HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-10-277 ->u.Job Locaticn:,-)fl Tt;s Lot llAlseslore !"lap # Subdioision: A--R:tOtmer: ) (L Photte: Zip: ( Address: City: lt.. RESIDF"'TTIAL..SPFIINGFIEI.D APPLICATIUN /PERI/IIf 225 North Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26-37 53 Date tL DescrLbe I'lorl<: Value 600.o a.Date of Applicati ract NetJ n (I -> "-8 !'lobile Hone tdditicn RenoCel (ir:nera I l'l uurb i trg l.Iechanica cctrica Elec r t'ic iitnSrrDervi5in DEI\OLITIOII OR Scnitaty seuer capped at pt'opert'; Lire Septic tank puryed attd ftlled uith graLel Final - l{lten abcoe it.ens ate ccrnpLeted and uhen Cemolition i.s complete or st"ti:- ture nooed attd premises cleaneC up. l'.lobile Hcnes Bloeking otd, Set-uP Plunbing connectione -- aaoer and uatet Electtical Ccnnection - Blocking' eet'up , ind olwnbina eonnections mtst be apprcteC befor e requ"e ating eleetrical inspec liot: Accesson'g BuilCi.ng Final - Aftet pct'ckes, skit'ting, decks, etc. a?e cornP'Leted. It ie the responaibi Lity oi tlc perwt t holder to see that a|l. inspections at'e nade at the ptope? time' that eaeh cddrees is readabie tBuildiryl Dtttisiotthe street, anC appt'oo*ed p that the pet'mtt Lan sfu:LL remain on the Build'in1t ::itc ateavd is located at the front of the propenfiy aLL times'.Jron LL 726-3769 (recordev') state 11out' Citg ted iob nwnber, iob aC&'e of inspeclicr',ss, tApe receited befcre 7:00 dnPR11EDUPE FoR INSPECT rOil .lq,QyESr : C A @:iou uiLL be ready for inspection,Colttractors cr Asnets till be nade the eone Ccy, ?equests made after 7:00 an urill be made the ncxt dag Iour City ttesigr,oted Job Nwnbet'a SITE INSPEC'IION: 'Io be nade after INSI.Jt,A'!n.:R eecao{tion, but pr'iot' tc set uP o.naCe L insu phone ntmber'. Requests f required uapor but before any rnLL couerinlT any insulat'ion CURB & ave e"ecb concrete. D II D e7' a t pt io? After fornsto pouring forns. UI'IDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRTC,IL & utcuLtitcnf.: To be nade befot'e any Git-l7\ooered. FOOTING & FOUNDATICN: Io be rmCe dpiF6."cGi ""o ercattated and forns are et'ected, but Prior to pouting ccncrete. --) ulotncnouro ptuuztag, sswn. w.tr .I' L l onl,l al.ct: To be male prt ot' to ! L L- Lir4 trenehee. i-l unomrrcon prutnr:tc 4 lttcv-4nrcltt' ^I I To be nade priot' Lo instaLLdtLon oI floor insulction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to ffiETtTTill6i'of fLoor insulation ot decking. ROrtcq PLU!'!Br:rc. Ft,Ee!!?TcAt- I I'tECIl ANrcil: - No-Do;l'j;-to be co'*ered GiTthese inspeatioris haue been made a/d. approued. FI1EPLACE: Prior to Placirq facingttaii{al; and before franing inapec- tion. barriers ate in Place Lath, gypsun baanC or is applied, and before is concealed. DRYHALI, INSPEC?I)N: ?c be nade iyte;-;Ttz,, y;;Tt-t s .in pl-a.ce' bub prior to cnY taPtng. MASlNRY: Steel T,ocabion' bond 6iffilgroutting or oerticals in accondahce Lt|tlt u,B.c. Section 2415. WOODSTO'/E: cc,npT;tA. Aftet' installation is SIDEI.IALK i DRI"'tll'tlY: For aLL eon- Aet"n"ufit ;lrii street night' of-uc:!', to bc na:le alten aL!. erca- oating conll.ete & fotn tmrk & sub' base nnterirtl in Place- PRAIIINC: ltust be requested after app"orral of nough plwrbing' electni- cil & meclnnieal. AL!. r'oofing / bracing 8 chirmcys, etc. rntat be ( eompleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- cealed until this insPection Lns 'been made anC appro"-ed. tther: conPl;te -- Pt'outCe ot, nooable sectians through EINAL PLUI4BIIIG ALL pro;iect conclttiorLs, such us bhe i.nstal-Lation of styeet t!?