HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-03-15.. RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs itorth sth streeaFPLr cA? r0)l /PERI"lrr S.or-r.4field, 2regon 97177 Buildin4 ?tuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFlET.D ?cceitt ! Date 62G o7 ) 1/'I { A H#- Genem.L il !-' io the teaponcibi-Liry of -tle penriJ holder-to aee- ttut-all inspectiotts oe nodo at lhc ptoper tinc, t,ct 24sft.-),hps5 ,[3 v2n:nl'r,ilfI.-t!" stf.eet, cnl thct the panrtt caL is i.aated at thi frorrt'of tl,e property.t?uiui-g >)ui:iot cc=roxed plbt s;ril re,in on tG ar;iii"L'!'lic'at aLL'dhes.' :CALL 726-3769 (reeorCet) state yottt City l,esigr.tted job mmber,'!ou t1,ce reatiy Jbr ir"spcetiofl, Conaactc?s cr A,nte:s natte atd phone nuzbct.nrarie thc sarie kg,reEteais naie cfta ?:00 an nLL be nwde the natlntking drg. job nli-ess, tgpe P,equesxs teceixed of inspec2icn befcre 7:00 ,=t I-] sr?s IlS?1C:rJ:r:l lffia;-fr; - J'crms. 71 pcn AltD ?!A:.t:r I 7E.-;at]E=ii-o D" :?o tsork is coucted. ,r 'o be =rencics. ,o floor ir.su tiott, or decking, requlred uqor be-n)e?a @e in pla.ee but before otg |a,;h, Wpswl bcari or unLL coueting is qglied, otd. beforeotg inralai;ion is concealed. fout City Desigra.ted Job th.nbet Is: lo be nad.e Tc be ru.d,eaiter aL d.nad is in place, ta?ing.but prior to ctty DE!.!0Li?r0!! oR Sotilazy sanet eqged =t propatfri Lite Septie totk VaryeC cd fil,leC uith grr;zi tLf DrbL linal - i{hen &cue itens ate cc::roleteda:ti uhen Cettlttion is eanplete br stluc-ture nooed oi pre=dses cleaneC up. ?o be nnie ailer pric," tc a* u? of 'au dtv;qng_l :ou::onrc:t, To be taceILJ aiaer ;renches cre Ecc'oated ardf*as cre erecteti, but prior ."o p.arirg ccncrete.:l Location, bond. ot oertiecls in U.8.C.1ection WS2NPI: Steel beans, aroutina aceordace ulth 24 15. ,t?ODST1'/l: After instalTa.tion isetoleted..t Blockr.n4 od. Sat-up PLwbitX cowrect-Jczs -- aa,te? otC tnler E\ecl:riccl Cozi.ecxion - Blockin4, aer-u.ard glwnbing co*tneetions nr-st bb qprcr? before requee!')"q eleclrtcal ir-sgeb:ioz Accessoti BuiTiing ?inal - Aftet tcrehes, slittitg, deci,s,etc. @e c*oia--ed.. l.!obi!.e 76 gs noie prJcr to 'f floor iwulaiion cr ?f ge but Afiet fonrsto patr)ng aro thcse z:rsceciiors hstse leeraaie a:C =a)?)te:. PT;:A3 P'U:.EI:!C !I:I;L :.!E'U:IICAL ?IXAL l;d:rsICAL conc?ete. SIDTIALK d SRT,E4A!: For aLL cott- caete Pa)i719 rithin stpeet right-of-rxg, to be naCe aftar aL! ezca- vating canplete t ,"om ttork & sub- ix,se tnatetqial in place. !9tlC9: Ilhen conplate -- fuoviCa gdte6 o" aooable sectians thra4h P. U. E. IZd ALL pro;,ect cotd'iticns, suc!: as the .l.nstalZcx-lcn of street trees, ecnlexion of titezctasccpir4, ctc., :r-ast be satisiied be\'cie che tsuiLDr::c :liAL:an be regested,. ?IIAL ilrLJr:lc: The r:,.1a! syiait"4 rnsgection auat be rcqueste<i :;'!et the F,!;tzl pr;rhinSileccrtecl, oi Hechcr.iccl inseeci-cns }ra'c t""" "Li- ii ";;;;;rr. oqJob besticn: Aecesoors lr,ao ll I6s Int # Subdi'isicn: o-ller:( ,ldCres:..Plone: 1zip: ?a^r d-a.,nb.o-0 P.^"dIo Deacibe fi'ork: tictt , Vaf,ue oooDcta of App . ar-LiA,aLCn (- 'Aii:lAJpclis AttD cLsAilows:!as! gE.4CCiSS!3|r, .l}ias?:!t::::o 3r:.!1D5 !-! ::O C:3! ?C Cry _-<c - e: . I I IZq 7 ,,or.tr, roo, t t-'.2-J!-Acr: atCCert,Zie bbr 'a ?Lc*ra rcc'Jnc ad, before irnirq in"p"L- JOB FO. Iopogqhg BuiTd,irg Pefri, SLate loEL Tl"cgea SoLARYCCESS REQ.