HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1996-08-14SPFIr.GFIELD a Page 1 ilob Number: 950599CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMI'NITY SERVICES DIVISION BI'ILDING SAFETY 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 LocaEion of Proposed Work: 900 S 32llD ST Assessors t'tap #: 18020500 Lot: Block: Office: Inspection Line: 726 -37 59 726 -37 69 Tax Lot #: 01000 Subdivision: SPilNGFIEID, Owner: SPFLD SCHOOL DIST AddrCSS I 525 MILI, STREET Descri-be Work: MIDDLE SCHOOL Phone #: 726-3200 city/state/zip: SPRINGFTELD, OREGON 97477 NEW QUAD AREA: 3CSC -- OFFICE USE -- LAND USE: 5800 SQ FOOTAGE: 93000 To request an inspection, call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. A11 inspections reguested before 7:00 a.m. wilt be made the same working day, inspections reqluested after 7:00 a.m. wi]l be made the following work day. --- REQUTRED INSPECTIONS --- SITE - To be made after excavation but, prior to setEing forms. TEMPOR.A,RY POWER GRADING/EXCAVATING/FU.LING - To be done during constr by Special_ state Certified Inspector. Provide reporLs/Eests to Cit.y Building Inspector WATER LINE - Prior to filling trench. SATiIITARY SEWER IJINE - Prior to filling Lrench. STORM SEWER LrNE - Prior to filling trench. IrllDERGROt l{D ELECTRICAL - Prior to Cover. FOOTING - Aft,er trenches are excavaEed. FOITIIDATION - After forms are erected but prior Eo concrete placement. ITNDERFLOOR DRAIN - Prior Lo cover or placement of concrete. GAS SERVICE - After l-ine is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance. Pressure test done at this poj-nt,. coNc sr,AB/sns: PRIoR To/For,LoWrNG pOIrR SLAB - To be made after all insfab building service equipment, conduit piping, and other eguipment items are in place but prior to concrete BOLTS INSTALLED IN CONCRETE - To be done by StaEe Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection/Eest reports to City Building Inspector SHEAR WALL NAILING - Before covering sheat,hing with finish material-s. RooF SHEATING/NAILING - Before covering sheathing with finish material ROUGH PLTMBING - Pri-or to cover. ROUGH GAS - aft,er line is instafled and capped if not, attached to an appliance ROUGH I{ECIIAI{ICAL - Prior to cover. ROUGH ELECTRfCAL - Prior to cover. FRAIIING - Prior to cover. INSUL-V.B./SUB: TO BE CALLED FOR AT SAME TrME AS StB FRAMTNG TNSPECT INSUL-V.B./SUE: TO BE CALLED FOR AT SAME TIME AS SI'B FRAMING INSPECT CEII,ING GRID FINAL PIJITIIBING - When all plumbing work is complete. FINAL DIECHANICAL - When all mechanical work is complete. FINAL cAS - When all gas work is complete. FINAL ELECTRfCAL - When all electrical work is complete. FINAL FIRE - When aLL Fire DepartmenE reguirements have been met. been met. SPF!]t.GF!ELE, Job Number: 960599 a SPruNGFTEID, Page 2 FINAL BUILDING - When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. LoE Faces: E Topography: 2 Lot Sq. Ft.: 32 Lot Type: INTERIOR Lot Coverage: 7 + Item Main Total Value Building Permit Fee Surcharge/admin TOTAI, FEE --- BUILDING PERTIIT --. Square Feet x 94L59 $/Square Feet = Value 7 ,928, 000.00 7 ,928, 000 . 00 1,3 ,225 . OO 1, 058 . 00 SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CIIARGE (SDC) (B)35 ,7 46 .20 Systems Development Charge is due on al-L undeveloped properties wiEhin the City limits and the Citys Urban Growth Boundry which are being improved. ..- PLI'I{BING PER}IIT --- Item Fixtures Sanitary Sewer Water SEorm Sewer 220 6 r_5 t332 .4 3382 Plumbing Permit Surcharge/aamin TOTAL CIIARGE (c) Fee 2 ,200 . OO 1l_5 . 00 220.00 535.00 3, 070.00 245 .60 3,3L5.50 --- I{ECIIA}IIEAL PERMIT --- Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Dryer Vent GAS LINE 10 OUTI,ETS 5 AHU 2 BOILERS 6HC&289\r8 Mechanical Permit Issuance Surcharge/eAmin TOTAL PERMIT 8 L2 1,4 30 5 7 L2 75 L,327 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 (D) 1, 483 . 50 10.00 118.69 L,6L2 .L9 --- MISCELLAI{EOUS PERMITS Surcharge/admin PLAN CHECK REFI'ND TOTAL MISCELLNiIEOUS PERMITS (E) 0.00 -L57.70 -L57 .7 (Excluding Electrical) unlesg otherwiee noted --- TOTAL A}TOI'NT DUE --- (A, B, C, D, and E eonbined)55,789.29 (A) L4 ,283 .00 SPFTNGFIELD .Tob Number: 960599 a Page 3 --- BUILDING VAI.UE, PLAIiI CHECK A}iID BUILDTNG PERMIT --- This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shaLI, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfietd, including the Development Code, regulating Ehe construcLion and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Pl-an Check Fee: 8,763.95 Date Paid: Received By: Plans Reviewed By: DUANE HUSSEY Date: Building Site Reviewed By: LrSA HOPPER 0s/02/e6 o7 /L2 / e6 Receipt Number; 2L364 --- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS --- DRC 95-02-21,, PLANNER IS LYDIA NEILL NOT RECEIVED COMMENTS FROM ENGINEERING DRIVEWAY REQUIRED TO BE PAVED By signature, I Etate and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed applicaEion and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify Ehat any and alL work performed shall be done in accordance with Lhe Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wil] be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only conLracEors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 wilf be used on this project. f furEher agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper Eime, that each address is readable from the sLreet, that the permit, card is focated at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at aLl times during construction. M nflv ture Date --- VALIDATION --- LLtta\Receipt Number Date Paid Amount Received Received By \ SPFTNGFIELE, a Street Gravel 900 s 32ND ST EXISTING IITIPRO\/EME}{TS Ac Mat Curb Full Imp Sw width Curbside 5 FEET 12:1 FLAIRS SOUTH 28TH STREET Existj-ng Curbcut: N Comments: NO OCCUPANCY UNTIL THE PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTI]RE