HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-10-30" APPLTCATION/PERMIT 225 North ith Street Spz*Lngfield, Oregon g?42? Buildtng Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFTEL.D Iour City Desigt,ated Job Number fs: # qf' p/'*-& N) tr I ,%,/ Date: lO.3o-{,'? GeneraL 9o-CS!ruet on_Lende"_ I^t ie the reapotts:ibility of tte perttt lotd*fnan the etreet, atd tllat the pinilt eatd. iatButZding D.Juicion ayproved pt^att sh,zll yemain to aee that all inanectiona oe nade at tlu proper tine , tl,at ecch cd,heas ia nendahieLoeated qt .gh-n ftont' of the property: - - - on the Building Stte at aLL'tikes." PI?)2EDURE FoR TNSPEc?roN -Eqqwsr"cALl726-3769 (r'econd.er) stdte aow. city designa-ted job nuxber,, job acdtees, tgpe of inapeeticnrequested ar'd ul"en uou uill be ready foz'inspection, c";;;.i;;; or a^rners nane Lnd phone nunber. Requesti teceixed. befcre z:00 an'*iLL be nade the edte dcs, "i"q"Lili'^Lan iii"" z,oo'on;il-;;';i;;h:;;L:f;Zri';LuLr. 3 00+, Tc,z lot # fi SJob Iocation: Aaseaoore Map #- o7-PG- Subdiuision: A.mer: Address:tZ)--2Phone:O 7z 77city: /d -3a--81Date of llork:,4*/lqu-n vou"f7to Additicn RenoCel Meclunical Page 7 of '2 SITE INSPECTION: escauation, but forme, ' Io be nade afterpt"ior tc set up of TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER fiISPECIION:tobenadeffi required uapor ba,riera @e in placebut before ory l-a.th, Wpslon bootC orrnLL eouering is applied, and beforeoty insulation is eoncealed. OR !':OWD BU Sanitary seuer capped at proper,fi; Lir:e Septic totk partped and filled trith gra;sel*Lntk ta cooened. PO??fNC & FQUNDATICN: To be rmCealxer trenches are ercauated and forms. az,e erected" but prior to Pottt-ing ccnerete. WR,W.ATER.?&AIilAcE: To be nade pion-to-frT-Lirq treneh-ee. IOST AryD BEAM: ?o be made prtor toinstallation of floor insulation ot,decking. RoUGH PLUIIBII|C. ELECIRICAL & tIE.Cy-ANT:AL: No uoip.-ii toTi'diierei-utiL these inspections haue been made and. appnoued. EIPEPLACE: M.or to plccira faeinqmateriale and before franin| Zrrpnl_tion. DRII,IALL fN1PEC?ION: Ic be made;Fet -;TT-6*;ffis in p-taee, but pnion to any taping. ITASONRY: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uertieals in accozdowe Lrith U.B,C. Section 241 5. Pinal - l{hen abcue itens are eotpleted and uhen Canolition is eonplete bt at?ue-ture noued and prenrises cleaneC up. WCI\ANICAL:!'o be mad.e prior to installation floon insulatton or decking.* After installation ie h4ten eonplete -- Prouideor motsable sections through [lcmee Bloeking od Set-up Plunbin4 eonnectione -- aaner otd. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing eonneetione trust bb opprouZd befot'e requesting eleclrtcal i.nspeetian Aeeeesory Buildnng Final - Aftez, pcrehes, skirting, decks,etc. ot,e completed. CURB & APPRCACH App1!: Aftet formsee erecteC but prtor to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRfIEilAI: pon aLL eon- cr_ete paoing uithin street right-pf-tvA, to be made after aLL bcca-oating eanplete & forn tnrk & sub- base natertal in place. ?litiD. gates P. U.E. FTML PLUUBTNG FIIIAL ASCHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees" conpletion of tietequired Landsceping' etc. ' rnuat be eati.sfied befot,e tnn auiiiii:c FrNiL can be requested.. FrNAL BUTLDTNG: The Einal Building rnepection m.tet be requeated after the Final pttuabingElectnical, and Mechanieal rnspeetliono 'haun te"n naae- ii'ipp"oind.w *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MU1T BE ACCESSJBLE, ADJUSTI{EIII ?O BE I"T4DE AT NO COST TO CI\Y tr T t'cge L soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Bedtoorns: -v PLan Eoaninev Total f ilAW CAREFALLY EXA\I|N.Eq t.he completed. appl.ication fot, permit, and. dohereby certifa that alt i"for-;;ii;-i;;";irrr" tnte and eor,ect, and. rfunther certifv that anv "ra^ "1t "ir:i'iz"li.*ed sLnLZ be done in o""on-dance vith the ordinenc_1" q ini ctti.Zi''si";.1ef1Ji, ;"d1;; i*" o1 ,nustate of oregcn pertaining to the aoik zeslriaed het,ein, end ttat No occlr_PANC, wirl be nnce of aly structlt"e uithout permioaion of the Buitd,ing Di-DLaLon. f further cep,ti?^!- _tlt1t- only contiietore ard. enplcyees uh,o a.re incanpllance uith oRS zol.oss uttt te"usli'oi rniu project JOB N Lot Pacee - P.L House Aceese lace f of Storiea ?otal Eeight ?opogruphy LOI ?WE _ Interion _ Cornet _ Panhand,Le _ C'ul-de-eac I-ot Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Couerage ITEM F?G X TOTAL YALUE S.D.C. t.S c Date Paid Receipt #: lhis pernrit ie qtanted an th^e expt,ess cond.ition that the said, consttactislwll, in all rZaoects, confonn to the orii*no. adop.ted, b:y the City ofspringfietd, incrud.inq th" Zr)i"i- c"i.irJ)zl, ""gutating the ccnstraeticnand use of buildirns."oa,liy b""";;;;;:;1'or, ,euokec at cny time upon u.la.tion of crly pnrr-i"ion, of iaid oriina;;;s. Building permit ?otal Clwrgea State Building Vqlue & permit NO.FEE Signed: CHARGE Eisttttes Residentia,L (7 bath) Sani Seuep No penson slwll consttwct, inetal!, alter or clwnge-cny neu ct, eristingplwnbing oz' drainaae "y2rq in uhoie or-in- pa,t, unless such person is thtlegal posses"on oi o ulua pt*rti;;; L;";;"", ereept thet a p."r"on nay d.oo*?*n uotk to pyoperta itt.t, i" ;;;;:"1nor"d. on operatei by the appli_ Plwnbing penrit State Plumbing Permit Nau,/Ettend. Circuits Setoice NC nPn CIlARCE llhere state Lan reouires t1^4b the electrical uotk be done by an Electz-tcalcontractar' the elict,ic"t_poriiin-oli"nif,*p"-rrt srwll not be ualic untilthe label lns been sigzred q tn" til*,i-"ll, cont o"ton. ?otal * Electrico I Perm if Eohanat ilood. Vent Fan llcodstoue . (ta 79 Meehonicol permit 2v Petltot' f ssucnce Mechanical pemntt Sec"u-i Pemrtt Cvrbcut Sitl.eualk Mobile Hone TOTAL AI,IOLJNT DUE:'/s-75 Signed Date o-87 t