HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2000-09-07 (2)t- City Of Springfield Development Services Community Services Division Building Safety Job# 00-01359-01 .) Page 1 of 1 Location Of Proposed Site: 4029 E 00016th Ave Eug AssessorsMap#: 17033443 Lot: Btock: Addition: Tax Lot #: 06200 Subdivision: Owner: Robert W. Smith Address: 664 Startouch Drive Scope Of Work: Single Family Residence Phone Number: City/State/Zip: Demolish 541-686-2884 Eugene, OR 97405 Value: $0 Contractor Type GeneralContr Gontractor Staton Companies Po Box 7515, Eugene, OR 97401-0020 Registration # 3371 Expiration Date 3t21t2002 Phone 541-726-9422 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Buildi Demolition State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building 09t07t2000 09t07t2000 09t07t2000 31 37 3137 3137 1 $18.00 $1.26 $.54 $1s.80 Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee State Surcharge - Plumbing Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing Plumbing 09t07t2000 09t0712000 09t07t2000 3137 3137 3137 $15.00 $1.05 $.45 $16.50 Grand Total $36.30 Required lnspections Scheduled Date Inspection lnspector Date Result Comments Buildin Special 0911412000 Steve Graham Demolition 09/18/2000 09/18/2000 Tom Max Demolition 0712312001 0712312001 Tom Marx Plumbin Sanitary Sewer Cap 09/18/2000 09/18/2000 Steve Graham lnformation Only Checked out neighbor complaint about cess pools, none were present, ground moisture could be saturated septic system leech field. PartialOK shed still existing with a small amount of debris OK OK Also septic tank was pumped have reciept End Of AFFIDAVITOF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) counryoflane ,t *' I, Tom Man< being first duly swom, do hereby d€eose and say as follows: l' I state that I am the Building Inspector for the Community Sercices Divisio4 City of Springfield,Oregon. 2 I state that in my crpacity aslnryector, I photographed Dave C-radomslci, Inspector for the City ofSpringfield Community SsrvicesDivisio4 posringat each portal a notice informing the public that the building is deerned unsafe for human occupansy and a copy ofthe auached Certiged Letter to Robert w. smith, 664 Startouch Drirr, Eugpne, oregon lz+05 on August 1,2ffi0. STATE OF OREGON, County- of Lane On August 7,2004., Tom Marx instrurnent to be his voluntarv act. Before me: appeared before rne, who acknowledged the foregoing Notary Public for Oregon My commiss iorreryire, 8 '2Q 'ZQOo @ OFFICIAL SEAL SANDRA MARX NOTARY PUBLIC . OREGON coMMlsstoN No.0s7202 MY C0MfrilSStoil tXptRES AUo.2S. 2000 AIIFIDAVITOF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON} Cormty of lane ) ) ss. I, Dave Gadomski, being firs duly sworq fu trereby depose and say as follo*'s: 1. I state that I am the Etectrical lnspector for the Community Services Divisiorq City of Springfleld- Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I posted at each portal of the structures commonly tnown as 4029 and 4029 y2Ezrst 166 Avenue, Eupne, Orepn, also tnown as Lane County Reference Nurnber 17033443, Tax Lot A62AA acupy of the original attached Certified l.etter addrcssed to Robert W. Smith, 664 Sta(ouch Drive, Eugene, Oregon 97405 on August 7,200{. STATE OF OREGON, County of Larrc &r August 7,2W, Darre Gadomski personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing imeumeEt to be his voluntary act. Before me: Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires:8 ,zQ-z *r,rn^nru f@ OFFICIAL SEAL SANDRA MARX NOTARY PUBLIC . OREGONcoMMtsstoN No.057202 My c{JMMtSSloil txplBts AU8. Zt. 2000 AIIFID.