TS COMPLETED a Page 1 ENGTNEERING DIVISION DEVEIJOPMENT PLAI{ REVIEW COMITTERCIAI. / IIIDUSTRIAI, Developer: SPFLD SCHOOL DIST .Tob No.: 950599 Mail Address: 525 MILL STREET SPRINGFIEIJD, OREGON 97477 Phone #: 726-3200 Tax Lot #: 1802060001-000 Project Address: 900 S 32ND ST Subdivj-sion: Lot: BIk: Eng. Rev. No.: Book Setback Y ENGINEERING REQUIREITIEMI S Additional Right of Way: Y Where: SOIIIH 28TH & SOUTH 32ND Improvement Agreement: Y For: SOUTH 28TH Easements: Y COMMENTS : COMPLETE INFRASTRUCTIIRE (SEE,JOURNAL 96-02-2L) SA}iIITARY SEWER CALL THE UTILITTES NOTIFfCATTON CENTER BEFORE YOU DIc 1-800-332-2344 STORM SEWER Avail-abl-e: Y Pipe Downspouts And Drains To: BIO-SWALE Pipe Parking Lot Drainage To: BIO-SWALE COmmenEs: SUBMIT ADDITIONAL GRADING DETAILS FROM FUTURE SIDEWALK TO BIo-swALE SIDEWALK A}ID DRIVEWAY INFORIIATION New Curbcut Appr.: N INDUSTRIAL Sidewalk Permit: N Curbcut Permit: N Handicap Ramp: Y SEE DRAWINGS comments: coNSTRUCT D/W & S/W DIIRING STREET CONSTRUCTION ENCROACIII{ENT AND ASSESS}IENT Encroachment Permit. Reguired: N Sanitary Sewer In Lieu Of Assessment.: N COMMCNIS : COMPLETE PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE SPECIAI. NOTES AI{D REQUIREMENTS ALl- work wiLhin the public right of way shal-I be in conformance wj-t.h the City of Springfiel-d stsandard specificaEions for construction. All- existing unused curbcuts or portions thereof shal] be restored to fu1] curb height as directed by the City. The owner/developer is responsible to relocaEe any utilit,ies and establish private or public easemenEs when the utilit,ies conflict with the development, aE their expense. Reviewed By: TROY MCALLISTER Date: 07 /22/96 SEE DRAWINGS ON SPECIAL REQUIREMET{TS FOR FURTHER IMPORTAI{I INFOR}{ATION Location From N, S, E, W Property Line: AS SHOWN ON DRAWING OR AS-BUILT Make Connection: PER PLUMBING CODE Comments: EXTEND THE EXISTING PTBLIC SANITARY SEWER -Ja6* 1b47 225 .YTF-Tfi STREE-I SPRINGFIELD, OREG oN 97 47, ,, _\4:_ lcl _ lk ]]ISPECIION REQUEST: OFETCE: 726-3159 ELETTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION 2726*31,69.';. 'i }3N\ citY Job l{u-ober 3. COHPLETE PEE SCMDULE BELOV AII.^ATION SPNINCFIELO Yo m 1 I,oCATI trq LEGAL DESCRIPAIO}{ 4a; JOB DES(RIPT DOC Electrical Contracto rL il. i2oe-ats E?E Address )ez sr q.lEY s?afl Cl ty S ?r-crc Phone )+a-CC )t Supervisor License Nunber i*pitution Date Cons tr Contr. Nureber Expl'ration Date Slfn ature of Su pervlsing Electrician 0rrners Add ress 5zs laLL Ci ty D 'Phon "ffl- TemoorarY Services or'Feeders inriuff.iion, Alteration or Relocar!on Nev Residentlal-Single or Hulti-FamilY Per dvelling unit' Service Included:I tems Cos t 1000 sq.ft. or less $ E5'00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or Portlon Each Hanuf 'd llome or Hodular Dvelling ioiui.u or Feeder $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: $ s0.00 s 60.00 s100.00 s r30.00 $300.00 s 4s.00 200 amps or less ,oi ;u..pt to 4oo amPs -Over 401 to 600 amPs j-- 0ver 600 amPs or 1000 volts 200 anrps or less 201 amps to 400 amPs ' 401 annps to 600 amPs -_601 arT ps to 1000 amPs- Over 1000 amPs/volts - Reconnect OnlY One Cl rcul t Each Addi tional Clrcui t or vl th Service 0N0"3 A. B. C. Sum Pernits are non-transferable and exp.I're lf vork ls not started vlthiri 180 dils ;; i;;;"""" ot lf vork ls susPended for '180 daYs 2. CONTL{Cf,OR INSTAILq.TION ONLY o- l- 00 00 $40 $55 s80 c60 .00,,Br a566 D.. Eranch Circui ts T.3)+r^-Nev, Alteratlon o'r Ex tension Per Panel s 35.00 ) OIINBR tr{STALI-ATION The installatloh 1s belng made on property I ovn vhich ls not intended ior- s'aIe, ']ease or ren t ' Orners Signature i s 2.00 !?Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each lns tallation Puinp or l rr Sign/0ut11n Llmi ted Ene tion ighting----- . T" g.a L 1 e r s 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.Q0 $ 36.00 -.-:-- -, (a) A.o. gy'lf,es t imited EnergY/Conrq SUBTOTAL 0P l'n0\rE 5I'State Surcharge oO o DATE: RECEIPT 5 t*!r't'.'Cc'-<-w .1 qL Ia;p=*, t 3- TOTqh, ll/lE/gl 16:t0 O6Of ?20 30E0 SPFD DEV. SER.@ooe 225 FTYff SMJBET SPRINGFIBID, ORECON I}ISPECIION RE(II'EST: oREICET 726-3159 1 The followlng z,ining, and does approval. Authorlzed glarrorrgio not require spocilic uts EI,BCMICAT PERI(IT Clty Job'Hutbdr 3. COHPI.STE PEE SCEEDUIA BSI,OV V fi?t Ssruwes Address 6B }lest rrQ, Street ci Springfield Phone 7 47 -6638 an Super,vlsor License Nunber 1473S Explratlon Date 10/1/96 Conitr Contr. Number 08699 ExP lratlon Date 1 2/ 1B/ s6 irf Supervlstng Electr Nev Resldentlal-Slnsle orHultl-ranlly pcr avElltng unlt.Servlce fncludadr Itcms Cost 1000 sq.ft. or lesr $ 95,00Each addltlonal 500 -sg. ft or portlon Each l{anuf,d Eoruc orHodular Duelllng Servl'ce or Feeder S 4O,OO Servlccs or Ferders'fnstallatlon, Alteratlonsor Rtlocatlon: Temporary Servlces or FtedereInstellatlon, Alteretlon or ielocatl Sum *at4^Pernlts are non-transfqrable and' explrclf cork ls not started'vlthtn fgO Alvs-of,lssuance or lf.vork ts suiperii"a-for 180 days. 2. OO}ITRACTOR INSTALI.ATION ONLT B. Electrlcal ContraCtorl.R. Brabham, Inc. 200 amps or less 201 anps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 anbs -601 anrps to 1000 -pr-Over 1000 arnps/volt Reconncct Only - ,$ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 c. E. less I 400 aurps 600 anps -s or l000ElT, on, fuu Ovners 5turu(*tQ eaaress 5l cl ry Phons 7/7 jJ>l OgI{ER INSTALI.ATION The lnstallatton ts belng uade onproperty I oyn vhtch ts not lntendcdfor sale, lease or rsnt. orrnerc stgr,ltu.", DATE: RECEIVED 200 anps or 201 amps to Over 401 to Ovcr 600 amp s see oBr aE6!E- D. Branch Clrcults Nev, AIterutlon or Extenslon per penel $ 40. $ 55. $ 80. 00 00 00 OneClrcult _ $35.00Each Addltlonal -Clrcutt or vtth Scrvlce Hlccellancous (Servlce/fecdcr not lncluded)-Each lnstallatlon Punp or ltrlgatton Slgn/Ou tllne- Llnht lns-Lloltcd Energy/[rs -- Llnlted Energy/Coua - 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.