HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-10-17.. RESIDtrNTIAL.. 225 North stl, strniPPLrcA'r-oN/PERMrr Sprtngfi,eld" 2regon 97477 Buil&tng Diuision 7 26-37 53 Receipt # SPRINGFIET..D- l26 tc Urt "oou ugt.cq. oate: t,0 -/ ? - F( General l4echanieal Constnction Lend* ( rt i8 tha responaibility of the pendt lzotde* to aee that aLL inopeetions ee nade at lhe p?opet tine, that each .,i4tees is z,eac.fiiefnon the st?eet, and that the-peh.t eard. ia Locateil ",t-ln" irol of the property-. -*Duilding Dioicion appro"^ed ptan shcll ,."^";" bi-lli Ei,,LaZ"b-"!iie at aLL times. PlocgDIlP+ FoR, TYSPE TCALL 726'3769 (reeord.er) state yottt, citg designated. jobrequested and uhen uou aill be ready for inspection, i.;;;.1;;;- or a,met,s ncrne cnd pT,net'iLL be nade the sire dcg, ,nq,rn"ii"^Ld. i.fto z,oo-* arr tL trw.d.e the nest ao,king das-. ' ntonber, job a&i.z,ess, type of inspeelicnnwnbet,. P,equests receixed befcre- Z:00 an Jnspeeticns Ian City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs Job locaticn:5oS Aeseesors Mao #Tcs Lot # Subdioision: Q,mer: Phone:Address: city:zip: Deeet ibe Nork: r,t/sf,fLL .Uazz-5'p, R6cF trt/ 7/4Cg OF EKrl Te?rou€ ptf<-, u,, iFt,'se /Ua7- -1E.P. Cad4, I 5is:.tt€r?4a// ERt'u6''r€ ty'ou'6 uv ro cacta' Valuel?-lo-Date of Additian RanoCel Pltnbing Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPEC?I)N: To be rmde aftez,eecauation, but pz'tor tc set up of forne.?o be aL Lnsu DRIIIALL INS?ECII0N: Tc be made&*-m@ATis in place,'but prior to any tapirq. I,IAS1NRY: Steel loeation, bond beans, grouting or oettieals in accotdutee Ltith A.B.C. Section 2475. DEHOLrurc!] OR Sanitary seuer eapped at pnoperhri Lire Septic tank pwped altd. filled trith gra:;eL UNDERSLAB pI,UI4BrNc, ELECTRTCAL &wQr.tlIcAL: ro be-ffiiifiiZnnyootk is eouet,ed. required uapor borie?s @e in pl,aee but_ before uty Lath, gApsun baatC ot,tnZL eouering is applied, cnd. beforeoty iraulation is concealed. FAO?ING & FOUNDA?ICN: To be naceaftet tpenches a?e escauated and. fonns ate erected, but ptiot topouz.ing ccncrete. 'D-iAfilAGt: To be nrude g'tor to |i-t-litq trenehee. aI|0ELFLOAR ?LA.ETNC & t4ECtlANrCAL: offloor insulation or decking, Final - hlten abctse itens ate ccrnoleted and uhen CarcLttion is complete'or sttuc-t'ure noued cnd. ptenrLses cleaneC up. WOODSTOI,/E: ecttpGm. P.OST AND BEAM: ?o be made prior toinstallaticn of floor insulation ot, decking. Rjucq pLu4BrItC. ELECTRTCAL & !,1ECH-AnTCAL:@urtil these inspeetions hatse been na.d,e at'td, approued. FIPEPL1C_I: Prior to placirg factngnaterials and befote franing inspeL-tion. PRA],|INCI I'fust be reqttested after dptpz,oual of rough pltrrbing, eiectrt-q,L 8 neclwnical. ALL toofing btacing E chinmeus, etc. nast beconpleted. Ilo ubrk is to be con- . cealed unti,L this inspeetLon lns'been nod.e anC approoed. cotlcrete. After fornsto pourirq StDEWALK & DRfIWAI: For aLL con-crete pcoing tyithin stteet right-of-teA, to be maCe after aLL e*ca- oating conplete & forn tsotk & sub- fuse materlal in place. After instalZation is Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connectione -- ea))e! and uater Electt'tcal Ccnnection - Bloeking, eet-ua and plwnbing connections nr*st bb cpprc"*Zdbefore requesting e'|..ee!rt cal inspectio;t Acceesory- Buiding CURB & APPRCACH AP.O.ON, ee erected but prior hthen conplate -- ptouiCe or motsable sections through ,11:*n", ekiz,tins, decks,Eiral - After.etc. ue comp' !t!!E:gates P, U.E FTilAL PLUMBITIG FIilAL ASCHANICAL '{qFINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street t7ees, conpletion of therequired Lattdsecping, ete., rntst be satisfied befone the BUTLDLN:G F1NAL ean be requested.. EINAL BUTLDING: The Final_ Bui.Ldirq- Inspection mtst be requested aftet the Final PlunbingElectnical, and l,leclnnical fnspectiona hgtte been nade atd'approrsed. *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS l,tugr BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTTIEIE ?O BE VL4DE nT ilO CCST rO er?y Ar+{ Electrtcal ( 7+ qJ" --=-V, I tr soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Bedtooms: Iot Sq. Ftg. I of Lct Cooerage # of Stortes Total Eeight Topography Building Per'mLt State ?otal Clnrges Plumbing Pernrit totaL LOT TWE _ fntez,iot _ Cormer _ Panhardle Cul-de-sac Lot Faees - -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This penrt,t is granted on the erp?ess condition ttat the said