HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-05-19v, 225 itotth Sth Street SpringfieLd, 1regon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26- 37 53 Job lncaticn: Aoaeaoore Map ll {o3o fribdivision: Asner Address 0 LL aaP .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATTALIPERMIT SPrlTNGFIELD Taz tot ll 0 22 ?7 4 / M t-_l Deacribe h'orl< N et) additicn llenoCeL Date of App licat icn ont Jr-^^A- n"r,,{4 o oo h.ta: General P lutnb 1ng tlechanica 1 [].ec r rica Sur:ervlsin lllec t- r t: iit rr It ia the reoponcibility of tte penait holden to oaa that aLL inopectiono ctva nade at the ptoper tine, that acoh addteeo ia readab)e J'ront the Btreet, anC that the pct'nrit oat'd ie located at the ftont of the property.asuildiq D.ivicio:: approteLl plan shcll remain on the Duitding Sttc at all tinea. P?O:SDUPE Fon INSPEyIOtt RSQUESI':CALL 7 eady fot,'sill be nade the aone dcy, nequeste ncde inspection, Contracto"s on Asners nane atd plone nwtbct. job aCdreaa, type Requests receivad 26-3769 (recorder,) state yout City deaignated iob number, after ?:00 on viLL be nada the nczt wkitq dag. of inspec)icn before ?:00 ct Iottr City Deaigra,ted Job Nwnber fo:gqo|s + Retntinei ln snca ti. cn s SITI INSPIC'IIQA\ : 1'o be nade after er;"u;no", b"t p"ior tc sei up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLL'\.IBTNC, ELECTRICA.T. E i,rECItAtlICAL: 'Io be nade before any uvnk ia cortcred, FOOTINC ,t F)UNDATICII: To be naCe dfrViierrci" s ;;Aircava t ed and forno are erectad, but ptiot, to pout"ing acncretc. u!tD9Rc30u:'!D PLUM? r Nc, i!yIL_J!.t!E3)@pniol to ftl-7l$-6inche". UNDERFLOOR PI.UI.IBINC I, I,IECIIANICAL: @italLatioi o1 floor inaulction or decking. POSI AND BEA\4: To be nadc prior to fiiliTlffiTof floor insulation or deckinE, n)Ltdt pr.u:!Brltc, Er.EClnlqL .l uEel!- A N IC A L : No uo"i-l; T;;;-"o "":';iA-GlTT-th"u" tnspecltots haue been nade arul approue:!. F|PEPLACE: Prior to plccirg facingmcterials aru! before franing inapea- tion. tIUlttC: ltluct be requectec! aftet approual of rough plwnbing, electni-cal & neclwnteal, AL! roolirq bracirul e chitrmcya, etc. rrust be , completcd. llo rsct,k ia to be con- . cacled until thio inspection lae'been ntade anC approved. INSUT,A'I'ION/VAPOR BANRIEN IT$PECTION : To be iruCe after aLL insulaticn ail raquired vapor batrie"a a?e in plaoe but before any l.a.th, gypllun boatd, or unLL aouening ie applied, end before ay inculation ia concealed, DRYHA|,{, INSPEC"('I0N: To be nade;jm;nar,ru"tTio in ptace, but ptiot to any taping, l,!ASON{?l: Sbeel location, bondiifiilgrouting or oerticala tn accordance uith U,B.C. Section ,d1q Aften inatallation io Sanilaty eeuet capped et ptoperty Line Septic tork pwrped ad filled tith gnatel Final - l{hen aboue itens are ccnpleted atcd uhen denalition ie oonplete or atnt:- turo noued ard pnattrtsea oleaneC up. e llcnea Elooking od set-up Plunbing connectione -- scilet atd uater Eleottioal Conneation - Blooking, aet-ut ard plwnbing conneoti,ona trust be appra;e<! baforc requeattng elaalrtcal inapec1io:t Aooeasoei Building Final - After pcrchea, eto. ate oanpleted, okirting, decks, DL'NC\LIt. I CURD E APPIICACII APROII:ar,";r"n;I-6;tVilo"After fornsto pow.ing concrete, SIDEI\A|,X ,$ DRIVELIA!: Por all con- ,r-t* p"r,6;r-til; atrect. night- of-rx:y, to bc made aften all eroa- uating canplete & forn uork E eub- base naterial in place. !'ENCE: Hlrcn conplete -- ProviCe gutca or movable aaotione thnough P, U. E. F FIIIAL PLUI.IBIIIC FI Ntl L l.lEC llAlt I CA t, FINAL ELECTRICAL -.