{VIT OF SEP.VICE STATE OF ORECON} i ss. County oi i.ane i I, Li*z Hopper, beiag first duly sworq do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am the Building Safety Supervisor for the Community Services Divisiorq City of Springfletd, Oregon. Z. I state that irr my capaeity as Supervisor, I fa>€d the original request to disconnwl service to EWEB at 684477A for tire property cornmonly lnown as 4029 and 4029 ;i2East 16e Avenuc, Eugene, Oregon on August 7,2400. STATE OF ORECON, Countyof Lane On August 7,2C00., Lisa llopper persorelly appeared before fiie, who acknowledged the foregoing instnrment to be her roluntary act. Elefote me: Notary Public for Oregon My CommissionExpires:8'zQ.zM @ OBEGO'UCITY OF SPR!NGFIELO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT cc. 225 FIFTH SIFEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 August 7,2044 EWEB Customer Service Attention Juanita 500 East 4m Avenue Eugene,Oregon 97441 RE: 4029 arrrd4O2grAhst 16ft Avanue, Eugeng Oregon The City of Springfield Community Senrices Division, Building Safety requests that the power and water be disconnected at the above referenced addresse for reasons identified below by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 07,2000. l. The structures are structurally inadequate and dangerous to human life and are identified as being unsafe. 2. The electrical wiring is hazardous and is considered to be a life, fire, and safety hazard. 3. There is raw sewage being ejected onto the ground causing unsanitary and unsafe conditions to both the occupants of the properfy and the surrounding properties. The owner ofthe property is identified as Robert W. Smittr, 664 Startouch Drive, Eugene, Oregon 97405 by I-ane County Assessmert and Taxation records. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3663. Dave Gadomski Electrical lnspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Cynthia Pappas, Development Services Director Tom Marx, Building Inspector Code Enforcement Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorneys OfEce C'TY OF SPR OREGO'V SPRINGFIELO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726_3753 FAX (541) 726-s689 August 7,2AOO CERTIFIED LETTER Robert W, Smith 664 Startouch Drive Eugene, Oregon 974O5 Re: Notice and Orrder to Comply With The Springfield 36;lrling Safety Code Admiristratirre Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Buildings at 4029 ad 40.29 1/2 East 16th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon D€arMr. Smith: As a result of a recent inspectioo, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that th€ structures located at the above referenced location also kno*n as l,ane County Assessors Map #17033443, Tax l,rltlff2ffi, for reasons below, subsandard and unsafe buildings as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Cods. larrc County Assessment and Taxation records rc\real that you il€ the omer of this property-. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code ctassifies stnrctures which are structurally inadequate 6 dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing Code specifies conditions constituting substandard buildings. The following conditions include but are not limited to oonditions exising at the structures identified abore, classifying them as substandard and unsafe buildings. 1. In the structure identified as 4O29, there are open eleclrical splies nailed to the srrfaoe of the wdl in the water hsater closet. In dl structur€s, there is improper use of extension cordq cords running through ualls, door ways and buried lirrc outlets, switches and light fixures hrnging outside of the wall surfaes. All of tlrese corditions constitute the electrical wiring as a potential lift, fire and safety bazard. Z- None of tlre structues are currently served with hot water. The Housing Code requires that eac'h residence shall be serr€d with hot and cold running urater. 