HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1997-10-13'1. , - i.'. ,, ,: {. REAUEST FOB: ffivaSECiEN rAJ(LOr sLElr,/Etca.lrPAFTnOl LOrrP^nc€L L@( 4) L@ATtOt{ AoDRESS -:- :" " DNESNONI TO slTE FFO'T NEANEST MAIN NTERSECNONT DESCPTENOF PrcrcsEDffi T{o.OF B€DMJS .,1 l"r 1 PHONE '.r r i.-1 :a,: , .'l{r..jn tSrriil,"ti') l'';-.:J i': i.1!",r1-"'ni1' r:rI i ir r.i 1)(: -;:- i.! r Ti OTY D 'viilTpEamf ro: - I have carerully read BOTH sides of this a -- -'r:1:"; :.7 Ilf.,i ,ii.-- READ CAREFULLY! Your Authorizatlon ls Based On The Followlng Condltlons PRhTf MATE "v* J L-uE' nf ormati n ls true and correctiippliqatlon and hereby certiry that all APPROVED BY:DATEFEES DUE: $ aALL FOR INSPECTIONS (SEE BACK OF FOBM FOB INSTBUCTIONS) 687-406s SEPTIC permits are good tor one year. ALL other permlts expire after 180 days unless lnspectlons are current. LMD 040 Rev. 6/92 PEBMIT # Lane Countg .- TO: FROM: SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICANTS LANE COUNTY ENRIVONMENTAL IiEALTH SERVICES You are required by law (OAR 340-71-160)to be in possession of a permit authoriz- ing installation of sewage disposal system before construction of your septic sys- tem can begin. ln addition, the law specifies that all work on said system must be performed by the owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees or a person licensed with the State Department of Environmental Quality to per- form sewage disposal services. You should read carefully all the specifications on the installation permit before starting any digging. lf you have any questions regarding installation procedures or specifications or the approved area, call your area sanitarian at 687-4051 and they will be glad to assist you. lf you intend to hire someone to do the work for you, you should make sure that the person is licensed with the State Department of Environmental Quality to per- form such work. This protects you, as the consumer, as each licensed installer has to post a bond and is liable for the work performed. To check the licensing of an individual you can call Lane County Environmental Health Services at 687-4051 and we will check for you to see if the individual or contractor you have chosen is licensed. A file on each licensed installer is available for review upon request in this office. ln addition, the law requires the installer to deliver to each person for whom he performs sewage disposal services, prior to completion of such services, a written notice of the name and address of the surety company which has executed the bond and of the rights of the recipient of such services as provided by subsection (2) or ORS 4S4.ZOS. We urqe you to request this from the installer or contractor you have chosen g'ior to hiring them. When the construction of your septic system is complete and before you backfill it is necessary to have the system inspected. To obtain an inspection, make a drawing of the system as installed on the form provided. Submit the completed form to this office and the inspection will be scheduled. Final inspection for sewaqe systems cannot be requested bv telephone. Do not hesitate to contact Lane County Environmental Health Services if you have any questions. LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAI. HEALTH SERVICES 125 E.8th Avenue / Pubtic Service Buitding / Eugene, oregon 97401 (s41) 682-40s1 Ms5-98 07/91 €A.