@ t0 $ $ s $,h5, SUBTOTAL OF AEOVE5f State Surcharge 3Z Adnlntstratlvi Fee rOTAL CITY OF I t- I I I I Ll/fi/il t6:{0 t}Oor ?30 SoEg SPFD DEV. SER.@ooe 225 ytptt sIREEr SPEIIIGFIEI,I)oREGoil 97 INSPECf,ION REQIIEST: OPEICET 726-3t59 1 4 zoning, and approval, Audhcrlzed ,ITON D Zoni L gpnrxorrsiD not require specific ua€ EI,BCTAICAT PERHIT APPIJCArIOI Clty Job'Nuabei 3. COHPLSTE PBE SCEEDUI.E BSI,OU Cost $ 85.00 Neu Besldentlal-Slncle orltultl-Farully pcr AvElltns untt:Servlce fncludedr I tems 1000 sq.ft. or lesr Each addltlonal 500sg. ft or portlon thereof Each Hanuf ,d'Bonc or -Hodular Dvelltng Servl'ce or Feeder _. g 40.00 Servlccs or Feedere'fnstallatlon, Alterattonsor Rclocatlon: IAGAT Sunr JOB (-€,L *(oila Perntts are non-transf erable and explrclf work ls not s tarted "vl thln 180 dof lssuance or I f.vork ls susperfded $ 15.00ays for180 days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTALI.ATION ONLI B. Electrleal Contractorl . R. Bra bham, I nc . Address 6B l,l.est."Q,, Street ct Spri ngfi el d Phone 747-6639 200 amps or less 201 anps to lgg anps T401 amps to 600 aurps 601 amps to 1000 dpr-over 1000 amps/vo1ti -Reconnect Only - Su.per,vlsor License Number Explratlon Date I 473S I00 00 00 00 00 00loltls6 Conitr Contr. Number 08699 Expl ratlon Date | 2/ 18/ e6 Stgnat o t ran DATE: RECEIVED Temporary Servlces or FeedersInsta1latlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon 200 anps or less I201 amps to 400 emDs -- Over 401 to 600 anls -over 600 amPs or rboo-ETis Branch Ctrcults $50 $60 $100 $130 300. 40. $ $ $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 u0 q c D. E. see ilBil aEEF Ownerg T4t Address 5 uw5trki Phone 31tr:33 )T OPNER INSTALIAEON Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel The lnstallatlon ls belng nade onproperty I oun vhlch ls not lntendcdfor salc, lease or r€nt. Gmere Slgnaturer One ClrcultEachAdrtttlonal - $35'oo Clrcult or vlth Scrvtce Hlecellancous (Servlce/feedGr not lnclurted)-Each lnstallailon Punp or ltrlgatlon Sl gnl0u tllne - Llrht I ns-Lluttcd Energy/[r, -- Llalted Energy/Cona : $no $40 $20 s36 00 00 00 00 o a SUTTOTAT OF AEOVE Str Statr Surcharge 3Z Adnlnlstratlv- fe€ TOTAL 5 a 'r00 Elec 14d,1 tL/LE/ot 16:{0 O60t ?80 30Eg sPm rlEv, sER.@oor '225 ytns srRBrn SPRINGFIBLD, oREColt INSPECf,ION REQIIEST: OPEICE: 726-3759 approval. 91471 oa,$^'h\ g,!,0 726-376Q,tnoaz*d 1 OF ct Supervisor Llcense Number Explratlon Datc 1473S 10/1/e6 Conitr Contr. Number 08699 BxP lratlon Date 1 2l lBl e6 Stgna 6r gpnrxorrsiD EI,ECMICAT PERI{IT APTIJCArION /. c1 Job'Nuabdr ?A ttsqq 3. COHPIEf,E P8E SCEEDUIJ EBI,OI A. Nev Resldentlal-Stngle orHultl-panlly pcr avilltng unlt.Servlce fncludedr Pernlts are non-transferable and' exptrclf vork ls not started"vlthln lg0 divs-of lscuance or lf.uork ls susperti"O-for 180 days. I tenrs Cost 1000 sq.ft. or lesc S 95.00Each addttlonal 500sg. ft or portton Each l{anuf,d Eonc or Hodular Dvelltng Servl'ce or Feed6r $ 4O.OO Servlccs or Ferders'Installatlon, Alter.ttonsor Rclocatlon: Sum * b14A 2. COI.}rRACTOR INSTALI.ATION OI{LY B Electrlcal ContractorL.R. Brabham, Inc. Address 6B West rrQrr Street Springfield phone 747-GG3B 200 amps or less 201 anps to 400 aarps -401 amps to 600 anbs -601 anrps to 1000 -pr-Over 1000 amps/volti -Reconnrct Only I T' $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 c. E. Tenporary Servlces or FtcdereInstallatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatton Ovnerg Addres cl #1 -D. 1 200 anps or less 201 amps to 400 Over 401 to 600 Oucr 600 ahps or Eranch Ctrcults --snps aDps 1000Er[s $ 40.00 $ 55.00 -$ 80.00 sec rtBr aE6?E- The lnstallatton ls bclng nade onproperty I oun vhlch ls not lntendcdfor sale, lease or r€nt. Grnera stgrltr.", Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per prnel 0neClrcult _ $35.00Each Addltlonrl -Clrcult or vlth Sorvlceor pceder rcinit---3i6b_ $ z,oo rul::o Hlcc.ellanoous (Servlce/fecdrr not tncluited)-Each lnstallatlon ilili:i'itilfii$l:"= i i[:ig =SUBTOTAT OF AEOVE5I Statr Surcharge3I Adalnlstrattvi Fee TOTITL Phonc 7 41, 333 I INSTALLAUON DATE: RECEIVED 5 ,40 I ^^rc-LDV- - - /8/ea ll:20 Guor 726 ,A80 SPTD DEII'. SER.@oos crrr or tpnlrctllI.D SftrEll DryfioDr+r crlr.ot(AOEolBCfel / rlfoUSIBIf,L) Pago 1 8q Pr or Corpruyr BPIqLD g@OOL DfSTi Locatsionr 90o B 32t[D gT ioarcloncnroat f1r9c: C Bu1I,AlnE glac: No. r 960599 Ioc SLze: L. ,lottt unl.Illrc Iurpervioua 8q BE 1. #i. I-AEL ftottt x 0.210 )^rrd. kELLS OAr6O Por 8q Ets rts ulnlt o xo X per pFU x 18-?50 (sco Pas; 2) + MW!,!C Adrnln Faa + 10.00 s2, 189 .65 $o.oo $23 ,235 . As 92,1A9- 65 s10, 041.23 9,t69.18 $9, 571.6? z. Slmrlrnl Erra, - estY :lnlnbor ol PPU9 1.0 ,( 535 . (ro. nagc 2l A a3 .43 per p'O .- a CosE Pcr TrlE)a3?.93 - 3. lllrrsDontrtlq r[uib.t oi uaiEg1.o x 500 x x TnlD nrtoo.0ro x ?otal i,a- tttrtllIr iDtr, - Ire iUumber Of PFUgi res lMIr}lC CREDIT rf Applloablr I ;TOIAIT - MWMC SDe I i gulrloflll. - (rUtd ttor 7., 2, I r {} 5. rDlcIlrlgriRrTrct rEES (tar.grc (Subtotal Abowo)x o .50 rqltrI/ 8De 891. 