3. Raw Sewage is being ejtrted from the stnrctures onto tlre ground musing a trealth hazard to tenants and surrounding properties 4. The structures are structurally ina@uate and dangerous due to deteriorated framing, faulty ureatherprotection The existing floor systems in all structures are unsafe and camot support the imposed load. Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require racation of the premises when citod deficiencies repr€sent an immediate hazild, to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its oanrpants. Notice is hereby serrred that the poperty is being posted to be vacated by 4:00 p.rn August 7,2W due to tlre potential hazqrds to the occupants resulting from the Robert W. Smith 4029 and 4O2g y2East l6d'Awnue, Eugcne August 7,2OOA Page 2. above cited oonditiors. If you do not \racate the prernise wifiin the time frame specifiod, drc City will seek compliane with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which rnay include Municipal Court goceedings. &ce th€ property has been vacated, occupanc,' may not take place until the above mentioned unsafe ard subsandard conditions arc correcl€d and ap,proved by this office. Any person having any recor( title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will oonstihrte a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated- Ifyou have any questiong you may contact rn€ at726-363. ( Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector CC:Daw Puenl. Community Services Manager Cynthia Pappas, Development Services Director Tom Marrq Building tnspector Code Enforcernent Lisa Hoppe4 Building Safety Supervisor Joe Lrahy, City Attome,ys Office CITY OF OFEGO'V SPFlINGFIELO DEVELOPM ENT SERVI C E S DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 August 7,2AOO CERTIFIED LETTER Robed W, Smith 664 Startouch Drive Eugene, Oregon 97405 Re: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Buildings at4A29 and 4029 1/2 East l6th Avemre, Eugene, Oregon DearMr. Smith: As a res'ult of a recent inspectiorL the City- of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determirrcd that the structures located at the above referenced location, also knorrn as Lane County Assessors Map #17033443, Tax l-ot 1fi200, for reasons below, substandard and unsafe buildings as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. [,ane County Assessnrent and Ta:<ation rccords reveal that you ar€ the omer of this prcpetty. Section 203 of the Springfietd Building Saftty Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structurallyfuudequate ordangeroustohumanlife asunsafe. Section 10Ol of theSpringfieldHousing Code specifies conditions constituting substandard buildings. The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at the sfiuctures identified aborrc, classifying them as substandard and nnsafe buildings. l. tn the structure identified as 4O29, there are open electrical splices nailed to the surfrce of the wall in the water h€ater closet. In all stnrctures, there is improper use of extension cordq cords running thrcugh uralls, door uays and buried underground lirrc outlets, switches and light fixtures hangng outside of the wall surfaces. All of these conditions constitute tbe electrical wiring as a potEntial life, fire and safety hazzrrd- 2- None of tlre stnrctures are currently served with hot crlater. The Housing Code requires that eact residence shall be seryed with hot and cold running water. 