HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-03-01'' RESltrENTlAL'' APPL;CA! ION /PERI,IIT 225 ilorth 1th Street Spr,)ngfield, C"a-gan 97477 Eutlazng Di;;i;t on / to-o / Do Siqned o{ SPFIINGFIEI-.D Date: 3- t- ZZ rob Loecticn' 820 South 43rd Street Aesesaors )!ao it lB-02-05-20 rca Lpt t 3200 Parcel #2, Partition #.l.l60, A 19225 square footjubd,!.i-stcn: rtion of T.L. 3002 Richard & Myrna Bussj->tet: 41 9l Camel I i a Street ph*.,", 7 46-1932Ad&ess: City:97 477 S'ing1e Fam'i1y Residence/attached garage Daxe of nppt;*rion 2-7 I Desct+be llork: $60 ,ooo. ooVai,ue ACdiiicn RattoieL neTirrill Bros.6849 726-1594GeneraL PLwb L ::cw) 3u Sanitaz.l seter ea;;?ed :t prcoe:!:7 Lit:e Septic tank p-"it-Ved ard. filled uith graiai Pinal - i.,4ten abcue itens ate ecnoleteiani xhen Tenclitior is ecn:Le:e Zr s*-tc-tuye noueC oi =reiaes eleanei u:. BLocking otd. lat-up Pl.unbing connecxians -- sa1)ey aC aaler Electr)cal Ccmnection - Blcekint, set-u. ani- piunbing eonnections ra^st iZ aVprcr;Zc be 7'or e z,eque s t'Jng e! ec:z"i cal,Jnso e e-;-i,o;.:. Aeeessct 3- Builittq :crekes, sktrting, d.ec);,Fittal - !,fter etc, @e ctn, Const?tcr-acn_leile!_ Your Ctusu'Desigra,ted Job Nunber Is Ii ia lhe reeponeibi-Lily of-tlc penrit hoLder to see tha.t aLL nJnspectiotls @e nada at .-he pz,opez, tLne, that acch.-d,inesa is tead,;^ie;.y^.-tP stteet' crc thax the pernit casd. ie Lacated, at the fzoti of ttle Toperta.r2uiAir4 h.viciot a:m-e<i ptin sic.Ll reaain bn-tZZ irl.lil"[":ii, ., all tines. P:?1C|DUPE FoR rrtsPic?folt Psc.uEsir:CALL 726-3769(recorCez') state you! city Cesigttzted. job nw;be' , job aiitess, type of inspec--icarequesxed a:'i xien z'ou ';iLL beiecig for ir,speccicn, contraet"ir- on a.tnets- rc.ze -ad. pl,one ntnbet,, -o.equest6 recei--eti befcre z:cc ,zt:'-zLL be rade the sdte ccy, ,"qu""r"-ioii o.fli z,oo'-, vtlt be,*a2i-n"')L?.;ri;q't;. u:tD|tsLte ?LUi,EItc, ?LEj:XIC,\L 1ilECi;;liC;L: ro be-iaaiaTlfii-Znywtk is ccoet'e,d. required oqor barte?s @e in place but before ory lath, Wpsun bcati crrnLL couering is cpplred, crd, be;oremy insula;ion is eoncealed.. !CC::]G t F0!,]tDA!t2!t: lo be :,a.Ce - aiiet )yencnes Jre ezcanated ati foxns. ate etectei, but priar iopourlng ccnc?et€. -7 !;!!=Rcpcry:rt ?:Lr.!?t:;G, siEp. ,r.l:ij.!-I) Lir4 crenchee. f uttep.r:ccp. ::i;:snc a :rliit.a.lrCAL:t^t rrbe@of f"oot, ,Jneuicxion or decking. CrTo rYCr--47.fr. e4cAA;; but fcrms. FT|IAL PLU:.BI:IG ?o be rmie aiterprtat tc set up of To nade after DRIHALL IIISPIC?ICN: Tc be nadeafter aLL aryuall is in plaee, but prior to c-ny taping, IUSAilRY: SteeL Location, bond beans, grouling ot ;terticals in accorriorce ,,)Lth U,ts.C. Sectioa 241E . 'iO)DS?a,fi: After installation isp^i --^) 830579 ??S? A:ilD 3EAi,!: ?o be raCe pnor +.o insrallaxicn of floor ittsui,a:t ai or deeking. RCt.tc:: ?!,xte::tG, !:!c:P!c.!.L r, ,.8C,1_ ;.i1rc)-:: ffiw:til ihese ir.scectior:s h;ue beer nade erd. :oorc:ied.. EIP!?