996.3' at r 7t9 .82 ,16.ra6.19 Dar6r o6lle/96 ( RcvLascd Byr m.oy UCAIJr,ISTER 07 /08/96 ll :lB TXIRX NO.l298 I,.003 BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 2 J NATUBE OF THE APPLICATION APPROVE A DISCRETIONARY USE REOUEST TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL ON A VACANT LOT, MAP NUMBER 18-02-06, TAX LOTS: iOOO, 1001, JO.NO. 96-02-20. On February 9, 1996, the application was accepted City of Springfield - Jo.No. 96-02-20. The application was initiated and submitted in accordance with Article 10 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice was of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 14.030 of the Springf ield Development Code, has been provided. On April 16, 1996, a public hearing on the request for a discretionary use approval was held. The Development Services Department staff notes, staff report (refer to criteria SDC 1O.O3O) and recommendation together with testimony and submittal of the persons testifying at the hearing have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the variance request, Jo. No. 96-02-18 shall be approved with conditions as stated in the staff report and findings: 1) all street improvements as specified in Attachment B, Transportation Memorandum, 2) revise the landscape plan to include the number and size of plantings and 3) revise the proposed storm drainage plan and obtain all necessary approvals from DSL and the Corps of Engineers' This general finding is supported by specific findings of fact and conclusions in the attached staff report, as amended (Attachment: "A" Staff Report and Findings- Jo.No. 96-02-20) and attached hereto. ORDER REOUEST TO APPROVE A DISCRETIONARY USE REOUEST FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AN MIDDLE SCHOOL ON A VACANT PARCEL ATTEST: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstain: + Jo. No. 96-O2-2O + FINDINGS, CONCLUSION + AND ORDER + / /-'L- It is oRDERED by the Planning commission of Springfield, the Journal Number 96-02-20' that Discretionary Use be granted, Map No. 18-02-06, Tax Lots: 1000 and 1OO1' THIS ORDER was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on April 16' 1 996. 'anning Commiss ion Chairperson 1 CITY OF SPFINGF//ELD OBEGO'V 12,.12,,0i 1r:02 ?$50J 720 3080 SPFD DEV. SER.@ ooz Iten$ Cost Sum $ 85.00 s 1s.00 s 50.00 $ 60.00 slOO. oo s130.00 s300.00s 40-00 SP}I|ltlGF'ELO ELECTRICAL PURITIT APPLICATION Ct ty Job Nrunber COHPI,ETE EEE SCtrEDUIJ BEI.OC v Resldentlal-Slngle or ti-Pamily per duelling unlt. Included; t OP INST toN Permits are non-transferable and explre lf vork ls not started vithln 180 days of lssuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTA.LI.ATTON OM,Y Ii1ectrical Contraetor Address Ci ty Phone.l-fr!'gt["P\d) Supervlsor Llcense Number L Expiration Dat -o cons t r con t r. Number (rct ttol-t Expi ration Date 6 re of Supervisi Pleetriclnn L \d,(wb!4 225 PI,ms ST&Egt . SPRINGEIEI-D, ORUGON INSPBCTION REOTIBS?: OPPICE: 726-3759 726-3769 40, ot8o Each Hanufrd Home or -Hodular'Dve1Ling Service or Fceder S 40.00 . or less 500 Port ion f. Services or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteratlons or Relocatlon: B r) 200 amps or less 20L amps to 400 amps -l401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to lO00 amps - -_-Over 1000 amps/vo1ts -- Beconnect Only C. Tamporary Servlces or FeedersInstallation, Alteration or Relocatlon 200 arrps''or less $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 aarps I $ 55.00 over 401 to 600 anps - $ 8o.oo Over 600 amps or 1000-t;fis see nB" affiE- 0uners Address Di +rtc +- Branch Clrcuits Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Panel Ci ty one Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Clrcult or rlth Serviceor Peeder Permit S 2.OOOITNER INSIALITTTON Orners Slgnature; Phone The lnstallatlon ls belng made on property I ovn vhich is nol intended for sale, lease or rent. E 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Sureharge 3Z Admlnlstratlve Fee TOTAT tllsccllaneous (Servlce/feeder not lncluded) -Each lnstallatlon Punp or lrrlgatlon $ 40.00 sign/outllne-LlghtingT $ rr0.00 timtteA Energy/Res -----_ S 20.0o DAT]E: RECZIVEI) 6hL,ot Sr,i,e',-l;,- Boiler & Pa,ssure Vessel Data (port 16594 Department of Consr-r-er & Business Services Building Codes Division 1535 EdgewaterNW, Salenr, OR 97310 (s03) 373-7499 This temporary operation permit rs valid for 90 days from the inspection date.o RS 480.s8s (3) states no peISon shall operate boiler vessel without validaorpressunea permit;a violation mayresultinfrnesupto$r ,0(x)(oRs 480.66s). Owncr/rcsponsible parry name:tf-Responsible party no. Counry: cirY: 5 ad.-i t_* ** U .nStarc:w: 27ft? Agency of Site name:Aft /4;<. Phonc: zf/- 6i?t Sirc no.: Addrcss lstreet orvP.O. Box):?@ t' 3 L4-t Counry: Citv: r .-- )/' ) f)rr, nq *re/d Stat :7tq"rTP: "zA - 3L7{ Vesscl no.: Contact Phone:CJO-Z Location:z1a6 D ^ tu? -Iz.,h^ OR Starc no.:Serial no.:NB no.:{jrr?k rvpe a yru;eCode:Yearofmfg., 76Mfr'no': $ru^n q- KW:HStcngth (inches): . y'/2DIA (inchcs): ASME SYlvl: (r-t*Z f?qa"SV scu /AMAWP:2'FueL / Auo darmc&Scrrricq A f,y'a5Fixedooru .-'rFircd/unfired L4- Permit no.: Spccid instructions: CSD-I verified:0 Yes trNo Hydro date: Manned:Expires: PSI:wzt Installation Majorreq.: O NoMinorrcq.: El Yesksuepermiu fives Travel time:Inspection time:o-/ Dae: f t'-C-d /lursp.no{ft 7i?FfInspector signature:/ (}}VNER/RESPONSIIII,E PARTY INFOIINIA'I'IoN vF:ssr:l. INr oRlt,\TtoN SI'I'E INF0R}I,\I TON {bo? DD ,t4S ,{{0?596 (roD6/COM)Whitc - BCD Yellow - Posting Address (street or P.O. Box):a PA: INSPEC'IION INTORtrI,\'I ION s100Hcs o'l3ljgNlHds ]VNOIIVNH3INI AU33H ffir,zd3s Agnes Stewart Middle School 900 S 32nd Street Springfiled, Oregono3AlfcSu ITEMS TO COMPLETE c rfr u.rl c Provide floor plans at control panel with all addressable devices iocated thereon. Provide alarm sector map at annunciation panel. s \ Provide CAD drawings for school to Fire Marshail Office. ulv:- Revised: Sept 3, 1997 Sept 23, 1997 Completed TEMP TEMP Provide latch at base of each rated dbl. dr. or provide manuf install instruc not requiring them. A sector mech. Mezzanine seal SPRINKLER penetrations in west wall Rm. 199 media center; replace door with rated/tagged door Dd,tr'Z Rm. B 10b science; Spriider head impaired by.ubin.t Rm. 2l lclassroom; replace extension cord Stairway offRm 234 gate and stairway to roof deck through guard rail to west for roof access D Sector mech. Mezzanine sprinkler head ciearence from vapor barrier C sector mech. mezz: Provide guard raii at top of latter around opening 3et finals for: electrical, (s+,ra*\ only has a 90 day Temp op pmt 7-Ll-97) SIJB, energ-y All exterior drs; provide thresholds and seals to prevent air leakage per manuf Abqulie permit for additional work not on originai permit such as: no permit 8-27-97 door assembly changes in 2hr horizontal exits (test required for these doors); windows; submit Eng. design exterior stairway cages; door from rrn 199 (media center) RECEIVED SEP 21 H' HEERY INTER}.IATIONAL SPRINGFIELD SCHOOLS I I l I Ili LD/'.9/97 Lt .'