3- Raw Sewage is being ejected fr,om the stnrctues onto the ground causing a health hazad to tenants and surrounding properties 4. The structures are structurally inadequate and dangerous due to deteriorated framing, fuulty mther protection. Ttte existing floor systems in all structum are unsafe and cannot $pport the imposed load. Section 2M (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where &e Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safet of the public or its occupans. Notice is hereby served that the property is being post€d to be vacated by 4:ffi p.m. August 7,2W due to the potential hazards to the occrrpants resulting from the / Robert W. Smith 4029 and 4DzgyzEast l6d'Avcnue, Eugcne August ?, 2000 Page2. abora citcd conditions. If you do not vacate fte prymise within the time frame specified, drc City will sek compliance with ttrc Building Safety Cod€s through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court pmceedings. Grce the property has been vacate4 occupancy may not take place until tlrc above mentioned unsafe and substandard conditions are conected and ap,proved by this oEEce. Any person having anyrcm{ title or hgat inter€S in the building may appeal from this Notice and Orderto theBuilding*"16 oleprpeals, prwided that he apeeal is nlade inuniting and filedwiththe Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Notice atrd Order. Failure to appeal will onstitute a waiverof all right to an administratira hearing and detcrmination of ftis mattEr. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is approciated. If you have any questions, you may contac{ me at726-363. Dane Gadomski Electrical tnspector cc:Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Cynthia Pappas, Development Services Director Tom Mar4 Building Inspector Code Enforcement Lisa Hoppe4 Building Safety Supervisor Joe l*ahy, City Auomel's Office ( HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Fax Log Report Aug-07-00 08:22 AM Identification 96844110 Result OK Pages Tyoe 0l Sent Date Time Aug-07 O8:22A Duration Diaenostic 0O:00:26 OO2582O3OO22 ,.3-O 2.E OREGO'VCITY OF SPP SPFtN6F!ELD D EV E LO P M ENT SERVI C ES D E PARTM ENT August 7,}AOC EWEB Customer Service Attention Juanita 500 East 4e Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97441 RE. 4029 and4129 thF;asr 16ft Avenug Eugene, Oregon The City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety requests that the power and water be disconnected at the above referenced addresses for reasons identified below by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 07,2A00. l. The structures are structurally inadequate and dangerous to human life and are identified as being unsafe. 2. The electrical wiring is hazardous and is considered to be a life, fire, and safety hazard. 3. There is raw sewage being ejected onto the ground causing unsanitary and unsafe conditions to both the occupants of the property and the surrounding properties. The owner of the property is identified as Robert W. Smith, 664 Startouch Drive, Eugeng Oregon 97405 by Lane County Assessment and Taxation records. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3663. Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector UU.Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Cynthia Pappas, Development Services Director Tom Mani, Building Inspector Code Enforcement Lisa Hoppeq Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Office 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-375s FAX (541) 726-3689 .a I't I ,l,t: -\ i.' I I 1 b--I IL I I 1 J lt a7 tt ru I (r t, Eri I ) , \ l._"'h FI t "/ I I a a F I arr I 'l \ .l,/; . 6 Ii t, t T n UF s'E-L--- b--r E b-- 1- L"..df FI/ I l,;,. 