HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1988-03-30.. RESID=NTIAL.. zz. North stt, itonlPPLrcAt -oN /PERI'ET SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Bui-Lding Diuiston 7 26- s7 53 Job laeaticn:v7 a .s72, Aaseeaons llap I SPR'NGFIEL.D- Rceei Date: 17.d" S:ubdit:ision: Qsner: Adiress: ci ^ )S-'+: -- ?ca lat il Phone: 2/2 tll q)0 DescrLbe h'ork \'u I l-_l RemoCel /{fnrz< 2 4D ftzva*-v7 C17 f-Ve*ser t Date of App Licaticn vatue 2€? Cont?acao?s GeneraL Pltmtcinc Aarbess ELeetrtcaL Meclur.iecl C"rytruetionLde?_*. , : I-t b tha rcspot*ibililV of ttc penrit holda to see tlnt aLL inapeetiona oe nad,e at the p?o?et t*ne, tl,at ecch -,il-eas is rentqhi;ty-tln atreet, atd tlut the-pendt_catL ia l,ocated at the frcnt'of the property*Buiuing Diullcion ap?raed pl-ot sttzll remain on the Eunlding Site Zt aLL' tines.- !Po:c?iE r0.1 4"sF!r?IoIl=f,lpltrs":CALL726-3769(tecorder) state ltou:. Citv ,Lesiar,ated job ntmber, job aiiness, tyoe of inspeclim '-u-.Quest.a ar.4.a:ien iiou uiLL be reatiy ion ir,.spcction, ContTaetors or Asners ncne cnti phoie rutnbcr.- ?."qr""." r2ceiu\'eci bL1cre' Z:00 c,L1LL be tacie the aane <icy' requesxs mcie afxer ?:00 an uiLL be nnde tl.te nctt yrkinq ic:;. yot.v City Desigr.ated Job ltunber Is %zz3fi, ea or l l l _l I l l l SM MS?EC?IOII: ?o be rncie after escauaxion, but prict tc set up of forms. UilDyRSLA? PLU|SIUG, |L!::PIC,1L d TilSULATION /VAPOR BARRT!:R ITSPICTIO\I : ',J Soti:oy ser.ter capped zt propetQi Lit:e Septic totk p'"a>ed and filled tith gtate Pinal - I{hen obcue itqts are ccwleted arui uinen ienclition is cor.-olexe br sttue- tuye nouel ari preriaes cleanei up. t';-..-.,.r-^-: 1O De mAcle DelOre Cnu tmrk ia eouered, PC1TI\|G 1 FOUIIDATICU: ?o be np.Ceafcet ctenches a?e escauated- and forms ate erecteC, but prion xo Wttt4rg ccnc?ete. U lI D|R G P )'-':: D P LIJ!.!3 I I,' :, S :hT P, h'.1: ! P. DRAIilACI: To be maae pricr xo fii-Lir.g vreneiuc. ?o oe maie after aLL insulcxi.cn cd. tequ'r-red taor baniers d?e in pla.ce btt before ory la.th, ggpsllal boaz,i orttoil eouez,ing is cpplied, o'd. before oty insulation is concealeC. DRYWALL IIISPYQI)N: ?c be nade after oLL cryuall is in pla.ce, but prior to cng tapir,g. IA,S)NI?!: Steel location, bond beans, qrouting or uerticcls in aecorci.otce Dl.th ll. E. C. Section I,IOODSTOT,E: After instaltation is anpLeted. q0 euP.B fr AIPFCACI| AP.D.ON Afte:: forms 'pouringee erect,eC but prior to con2pete. SIDE\IALX ,Q DRfIE'tAy: Fon aZL eon-crete paoirq uithtn st?eet right-of-rt:A, to be maie after aLL ezca- OatinQ ednplete 6 forn wt k & eub- base metertal in place. lEllCE: Men complete -- ProtiCe gates o? nouable sectians through P. U. E. Le ficnes I,O naa.e prlc? to Lnstc floor ineulction or deckino I P !Ci t to Dc co on of Blocking od. Set-;tp PlunbinE connections -- Ba)e? ord. uatet Electriecl Ccqneetion - Bloeking, aet-utani plunbino connections mlst be cpptc"*ei beforc requestang eleclical inspecti.o:t Aecescor. BuilC'-ng Final - l,ftcn ocreh.es, ekirting, declcs,etc. ane eornoleled. P)ST Al:D BEA\.!: ?o be nadc prior toinstolla;icn of floor insulation or deckinE.tr ailtv41r. l.uw:iil thesn nade ane