--'ALL project condttionc, such ao the i.natallation of atteet treee, conplatton,o! the' required LanCsccpir:g, ctc., rmtet be aatiaficd before the BUIAINC FINA\ can be requested. MNIIL nUIt,DtNC: 't'hc I'hwl Builcting fnapeotion mrat ba requeotad alter tha ?inal Ptwnbing \J Elccbrical, anC t'lecharical Inspectiona hqvo been nade ard approved Pege ! of 3tAr.L t.tANilCLES AND CLI:ANO:)!'S ilt.t::'l'.DE AC1ESSIBLE, ADJIISTIIEilI T0 BE t'uDE A? ll0 c1sr r0 cwy Phonc: KI f--1 ttooosrovt:I I ccnpleted, JOr] No. Total soLAp ACCESS REQ.- t-Be drOr.,,:li Ett u Soitfa.ln !lcat ,' oDe -- Fe.oa -- ^ l'Lant E*tntttct'LtaLr') I HAVE CAREFIJLLy DXANINED tle conpleted application for permit, dnd do horeby certiflJ that aLL itfotnntion hereon ie true and correct, anl. I l\tt,then certify tlnt any arl aLL Dork perfot ned alnl! be do:te in aecor- dance oith l;he )rdinanceo of thd City of SpringficLd, and. tha Lane of tho State of Oreg,ttt p.rtainin7 to tlrc unrk Ceocribcd herair, cnd !|nt N0 ACCU- PANCI t'till be rnd.e of any structur,a dithort petmio3ion of tlte Suilding Di-uiaion. I furthcr certifij that only contr.d.etors at';d etplcyeea al:o are in cxlpliance Dith CRS 701.055 uiLL bc ueed on thia pro,iect .11t-cof, Lot Facea - P, L,Cd e ccc all th t rTEN . F|C Val.uo Ir1"1itr Car t TOTAL VALUE 0cS.D.C. 1.5 e PLan Chack F,zo: Date Patd Ileceipt ll : Building Vqlue & Permit Thia pctmit io qraill;,cd on tl're oq)reoa corvliLi.ott t;lnL tlrc r,tirl const.tacltL<>tnlalL, in alL reultcaLs, aon.!'ot1lt Lo Lhe Ordi.rt(l,;r:a :t(lol t-,.,! ltlt Lhc CiLrt olSpriryfieLd, tnclurti.nq ilrc ?,oning Crrl.)tance, rc,Jutdt.t.,.!,4 Ltt',: cctt:tLntcti.ctt and uce of bui,Ldtnos, ancl n;y bo suapcn(loJ or reuokc,! ttL ct:'i tinc uitctt; vt, Lation of arty prcui:iiono of aaid Ordi.r.nnces, 'Building Permtt Total Chargee Stata tiilTned NO,rrr cthncE Firturea Reaidcnti.al (1 tnth) Sani Seuen P lumb in g Pe r n'r it l,lo percon olutll cornt,t,rtct, ino!.all, alter on clatulc cnlJ nel cr e:istirtg ptwnbing or drainalTe aya!;on in ulole or in part, wrLess nuch person is tht legal poaocssor of a uali.d ltlunberta Licotse, ezccpL tlnt d pcrson nnt do plunbing uork to preyar[y which is oanad, Ledscd cr operated by thc cpL,Li- cant. Plunbing Perrit State CHARCE tleu/Extetd Circuita Sensica Electricol Permit l'lhere Stota tano requitcs tlnt tha elcctrical utork be rlone by an Slecl;rtcal. Contractor, tlrc electtical portiort of';hts pcnnit :tluzll not be ualiC unttl the Label lna been oigned by the ELectrical Contractor. L Eehanat llooC Yent F@1 llcodatooe ,9ta , Mechq nicol Permit Pertt Isau@1oe l,techanical Permit -. EIICROACHMENT .. I I S r l, l 1.r1 Pcrmit Atrbcu! Sida,talk 00 Electr 7 Nobile llone 70T^L At.touNr '' '. 4 Dt !:e Int Sq. Ptg. I of lot Coueragc_ I of Storieo Topography L0? ryPt 1Interion _ Corner " _ Pdnhandle _ CUl-de-aac A 'lZ e.o Y( P A// &"*Tc- tk&*"e.t lg,TA 7ArO"t c' fe'\ e 64'J / n't r''/''7'\ .-' Y)-fr'PftcY, aoc ' /Yea C'kleT*i ')tf Feit ,Te 6t*7Ai-x< i' l,t't'o D Fa r, t * I I I I tt ;Tt PAfTl el 5eQ e e,r7 t 4? Faq 5'e-'e'oo"t a5 Pery1.6',>7o -d ty )te,4 5a .t, 5, l/ t nT*-- { $nte-U.'4 ic-.' + H truTo k')frocfah Tzr E 2% 3T *rlZ 45 4<l / I I I t4 t/$r, *g 7a lo7 sry* { I ( PAy &n re o eK ,L€-/, d fr ,'t ,- /t lx /ley fr"{ q * L{o 5* .t1"t Li -- %% Itr; ihril )\7 li Vze ?? 27