{t FJq <eFT\<: rnNr- \l t@-4111c4Y tbLrL4Ju-rc,o ,A.rr+"^,,. tr..&.d11rc"t{- Ll-E t-l"x :1, ey'e. r)rHNq CAr.,r< [t UJats flrrr Q:-i- SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLAN permit 7 + 9:/\-=\R..Je. + <-? t4tisf -a- J-rl ,<)1g DATE BY 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OR 9740'I SraroN CowrpawrEs P.O. Elox 75L5, Eugene, OR 974OL 85386 flrxry 99S, Eugene, OB 97405 (547-) 726-9422 Of:fice (54L) 726-9a37 Fax il iol(3b :A}TD BP+ )3 t 40zq E rb'13 .l 4oct'lz'E". lulr slope ground away lrom riser ftcen-'y+rtcn\ &) too - SAND FILTER PUMP TANK PACKAGE stDE vrEw TyprcAt siDg. GALLoN TANK W MF-2AB LEVEL CoNTRoL FLoAT ASSEMBTY N0TE: ltems in bold included with sand filter packago 'Drawing notto scale NBERGI.ASS I.ID WITH STAINLESS STEEL SOLTS AND URETHANE GASXET RIBBE0 PVC RISER w/ NEOPRENE 6ROMMETS PVC HOSE AND VO"' Oss'U''-' etfluent discharge TLEXIEIE PVC HOSE I 12't"oNG W|TH FrrilNGS l CAST-IN.TANK ADAPIER (pout epory uound adryter) I5'OIA. PVC VAULT POLYFTHYLENE SCREEN r. DlA. PVC FLOW INOUCER BRONZE CHECK VALVE I8II.3/8'DIA. INLET HOLES AROUNO PERIMEIER OT VAULT HIGII HEAD EFRUENT PUMP WITH S.O. POWER CABI-E ANO I/8'BY.PASS ORITICE IN THE OISCHARGE HEAD DRAIN PORTw/ NEOPRENE FI.AP CHECK 4r-4.1- 1re{,tt1lil(:( OoSit*}ti I7$-\< SreroN ConrperrEs P.O. EBox 75L5, Eugene, OR 974()1 85386 [Irvy 99S, Eugene, OR, 97405 4', oloctric conduhto po,vor rourco sPUCE B0x CORD GNIPS e) 20'ON [0w J TEVEL CONTSOL ASSEMBLY AIARM oFt I nole: levels prosot at where occur with floats represent locetion m/ ( E 41\ rrcra!. a\i<>'> r.\ffiaa ( <A', \ ?'r4-(lQ2F, T:'o-' ATARM lntermittent Sand Fitters cont Srs )N ConnPANTES PO- EloX-7515, Eugene, OIL 97401 85386 flrxry 99S, Eugene, OR 97405 (541) 726-9422 Office (541) 726-9837 Fax ?.= (b:tvcE Q{i- n*,l m*t--;ts] t 5-c' iaii{- ftqlo : 2 Fr rI1lrlrr Ei Fl* U i.t2 z o Fl FoF 0 10 20 30 NET DISCHARGE, GPM 40 50 Figure 3 Steep pump curve: ldeallor pressure dosing The steep performance curve that is characteristic of most high-head. effluentturbine pumps m'akes them ideal for dosing pressure systems that have distribution orifices. ln time, some of the orifices become plugged, the pressure in the. pipes gene.rated by a high-head turbine pump increases'sharply until it's high enough to scourthe orifices. For example, a typical sand filter design with 5 fL of residual.p.ressure and sixty-'U.8.-inch orifices, ri+tt. ot'itatic lift, a on e inchhose and valve assembly and 300 ft. of 1-'li4" dia. CL 160 PVC transport line, will have a design flow of 29.6 gpqt.as illustrated by SYSTEM CURVE 1. The effict of 50% of the orifices becoming plugged (30 orifices open) is shown by SYSTEM CURVE 2. lf this occurs the residual pre-ssure on the orifices will increase to 18 feet, which is enough to effectively clear the orifices- /Ilr,fl / 5ft ft ,/ / I ] .1 tl t/ EIfluent Curve 30 OSI HH / \ rl:llilli<- System Curve 1 No Orifices Pluggedtli\l I i System Cunre 2 _ 50 % Orifices Plugged ,l,Z ,.4 \ 1 \ -rd 4r? i i 4ffi4&$51ffiw I I t I I a6rllt,Jf W&l 'Tate atcage ol mtc€ W FiEi-iJ WORK SHEET FOR AGGfiEGATE lrr;i.Otgd4,N\D o o u.l o al!) ul o 6 gomts of larg arc re@fl as a COC{fa^CTOi Oi surtufr I + Y^rta'^! 5.:f :O aa L5€D ri r\osouicE t\onol€cr MIR^cfl r.YCiE.sr:\lo \c oS Is rrt..f.Ct lf oo I ^.€r.f rr\coator^rfO I ;;.r I !C.'CY :ON ::\ ^r-!xf ICJfCTIO I :r'x€TslfvI ATT LYSI I r.35 Srtcs NElGXf'd€lGHT.'reEHt rEIlrAC,O !. 