inspec'-iors ltau e be er FIPEPLACE: L?Lor to plccir4 fceincmcteriaG anC. before'frotting inepee-tion. All:lj.C: l.rust be reouestcd aft,er approual of rough plur,bing, eleexni-cal 6 neciunical, AL! toofircbraeirq €, chirme1s, ete. ist'beeonpletcC, Ilo ucyk ia to be con-... cecleri unti.L thia inspeetion lue'been marie anC approve'd. ] prilAL pLut.tBrt:c ) unru HErHAitrcAL ] rr,vru ELEnRT;AL l AIL proiect condi.tions, such aa the i.nstallation of street trees, co:alction of tierequired LanCsccping, ctc., nast be aatisficd bcfone the B|ILDI\:G FIdAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building. Inspeetion rrrust be requesteC cfter the Final PlunbinSElectrical, otC. l.leclar,iccl Inspect--ons igvc been made arui aporoued. 'ALL t!A!:!!CLts AN2 cL'Aliouis wST BE AccEssIELt, ADJUST:lixt rO 3E IAD' t? t:O CtS? rO Cpy Page 1 of 2 rl I I JOB NO.soLAR Ac -ESS REQ.-L-CO c+ Iot Facea - Setbaeks P. L.llouae Cataoe Aecess l,lorth East Sa:th Lot Sq. Fca-. Z cf lot Canterage ITT TWE _ Interion _ Cormer _ Panltand,le CUL-de-sac Vaiuc I of Stortee ?otal Eetght Topogtvphy lle dt lla.in C@Dcft Accessottl ?OTAL VALUE (S.D.C. I.5.c Occuoaacv Bearor,s: ieal tote -- ?ees -- Springfield, inchtding the Zoning CYdinanrce, requlcting the ccnstructicn otd. uce of builditqs, @td m2y be euspend.e,:1. or reDokeC at c-tiy tine upon uic- La.tion of oty proilisions of eaid Orciirances. Building Volue & Permit i This permlt ia granted, on the efrress condition tlztt the said,.constntction ahall, in all reepcets, eonforn to the Orciinance adooteC bq the City of i 4 Building Pennit State lotal Cio:gea Date Paid Reeeiot tl 1 Soixary Sa,ter llctp: I?Ei.: Resiietttbl (1 bcth) PLutHng Per*it State N.tt/bterd Circuits Sensice Stcte Total Cltan ces FET Plumbing Permit No person shall consttttet, instaT!, alter or ciwn-oe cny nel cr e:istittg pltanbin4 on dtainage 6-uateTt in uiole or in pati, unless auch person is tle'Legal pbsseasor of a oalid plunber's Lieense, ercept th.ct a De:son Eal q ,HO.r", uork to p"operty uhich is otnteC, Leased or operated by the qPLi- Electricol Permit i tthe?e State la.t neoui':es that the electrLcal uork be done bv art glectrJcdlti Conxrs.cta?, tite eleetrLcal portion of ;iti.s pernix sizall tox be uali.C w*il the Label iss been signed by the Eleetrical Cont"c..tot. F:Z Mechonicol Permit '*lunat Hoo! Vent Fot ilcoCstore Pernit'Issuarce lle:iunicaL Perit Sectitu Stotaoe }Jfbclt: Si.de-ralk !,robile Hsre -- E:tcRcACHl.!r:;? -- Totcl fnaracs L Labcl r)l f HAW CAREFULLY SX/.IITINED tle eonoleted aeolication for oerni'., and do hereby certify that alt itfottation hereon is true azd corrcct, otl f funthet, eertifu that any ard aLL uork perloraei si;all be ciote it accor' <iance vLth the Oriinences of xne City of SorLnSiicld., anl th: Lo:;s of the State of Oregcn partainino to the t;ork Cescribcci. hcre)n, cnd, tl'.rt NO CCCI- PAttCy tlill be naie of any st"uctuye uithott permission of the Suilding Di- vision. f further certif'1 that otly cont"actors atzd eaplcyees uho are in crtpliance utth CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project s' :iIAL fi,ICU::? DU::'B-<o Sioneti Date Res- Se- f!o-