'I t., [-. \n el I i il I I I I [,rl a.lIit L 3 I tl \_ fr I I ----L-ir..d \J t I IrI l I I I i i l I !d STATON C MPANIE DEMOLITION' ENVIRONMENTAL * S GONTRACTORS ffEWORK DATE: Auttust 30.2000 TO:lv{r'. Tom Marks, Building Inspector City Of Springfield Trensmitted Via Facsirnilc and First Class Mail s4t-126-3676 FROM: Ron Richey E)n@statonco'com) SUBJECT: 4C[9 Lasl i6"' Avc. Clenwood, OR Dear Mr. Marks: please aocept this letter as confirmation that Staton Cornpanies will perform demolition services to remove two wood frame buildirtgs and miscellaneous trailers, debris and garbage at the above referenced property on Thursday, Septembet 7,2000. please advise, by phone or fax, as soon'as possible regarding permit requirements with your agency. Both numbers are listed below. Feel free to call if you have questions or I may be of further assistanee in this matter. Yours V-'ry Truly, Staton Companies lQon lQ;"l*y Ron Richey Partner CC: Robert W. Smith 664 Startouch Dr. Eugene, OR 97405 Bob Srnith 88649 Fir View St. Eugene, OR,97402 nvs.grv.denro.83 00 85386 HTGHWAY 99 S. P.O. tsOX 7515 EUGENE, OR 97401 541726'9422 CCB NO. 03371 www.statonco.com FAX 541 726'9837 R]G-A3-ZAAB A9:18 EUERGREEN LRND TITLE 541 ?4L A5t9 P.A|/AB EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPAT.TY Merx oFFIcE I57O Monawx Bout-EVARD, SpRlxcFIELD, OnEcou 97477 Trux DETentMENT TelEr;rx Covxx SHxer PHoNE (5,41) 7At -t 981 Fax (5at1741"06 t I C DATE:8 3 c , FRoM: ELT . No: To:\a\ HRr.r: Fnx:3 H NUMBER or Paoes SErr (txcluplNc rHrs p,l,eE)a I o h THIS TFIAI'Si{ISEION 15 INTENDED ONLY FOR fT{E ADDR,ESSEE NAITIED AEOYE. IT CONT^INS INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED. CONFTOENTIAL AIID 9THERIYISE PRoTECTED FRoM UsE AND olscLo6uRE. lF you aRE lttor rHE |I(TENoED REctFtENT, you ARE HEREBY NorlFlED THAT ANy RTVIE}YI DISCLO6URET COPYING OR DISSEMINATTON OF THIS TRANEH|aSION OR YHE TAKING OF ANY ACfION IN RELIANCE ON lTS CONTENTS OR OTHF-R UsE IS STRICTI.Y PROHIEITED. IF YOU HAYE RECEI\/ED TF{ls TRANSMISSION lN ERROR, PLEASE NoTIF'Y US By TELEPHoXE tM}{EDtarELy SO YHAT IflE CAN ARRAHGE POR ITS RETURN To Us. THANKS FOR YoUR cooPERATtoN. Tnue lxsunnxce SenvlcEs EscRow CLostNGs TrrLE pua,xr I AUG_A3-ZAAA A9:18 EUERGREEN LffND TITLE rils ragg caus au vuElrtrs 4rIu rsrrlPrd'Lre! rvt r rvyvrt)l r\vrvrre Stroot Neme IETH State OR PostDir LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Addross: 4029 E 16Tl{ AVE Iti'lap & Taxlot #: 17033443 6200 A & T Accourrt #; 300879 Special lntcresl Code. Vicinity lt/laP Site Addrsss state Plane Coordinates X-Coord: 1333976 Y-Coord: 8759t2 Detail Map Site Address lrtfo rrnation House Suffix Predir 4o2s 1t2 E Mailing CitY EUGENE Create Date: I 9E5-o2-24 Land Use and Zoning Zip Code 971103 Street TYPe AVE ZIP+4 2736 547 ?41 g5t9 P.AZ/AE Unit Type Unit I Carrier Route c009 , ::.:1.r.:. lJl+399 UPdate Date: caulion: gome zonrng und/or lund use infontralion <;onturnutl rrt this repott may not [rt: confitm Eonlh{l ltt{ortnrrllan vmh the locol irlridhtlon Code: DescriPtion: Land Use Gode and Description: Use Code and DescrlPtion: Parent Zone 1: Zoning Jurisdictlon: Zone Acres: 1111 S 8pr 0.10 SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING SINGLE FAMILY LOW DENSIW RESIDENT|AL ax Map .,.fivlain_report.cfm?&Map=17933443&Lol=06200&account=300E79'/020&housF4029&l)ropID 813100 RUG-83_2AEA A9:19 EUERGREEN LHND TITLE lhls ragg c,8lts alr qucILtrJ ?urq rEruPlEl'sD r\.,'t l' rvPlJr!, rwPvr!D 547 ?4t A61,9 P.A3/Ae Bounrlary lnformation General lnoorporated CitY Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: Plan Designation: Census Tract: Block Group: Year Annexod: Anneration #: Tra nsportation AnalYsis Zone: Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage: Environmentel Flnding$ Willamette Greenway: Motro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlandsl Soil MaP Unit Number: Schools District: Elementary School: Middle Sohool: High School: Service Diatricts LTD Service Area: LTD Ride Source: Ambulance Distric{: Emeralcl People's Uti lity Districlr Polltical Districts Electlon Precinct: County Commissioner Districl: State Rapresentative Dlstrict: City Council Ward: EWEB Commissioner Distric't: Name: EUGENE HARRIS ROOSEI/ELT SOUTH EUGENE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EAST B 27 SPR GLh, L 3600 1 0 ,t96 .11 rl70{.5 100086 5 12 Code: 4J 20f s66 560 YES Y .,Avlain_report.ofm?