HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-08-04J Lane County Authori za,trot:. for,Application/ Permit # PICE USE ONLY t)-f8 RANGE o zz-z-4-OF Aooo toT/PAir.cEi BLOCK PRCFOSED USE OF PROPERTY J-*! nesidential l-l rndustrral ! e,.,uri.Cc,irunerc ia1 25+1 LI . -Y 1 STREET ZIP olL(_'I',:,Y 1 YON & Q/,/1,;^D C-a re-BESPPTION OF t^ VALUE STORIES OF 1IA?ER ProposedExist O;NER I S TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTRACTOR I S AND OSR #TELEPHONE NWBER I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI'IINED THE COI'IPLETED APPLICATION l'OR PERMIT, ar'J (Io h.rrcir) certif!, that alt inforTatior) hereon is true and correct, and that I I f:rther certify that any and alL work perfomed pertaining to the work described herein, and that ther certify that registration with the Builder'sj-s noted hereon. and that only subcontractors ild CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. f]orr.. of record; l] c.,r,rra,,L. prrrchaser; Iauthorized agent. shall be done in accotdailr;e hiLlr the nrdrnances of Iane Cowty and the Iaws of the State of Oregon NO OCCUPANCY wil"l be made of ar.i srrrrcture without the pemission of the Builaling Division. Board is in futl force .rnd effect as required by oRs 70I.055, that if exempt the basis for e {-J-f,r DATEnaun lFlease piintJ the following legal interest in the property: I fu- employees who are in ] HAVE READ ANDwith ORS 70I.055 will. be used on this project- .(r-L READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION'iAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! coM.\ENrs: ffitLlGtrt€I-D (JGF, F,fO ?tAtt\(t\G Q=A(IQS=C> Date: rnstallation Record rssued? fl v." ! n" Installation Speci fications COll.TlENAS: B-B-A8 G[m' I seurratrou, s. r. #B. P. * interror rear GalIon Tank Lineal Eeet of I)rai nfield Palcel # Parcel SizeSpr,aunrnc/zoNrNG Zone Partiti-on # llinimum Setbacks, cL, fro.t c L, sr DaLe: r- BY BUILDING OFF Der ORS LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT BLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, 125 AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INE'ORMATION ct4-25 R* FOR l-1 'rUwir 5l- P TAX LOT SJ'BDIVlSION/PARTITION (if -*J = OF BEDROOMS UI'IPLOYEES.r llaximum Depth of Trenches tr PLOT Pla51 i,c StiE- f<EulEt^) Ah.{b u,ierA^lC€- AAAP t-7-03- 23. 34 TL 36o0 i?, te ' lo o- o F .Jt .t fi Ua \) u w u t- V1 t-II ,I o- N5 \)tt avuG r r1.13 ' {N 'd I ( \, \.1 ) ?'AvE.r\A Cdr Rt)('r E f_IlAY DEA]Bet b(1q c*tA.{ PT<oPEZ.TJ A>uee"SS.' ZS3? N. Sq ST., Spe.rN(1trlELb Pq<cE-u Stzr = l4,ooo 5q,er. t Da:e.crril/7 srz:i =l4oo se Fr. i1,*atupES ZSodc;eSi-4rRS I a+.^Ce) l1r-t/rF{a; TW o SToay - zo FT-. H+-'.6 / Woou trENcE APPLICA^IT: BouNte MAr,v zs3l N.S+5 ST SPEtxl(lFtEcN , 17a71 A(1ENT I LAND PLANITIINII CoNS ULTANTS ro? t laAR, Lot^s R.b. Spa rNcltrrLLDr q1477 w4LK -T.Axl (v l_ rE' ?, AetsoR- urr4E-o TrAY Acee 2340 6 ! Y^1 iqDa!r_l 5EFrt( 33.S ' i4 v, 3.,' Lox \njl 4 '1 ll \0 t4 d 3' N EtG.b 5(qN a ShPuB .x { x I T 5*o'L o 0 o l"= Zo' ,"1 I li ,t J I PAD Lane Cour^uy Authori za,ttott for tc,l::*i:"i'""' g;2J Lt -f8 PICE USE ONLY RA!ICE o '10Nzv-z-4 TAX LOTboo S.'BDIV I S 6)"i / PA?,. r'-roN BI.OCK FROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY I--] nesidential n rndustrral I e,ruri.C(,runerc ial 2b51 L.I , ny 1 (-'I't'Y ZTP alL STKEET RTY 5n e/,/1,;^D Co re t{oRK - ,A OE OF E}]PLOYECS.{l.'A?ER S ProposedExisti S NAJ'IE AND TELEPHONE NUMBER AND OSR fCONTRACTORc TELEPHONE NWBER I l{AvE CAREFUILY EXAI{INED T,tlE COI'IPLETED APPLICATTON t-OR PERMIT, arrd .lc nr.reLy c.rtify th3t aII infomation hereon is tlue ud correct, rnd th.t t {-}-rr NA!,!.E (please print)SIGNATURE DATE tninterestthe the of recordfollouing Colr rar.!legat property Io*r.p,rrchaser zedauthorinn agentIcert:f:rther that ad 1aI uork shal,rf omed be INdone da;rr-eo CcQl l^,1 atL'rtyanype ofrdrtrances Iare theand ofIaHs Statethe ofCoutytothedescribeduorkhereinthatandOCCUPANCYNOradeb€ofpertaining r:rctrrre thethout of che Divisionaiipemi s sion Building Lher tha c UIt!ation therh lderBui s lsEoard fuLl!n andforce e asfe ctce rti fy regt6 701oRs 055 Ithat t basis!he for ebyrequi, red exeDpt xenpcionnotedhereon,thatud subcontractors and areuho lnonlyeuployees 70 055 bevill onused this r RE.ADHAVE Ar{Dproject. THIS APPLICATTON THOROUGHLY ,/,L READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION 'tAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLO!{ING CONDITIONS! Minimuri setbacks, CL, front - "", .id.- rnstallation Record rssued? fl vu" f] *" COI.L\ENTS cot'$rENTs ParceI I slurtntroHt s. r. i B. P. I Parcel ll interror rear Instatlation Gallon Specifications: _ Tank Lineal Feet of t)ra j r:fj e Id Al.tL\il\A Qgdu"tQgC>, &ILLGEIFIJ) tI6I1 NO ?t spmlurwc,zZoNING: zone- Parrition Date : r- BY BUILDING OPFICI E (oer LANE COUNTY OEPARTMENT UBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, 1?5 AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PERH StrF' I?P\/E PSE' PNR T\IqPE T'rI1Tr)\1 T\18'NRMArFTr)N ^., 6? dAa ".1' Oregon I fu-!ilt naxinl,l'Il Depth of Trenches o".", B_3_gg @L tr CITY OP SPRINGFIBID Planning and Developuent Departnent DATB OF I.,ETTER, August 4,1988 APPLICAIIT Bonnie Marx t 2537 North 5th Streel-;\M STIBJBCT City Journal Number 88-07-123. Type I Site PIan Application. The applicant isproposing the expansion of a Day Care Group Home to a Day Care Center. The propertyis zoned Lov Density Residential with an Urban Fringe Overlay (LDR/UF-IO)l theproperty is designated LDR on the Metro PIan. The property is located at 2537 North5th Street. There vas a Pre-Application Conference in April, 1988 (Jo. No. 88-04-s4). ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: 1. Requirements under Site PIan Review Criteria of Approval; and 2. Minimum Development and Special Use Standards to be met (See Attachment A). ITEAT NBEDS TO BB DONB TO OBTAIN FINAL SITB PI,AN APPROVAL? 1 A Final Site Plan dravn to scale is required vithin 90 days of the date of thisletter. The folloving revisions need to be shown on your Final Site PIan: a. The location of proposed parking to be on site and a note describing vhere the additional required parking vi11 be located. b. One-vay directional arrovs for the existing circular drivevay. 2 A signed Development Agreement. This agreement vill be prepared by staff upon approval of your Final Site PIan. 3. A signed annexation agreement. 4. A signed Improvement Agreement for N. 5th Street and Hayden Bridge !Iay. 5. A vritten statement from the Lane County Sanitarian stating that the existingseptic system is sufficient for the amount of children to be cared for. An oceupancy inspection performed by the Building Safety Division. A copy of an agreement vith Springfield Faith Center allowing the required parking on their property. 6 7 Page 2 Marx Type I Site Plan A copy of a letter from CSD stating that the play area and the facility itself has been approved. B 9 Approval from the City of Springfield of the Minor Variance request to reduce the setback requirements. APPEAL If you vish to appeal this Type I Site Plan Review decision, you must do so vithin 10 days of the date of this letter. Your appeal nust be in accordance Springfieli Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. QTIBSTIONS Please call the Planning and Development Department at 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PRBPARED Gary Karp Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members Hike Evans, Land Planning Consultants ATTACEHEM A FINDINGS CRITERTA OF APPROVAL (Ref. Section 31.060 of the SDC ). [XI DEIIONSISATBD COHPLIANCB rITE APPLICABI,B STA}IDARDS OF TEIS CODB. Vhen the Minimum Development and Special Use Standards belov have been met, thisapplication vill have demonstrated compliance vith the applicable standards ofthis Code. IXI PARKING AREAS AND INGRBSS-EGRESS POIIITS EAVE