HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-12-09-. RESIDENTIAL -- CO},IBINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT F.ECEIPI # SPRINGFIELD CEI OF S?R:IICEIELD 225 i:CtrH .<tfl Sl:.EE? SPRI1ICPIETD, ORECOII 97477 tuildtrq Divisiot 726-37 53 W t E 75 5 43r+IJob Location:\ Subditsision: Te Lot #!-aaesso"8 ltdD i,t A&8, Phote #Addtess ci rp A lo-e€ a- ll Do' mo3d !;: el rack ' E l'el'ico lvrr r #T;'-"*n .a Ioor 3 ox'/ od'.t Deac?ibe ilotk AdCition Ranodal t r,/A Aox4o r-l ilo'tnn ,^J CoitruccoPs llde Addtese Li ecl ExT;ree Phone # T* -T q /, 3 f7 n-salqg 4' z ssgGeneral 1r-3 a€. 9lcctria,L l&cehoicat Cotatmretiptt f,endet P:rion to placing faeing and befcre fraaing inspee- WOODSToVTS: After installation I!@ea REQUIRED INSPECTIONS !t ls tha rcspotsibilJty of the pennit holder to sc. thet a].]. i:spactions are nade at the ProPer tiDe' that each addrcss is udable frcn thc street, and :hat th. p.ruit eard is located at the front of ths proPerty. t .{IL nanholea and clcaoouts arc tc bs adjustcd at no cost to the clty SITE IISPECTICN:;;ffiffi To bc made aiter prion to set u? of To bc r::ade prior to of floon insulation FIREPI,ACEIffi forns. I'IIDEP.SLAB PLUI{BIN6, ELECT.9.IC.{L 6 UECHANICAL: To bc nade before anyi5iffi'"erea. FOOTIIIG 6 FOUIIDATION: ?o be made aftcr tlcnches ara and forns ar: GrGctld, but pnicr: to pourinS concletc. IJHDERFLOOR PLUI,TBING € MECHANIC^L:ffiorfloor insulstlcn or decking" tlon. E?AHING: lftrst be requ.sted after approval of rough plunrbing, el€ctri ca.]. 6 urechanicaL. All roofing' bracing 6 chimreys' etc. must be c@plct6d. No work ls to be eon- ecal.ed until this inspcctioa tlas bc€D Eade and apgrovcd. waJ,J. covering is applied' and any insu.Latioo is concealed. CURB 6 APPROAC:{ APF.ONffi-;;Ga-Enfi;io; goncrcte. After forns to pcuring UNDERGROUND PLUHBING, SEHER, HATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made prior to fil- Ilng trenchss. SIDEWALK € DRIVRJAY: For aI! con. -:rete paving Hithin street right- INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : To be nade after all insulation and ncquired vapor barrlers are in place but before any lath, gypsun board or of-way, te be raCe aftcr aIL cxca- rratlng ccmplete 6 fomt work 6 sub- base mterial in plaee. OTHEF. INSPECTIONST may be required in accondance with Building CoCe, to be indicateC in plans or by no- tice fron Building Inspector. DRYIIALL INSPECIION: To be made i.@E1s in place, but pr:'io! to any taPing MASoNRY: Steel location, bondEffilt:.""ting or verticals in accoridance rith U,B.C. Section 2r+15. ect conditions, such as the installation of stleet trees, conpletion of the , landscaping, etc.l must be satisfied before the BUILDING FfNAL can be requested. POST 6 BEAU:sffi; or Cecking. P.OUGH PLUMBINC, ELECTP.ICAL 6 HECI{. AllCIl\L: No rork is to be covered iilffthese inspections have been rnaCe and approved. FINAL FLUI.TBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHA}{ICT.L All proj required FINAL BUILDIIIG: fhe Final Building Inspection ftust be requested after the linal Ptunbing E].ectrlcal, end Mechanical Inspections have been maCe and appncved. llo occupancy of the prernises cen be made untiL the Final Building Inspection has been rnade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE 0E OCCUPANCY HAS EEEll ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DIVI- SICN A\D POSTED O}I THE PRE!.IISES. Hitl be nade the sane day, requests rEde 3fter 7:00 wiLL the next working day YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER, IS: PR0CEDURE FoR INSPECTIoN REQUEST: Cal1 726-3769 (reccrder)state your Clty designated job ;ffier, job tiCress, type ot- lnspection requested and rhen you rill be ready for inspec- ticn, Contractors or Orrners name and phone nunbens. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. )q,'v/14. R- lJ, I ) Pigc I of 2 P:ge 2 RETERENCE NTI!,IBERS L-COC ::JOB MfiEEP.I Lot Facee: P.L House ';a"ege ACCCAA North South Uest ZONE OCCLIPANCY CROUP BEDROO}1S 0ther IYPE/ CONSTRT'CTIO}I SetbacksSqud"e !tg.Lot Type fntertor Cormet i cf Lot Cooeredi of Storiee ?ctal Ee:ight !o?ogrqhq Thi.s pernit is gro*ed on the eq?.ss c.ndi:aon thEt the said eonsttactl:on shall, in ali'cee7e*e, eonfor:. to tlze Minazees adopted by the Ci4 oj Sptlngfiald, ineluiing the Zoning ?tdinoee, reg:tlat'Jng =1e ecn- et?tction aad uee of buitdings, oti tay be xtsperded or re.toked at ang tine upon ttiolaticn ci aq ?"aui-aiona of eaid Ct&tiauee. Corcge DYal,te I 5q. sq.f+F BU TLD I N G VALW / PER!/|N ?OTAL CIL4RCES ,9tatc Sutr:hatae t Chatzes PLot Check lee Date Paid # No parsot eholl eonst"uot, inatall, lller c" chotge c4g ncl, or es:.athq plunbtng o" dtcanage sloran in ulsle ov in pet, unlaae aueh pereot ie '.he legal poaoeseo" of a oal'i.d plunbet'e Licer,ae, a-zc€2t thzti peteon ni ,ic plw,tbing uork to prc7e4 ai:.eh ie or,ned, Leosed o" opetated by the qgi,ic,zrt. PLUMBTNO PMME! |leter Sare! sw?dt.4.L ?IIAL CHARGES State Surcltotge llhere State Lo.t vequirea that the e',eo*icai uotk be done bg o. tlectrical Contractor, th.a electr)cdi Oo"-tion cf this pennlt elall, not be oai.id until the ta- bel las bem sig:ned by the ilectrica,L Ccntla:to?. The Electrical Safety f,an doee not rcqtire c ?e?sonto obtain a Licensc aB @t electrLciaz al/ct elec- Lrica! contrzcec" b nake ot electrical )na::Llztion on p"opert! ahich is owrcd b! hinaeif or a:aabe: of kts inopdi,cxe ianLlg alrieh ia not inten=ad :':n eale, Lease ct rent. ELECTETCN PERW TdTAL CHARCES :YO. SUBTTIAL or *tensicn/Ci Colstn.ction MECEANIC.4L PSRIdfl Hood E!.tcRoActtitEil? Vdnt Fot llood Stooe/Heater Securlty Deposit Stcrage ilaincttance Pemrrtt !O?!IL AMOAIT D!]E ?trbeut Stdrntalk Fenee ?Lectrieal Label danee oflh tle Nitrotces of tle City of Springfield, end, the Lala of the State of 1rcgot pettcining tc the lr:,k described hencin, @d, t wt NO OC- CWANCI ttLL be nada of otA et?rctae utltlout pertnls*icn of the BuildittgDi.,.tieior. f f,.uthet certifT that only cont?acto?a otd. er,plogees ulo a"ein canrpliance urith 1RS ?01.055 r,ril| be used on lhis proiect. Nuision approled pla,t slalt tetu,in on the fuilding -g/ le at aLL r CAREFALLYga.w theEXAMINED afid.doco-ilP aLthat L infonwtton old Ihetefu that aL@vl wrkL ehal be1 LfaConeftotfun acco?- cettify 'eettify @ry petforned AIIOUIIT DUE g to 8b''*lane county December .l5, l98l Mr. Marion Johnson Building Department City of Springfield RE: Construction Action - 875 S. 43rd. Springfield Dear Mr. Johnson: This is to inform you that we concur with the request to allow the City of Springfield to complete the inspection actions initiated for fire damage on behalf of Robert Hill at the above cited address. t,'le would request that when you comp'lete the required inspections and final the construction permit that a copy of the permit be provided to this office for purposes or record retention. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Sincerely, A-*, ROY L.URNS, MANAGER BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION RLB/jbw c. c. F'i le BUILDING 8 SANITATION DIVISION I 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 I (503) 687-4061 Job NumberF /". ? bCI INSPEC"TOR DATE /n*/H-f c OF SPRINGFIEID BUILDING DIVISION 346 M.AIN STREET 726.3753 WE HAVE INSPECTED THE ELECTHCAL WRING AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLED BY YOU AT THE PREMISES NAMED HEREIN AND SUBMITTHIS REPORT FOR YOUR RECORDS. TO c4/ Co.ne,Ei* ?A Httt-E OWNER OR TENANT /ll, R ll, t ( 2t o LL, 6r! Eq TOCATION OF JOB tt et E WtRtNG APPROVED FOR COVER td-A prnur ts REeutRED d ac aL E APPROVED FOR SERVICE t] HE,AT C.ABTE APPROVED FOR COVER E wlRtNG INcoMPhETE E UNDERGRouND AppRovED FoR covER fl wtRtNc covERED WITHOUT INSPECTION E CONDU|T SYSTE ^ APPROVED FOR COVm E Dl'rE To rHESE PRE 4lsEs BEI'NG [ocKED AN tNsPEcTtoN cot LD NoT BE lviADE n DUE TO NO ONE HOME AN INSPECION COUrD NOT BE ATADE n wtRtNG APPROVED FOR COVERING E(CEPT THE FO|TOWNG f ctY e/t3 4.o44...rr./td that /r {., a,1:.<n{ tla "/-trl L4a ,€- I 4-4 /('7, a /Ect /oo k . /o,.3-a/f l) r-?'P 7" lo, * bu*'d /, *.rt*u ^-L1/\ oC- -ry rfllt Ft 7.FF-rt_r!rri / q C.+tQ ( A. K. Briggs