&M ap-17033443&Lot:06200&account=300t79%20&house-4129&l>ropl D 8/3100 HUG-A3_2AAO E9:19 EUERGREEN LAND TITLE lnrs raBtr ullllu tllr vrrErr'wJ (l[u rv$rr^*'vs .-'r---- UNITED STATES Country UNITED STATES CountrY Section: lmprovement Velue Real Market 6E,490 80,490 87,150 58"[00 tls'990 54L 74L O5L9 P.AA/OA 97401 ZIp Code e7401 Zlp Code Lane County Assessor's office I Account Number: 300879 Property Owner Ownerl Neme: SMITH ROBERTW Owner Address: 633 STAR TOUCH EUGENE OREGON City Stqte Tarpayer Tarpayer Name: SMITH ROBERTW Tarpayer Address: 633 STAR TOUCH EUGENE OREGON City State Remarts: Convefted Record ProPerty Logal DescriPtion Township: Range: Subdivision Type: Subdivisiort Name: LoUTract/Unit Number: Subdivlslon Number: Recording Number: Froperty Value and Tares Land Value RealMarket 1999 12,530 1990 12,790 t99I 11,710 1096 11,170 1995 I I ,520 54,911 Taxable Value 0 Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) 0 Exempt Property Value (EPV) Quarter: Dlvision/Phase: TotalValue Real Market Assessed El,o20 54,911 79,280 53,312 7E,g9o 51,759 69,570 69,570 57,510 57,5{0 0 Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) 1999 Tar Year 83{.61 Certified Tax Amount Account Status Cl Active Glt Tarable Gl Looally Assessed G Pending Seg/Merge G Delinquency G Delayed Foreclosure G Bankruptcy ,",Main_report.cfm?&Map=17933443&Lot=06200&account=3008'19%20&house=4029&l'roplD 8/3i00 RUG-o3-2AAA E9:19 EUERGREEN LFND TITLE lnls .t,age catls iru \2ugrrcri 'ulu I EurPrort;r rr,r a rvPvr9 r*rvrtv Grantor LATTUYER INV CORP GURCIO, JOSEPH AJR HOME BUYERS INC 541 ?41 4519 P.A5/AB lnstrument # 9t{4503300 g0-05868600 90-0214s900 BankruPtcY G Code Split lndicator Land Characteristics Code DescriPtlon General lnformation Property Cless: 101 Account TYPe: RP Gategory: LANO AND IMPROVEMENTS Mortgage CompanY Name: Total Acrcege for this Acoount: 0.0 Fire Acres: Tax Code Area (LeUY Code): 00414 Glenwood Water Distrlct Lane Community college Lane County Lane County Etlucation Service Disrict (E.S.D') Sehool District No. tU / Eugene Witlamalane Park and Recreqtlon Districl v!e\g Taxing District lnformation from Lane counw Depgrtment of Asses$flent and TaxatioDls--9lt-Q, Sales lnformation Sales Date Sales Price 09-18-1991 12-05-{990 09-01-l989 I,080,000 Manufactu red Structu res ModalYear: Make: SerialNumber: Plate Number: Buitding'l Characteristics Property lD: 300879 Occupancy: STNGLEFAMILY ll STAT 110 0R {20' Eurloing r YPe: sEE OUALIT Class: 2 Year Built: 1910 Depreciation: Floor Base Area Basement Flrsl 558 Second Attic 606 TOTAL 1052 Model: Map and rL: l7o3s44362oo :',:L lol Roofstyle: GABLE Bedroornsi 3 Roof Cover: COMP SHINGLE MEDIUM Full Batlts: 1 Heating: BASEBOARD l-lalf Baths: 0 Exterior Wall: SHINGLE'WOOD Fireplaces: YES Neighborhood Code: 21340 Firtished Area PHIkino Area Bsmt Gar sqft: E56 Att Gar sqft: Att Port sqft; 496 Det Gar sqfi: Driveway Sqft: 1052 Paved Patio Sqft: ,..Main_repon.cfm?&Map=17933443&Lot*06200&account:300t79%20&house=4029&ProplD 813100 FUG-A3-2AEA A9:19 EUERGREEN LFND TITLE Illl! I (}!5v Yso qr --- -'- -'r 54r ?41 A619 P.