BBEN DESIGNBD SO AS TO PACILITATE IRAFPIC AIID PBDBSISINI SAFRTY, TO AVOID CONGBSTION AIID TO }IINIHIZB CT,P.B CUTS ON ARTERIAL A!'ID COI.I.NCTOR STREETS. Ilhen the applicable Minimum Development criterium vi11 be met. Standards belov have been met, this HINIHIIH DBVBLOPIIENT STAI{DARDS T0 BE ltsT (Ref. Section 31.040 of the SDC). MDS ARE APPLIED IN LIEU OF FULL SITE PLAN REVTEI{ TO ENSURE HINIMAL COMPLIANCE I{ITH APPEARANCE AND SAFETY STANDARDS SPECIFIED IN THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE AND TO REDUCE PROCESSING TIME FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL. THE FOLLOI{ING ARE CONSIDERED MINIMAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS : lxl TEE DBVBLOPIIBI{T HUST CONNECT TO PUBLIC ITIILITIES. The property is located outside of the City limits but within the Urban GrovthBoundary. The house is on septic and can remain on septic pending the approvalof the Lane County Sanitarian, until annexation to the City and sanitary sever is available to serve the property. [XI TEB DEVELOPI{EI.IT HUST COI{PLY IrITE THE SPRINGFIEID BUIIDING SAFETY CODES. The proposed use requires an 0ccupancy Inspection for the proposed ehange in use. [XI PARKING AND CIRCTILATION AREAS I{UST BE PAVED AND S1tsIPED, AND IJEEEL STOPS I{UST BE INSTALI;ED. Day Care Centers require 1 parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floorarea, but in no case less than 4 spaces plus one additional parking space foreach full time equivalent Day Care Center vorker (SDC 16.070(1)(b)). The houseand garage are 3200 square feet. Eight parking spaces plus additional parking (depending upon the number of employees vill- be required). A parking agreementcan be entered into with Springfield Faith Center if the required parking spacescannot fit on your property. The existing circular driver.ray needs to be marked one-vay for safety considerations. IXI CI'RB CIJTS VEICE EXCEED TEE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE HUST BE CLOSED AND REPI.,ACED IIITE STANDARD CIIRB AND GIITTER, AND SIDESALK }IHERE NECESSARY. No additional curb cuts are being requested. There are no sider.ralks. Page 2 l.larx Findings [XI SIDEVAI,KS }IUST BB INSTALLBD ITEEN Tffi STTB ABT'TS A CTIRB AND GIITTER. A PTIBLIC IHPROVEHEM AGREEHBIIT HUST BE RBQUIRED IIEBN Tffi SITE DOES NOT ABTIT CTIRB AND GUTTER. There are no sidevalks abutting this property. An Improvement Agreement viIl be required. [XI A 5 POOT rIDE I,A}IDSCAPED PI.AMER STRIP IIITE PERilANEITT IBRIGATION HUST BE INSTALI.BD BETSEEN TEB SIRBET-SIDB PROPERff LINBS A}ID PARKING ARBAS OR STRU(TT'RES.IF S13BBT TREES DO NOT EXIST, TEBY I{UST BB INSTALLED IN TEIS PI,AMER STRIP. The plan submitted shovs the required landscaping. Trees on the property aresufficient. No additional landscaping or trees viIl be required. lxl STRBET LTGETS I{UST BE TNSTALLBD. No additional street lighting is required. [XI TRASE RBCEPTACI^ES AT.ID OTrrI)OOR STORAGE AREAS UUST BE SCRBENED. If trash receptacles and/or an outdoor storage area are to be used, then theyviIl have to be screened and shovn on the Final Site p1an. SPBCIAL UsE STANDARDS (Ref. SDC 16.100(4)(b)). TXI THE PACILITY SEALL PRO\IDE A PI,AY AREA IN ACCORDANCE rITE CEIIDRENS SER\ICBSDrvrsroN (csD) REGUr..aTI0NS. A vritten statement from CSD vill be required. lxl TEE PACILTTY SEALL BB APPRoVED By CSD. A vritten statement from CSD vill be required. TXI TEB FACILITY SEATL ABUT AN ARTERTAL OR COLT,ECTOR SI?EET AND SEALL BE DESIGNBD TO DTRBCT rEB PLOS OF TRAFPTC ASAY rROH LoCAL STREETS, rN ACCORDANCE rrITE SECITON32.080, ACCESS Ar{D CtpJ CtT STAI{DARDS. The property abuts N. 5th Street and Hayden Bridge llay. Both Streets are MinorArterial Streets. TXI TEE PACILITY SEALL HAVE A PI,ANTED FROI|T YARD SETBACK OF 15 FEET AND PI^ANTBD SIDB AND REAR YARD SBTBACIG OF 20 FEET. The property does not meet the above setback requirement. applied for a Minor Variance. The applicant has