HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 2001-02-20EI td trg ,b k_ t3!+ zo ,F +r -1 T I _t 5(t o, o *= oEJo o t- dofaozp q @ oc o o l o! =t(r, OJ 6'o. o o{lo I o A) o W F "",^,ff6-f {!!-rwnshp MUST/7 BE IN Range INK Lot 6 26 t, DETAILSYSTEM PLOTPLAN {--+(AS-BUILT*) Scale I "- 30' Type) Parcel Block .Tr\ COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian. This certificate is at lhe above location. $r e o a o F o IA oB*Lg lr{cqa FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY: COMMENTS: System Capacity INSTALLATION RECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATIS N 63\ ttl,irruti-r=O *H*tta IZraL:r.r S!r fi3 @r w?wE|^E+tTApEA * ATTACH MATERIALS LIST A System Approved U System Disapproved U Needs Correction m Corrected Dategal./day Signature VICINITY MAP $-l N N\ Buvo evidence as per ORS 454.665 of satrsfactory complelion of a subsurlace sewage d isposal system l"F r(li 6rc, To requesl inspection, return all three (3) copies of this torm lo: LaneService Buitding, 125 E. Bth Avenue, eugenb, On giabf . county Land Management Division, rocared in rhe basement of the pubric I I I z A) 3o Ao ao o U' @ o ! @ Standard Job Location (Street Subdivision lpartition # !bh" MATERIALS LIST (Required) oAR 340-7 l- I 70(3Xb) LANE COUNTY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PROGRAM Office: (541) 682-3754 Fax: (541) 682-3947 SP# t A.)Installer 4TFFfor{ d=rr?rql\)lE< SEPTIC TAIYK rrare.$.Jrt r.lrfififififififififififififififi Eflg 6eAfSB*ryp elMateriat. dfu 6*ur", tightness tested after placement. Results within allowed limits. (Required) E Riser (water tight).inches to ground surface. (Required) E Effluent filter. Anti-buoyancy provided as per mfg. specs.Arh DISPoSALSYSTEM{trStd./SaprotiteoCap-fill*t]PressurizedDist.*DSandnilter+/.oth"@ *Alternative systems require additional r t7-R-L7"fuR-czq l\lf+ Depth of Lt ' o'u. 4l' i n formati or/i n specqi on s. graveumedia fJlnD Curtain Drain: Depth of fench D Effluent sewer pipe: Length E Distribution material: Perforated pipe Oia. 4\i;"* Outlet location V 14I t ASTM finfrltatorlfueZzz. D Drop / Distribution box installed. Mfg.\)Material E Disposat Trench Total Length <3'Ir D Orain media: Total depth 2J.{ tl Depth below pipe lk I'Supplier U,gcr,q ALLATION MfC.& Model w Pump Installer _ D Pump and float switches installed. Gallons / dose - O Audible-visual alarm installed & tested. l,ocation D Pressure pipe. Dia. ASTM PSI 0 Hydrosplitter Mfg./ Supplier I undcrstand that I am rcsponsiblc for thc satisfactory complction ofall rcquircd tcsting corrcctions and final covcr ofthc systcm within 30 days of mmpletion. I ccrti$ that construction describcd abovc complies with the requircmcnts of Orcgon Administrative Rulcs Chaptcr 340 and thc pcrmit issucd by thc LANE COTNTY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PROGRAM. INSTALLER SIGNATURE: Jf e^.t ?rcr. e.f ATTACH TO AS.BTIILT HP (wp) c:\myfi lcs\mtrls.lst DATE: A PRE.COVER INSPECTION WILI.NOT BE SCHEDULED I.JNTIL THIS MATERTALS LIST & AS-BUILT DRAWINGARE SUBMITTED TO THE LANE COUNTY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PROGRAM. Comments: APPLICAhIT'S COPY SEPTIC INSTALLATION PBRMIT sP007444 fl,ftE /il l+ilt6 FtE {****,, Parcels : 17 -03 -3 4-43 -06200 FRANKLIN BLVD TO CONCORD SOUTH TO E. 167 Applicant: RICHEY RON PO BOX 7s15 EUGENE OR 9740t Site 4029 E 16TH AVE EUG Owner: SMITH ROBERT W 633 STAR TOUCH EUGENE OR 97401 Site Inspection Number: Work Description: REPAIR EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM System Type: REPRMJR, STD2 Applied Date: 11127 12000 Approved Date: 12107 12000 Issued Date: 12107 12000 Expiration Date: 12107 12001 INSTALLATION REOUIREMENTS : Projected Daily Flow: 450 gallons Septic Tank Size: 1000 gallons Drainfield Size: 83 feet Maximum Depth of Drainfield: 30 in. Special Conditions: INSTALL SEEPAGE TRENCHES ON LEVEL IN AREA AS SHOWN ON APPROVED PLOT PLAN INSTALL 24" OF DRAIN ROCK WITH 6'' OF SOIL COVER SANITATION SETBACK REOUIREMENTS: From drainfield to property lines and structures: 10 feet From drainfield to well: 100 feet From septic tank to property lines and structures: 5 feet/:From septic tank to well: 5 Agent 1210712000 Date To obtain an inspection, make a drawing of the system as installed on the form provided. Submit the complete form to this oflice and the inspection will be scheduled. Final inspection for sewage systems cannot be re+uested by telephone. LANE CO{-]NTY ON-SITE-SEWAGE OFFICE 125 E 8TH Avenue, Eugene OR 97401. PH: (541) 682-3754. Fax: (541) 682-3947 dt, j i!, '*l 3p_ NAl.@\J, - $5fiT Ltr ilr I =5 U) 9r o o_ o o € f,oT I Tvpe) 5o 0) 6' a' afol (D foola(D z 9 ,",^,#.6'7{glwnshp lf 34'fr^*ro,-4y4 MUST BE IN B INK Range Subdivision/Partition # Parcel E- E a O a a.6 l Ec o 6{lJIol:l Lot Block q - l I DETAIL SYSTEMPLOT PLAN (AS-+-) 63\ tt0grpq,co *P*r.qe Ttzellzn <!r # Wt W*,qlrlle+h;apgA o rlloE{.LC V\5 ^i3 * ATTACH MATERIALS LIST FOR SANTTABTAN'S USE ONLY: O System Approved 0 System Disapproved E Needs Correction System CapacitY gal./day Signature E System Corrected Date Date INSTALLATTON RECORD & CERTTFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the county sanitarian. ThiS certilicate is evidence as per ORS 454.665 of satisfactory complelion ol a subsurface sewage disposal system at lhe above location. To request inspection, return all three (3) copies of this torm to:Lane County Land Management Division, located in the basement of the Public Service Building, 125 E. Bth Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401. BUILT*) Scale I "- 3ot N o O) o O) (D W VICINITY MAP N B,-vo $-t COMMENTS: - TI I I td ZQ; I E- I _l vlz\ tS ft,E "F ,tt 6tr6 Standard Job Location (Street t -l OWNER ADDRESS: \'1o7fi ?orce=.o v\(oB\Ls \lenn e, t\T€ qo4 E. rrpB AoE-f- \2- APPLICANT NAME:-P APPLICANT PHONE #: d" oF Poau A-e to{iq.re trrftEr U* uslrWrrc{qr g5 ftE F€RAcE$^Eilr peert l3o e.) LV l1 l{ *'1o tl(clt-E 5' +-r{-r t 1i 1 -\p to <-to tr-l :'@ ---t 1 '14 I t+to ?40t-J o lo (det --hAc.'z t Dc. -_---> t n dd{ b0'U, I_