@6/Ae Euilding 2 Characteristics Property lDl 300879 OccupancY: SINGLE FAMILY 1l STAT 110 0R 120, tsulldlng I ype: sEE GUALTT Class: 1 Year Built: 10tJ0 Depreciation: Floor -Bqse Area Basement First 1t2 Second Attic ?28 TOTAL $eJr Propeftv Se3rch Map and TL: Roofstyle: Roof Cover: Heating: ErteriorWall: Neighborhood Code: Finished Afea 170334436200 ProP Class: GABLE BedroorTls: GOMPOSITION ROLL Full Baths: OTHER Half Bitths: WOOP SIDING FlrePlaces: 21340 Parkino Area I4ru..!$snu Bsmt Gar sqft: 432 Att Gar sqft: Att Port sqfr: 228 Det Gar sqft: Driveway Sqft: 660 Paved Patio Sqfl: Search Re,51lts {01 2 1 0 NO 660 ,.,Main_report.cfn?&Map-l 7033449&Lot:06200&account-30O879yo20&house4029&l)roplD 8/3/00 r ,'] i r':r,ii .:'"ti '':ii.r tl'.:,f '4.! i,li.'..w.,i) ,,ti .'qi' :i !, .Jl:. RUG-A3-ZAAA A9=L9 trncm!ift ol ,i t,,I li ir l: ii lj ('!,(t t/!, <Ir "{a lt l1il !i ll ,.htnditaana?tLJ' EUERGREEN LHND TITLE 541 ?4L A5t9 P.Z?/@B , Slrlc o! O*lon,dcstibod tt totlewt, to'*il: 77.8 Tcas ilortlr ggo !t rsrt rnd 14O feot Sor.tllt oF rho NortirwEbt g1(}50,t^lolli lxD r.tl ollD KNOW AU./reN 8P fHESE PRESfl/Y75, fArt', hqftinalt., t;ll"'l lltont'tt ,,IJTIE.,II{VEqTI€NT ,cEneoB^TION lot rhr caaridrntlon lrrrtinalrcr :lalcd , dotr herobl dr.rf, b!td!in. rall tnd convay ualo EEEHT H. $ITH hotciasilar rglllld ltentct, lad umo grenlae'r hcirr. ruccrrror, cnd a'lj1nt all of lhal p611fin gal gtttlt"tt|r 'llt lhe AAd .EtPut,.aa ca,trrcrorlnto boloalinl or in 'r'rvit'appdtloinintt riluatod ttt tlt (:ttul\ly , TornrhlP 17 9outh , F.nga { H!.t of tha lll llamcceo Hrldlan; r'trrwrlng Gh6r-r gotntr t*l fcrgi thrrcr Nqtfi g9o Pi l{ott, E /ccc i thancG North 19Cl Foati Llt6nc! soqrth 8Bo Fr Era? 75 roG! to tha plaec oF Englnnlng,ln Lih6 CoLtttY r OFGEan Bcalmlrf .G . Poln! eCI-trF OF lratlqr Zg qhd Ena Col\Ins Eo LEno Currt':Y hY Na. 7S-375t9, 0FFlclal FlQcr'r'rh' o'-SAYE AI{l DrcEPT tJrqt Portlon dacdGd Dy Lloyd QoIlln6o lnctralrtrt r.aso.-dad Jsrc r1 137O,HqqI 914r BrcaPtlon Lana Cour$Yr CFogon (hoprty qd$cm: 42F BoYr)' Alro r Lot 4, BIod( 1lr HIOHAY PAFK' a. Plrttcd rrd rceorded ln Book 4t Pqga 32t LBnE l-r'unty fcaan FlGt Fllerd., In Llno GorfitYl bogoh'(Propa'ty Add-ol.eOeS E '16th) rAx AccoljllT Nos. (5961{. 300879, 325231 AIro r Tl}1cEtrthqtFoFLotrlSBndl('andthoNorghEoFcatoFt}uEaathaIFoFL6tli,gII In Bl,ock 3r THIFO rCdrriOr io rriu<-ls G'A,IEEEN' or plittsd and nooordod ln Book !-r ' FGE. 2, L.ac Eo.-rtv d;.;;; PIat Rrcandc, li-Lo.'" cogrly' q.sgon' (hoprrtv Add'eLi':: 25ag c sr.) 9*91SEF.iB'91{0/r:ri'',- 5'00 U915EF.I3'911107itr}lD l0'00 ?1915EP. lB'9iH!74,:'I rUNb ?D.oo ,;i \: uod lo do o b1 otdot ol lar bgd ol ditoctott' I}O€STI€l{r STATE OF OREGON, Cottnlt ol b-rJ- Thb inatrumonl wot acknovlodlcd belott mo on ,..,.,,,..... ',.....i.... ,: Thit bolotc rnc on ,. )rr, r [;;l- r,. [ ,i.:: r:, l',I .r by by !, ol ,- My contmittion oxgirct ettitoa r iArt ^i6.19t3ar !t.Itlt t iArt aF9.9caatD Villl . .|-t. l. rl{H .I it .tHi rllll l. till r. tra ,altrtl^, -'i"' STATE OF OREAON .t t, '/r< E CO.Fr\IF -v t cti A t. E:I =i r, 4r r!!e=!j ."2 -' ! a'.'Y ! I Jt r .lEi ltd JUJ 'E'Av | 2 -v o !+ c e o.a J7E a.!5 "?E! $ 5.q -:t 6gV -ca r 8y... .. .,.., rI !!cc r:r la.Ct lll lcd o11 ':'ri ol Drpur s q..l[$+.]i.Itili Atq A{ -{0EH00AIl0H oHtY, x0 iri :. : :, : : ,.'. tli,.;i,i cI IlIt[ {)k rof, AIE'.-...i.1 'Tot c'/{- ,A<.6*e-.-.a.K ,....? 7(o irrrr. rEEtlrt. lt7 IllE yAll0lil, S'Jfili,: -i; di; !li:'-ll ii IliI DCtlr;i',rINI , t9.,..,,,, i")s.72.. i I I /I het a _til-l fl l I n I il I "ilrL n ll dlrl I \ a Ftt DC tr) Is t^l INssE E P t\,s C C 4 t 6 4 5 l5 mCmn tr)nmmz -DzIJ --{ --lTm I ; ,( q .i \I)h ri riIU I tiIt tth L. -l _) tt i etl'al4-- rtIr6 AV ENUE AVENUE E ttro 5 1d t2 .' 1l 10 3 4 .49 ar' I .{f,i'L aa'9 +r,t,B ot t8 o\ i I6TH r 4t t-- 5 It330r t8' t 9 ot 2l LrlA -JA P G Crt Prll .n E CB E CO t2 fc\I b l+ 4o 5300 zoF(gz x lrJ I ot c.j o {o--lDr l E CD !, 960 l4a. i89d"d"ggoo 'a''o'in @ 8lO0 1o' 3 1o 7 iI d *r ca oi +o 10. 