\AQE: H,or lo plccirq fcctngncteriais ad before fro.tir4 inspeZ_tlon. FRAlli)lC: ltust be recuesteC afien app-toual cf ruugh plttr,binq, electri-eal ! neci.cnical, 'slt rcbi:rqbrccilrg E chinmegs, etc. nrtsc beccrnpLeted. llo ';crk is to be con- . eealed until this insDecr:cn i.a.a'been twde cni zporo,-eC. CUPB & ,APPRCACH APFON:ee eyecteC but prtor co?1,erete- After fornsto potmi,4 SfDZil{LK & DRf',TlA!: ?or aZL ecn- crexe pauiry uixh:-n st?eet riqht- of-t"ca-, to be neCe afta-y a71 ir""-oating cqnplete & fotn wtk d cub- base ncterial in place. m E ?!NCE: ,a4ten conplece -- pyouiie gates o? nouable eections through Driveway Cul vert ALL project ea.ditions, suci as the installaxton 9f slteet e,ees, :c:cletzon cf i:henequired lancscqing, ctc.' ntuBt be saxisiiec be;cte-thl-aC;iii i:.r,AL tan be req,testec, '?rilAL BUrLDrilc: The Fincr, Bu:-Lding rnsoectio.n nust be "equested ailez, rhe iiral plubinglleeu,ical, ard. lteeiur-iccl :nspeecl-;;;-i;;;'bn"" nad.e arl. ararct)e.. iALL ILATIITCLZS AIID CLTATIOUTS UUS? 8E .ICCESLItsLE ', .4DJAST:ti:il lo 3E :IADE !1t !:O .'^qd 6a ?f-" fl. ntat .wcnA:trcAL R ,rrot iLic:srcAL X X X X ?4e1oiZ T E ictte: R- L Cccztcancu crouc: R-3 & M-l i:ipe/Const:5-N 3edtcoms: 3 Lot Faces -S Znerqu Sourees D]ec Df J^., - ^Leeass ilatar !eatertl llarth 5 25', East 53 45' South C 15'X |./est Jq...lu :{VaLue i.laan I 680 Csace 460 icSessc?, 44fr4f 'r\f lte $60,ooo. oo cn^r<- 207 .00 900 00 PLan Check Fee 59 70 2-7 -83B.?B Plumbing Permit Llo pelecn sha|L construct, inatall, aLter or clur'ge GnA v.eD cr ecistit^-g plz^inbirry cr <irainage systan tn alole or in pan't, unLess auch pez'son is the iegal pbssessor of a ualid plurr,ber"s License, escept tl".at a pe?son na7 d9 ptini:;:ng xotk to p?operb! uhich is or,ned., Leased or aperated by the appli- ecnt. No sewer connect'ion allowed by City until evidence of satisfaction or monetary agreement has been submitted. See attached copy of agreement. FEI 25. I 215. :t aft Resi,i.ent'ia.L ( 1 bath) Seuer PZunbing Penit 10. 36. 35. ditional Bath 1. Electricol Permit Were State La,s reqai?es tha.t the electt'ical uot'k be done by an Eleetr'ical Contz,aetar, the electr[cal porcion of thie permit shall not be ualiC until the Zabel ins beett aigned by the Electrical Contrdclo!. 25. II 1 :ia II 680 llas/Ectend. Cireuits Setttice 36.4 35. State 1.4 3 .00 35. C!lARGE SeaarL Mechqnicol Permit:;C I I I 3 *lunst HooC ',lcoistole tlefit ?a1 5.0 I 0.0Pern[t fsguotce MecianiceL Pefirlt 6.0 4.5 9.0 34. Storaoe i4aantenaTlce Penni,t 517.AnaLk --4( ?CTAL AIIOUIIT DUE:'$1 ,224.16 9--- I rnt Sq. Ftg. 1 cf lct Caterage ! of Stoies ?ota| leight Iopogrqhg 19225 11% l3'-3" 0-2% LCT ?Y?E X b.tericr _ Corner _ Panhardle Cul-de-sae JOB NO. 830579 SOLAR. "CESS REQ.-Yes r-co d Building Vqlue & Permit This pemrtt is gz,anted on the er??ess eond.iticn tlnt the said-constrtction siuLL-, in tll z.bsoecxs, confcrn to the Srdirnnce aCopted b! the CitT c.f Spmr"gflel,L, :.nclaaing ;he ion'Jng Crdinan-ce, tegulcting tke ecre;ttet)cn otd use of buiLciir.gs, anti n=u be suspenoeC or reuckei at cr.'J t.ne u:ctt uic- Latian oj' .fl'lA ??co":6ions of satC )riir,ances, !.60381 Sigted: Ca"=o"t trLect?'.CAL !-CUeL r4ue4-tLJ ?otal Changea -- atc,..cAC5:':!:!! -- TctaL #.Esr- OortJra cdoe #ri A\.9a\^4 I HAW CARE7ULL? IXA-MfN\D tke eonalated copLicaticn ior permit, ai ia herebg certify thct aLL ,Jrtfotnation hereci- Ls tzue ar-C. cartect, dr'd' i funther certtJi lhat ang crd aLL uork terJ-orned shall be done in aeeor- 'danee '"ttth the- 7z'dintncZs of the City of Springfleld, and' ihe Lc;s oJ' the state of cregan pertaining 'to th.e uork cescz'ibcc here:-n, cnc ti6t ii) nccu- 1ANCI iLLL bZ oatie oi cny" stntctuye uithaut petmissi-on of the 3uiiding D.i- uision. i fuz'ther:e?tify tha.t otly ccntracicrs @.d e:fl?LcAe€s D''o ar? L71 colplianee u:-th CRS 707.055 r'sill be used on this orcjeci L-*t s- t-Bv Mobile ilcme st;$ t,nrt Beo" Co"t