?L,'.97 frED 10:,46 FAX_541 7g 7_1_57 LR Brabhan, fnc-11: 01 tl'5r,,;' i zo ooa, BUTLDTNG DIVTSTON JOB# 50599 -LEGAI--LryT BT,OCK DESCR:HfDDLE SCHOOL 1802060001000 960503 -ENERCT-HEA?1- z- BLD;tAT"-ro*.Hzo-RANGE- 8HBf;I"= 513"8{"*'"INSLTLATIo}{r uNrTSPAT[{- rc rBHr 93OOO -COMTRAC"ORS:*=T :rSPE GENL-JOHN ITTLANDCoNTRAqToR PHoI.(E- PL}TB_EIEqT.L.R. BR.BSHA}TIrtEgfl- DESGN_5ODERSTRO}I -REQUTRED PERI'[TS----- ---PEE--s.RcHABGE--DATE--REcpI--cAT-------vAruE O1-O5O.COI{,/IND PLN qHECK Eoor ACTTYE -VALIIE-8040o--75 / e71oo3 -ADDRESs-9OO S 32ND ST -OWNER-SPPLD SCHOOL DIST525 I.TTLL STREETSPRINGE.IBI,D, OREGON 726-320a 97477 o o o o o o o o: o o o o o o -INFO-NThI COI'{MERCIAL 580 0 QUAD AREA 3CSC .7 - O O 2.BUTLDING PER}.rJT 8_OO5-PLUMBING 9-OO5-IfECHAN-ICAL O_O 87-UECH.AI{TCAI. ISSUAN1-OO4-ELEC?RTCAL 2-OO3-TEMP ELBCTRICTI,3_OO4-ELECTRICAL 4_O49-DEPOSIT 5_OO4-ELECTRTCAL 6-O07-SreN7-OO7-5IcN 8-OO4-IaI.EC?RICAI- 9-O O 2-BUTLDTNG PER!,frT 2-07T-SDCISANTTARY 3-072-SDCITRANSP 4-O55_RE6IONA.L SEWER5-O7 3-SDC/ADMIN 5-OO3-TE}fP ELEC?RTCAL .oo -oo.oo .oo -oo-25 -50 ott 15 500 32,5 510 52074 -1,8o-oo 51-50 2 -Oa.80 500 9109to 5(,0 825 l.rJNIUT.,}l INSPECTIONS + REQI'rRE}TENTS--- -------EXP DASE--_ACT DAAE__O4O-TE}TPORARY ELEqPR -o0x.-srTE]-OO_ROUGH GRADING 11 9-cR ADTNG/EXCa\/ATIO 8,763.9s 23 ,235 - oo2,199.55 9 ,57L _ 67L,7 49 .82 40. oot3,z25.oo 3, 07o - oo L, 483 - 5010.oo1,o32.OO 40-oo 36-OO1, 559, oo35. OO40-oo40,oo 40. oo 42-t _Oo 960502960725 960725 960'7 25960725 960801 9608L4 960a14 960AL4 950814 96082A 960903 96121c|9702t9 9'7o3?O 970530970530 e709a9 970926 2J-'364 22634 22634 22634 22634 22709 2286L 22861 2296L 2286L 23(}1_8 2306424021 246LA 24960 2s979 25979 ?7 46627538 0 o o 0 o o 7 ,929, ooo 0 o o o o o o o7.zao 7,2Oo o 97 r 675 -ooo o o o o 2 1 3 -oo.80 -oo -oo -oo -35 L o 1 o o 2 1_2 500 500 500 ll l 960806 97a27--9 96L2L2 960904 960a27960904 9609L2 96LO7_4 961010 961011 96LLZ2 96L2]-7970224 lo )o )o )o )o )o )1r )1 )1 )1 )1 24-IITIAIER LflifE_O25_SAI{ITARY SEr.rTER -o27-S?ORI{ SEWER 4].-UNDERGROUNTD E.r.EC 02.FOOTING OO3-FOTJT{DATION_O2z-UNDERFLOOR DRAIN -L3O-ciA5 SERyJCE -2O1-CONC SLAB/SUB -oo4-SLAB-1O7-BOLTS TNSTALLED I1O4.SHEER hTALL N}.rLrNo8-RooF SHEATHING,/NA z3-ROUGII PLUI.TBTNG 3O-ROUGH GAS $ofpgrc. Z tb 15s\'-6f6€^\Ftort\-'---<n-tu C Lt3cl651 Co.nr-2. sL.u&.-, D€pt.Phone # Er#Fax * rcsi{t- brand fax transmittal memo 671 )1 )1 )1 )1 r1 ,2 03 1-ROUGH !,TTCH^U}IICAL t0/29/97 09:47 TXlRx NO.074g p.001 I I 200'd 6tr0'om xu/xr" Lr:60 'ts/ar/0t 10,'2I,'97 11 : 01 37 0:91.a-PTREWALL 6isoJ 726 J68S SPFD DEV. SER it t-o3 lrRoucg MEctIANrcAr 312-Ot4-SPECI.UL 373_OL2_FTREWAI,L 7 4-OLz-F IRE!,IALL 75-O].2-PTREVgAI,L 7 6-OL4-SPECIAI, 77-1.LO.CETLTNG GRID 7 8_O1"2-r.IREWALL 79_A12-FIREWALL 80-1lo-cErLrNG GRrD 81-02g_PINAL PLUMBING2-2O5-CEIL GRrD/SUB 3-?O3-TNSUL-V.B- /SUB 4-O4g-FINAL BLECTRTCAT -O19_FTNAI BUTLDTNG 6-01 g-FI}IAL BUILDTNC -/ _ O 49-EINAL ELECTRI CAJ,8-OI9-FTNAL BUTtDTNG49-FINAIJ ELECTRICAI. O-OO6-FRAHTNG 1-O11-DRY!'IALL 2-OO4-SL.BB 3-O4 g-FTI\IAL EL.EqIRTCAL -O].9-FINAT BUTLDTNG5-O19-FINAL BUILDING 5-2O8-ITISC/SUB -2O9-Ff NDLT./SrJB8-O19-FINEL BUILDING 074-LOW VOL?AGE O79_STGN ELEqPRTCAI. -O19_PINAL BUTLDTNG -2O8-HrSC/SVD -O4z-ROUCH ELECTRTC -O74-LO[0 VOLTAGEO4g-FINAL ELEC?TICAt 2O8-MISc/SUE SEALED L}TR- WAI,I, PEr{ERATTONS IN A SECEOR HAlrE BEEN SE.LLED UEC}IENTCAI HOOD TN KTTCHEI E'OR GREASE A.IVD SfEAM SETSHIC CONI{ECTTONS ON RE.NGE AND DTSH WASHER HOODSRl{ L15 oPENTNG WfNDot, NoT RATED115 OPENTNG ?O HAVE ROLE DOIUN DOORINSTA-T,LED PLAI{ SUBTTIIITED fO ADD SBCURfT:r DooRS IN 1O1 SECURITY DOOR ADDITIONS REQUIRED ADDI?TONAL DOOR FSETSMIC A}ID GRrD C SEqTORSUOKE SEAJ- OF PENTRATIONS IN SI,IOKECOI{IROL ICALLS CD SE TOR WALL N OF ELIVATOR NOT 1 HOURD SECTOR CLG IN ELEVi.TOR AREA SEISMrC CO}fPLETED INTERIOR TTGHTTNG LPD UEETS CODEaLL I.IIISULATION o-K. A5 oF MAY 8, Lg97S/,8 ItrING PARTTALLIST OT' TTEUS Nc}T CO}'PLETED TN FTREPROTECTION AREFTRE AL.ARU, DETECTORS, AND STROBESSECTOR A,B, C, D BAI-LANCE OF MAINEL.EXCLUDING GYH hTINDOWS AS PER SI(5O AI{D 5K51 DETATLSPBqIAL ED ROOH UTNTMU!{ INSPECTION DONE 951O1OT/O OK I=fl_pgllch List j.s bei4g generatedUPDATE OF CORRICTTONS LTSTEXTERTOR DOORS NEED ADJUSTING A.I{D WEATIIERSTRIPPING EJ(TSRIOR DOORS rTTI}TS PUNCrI LrST RE}IOVED 38 OF 50SOUND STSTEH RE}IO\TED 13 I?EUS FROM TTIE FINAL LTST OE' CORRECTTON EXTERTOR DOOR WEA:IIIE.RSTRTPPTNGr' WEATHERSTR:EPPTNG ON EXTERIOR DOORSo. K. 97 0624 OK POK POK NOTOK POK POK ro POK NOIrOK NOTOK POK 60 97 0624 50 9? O624 50 9'7 a622 60 97 0626 60 970625 970626 9706z5 97 0625 970626 970626 9-70723 0K910722 0K970724 0K 60 50 60 50 50 50 28 92 92 970725 PCK 61970'721" NOTOK 60 970724 POK 60 9-70;29 9'7o'73L 970go]- 970806 9708079708L2 97o_8L2 97o824 970829 970902 POKro WIR OK OK2.2 POK NOTOK NOTOK NO,TOK 61 3A 61- 38 38 51" 60 60 92 97 0902970902 970918 970918 97 0923 NOTOK 92PoK OooK OJ.oK 51POK 6() 97tOO1, POK971002 0r< 9-7tOO2 0K 92 614971002 0K 97LOO? OI( 2Og-FTNA.L/SUB 971003 0K .92 Gooa 3uf 'rBqqBJa ua LgTL !.9L I'S TYd Z?:OT CAA L6/62/OI tgooz SPRINGFIELO RK TAX LOT: 225 Fif th Street' SPri ngf ield,Oregon 97477 POS D JOB NUMBER COMMERCIAL/I N DUSTRIAL FEnMtr APPLIcATIoN LOCATION OF PRO ASSESSORS MAP: INSPECTION LINE: 726'3769 OFFICE: 726'3759 PHON E ZIPSTATE: OWNER: ADDR CITY: VALUE:ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER DESCRIPTION OF WORK: NEW.