbe void. Inspeccions: Flnal Inspecclon - to be made upon corupletion of all work. - all electrical sLgns must be lnspected for electrlcal hook up after the stgnand before the slgn ls turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUTRED TNSPECTTONS ON THE 24 IIOUR rSPECTToN LrNE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT JOB 3 rorAr, sQUARE ,loIJ oi ,r.* &qqql&Eq rllEPEcrIQNe, SIGN PERMIT FEE: SITE/LOCATION FOOTING OR METIIOD OF ATTACHMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FINAL O1}IE p 57. STATE SURCHARGE: TOTAI: DA IPT CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: AI)DITIOI'IAL INFOR}IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: b) c) a) Slte Inspection - to be made before the sl gn is placed(ffEpI-iEEIil may be made at the same time as the Sitetion is ro be made afcer hole(s) ls excavat,e<i, but prlor Usually, the Footing InspectionInspectlon. The Footing Inspec-to Ehe placement of concrete. ..sa !-lec tricalfs-;acted D IAPPR()VI.]D B'I sr.:cTloil DATE lD.o?n SPRIIICT'IELD SICN OR.DINANCE tq