eonstntetionslnll, in all nespects, conform 1o the Ordinance adopted 6iy the City of SpringfieLd, ine|-uling the Zoning Ctdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn otd use of buildLngs, and mey be suspended or yeuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of eLA prcoisions of said }r,dinances. L:ate Pdld: # Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No pereon stnll construct, install., altet ot, cl'nn4e dnA neu cr eeisting plwnbing or dtainage systan i,n uhole ot in pa.rt, unless such person is the Legal possesson of a oali.d plunberts License, eseept that a pelson maA do plutnbing uork to p?ope?tu uhich is ouned, Leaeed or opez,ated by the appli- cant. PLan Eaaniner I EAW CAREFULLy EXLALNED the eotnpleted application for pennit, and. do hez'eby certifA that aLL infonnztion het,eon is true and. correct, cnd f fzttther eertify that any ard. aLL aork perfor.ned slnll be done in aecor- dance ttLth the 1rdinanees of the City of SpringfieLd, and the La,;s of the State of )regon pertaining to the wtk Cescribed het,ein, end. tlnt N0 )CCA- PANCy LrLLL be nnd.e of any structure uithout permisaion of the Building DL-oision. I furthen certi,fy that onLy contyactors a.d enplcyees uho ote in eo,zpLianee uith )RS 701.055 ui.LL be used on thie projeet ,/a -17-fr/ JOB NO. P. L.House Caraqe Aeeess. North East Finep South West NEM sq. F?c x VaLue tibin Geaoe Carport Accessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c - CHARGEN0.FEE Fi.xturee Resid.enti-a,L (1 bath) Scnitant Sa,ter tlate" Electricol Permit Where State Lan reqtires tlwt the electyical uoyk be done by an Eleetn'Lcal Contraetor, the electrLcal portion of this penrit shall not be oali.C until the Label has been sigtted by the Electrieal Contractot,. 22, J. a3 1 u I 7 State Na't,/Exterd Circuits Serice nsM FEE CIIARCE Mechq nicol Permit EzlLaBt ilooC Hcodstoue Vent Fa Permtt fssuaflce Meclnnicel Perrtrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,u.it! Deposit Storage Maintenance Penrtt Cvrbeut Sideualk .oenee Electrical Label Mobile llone TOTAL AI4OUII? DUE:*?-3,b)Date 9tate Stnch.ange ?ctal Clnraes a Fltrmee PTll' ,9 State Swchc.tge ?otal Charaes .. RESIDqNTIAL.. z*s North sth streeAPPLrcA't=oN/PERMrr Spr'ingfteld" 0regon 97427 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 * SPFII{GFIELD-. o CC (L Date: Constntctton Lende" rt ie the teepottsibi-Lila.of-tw permit llol4el to aee that aLL inspections oe nade at the prope" time, that eaeh addtess is renCaAief.y--t!p at?ee-t,. and. that the-p*rtt-catd ia Loeated at thi rztnt'o1 the propet,ty. eq"v' v"*v tBuiaing Diuicion approt;ed pl-ctt stnll yemain on tlp eil.Iii"i'!'iic at aLL tines. ?.RocmUPE F04 IYSPE??I1N ,E-!-)yEST:CALL 726-3769 (yecoydey) state you" City desigrnted jobt-eQuested ard, ahen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, cii"otoi"- oy, ainet s nane cnd. alone :'elLLL be made the sane dcg, reqtests mcde after ?:00 an tiLL be made thei.r,t *"i,Lig'd.y. nwnbet,, job aCitess, type of inspecli.cnnutnb*. Requests receixed befcte Z:00 an Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs:K0rbInsoe.eti.ans "tob Locaticn: Aesessote Map #0a ?c.x bt #3 0 Subdioision: Anter: 15Addtess:Phone: ci / /-L- f //fr,{L ftwru Desq.Lbe Hotk: Xt't--t VaXueDate of App Licatian Additian RemoCeL GeneraL L j/ Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPECTTON: eccaoation, but ?o be made aftet' pt tor tc set up of TNSULATT)N/VAp)R BARRTER rilSpECTr1N : To be made atter aLL insulaticn md.required oapot, berie?s @e in placebut before ory lath, gApsutn boaz'C ot,tnLL couering is applied, attd. before or.g ittsuT,ation is concealed. DEr.l]Lrrr)lt oR !.!owD UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL &wcyYcnt: ro te-ffiTi@ anywtk is cotsered. P0)?ING & F?UNDA?fCN: ?o be npCe - after t"enches a?e escauated and fomns. >rlFIIIAL PLUUAING FIIIAL AECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL Sanitary seoer ccpped at pt,operfi; Line Septic totk y"tr,ped and filled trtth g.ra;sel Final - Ifiien abate itens are ecnpleted and uhen danolition is complete br struc-tute notsed otd, prewises cleaneC up. DRIWALL fNSPECIf1N: ?c be nadeaftet, aLL d.ryuall is in place, but prior to any taping. I,IASONRY: Steel Location, bond beans, grouti,ng on oerticals i,n accotdotce Ltith U.B.C. Section 2415. IIOODSTOVE: ccnaT;i;A. After installation is forns ate ereeted, but prior topour.tng ccnerete. ',V ut'rotncpouyo pzuMEtnc.' itwEp', w.qrm,|/\l DRAIIIAGE: To be naCe prior to fil- I tl"-S t"enehee. T ANDERFLOOR PLUI,DTUG & ILTCHANICAL:Iobenad.