- ./ lnzericr - co"n"" _ ?cnicruile _ CUl-<ie-sac L-CO G+ i.ot 2'q. F'€. / ;:i:::;:'*''6$-- iotal larEh= ./?20 ;ote -- ?ees -- Siated: Plumbing Permit No pereon sia.Ll consiptct, ins!al!, alter ot chantqe cng vsn cr e=lstirq pl,wnbittg on citainage syltqn in ahole ot in patt, ulass euch person is the Lcgal poaseasor oJ' a oalid olunber's License, dtce?t tlzt a oe:sol naX do plnbi:zg uork to p?o?ertJ alrich ie ouned, Leased on ogerated by the qpli- @tt. Building Volue & Permit this oenet is grctted on the eqto-ss eond.ition tlldt tlle said-constntction sitall, in aLL resaects, confcrn to the Crdinance al,oate,l, by the Ci;1 of Sor)rgf'JelC, inclu*)ng lhe Soning Cydir,ztce, regulc:jr:o zhe ccnstrtcticn ed, use o1' bui.idings, ad n=y be susoend.ed oy rersckei at cr.g tiae u=or: u,!.c- Lctt.on oi a.y prcuisions o7' saiC Ardirances. 3e'-:oars: )i iouse aot ?i,ces - --::.Y -r€..;lt 7 TaLue !.Ein a=cce .l,cce ssc:'t 2atxovn NDO(r V$rPt t\ ?c!.:t t/AL:.;g S.D.C. I.5 =\\\qz.- B. a'3 {.q5.GB L,--.{-lii;lo t4 D.qo.eo Reslizntial (1 bcth) Sotitol Seaer Ttctet I. co L\\. cco Pltnh)n4 Perrit Stcte Surcl.t-ce S|-.te L Aaces -- a;ic.=.cAc:/:.:z:!7 - - L Aclccs Electricol Permit Vheze Sfu.te la,t requires tt"at the electrlcal uork be Ccne by ot glectm)eal Cdntru.cto", the eleelricdl porliott of ;his pernit shdlL rat be ualiC w*iLthe label las beet signed by the Electr.)eal Contz.actor. T f EA\E CLIE?ALW $LUfilED tle ccm.olet2-d qplicaticn for petri:, arui Ca lzere'oy cettify tlat aLL infora.tion hereon is tz,ue anC ecrrect, az,l, I fr2.thet cerlt ft- tkat or.y crl a|.L wrk cerfomted alall be done in acccn- darce :,rtth the 1rdinsces of tite City of Springfield, ot^l the Lcts of t),eI State of Oregcn pertainzna to the wrk Cescribed herein, a'd. :iu,t y0 2cc!.1- P.t-xc:l vtli be nsie ol' dty at?lcttre uritho'"tt permissiott cf th.e 3uiidirq Di-viaion. ! !'u:"ther cerlif3 +-hs.t o:tly contraclo"s c,,1. ryLagees uho ae in cd--:allance u1rh CRS ?07.055 uiLL be used on this proiect A;.r!ct: i yobile iis:e \\ u1 t8 :;O. | .rJc-,-t,:a: Res. So. f!a. llailE:tatd, Cirttits \\t:\5^ oo larzcrty Serice $f,:R\iK.e CIl[{,rrE \\C\i \o . oet 25.60 \.oo at, t aaa 50 Sect--)it GO so 1 Mechq nicol Permit E=ltctat lloo! TcoCstare Vent lzt Pemrit fssu.cee leciunic:L Perti.l qo .qo Stot:ta llei,neqs:e Pefr;: SUe.:aik I -4417 .t.itr.il irt?. a 3 -tt- ?C\Crn- ;t-!,;lc- i\tr--=ce vrjrS 7 BCO G.ao lPllao \lF-Lrr t 50 J LeC'-|4-CC ! LCte L --- SP;lINGFIELD CrIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1885- 1 985 Springlield Centennial year January 7, 1985 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Richard Gosswiller 1095 North 6th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mr. Gosswiller: The Springfield Bui'lding Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for a permit to remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandoned during the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automatically expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder antic'ipates the need for more time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Building may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advisethis office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. Si ncere'ly, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North Sth Street o Sprinsfield, Oregron 97477 . 5O3/726-370s .i..-\ JOB ADDRESS:1095 North 6th Street JOB #: 840162 I..AST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: Julv 25. 1984 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERNIIT: _xx _VALID: However, your permit will exp ire on January 23 ,1985 rf you wish to request an-extension of your permit, please notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your permit expired on rf you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit nust beapplied for. *If the I'expired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by(ten (10) days from the date of this letter),we wi 11 clear ourfiles of all related information with regard to the permit. *