HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-06-22t..RESIDtrNTIAL.. APPLICAT.. ,V/PERMru 225 Nonth tth Street Springfield, 2regon 97477 Bui,Ldi,ng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELD- Job lacation:/ Aeaeaoors Map I Subditiaion: Asner: Address: It ia tha reaponoibility of .frontBui trenclrce. To be u ?c,s lot ll oee Date: all inapectiona are rude at the proper ttne, that acoh cddreas ia rea4abi.e PRocsDUPE Fon INsPEeryoN .LggulsriCaUl 726-3769 (tecotden) atate your City designated iob eady fon inapeotion, co;r;;ol;;" in arr"i"- "*,.'antt pwnet'iLL be rmde the eane dcy, ?equelts nade aften ?:00 on vLLL be rmde the nert:nrking day. t oatd slu:LL faotng inapec- Looated at on tha Bui tha fnont of the property. lding Sitc at aLL tines. Aftet inatallation ie mmben, runbct. ol inspeelictr befone 7:00 c:t SITE IWPBC?ION: lo be nade aftere-cava;lo";6i prior to set up of forms. ANOERSLAB PLUMDTNC. DLEq?NICAL d ny r,to]rk ia cotcned. FoOTING ,l FOUNDATICN: ?o be rmCeifiiffiffixcauated and, forms are erected, but pniot to pouring ccncrete, Ioun City Deaigrated Job llwnber fa:, INSULI|TIOil/VAPOR t AltRrER rilSpEC'IION : To be nade after all ineulaticn a',"d rcquired oapor bar*iet a ar.e in place but before any lath, gypaun boax! or tnll oouering ia applied, and. befona ay inaulation ia concealed. DnYtlAl,L filSP0fllOil: To be nadaTf6itlWtnlTto in ptace, but, pnion to any taptng. MASONRU Steel locatton, bond beona, grcuting or verticala in aocordance uith U.B.C, Section 2415. 7 uwmpLooR pLUtlBrNc & MEcrtANrcAL:ttof floor inaulction or decking, POSA AND BEATI:fiffitffioy decking. to these been nnde arul FilIEPLACE: no.tel'ials Pnior to arul before ftwningtion. FRAiIIN?: ltust be requeoted, aften approval of rough plwr,bi.ng, electri- cal t neclanical. Atl toofinaj braoitrg I ehinneys, etc. raat be . completcd. llo lurrk ie to be eon- , oacled until thio inspaotion lua 'been tade anC apptoved. FTTIAL PLUIIOITIC FINAL ttECttAttftAL FIIIAL ELEETNICAL CUnB E AqPROACII APIOA Aftu" fornsave erected but ptior to pouting conarete. SIDHIA\,K & DB|VWAI: For all con- orete WrW ultlfr etreat fight- of-rny, to be nade after all exca- vating canpleta E fona tlork ll sub- base natertal in place. wooDsToVE: ccmpGm. ol PEIICE: Vhen catplete -- ProoiCe gatCC on ,Muable eecbiono thtough P.A,E. - --- ALL prejec! eondibione, such ao the i.netallati.on of otneet traea, cr'tplotion-of bhe requrL-.^:' -..---',:::irg, cto., muat be eatiefied bcfore the BI|ILDI\IC FIIIAL can be rcqrcated. FIttAi, BAII,DINC: The Finat Building Inepection nilst be requeoted alten tho Final Plwbinn \J EleoArtcal, ord tleclanical rnspectiono hqtto been nnde ard apptoved Phone:I ci zip: DescYLbe htork: {\tW l6D cLyvrp 5€ rlce- ValueDate of t q)LL Adilition ItanoCel Gcneral Plumbi l.lechirtrica E lilec u r c lilSrrtrervcfr;irt Sanilary oeaet capped at propenty Line Septic tank V,nped and filled ttth gra:tel Final - l{hen aborte ttans are ccnpleted and uhen denplition ia oanplete or atrut- ture naoed atd premtsea cleaneC up. llcmeB Eloaking atd Sat-up Pltnbing connecttone -- BCilel. and, ualer Electrical Ccdneotion - Blooking, aet-up and plwnbing conneotiona mtgt be approted befor.c requeating eleclytcal, inspeolion Aoceasor,g BuilCing Pinal - After pcrchea, akirting, d,ecks, eto. are oanpleted. AAL;, ilAilttlt,E:; Attt) ctf'iftOrrj{: t,u:T U: AC].-ESSIIi;E, ADJus'l'lttllt To ltt tlltl)t AT NO CCST TO el?y Peltc 1 of X ef- rt Nou tr T tr T a JOB NO. Ilouae Caraqe AccessP.L No|th llEast South Itlll,leat TAT ?YPE _ fnterior _ Co"ne? _ Panlundle _ Cul-de-sac ESS REQ.-SOLAR AC t: Lat Faces - *L-CO Bedrooma: Lot Sq. Ftg. z of Lot Cooerage ! of Stories ?otal Eeight Topogrcphy Building Volue & Permit This permit ia granted on the erpreas eond-ition tha,t the, oai.drc-onatmtction ",iilt', i" all r"eapecta, conforn'to the 1rdirance adop.ted 6y the C:tA 9f iwiibf;iu, trotiaing' til'zi"i"g cydinanc-e, regulatittg the ccnsttacticn-rira u"oL of Luildings," oid ^ry \e- suap.ended or rbookeC at cng ti.me upon uic- lation of ony prcoieione of aaid ordittancee' TOTAL VALUE S.D.C xFTGI?EM t , ' -- Feea -- Total Clanges 1.5 s Building Permtt State Date Paid: Signed: t ll: Plumbing Permit No peraon slall constract, ine!al!,,_ altet- or clange _cny neD.ct' eriating )l*r6ii or drainage syotat in uhole or in part, unlees e.ueh petaon ia the i)iit p"or""""o, o1"o oLlid pl*rbnr'e Lic-ensie, e^r9ept that a ??"s,1n '*y 4o-ptGttig wrk to property ihioh i, omed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. CHARGE ^,o. t Firtutes Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pernit State Electricql Permit were state Laut nequires tllat the electnical oork be done by an glecttical Contractor, the eliettieal portion of this permit ehall not be ualiC until the Labet hae been aigned by the Electnical contractor' 4?otal Na,s/Extetd Cincuits Sen:ice ITEM NC,FOn Fvrnaee PTU'S Eiltant llood. Vent Fa llcodetooe , Mechonicql Permit Pernit Isauooe Meclwnical Permtt -- ENCnqACHHENT -- Searita Deweit Storage fulaintenance Permit Cvtbcu! Sideunlk lance Eleetrical Iabel tlobtle llone Total Plant Eraminer Date I ilAVE CAREFULLY EXN4INED the completed application fo-r permit, and do iereby ceftify that aLL infonati-on heneoi ie true atd cotrect, an'il I furthLr certi,iy that any ard aLL uork perfonted elnll be dote in aceor- 'dance vith thZ- OndinancLe of the City of Springfield, attd. the Ia;e of tha state of oregon pertaining to the uork ceecribcd herein, cnd that No occu- plnCy oin bL oodn of any etructure uithout permiest-on of the Buildi.ng N- oision. f further iertiiil that otly contractora and enplcyeea uho are in coapliance -uttn OnS ?01.055 uiLL be ueed on thia proiect Signed,F^rlll tltn'truo hnc. I A Date llrr;.n Ca?n6r.t AaaoaAoft, F[:ErTEM lJelon Total daroae 'fatnl, Clnraen Stato