@ floor inaul,ction or decking. P.9S? AND BEAM: ?o be made prLor toinstallatian of floon insulation or deeking. R1Lg! PLtJyBIItc, EITEC?RICAL & MECE- ANfCAL: No uotk is to be cottete{util these inspections haue been made and. approtseC. EIPEPL!. q: Prtor to placirg facingma.terials and before froning Znup"L-tion. ERAI'|TNC: ltust be requested after approt:al of rough plutrbing, electri-cal & mechanical. ALL toofiztg braclng & ehinmegs, etc. rrust be . eotnpleted. Ito ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspectton lws'been rade anC approoed. CURB & A?PRCACH APPON: After formsee erecteC but ptior to pouring conc?ete. STDEWALK & DRT\EWA!: For aLL con- etete patsing uithin etreet right-of-txy, to be made after aLL esca- uating carplete & for-n wz,k & sub- base mater.ial in place. Hcmes Bloeking otd, Set-up Pltnrbing connections -- sa))ey od. uatet Electrical Cotnecti,on - Bloeking, eet-up ard. plunbing eonnections mtst be apprcied before requesting eleclrLcal inspection Aecessory Bui.Ldnng Final - After pctches, eki,r,ting, d.eel<s,etc. ue completed. of hlrcn eonplete -- ProoiCe or notsable sections through ALL proieet conditions, such as the installation of sLreet trees, co,:pletion of tierequired Landsccping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILofNc FIiAL can be requested.. SINAL BaTLDING: The Final Building. rnepection rnust be requested after the Final PlunbingElectrical, qd Meelnnical fnspections h*De been nade ard'approoed. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS \IUST BE ACCESSfBLE, ADJUSTltEllt TO BE M4DE t1.T NO COST TO Cfyy f.'t tr 17 ltwct, L__l aaa P, U,E. Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooerage # of Stortes ?otal Eeight Topography TotaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gr, _ Intericr _ Cor,ne? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac L-COd BeCroons Lot Faces - D^^^ Sources Lace tove Receipt #: Plant Eaanlnet,uate f HAW CAREFULLY EXfi,lfNED the cornpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infotrnation het,eon is ttae and eorrect, otd I furtket, eer+-ify that ang ard aLL uork perforrned shall be done in aeeor- dance trtth the 1rdinanees of the City of Spr"Lngfield, and the Laas of the State of Aregcn pertaining to the aork Cescribed herein, end tLat N0 )CCU- PANCI LrLLL be naCe of anA structuye uithout pennission of the Building Di.-uision. I futthen certifg that only eonttactots and anplcyees uho a?e in conpliance uith 1RS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this pnoject t JOB NO. Df House Ca"aqe Aeeess. North Eost l South l l,/est l ruEM SQ. FTC x Value I'lain Geaoe CarDort Accessonu TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Date Patd Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the ec2:?ess condition tlnt the sail. eonsttaetionslull, in all z,bspects, conform io the 7rdirnnce adopted bg the City of Sprtngfield, including the Zoning Cr.dinance, r'egulating the ccnstrwcticnod use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reookeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of dnA prctsisione of said Ordinances. Building PennLt ?otal Clnrgea State Signed: Plumbing Permit Nq pereon slnll eonsttaet, ine!al?,, alter or clonge anA nea cr eristtng plutnbing or dtainage syetan in ulnle or in patt, unless sueh pet,son is the Legal possessor of a oalid plumberts License, escept that a petson nay dopltnbing uotk to p?operty uhich is oaned, Leased or operated by the cppli- eant. oo NO FEE CHARGE Fistuz,es Resil.etttia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Penrlt State Sweh,ange Electricol Permit I,llpv,e State Lau requites tlnt the electrieal uotk be done by an Eleetrieal Contz,aetor, the electr.Lcal portion of this permit shall not be uali.C untilthe Label lns been signed bg the Electtical Contracto?. PernrLt lotal NO Na,s,/Extetd Cireuits Ianporoy Sezwiee trrP C!IARGE Mechqnicol Permit Erhanet Hood Hcodstoise Vent For PermLt Issudtee Meelnnical Perrrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- lgSnitA Deposit Stotage Maintetwnce Pendt Ctttbcut Si.deualk Fenee LLectrlcaL LabeL Mobile llorne TOTAL AM)UIIT DUE:*(s 7s Date -s/ l. LTqD NEM llcte?ab'