_l-'^ conpletion.of the yequi.ted. Landsccping, Lt"l.-, *rrt be satisfi.id-L,ifllre- tne BUTLDTN|G FINAL can be requested' F]NAL BUrLt)rNc: Thtz F.inal Bui\ding rnspection mot be requested aftet the Final Plwnbing il'iir-t."1,'oic uu.ho.i..it tnnpnot"i"no itaon been made and approoed'!FINAL I4ECIIAIIICAT, Pqelofl I rrrvnr ELEITRT:AL *AT,T, HANIICT.T!; ANI) CLIiANOU'I':: !III::,1 fII': ACL'I':I;I;TBI'8, AD,IUST!fi:NI TO I)D I'IN)N AT NO COST TO CITY ( L \( z'-) E 11 rt n 0bb and JOB NO. Zone Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cotserage ! of Stories Total Height Topography SOLAR ACCESS REQ._ Cr INT TYPE\ Interior Corner - Panhandle I trt-d.e-sac L-co d Bedroons: Receipt ll: PTan Eianitxei Date I HAVE CAREFULLy |XAI,IINED tle eompleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL irfotrution heteon is true and. cotrect, anC I fut,thet, certify that any ard aLL uork perforned shall be done in accor- dance tith the 1ydinances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of 1regon peptaining to the wrk Cescribed herein, and tlat NO OCCU- PANL'v dilL be na;le of any strueture uithout pemission of the Buitding Di-tlsion. r furthcn cet'-tifiy that o:try eontractot s a;.id. enplcyees uho ar; incunpliance aith oRS Z01.7ss utLL be"used on thie j".;i"i "-'- - ,+/irle !leatSetL,acks Access IlesL tot:e P. L Ilous e- Lot Faces - -- Fer:s -- Building Volue & Permit This pernrtt is qranted on the eEpress condition tluzt the said-consttuctton slttll, in ttll respects, con|-otm to the Oxdinanice edopte^7 by l;he CitA of Spri.nltfieLd., i.nrLurlirtg the iloning Czdinatrce, relJulcl-i.ttg the ccnstracticn antl use of buil<lin;7s, ancl m:iy be suspendet.l or reuokerl al; crty tine uPon uic- Lation of an4 pycui.sions of said Ordinance-s. VaLue TOTAL VALUE S.D.C ?otal Clarges FTG i * State Stgned ITEI'I tldi,n Euilding Perwtt 1.5 t PLan Check Fee: Date Pairl: Plumbing Permit No pereort slttll constmtet, instal!., alter or elnnge dn!/ nel cr existing pLwnbing or drainagJe syste:n in uhole or i-n part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a ualid plwnber,'s License, escept that a pe"son mag do plunbing uork to ptoperty ahteh is oumed, Leased or operated bg the appli- cant, NO,T LL CHARGE Ftirtutes Residenti.a.L (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pernit State L Electricql Permit Were State t,a,s requires tlnt the electrical uork be done bg an Electrieal Contractot,, the electtical portion of this permit shal.L rat be ualiC until the Label Lns been aigned by the Electrical Contpactor, Permit TotaL NO r CHARGE Res )+ Nas/Eetend Cincuits Setnsice NC tet CIIARCE:Mechqnicql Permit[\*naee ETUTS Wcodstozle Eshanet Hood Vent Fdt Permit fssucnce Meclanicel Pemtt -- ENCROACHMEN? -. Secarity Deposit ftgrqs" Manl,ntenance Permit Cv?bcut Sida,talk 50u btobile Hane TO'IAL AMOIJN? DUE: * ?otal * .ti Fence El-ectrical La.bel