32 8000 o 670 a ,o'l I 6900 a o70 I9&-.tO1o'1."'12 6800 t no-14 "o'13 6 600 870 il i1 4", 2 I il 'l I il'l ao' il*l aa'10<-o 756 il 'r 1O34 8600 -r'lI l 84 oo I 24 q{ oo I1.d ao B.r'td 858300 I1t,.rlo' # "ol 620 0i I +". 6 6000 40'5 6t OO 4A 3 o o & 6 2.ro'I 400500 &1o 5 o 4'2 540r) o +". I 550 0 !l -b a.' I I 1ce1ved2 111 gl t) E:soAM; tL/oS/OO IEU 0S:45 FA-I 541 : 394? 9-r I,]INE CO I,]TND UGUNT @ooz' DEPARTilENT O F ET{VIRONMENTAL OUAUTYtANo usE cor,tpAner-rry CiaEGii GUcs, lfifl:itffil['h'tr,:J,"r:f#ffi:f*Silfl: thar oEe pennils ana o'nrer ripprwaa u,it "r.a ItHy ls A LuGs REeUTRED? o*gon raryreouires rfi,, G'd- --^mmnm:Hgi* Tffiffi","t VUI{EN ISA LUCS REQUIRED? A tlJCStsrco ut,xt frt aaortu,! r.rE^ --_r- _ _ .ep, or'as of er.*-J 5ra.6 ;rhd;fi ;ffiE Hj*gffila souroe neads fl'ore than ooe DEe p.ffi o. +**"f a srrrgre-Lt cs rray be used. A frmit modifrcafron requi,rcs a LUCS when:' trre* k" ptrysic"r croansi"r; {,;pap.rry orsre,scof affii&narhrd ts pr.p*ed- p"* ba spnfica4rtincrcase h-.ffi.rp* bwater- therc h arerocatirir"r"rrortaiGioe?rcffi* pmpcrrvt of: 'ffiffiffiffif,trffiffitffipinutantsourcefrratresurtsihanersenrncanr ffi a LUcs if ;il ; p*,lt*rv G. sutmitted, or if o'e of ttre aborre fou, peftr,it 1- Narne of t/.)rTH Telephone ilailing addrcss: 2. Oescribe type of Contad Location address: 9rA16A ?t c-rr€- Cot {6S e fl. -€rrtlouircrlu/cslt of, o.ooc or andhe servlxsor provided: rmmsrrip_[_Rane"!3__ setlidr3tl$3 Rec6J-vecl 2 111 gl u 5:eoAM; 1L/09/o0 TEU 08:48 FA-f, 541 3547 u*r I.{NE CO I.JIND UGUNT @ oor 3. Carde the typeof DEa permits oe approvats behg apptled brat fhts ti,,r*: SWDisp/tutr pemrit Waste Tfou$orage permit twtfPCB Sxofegefffint/,Oisdt pennit Folirfion Conbol Borrd Request llttastarater Radving toan Reqqest ' trMng wttfilc txfity pa17211s -&rolrsrs en$*rdarrttua panB, txDEe tunr F..lt,t,1rx16usEoss- ffi,deslt'dcttcr'fut4r,twr{rdrwird itrr,unl +grirrdp.rrrrrqffi.-rd:t;rlx;y.raldtc&.rliarirry,- 4. This appl'rcation is fora: newpenrfi_ pemft 5' The lhdlity proposar is bqted: -hsidedty rimirs .f,krsideuGB _ornsue uGB 6. Nane irf ciU or cou&y*m 7' The business or hdlity'complies ttttr all appli=He local land use requi,rernents: ,X-ye6 :ffi 7a Listall local reviews orapplovsls trdwerc tBqqlred of the apptcant before thc LUcs consistency wasdetermhedrnrs & s ttot tttdrcrcpec rwi***r M tb t*,t o,hu a ru-iGiii ;rri-fr*r, 'b' lf no, identiff rea$oos for nonconrplianoq or fst rcquiremerit(s) ttut ttre applicaot must comply ud61 betue Lucsconsistency can be detennined: 7c. ls localgaremment date of decision currently processirE rermini,ng requlrenrents to attain LUcs consistency: _Jes )s_*Antcipated 7d- ls a p{Jbfic notice and hearing requiled ? ve .K_no hearing date _ 8. Planning officiat radewe/s tetephone AirNotice of ConsL'AirDiscfiarge Permif Tirile VAir Pennit Ah lnctireLt Soorce permit Partrhgr/Traff c Circ. plan Fcd. PemitVViQ Cert l/ljEl NPOESTWFCF permit.. ES M nu"B..^... lL _oqqe.JJ+SJCDHanning ffica,al print phnning official's narne ! Date (@ffitg twtdybttty gg,€e,ae/il oa iuffia ae q, f|,,res bd wltt ht tJcE,t Offial ITENTIOH: A LUCS apprcval cannot be eccofred by oEcl untit slt local ruquirementr have been met wrttsGnfintlinga of fact for all local dectralons addredsei undir z trrru iu "r,rr t "u"inrei iii" iiidrr.lr* e$&ftrrc(h6{-lrcsr,QnO.ooC 1e4 E. t(.o'qA A$E Wr latt ar4?A+rprr.lq{ o, ff"ei psaiccnrcNr FsfA *i I \zo ?rcu \-\one t\T€ fiooA q)i&\\N So' vu0gttg o ta ?p ?9 4o (- qot ---) ffiCOMPANIES oervror-rnOru . ENVIFIONMENTAL' SrANOF|K CONTRACTOFIS 14lro to I!- 1 ,.lili"I 1 td d I tto 85388 l{v\rY SgS . P.O. B(X 7515 ' EUGEI\IE, 0F 97401 15411728{1422 ' Fax(5411 72s9437 I <-r{+ I- -,r- -l:li I I I