3rfvf 3ZE I IItoo I I I IIII Ii( I I I rrlL2 't I i I IIIt6,o !I tIII2s.l?e,I I II I I7 8. 8 zs.t iIIIlI .?too III4Loo IIIrll+: II l&II:@ I I IIIIl'.-o rOO o-o Iii26<r'/ro€I IIIFr^cruif I II frr^.t.t cw TUBETUBEBETU TUEEEBruETUBEruBruBETUBESAND EOUIVALENT TE 5t5 fifir gt ten I IIIIII I ol Roo lsarPt rEnost I ol gJso€rEeo ctav fi€ten:ll I !II 2 .:tnesl I II!IIIIx 100EquivanntSatE SreroN CottlPANrEs PO- EBox 75L5, Eugene, OR 974OL 85386 IIrrY 99S, Eugene, OR 974()5 (54L) 726-942,2 Office (54L> 726-9837 Fax CITJY3lnoutfgY I xtcxw4v olvlsloN EMPISYEE [! conralcroR EMPIsYEE fl orxen ro(PLAlNr Rfvlr\rfr} gY rE (Ert h€rEli urfic€ luoc:t wrren SarE Gqrwalttt s lallnq or wrtnrn 5 numoer. ErarpE SE-4 1 2' 42. Et- SE-t 42+44 +4 1l+3-42.3-43. slrEo r€g. Feoon a lrarlooat SE vaue as : I xfi =R I 18 i uE -'lEt16 t30 arEOE-rc a-A trla-4 5.5 i o.5 ilr\.1 a,rr.nat. wr ) t11aa a. III II I I\I I IIIlr htlh' bnn<t lcr burtdlful nrcnr 7@l PftNEUT STATIOII TrtB c,F ltlflsrAl UTTE STTIPI.DD RXltAn[s D mlMrioll I TD8 - 4tr1 -. Br A s. {)qrn *ri ACCtlf,IIfim l(xnEo tr H8rottl DA'E rrsrE, JlrhS t,to co{PErEn --9i.- IEnED Br ]4 J. sIH,l EIZI rm8crtl uEUXtr .EI TIIYT 18[sfft BrrAIl@ Ptng![l PA8SItr gftrcrrcfilolr3 6o b l1W L o *to ,r{Fi.. t Ybutr 2. corrnrcrm 76 0+ 30 q.l_7T .t i ' SraroN CovrPexrEs P-O. flox 75L5, Etrgene' OB 974OL 85386 fIwY 99S, nrrg"rr"'-9* 97405 (54L) 7|z(.-f,42]2 orii"" .64L) 726-9837 Fa:( ElliPlll to.- Di3onr, Oofgo? /\ ( , a/ ) 8l73r:_ (Date received) SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ''AS BUILT" PLAN oeparlmenl ( or A96nl) has seven (7) days to Psdom an inrpadion of tho @mplclad construciion aflgr tha ofliciat notica dat., unlas! lhc Depanmem (or Agont) stedr to weivg th€ roquesl lor tho prrever insp€dion. Pbasc comolgts all thr$ seclions of lh6 tom and r6tum to Lan. Countv Environmgntsl Heenh i 25 L. 8th Avo. Euoerc 01600;. 9rO1- ' - - SECTION 1: BASIC INFORMATION 7/6-q7Permit # To Be Completed By lnstaller: PERMIT ISSUED TO: Name:ail PtgssProperty Address: TOTAL #:Bedrooms_Units _ Baseme nt: Y No- WATER SUPPLY: Public o lndividual g Community o Other (Name) SECTION 2: Materials List (ldentify and list all materials used in system; SEPTIC TANK:o Concrete o Poly o Metal Manufacturer Total Liquid Capacity_gal. Distance from Dwelling ft.; Effluent Sewer ASTM #_', Distance from well ft. DRAINFIELD: Map/T ax Lot #-(aZq 97/qs Total Linear Feet_; i Depth Rock Beneath Drain Line Distance of WELL from Closest DrainfieldPipe(ASTM#)-;HeaderPipe(ASTM#)- _in.; Depth Rock Over Drain Line_in. Portion of DRAINFIELD Mfg./Type/Size of Rock Filter Materi al PUMP SYSTEM: I (installer's name), ,certify that a (Mfg )odel No.ump and Mercury Float Switch (Mfg. and No ave been installed with this sewage installation (Complete as Applicable): Working Capacity of Chamber _gal. Gallons per Cycle gal "Working Capacity" remaining after alarm has activated gal. Signature OTHER: (Materials not listed above) trt+tt**atttl*tiltta*tttttttltttttltttttttfftittttttttttatttt*t*ttti*rtaartttifi*r*+rfi***tt*rttt*tli*t*tratii*atttattrrtr.*rtttttt FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY: o System Approved o System Disapproved o Needs Correction COMMENTS L o System Corrected; Date:System Capacity gallday Signatu INSTALI-ATION RECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitanan, slis certificate is evidence as per ORS 454.665 of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. (over)