--- REMODEL MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: PHON EADDRESSNAME PHEXPI RADDCO R# CONST, ONT ARCH ITECT: PLUM B I NG: GENERAL: IVIEC HAN ICAL NO trtrtr Furnace/burner & vent < 100,000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent >100,000 BTUs FIoor furnace and vent Suspended wall or f loor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent se parate Stationary evap. cooler Vent Fan/Single duct Vent f rom System apart AC or htg. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Permit lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE CHARGENO. Single Fixture Relocated Bld new fix. addt WEter Service ft.- Sanitary Se.wer fr Storm Sewer ft Backf low Device TOTAL PERMIT SQ. FT.$/so. FT.VALUE TOTAL VALUE OF PROJ X X X SQ. FTG MAIN SQ. FTG ACCESS SQ. FTG OTHER RCPT#PLAN CHECK FEE DATE BY _ OFFICE USE -HANDICAP ACCESS: ZONING LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: WATER HEATER QUAD AREA: Y OF BLDGS: LAND USE C OF UNITS: OCCY GROUP: # OF STORIES CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: rwb;w[L[;fi,,o, BUILDING PERMIT qfLI PLUMBI NG DEMOLITION 4Olr 5% State Surcharoe 5% State Su rc harge MECHANICAL FENCE VALUE $ 5% State S u rch arge SIDEWALK FT. SU BTOTAL PE RM ITS PAVI NG FT. CU RBCUT SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT fol \ nHAAetr FLOOO PLAIN: 'l ).'2? REQUIRED INSPECTIONSIt is the responsibility of the permit holder'o:.u" that all inspections are made at the proper trme. To request an jnspection, ca,726'3769 (recorder)' state your citv o""ig"riJo ioo number, ioJ"iJr""", type of inspeciion requesred and when you wi, be readyI;: H,ifflltJ,^,x;XX"""rl" received'bli"'E z'tlo a'm. wi, be made the same workins day, requests made arter 7:oo a.m. wi, be made SITE tNSpECTION: To bemade after excavation, butprior to setup of forms. FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made after trenches areexcavated and forms are erected, all steel in place, butprior to placing concrete. CONCRETE SLAB: To bemade after all inslab building service equipment, conduit,piping, accessories and otherancillary equipment items arein place but before anyconcrete is placed. UNDERGROUND: ptumbing, electrical, gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water and drainage lines. To be madeprior to covering or f illing trenches. UNDERFLOOR: ptumbing, electrical, mechanical. To be made prior to installation of floor insulation, decking or floor sheathing. POST & BEAM: To be madeprior to installation of floor insulation, decking or floor sheathing. FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to installation of decking or floor sheathing. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams grouting or verticals in accordance with uBc 2415. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior to installing any roof covering. place but prior to placingasphalt or concrete. SPECIAL INSpECTIONS: ln accordanceSection 306 of the State Specirity Co;;a speciat inspector shail be empfbvlO--by the Owner/ Contractor duringconstruction of the following w6rk. Acopy of the special testing r.-eports shallbe f urnished to the Buitdi-ng Oivisio;. * SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving within street right of way, to be made after all excavating complete and form work and sub-base material in place. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but prior to placing concrete. STRUcTURAL CoNCRETE: Inexcess of 2500 p.S.t. (306 a.1) STRUCTURAL WELDS:Performed on the 1ob. (2222 t) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING:During all bolt lnstallation andtightening operations. (306 a.6) SPRAYED ON FIREpROOFtNG: U.B.C. Standards 43-8. SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AN D FILLING: Duri ng earthwork. (306 a.1i &Chapter 29) GLU.LAM BEAMS: tnspection Certificate by an approved agency, f urnished to the City,sBuilding Division before beams are placed. (2501 U.B.C. sTDS. 25-10,11). STRUCTURAL MASONRy: (306 a.7) -ln addjtion to the inspec- tions specified, the Building Of f icial may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code. examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information Signatu By herei signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully rmed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinancesany and all work Perfon iS true and correct, and I {urther certify that the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCYof Oregon Pertaining tod, and the Laws of the State cture without Permission of tof the CitY of SPringfiel I f urther certlfy that only contractors and employees he Building SafetY Division' will be made of any stru sed on this Proiect'with ORS 701'055 will be u ress is readable f rom thewho are in comPliance that Proiect addd at the ProPer time,remain on the site at allections are requeste set oi Plans willall required insP and the approvedto ensure that front of the Property'located at thefurther agree mit card is qthat the Perstreet,ructionconsttimes durin Date VALIDATION ED:BECEIVED BY: DATE PAID: AMOUNT RECE RECEIPT *: FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPA ENT AD NAL COMMEN SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be requested 2 days in advance of the date you wish inspection. All proiect conditions such as landscaping, parking lot striping, etc. must be completed before requestlng this inspection. FINAL BUILDING: Requested af ter the final plumbing, electrical, mechanlcal and Fire Department inspections are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Division and ted on the premises. PLANS REVIEWED BY DATE UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANTCAL: No work is tobe covered until theseinspections have been madeand approved. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS FIREpLACE: prior to ptacing facing materials and beforeframing inspection. FRAMING: To be made afterthe roof, all framing, fireblocking and bracing are inplace and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete andthe rough electrical, plumbino and mechanical are approvedl INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after allinsulation and reqJlired vapor barriers are in place but before any lath or gypsum board interior wall covering is apptied. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to plans. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and fi ni shed. /1 SPtrINGFIELO 1 lnsPection Line Ottice:72 6-3159 JO g)r iN PtsRMlT APPLICATIo!- ' ;ilth Street -Gfrrng{ield, OR 97 L17 SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MAP: OWNER: TAX LOT: 1r r, r. ti:. ii Springfield \chnn1 oistrist #1q PHONE: ADDRESS CITY BUSINESS NAME, FIRIVI ETC STATE:ZtP 97 47 7 DESCB|pTtON OF PROPOSED SIGN(Sl: (please check and complete all appropriate information! * wall x Freestanding _ Proiecting - Boo{ - Marquee E Bittboard---_ Singie Face - Other Square Footage: X Doublr. Face;,/3A "{ddDLor enclosure: Total Height above Grade:7 feet l{ori Width of sign or enclosure:B feet 'es _ No VALUE mitisrequired) OFSIGN( s) $7,200.00 Vertical Dirnension of sign [rmension lrom Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: ? foot 4 feet Electrical lnstallation: (lf yes additional electri, Material Sign is constructed of Metal, trans lucent vin yl face, and bronze I etters List ALL existing signage and attach a photograplr of each sign: (al Type (c) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Fts. (bl Type (dl Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. CONTBACTOR/NSTA ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATTON NUMBER: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: STATE:ZIP: EXPIHES: EXPIRES: OFFICE USE Sign District Zoning Land Use: Code Section: Approved By: Ouad Area: 4{)poSign Permit Fee: REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _- Site to be made prior to sign placement / ,oo,nn -/'/tl Erectricar prior to energizing electrical installation -1^ncompletion of sign .- installation Attachment after fasteners are DATE prior to placement of concrete installed/prior COVET Additional Comments andlor Conditions: 3y signature, lstate and agree, that thave carefully examined _s true and correct, and I further certify that any and all workSpringfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining:mployees who are in compliance with OBS 701.OSS will be the compreted apprication and do.hereby certify that a, information hereinperforrned shail be done in accordance ,iin tr,i, oroinances oi-iti citv orto the work described herein. r further ".rairy that onry contractors andused on this project. to ensure that all required.inspections are requested at the prolis located at the front of the propertv, lnj ih'e approveo set of per time, that project address is readable from the street, thatplans will remain on the site at all times Orring the installation Iurther agree . he permit card rf the sign(s). iignature --tDate > / (3 Amount Heceived: Fleceipt Nurnber: Date Paid: /alidation: Received By: L- /ilu rMt-t- APPLtcATto 2i]5 Filttr Street Sprinslield, OR 97 477 ;oUr , C\CnbqqI v-i_ '^' SPnIN(iFIELD lnspectlon Llne: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 9ITE ADDRESS: ASSESSOBS MAP: OWNER: TAX LOT: . ,,.11 PI-IONE: 5?5 M ilt st.ADDNESS CITY:STATE: O BUSINESS NAME, FIRTV DESCRIPfION OF PROPOSED SIGN(Sl: (please check and complete all appropriate lnformationl _ Roof Other ZIP:7477 -- Marquee 0n X Wall -..*._ Freestarrding _ proiecting - Single Face I oouUte Face * aitfiioarA Square Footage:4A- s r Total Heiglrt above Grade, Cnt \n Vertical Dirnension of sign or enclosure:l'lorizontal Width of sign or enclosure: n is constructed of: Metal, transl ucent vi n yl face, dnd bronze I etters -rmension lrom Grade io rrotrorn of sisn Encrosure: r#r\\g ,'?';:g"r'Jlffil:i':[H,-k,lii,*"*,]i, Jll,?l,( q ) g 7 ,20n 0n (4aterial Sig \ -ist ALL existing signage and attach a plrotograplr of eaclr slgn: (al rype (c) Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg (bl Type (dl Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. ]ONTRACTOB/INSTALLER:PHONE: \DDRESS: ]ITY:STATE:ZIP,. ]ONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REG]STRATION NUMBER:EXPIRES ]ITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBEB: EXPIRES: OFFICE USE iign District lonirrg: IEOUIRED INSPECI'IONS: -- Sire o be made prior o sign placemerrt Land Use: Code Section: Approved By: Ouad Area:.3(.sk r iign Perrnit Fee:4Dpo DATE: Footing prior to placement of concrete //t/ Attachnrent iiter tasteners are installed/prior to cover -/-y' Electrical frriot to energizing electrical installation _--_ Final cornpletion of sign ins tall tion \ddirio Cornments and/or Corrditions ly.ig,t.trr., lstate and agree, that llrave carelully examined the completed application and do'hereby certily fhat all inlormation herein s true and correct, and I furtlrer certify that any and all work perforrned shall be done ln accordance with the Ordinances of tlre City ol ipringfield, and tlte Laws ol the State of Oregon pertaining to tlre work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and rmployees who are in compliance witlr oRs 701.055 will be used on tlris project. lurther agree he permit car, rf the sign(s). to erlsure tltat all required lnspections are tequested at tlre proper time, that project address is readable lrom the street, that d is located at tlre lront of the property, and the approved set of plans will remaln on the slte at all times {uring the installatiorr Date sltz lt?iigrrature Amount Received:Date Paid:/alidation: Receipt Nurnber:Heceived By: a I / l//- t"* 