HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-04-21.. RESIDEI lA 1.. APPLrCArr0ilTpERtIr 225 North Sth Street Spr,'ingfteld' 1r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPF,,'\IGF'ELD Pcce ! Date: Assessore LlaP #rl Subdiuiston Plurnb ing tlechanical E ec trica ?cr Lot ll UNDERSLAB PLI.:TEINC, ELEC?RICAL I Wca;ttiai: To be made beforc ,:nY GitT{Z6oered. FOOIING & FOUNDATICY To be nsde VfGi-fierrctes a"e ercauated and forns arn erected, but Priot' to pouring ccncrete. i--1 1NDERGP)U\\D PLUMDIN1? slrfP. w.4rrE'\.' t, I onnnl,ct: To be maJe PPLot' co JLL- Lirg trenches, 1N,EPFL1OR PLU\.E T N G 4 xEct!_.4_N I C,AL To be nade prion Lo LnsLaLLatLon floon insulction or decktng' but before anY umLL couering tny insulation is concealed. DRYI,IALL INSPECTI)N: ?c be made Zft";';tT ,fiaiifts .in place, but prtor to cn!1 taPtng. MASONRI: Steel loeation, bond 6iffilgrouti.ng ot' 'terticals in accordahce utith U.B.C. Section ilOODSTO'/E: ccraGtA. Aften installation ts IENCE: h4ten conPlate -- ProuiCe ji€"i on nooable- sections tht'ough P. U. E. Lath, gyPswn baarC on is applied, artd before STTE INSPEC?ION erca,r;tlcn;6t fonns 'been nade anC aPPro"^ed. FINAL PLUIIBIIIC FINAL MECHANICAT, FINAL ELECTRICAT' To be nade after priot, tc set uP of To aL requited oaPor ban iers are i,n Place t.10vED Sanitaty eeuet eapped at ptopet'ty Lire Septic tank plonped attd filled uith gra:sz! Final - I{hen aboue itens ate ccrnpleted and uhen Cenoli-tion is eomplete or st!'Li3' tuye notsed otd prenises eleaneC up' of POST AND BEAM: To be rnade Priot' to TGiiTT"tToTof ftoor insulation ot' decking. ROIJGH PLU!-!BT!\G, EI,EETP!lAL P' 'UEC!I= ANICAL: No aork Ls to bc aoDerea ffiiL thosn inspectiors hatte beer made and aPProt-ted. FIREPLACE: Prior to Placirq facing ^at;i;G aru1 before franing insPec- . FRAIIINC: lutust be requecte.I aften fiiioiit of rouqh plwrbing, electri' &L a mech,enical, ALL nociing bracing A chinmcYs, etc. m'tst be cotwleled' llo acrk is to be con- """Lnd unti.L this insPection has CURB & APPROACH APRQN: Afber forns a.re enecteJ but Priot' to Pcu"Lng concrete. |TDEHALX & DRI','ElllY: For aLL con- ;e t e-paui,g-fi tnfr s tteet t'ight- of-uev. to be maCe alten aLL etca- uLtt","n- coryLete & fom uork & sub- base material in Place' AlL pro,iacL aondtlions, ,.;uak as the i-nstallaLion of s+-reet.t-?ees' conplction of the requi,ed Landsccping," "t.., i"t tn "otl",iZa-A,ifZl"n-lnn BUILDIN1 EISAL can be requcsted' Blocking otd Set-uP Plwnbing connections '- aaner and' uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking' set-ut - "ia- "t*r|;"q conneetions m;st be apprcu*e'! before requZeting eleclrical inspeclion Accessot'y Buildnng Pinal - After pcrckes, skit'ting, decks, etc. a"e comPleted. LX) P'lione:Addt,es e: Describe k'ork: Date of @ Va1-ue Additicn RenaCel rS General Pege 1 of I XN,T, ILANI|CLES AND CLEANL)UT ,S MUST BD ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE MADE ^T TIO COST TO CflY I Job Loeaticn: lr c l- il I'1 lour City Desigrated Job Nwnbet' T L.COC JOB NO. TotaL SOLAR *CESS REQ.- * Bedroonst: Receipt ll Planr Eroniner f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby cet,tify that aLL information hev'eon is true and coruect, anC f furtker certifg that any ard aLL utork perfonred slnll be done irt aceor- danee tvith the Ordinances of the City of Spfingfield, and the Lans of the State of Areglon pertaining to the wrk Ceseribcd herein, cnd tlnt No 1CCU- P/,NCy tvill be nade of ang structura aithout pernisston of the Building DL- oieion. I further certifil thet o:tly contrdctot's and enplcyees aho are in catpliance dith CRS 701,055 uiLL be used on this projeet /-zt- 8 ? { LCT TYPE _ Ituteri-or Cotner - Ponhonal. CuL-de-sac Ileat Access LO'E -- Fees -' th Lot Faces - P. L.House % cf Lot Caserage ! of StorLes Total Height TopograPhY Lot Sq. Ftg x ValueITEIl ttain Cx:taae Carocrt Accessortl ?OTAL VALUE ocS.D.C. 7.5 d PLan Check Fee: Date Pald,\\ Building Vqlue & Permit I This permit is grcnted- on the erpt,ess conLition tlnt the- said.consttaction shall', in all rbspects, confctm'Lo the Crdi,naiice edopte,l ['y the city of Spri,ng1ield., ineluding- the Zoning Crdinance, regulc;titt1\ the ccnstracticn and u'sn of buildings,- and may be suspended or reuokeC at ct1li time upon uic- Lation of any prcuisions of said 1rdinances. * Euilding Per\trLt Total Chargea Sto.te Plumbing Permit No pereon sVnLL consttuct, instal-!., alter or chantge Gnll nea cr ecisting plwnbing or. drainage systen in uhoLe or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a t.talid plwnber"s License, eecept that a pei'son nay do plwnbing aork to property uhtch is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Whet,e State Laut requires tl",at the electri.cal aork be done by an Eleetrical Contractot,, the electtical portion of this permit shall not be ualiC until the Label Lns been signed by the Electt'ical Contractor. Signed N0.FEE CHARGE * ITEM Firtures Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Petnit State Tctal Neu/Ettend Circuits Sentice State Iotal ITXM NC Ito Mechqnicol Permit Erhaust HooC Hcodstote Vent Fan Pettnit fssuance llechanieal Petmit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seanity Depoait Storage Maintenance Parmit Atbcu! Sidersalk ,qence Electrical Label OTAL AMOUNT DUE: *rt Date 1:\@ State Swcha"qe Tol;o7- Chan oes Mobile Home