5r>;FiEL() ELECTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION 'g/ir, u"t't"t'0,,.,,-r , W4*,- .'225 FTFTB STREET SPRINGFTELD, OREGON 9 INSPECTION REOTIEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION S oP/' ;oB3or.t roN/^ rr, {zr tcc-u\Lctl (- Sqs kw Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTAII^A,TTON ONLY Electrical Contractor (lignoe $"Uy lnc Address Po 6cx l2oq7 ciry5fifZq qzsoq Phone 5A3 SPI sS25 Supervisor License Number a38Jtz Expiration Date /o -/-q 7 C Constr Contr. Number 770 Expiration Date el -/ t-q 7 Signature 1S ing Electrician Name SPtrr {c tJ Address 5ZS Yytr[l| s+ Ci n hone '74, 6 33?O OVNER INSTALLATION DATE: Job Nurnbe, Q0C5:?qCi ty 3. COHPLETE T'EE SCEEDULE BELOV Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit Service Included: I tems A B 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or por:tion thereof Each Manuf'd Home- or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder Services or Feeders Installat ion, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _ 601 amps to 1"000 amps_ Over 1000 amps/vo1ts Reconnect Only 200 amps' 201 amps 0ver 401 Over 600 Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation to to amp less $ 40.00 600 amps S 80.00 s or 1000-voTts see "B. above Cos t s 8s.00 s 1s.00 s 40.00 s s0.00 s 60.00 $100.00 s130.00 $300.00s 40.00 Sum 5Co> "Otr 'or {,. D Branch Circuits is Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Miscefl-aneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Out1ine Lighting_ L $ $ $ $ 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 5 ted Energy/ SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTALRECEIVED -;&5@- 3A 8{ 7 The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sa1e, lease or rent. 0vners Signature: i"; 1 i.;; i.ii ::it.rl I r',,:'i'l r' .l :l l:-i.j:ir i: r.i: i.l' 1: I,r'r:r. i, Iiqi, i ,"i-:i i r,' i.'.i r i":l:i ':i i''ii'i' i I;i.i1j ; ;';ii:,*:l iI;ll ; I";jriii:.;ri.'1, : 1..rrr i.!l;rl.r,,rir ',! .1.'.:: j I ! i.,. lit llir::l I ::.::r I i.)ij,i1. I ij f", l; I i., lll l fiitl:r-:,.:.i',,r'r'.i l'r'r.irrt; i:ii:r: i l'li'r: 'l i::i ::'i'::i'i!ili [-;or:i.r':,ii. 1.,'il,rrr ' i:ri']i:; .riili.i .il:rilii-iT::'iil 'l:i'ri tltr.jijr',,:r:''i,.; :.ji:il'.i i'l i.i i.. j:;"ii:ii: l' I ill.i..v:. i:iiri:i'ii'ii:;i::Ii:i i: i:ii,:; ili:l .r i': - i'i i t t:i'' i i "trti':iir'ii''" l.Ji.':,.i.:r" i.t:r l, i.titi ijt:liir,,I lili.:,.1. i.il..'1.,r,'',l.ii; *i:-iiq .i Ii:rj:r:l' r iri"r '"i:'t"" ' t ' i.l:..,.: t i.t..t i; r.r.:tii i:'l ,l'..j - ji i:.i: I-t 1., 1. , l:, r. i. i, i : il ::i - i.i;l i 'i l:i i;;.1.i : ''i ii;liiii.r 'r.:..ii.,' r i l :,i;.r i'i . i. i' l':l - i itr':.rr1"lr:I P,i..!t l: )i, i" l_'I' i. I i'::.;;:i -i-li) , t- Post-lr' Fax Note >t HtrtrI{Y ]VIEMORANDUM Iicbruary 18, 1997 City of Springfictd'l'roy McAIlister. I)trlrlic WorksLisa FIoppcr, I)cveloprncrrt Su'.r,ic"s 'finr lYootlley, program Manager SANiITAIIY SEWER DEI'OSIT, []r Cn. irt-W-fJ Fhan,:t ZL/z/ h j7i rr,* -?4.1-1o7 74 I)A'fE: TO: IiROM: RI,: \,.x,l'Krb\6 4e q q1 tt U PAYME NT A UTH O RI ZATI O TV ,mfifni:J,"".,,f"{]]H, Hfi',],'3f,"?111,,:.#";'i.[':,';:H.If,J,"H:J'u"il i,..;,J;:']ix,,$, Pro-iect: City Joh No.: I:r:,:. r\nount: r\u hy, I'i K.W ley. Pro grarD Intern ational Lt 5A ?lerrtn {n nn CrT3 P'g'tc* 5-O%\ Surritary Sewer public Improvement Dcl.rosit Ncw Middlo School Saniurry Servsp Extension f -021 $1.(r58.00 I)are: Z_, 1*_,3;l_ zltt f d?? otu. 4hdo filo,ne 4o Jtpo2iJ . urlo fEoT x 36g g J t .) rr rl j rlr9rIllig \\,..1 60 !l lfi qr ;r) Co-rltepr, I Pn,.na4 -/ZG _jbrffi__ :if \\'\:i.1.\ 1 \'t( (lSS t I-4-rrts M l- *t t tzrfZ-.f' coiaCITYOFSpRlrucnEID ON SPNIXOFIGLD 4b, osqq CAL PERI{IT ,iPPUCATI0N fitLb k awP @ eil,r tty Job 3 COHPI.trTB FBE SCEEDULE BSLOV Neu Resldentlal-Slngle or llulti-PamilY Per dvelling unit' Service Ineluded, ,,.r, Cost A se,/- $ 85.00 q i3i'lHll'i5flreon s7 177 iir-spiicrrolt iuotlsstz 726-376i brrrcer 726'3759 Pnrv 1 TI OF ON to 1000 amps amps/voI ts Only Sum s 15.00 $ 40.00 40.00 55.00 + 80.00 ee rrBil a65IE- 40.00 20.00 36.00 ,ll fiw l1Lu,,i t,non- t r ferable and if sork is not started vithln of issuance or if'vork is sus JoB DEscnrrfroN ILOLt' The 180 daYs. Authoi'ized 2. CONTRACTOR INSTAIIJ\TTON ONLY Electrieal Contractor L.R. Brabham, Inc. Address 68 West "Q" Street Ci ty Spri ngfiel d Super,visor License Nunber Expiration Date Conitr Contr. Number oBosp5$ Expiration Date 12/ 18/ 97 Signat 6f Supervising EI ctrician ess 500 sQ.ft or portion thereof 'd Hone or Hodular Dvelllng rvlce or Feeder B. Services or Feeders Ins taIIa n, Alterations or r less 400 ampsto 600 amps 0ver Ieco amPs 1000 nnec t $ 50.00 s 60.00 $100.00 s130.00 $300.00 s 40.00I Temporary Servlces or FeedersInstallation, Alteratlon or Relocation Ovners Name D Address 5l,S Ci ry 5 -f .t Phone l4 ,633 OT'NER INSTAI,T^ATION The installation is being made onproperty I ovn vhich is not Intendedfor sale, lease or rent. Oeners Signature: DATEI RECE 200 amps or less S 201 amps to 400 amps - Sover 401 to 600 amps - Sover 600 amps or 1000-Vil[s s Branch Ci rcui ts Pump or lrrlgatlon !f snlOu tllne Ltgh t tngIJ- Llmt ted Energy/Rrs -LlDlted Energy/Cona - $ s s s 'Nev, Alteration or Extension per panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each AdditlonalCircuit or vlth Servlceor Feeder Pernl t g LOO Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installatlon 5,J,tq f,. 40.00 = 5, SUBIOTA! OP ABOI{E 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Adnlntstrarlvc Fee TOTALRECEIYED B c. cit'Y 6i spr'ipofirr.r aes Fifth Si.;;;,,Spr.ingfield, 0;. ;;:r,( 503 ) ?er,_3753 Tr.ansact j .,, r y ej,' oirirr-b.J, i;ig- Reeeived f r.orr: Scontr,:cr,z,,;'; tl*jitrJfol,l.llIh I}HI., ent serviceslif;:.#-iff,lJil3 st.: 0R Zi.p: g74?? Manager -Hiscsllaneous_ INT CHARGES Descript ion School Dtst Deposit -Br.li lding_ Job *: 960599 Descript ion SfrYr*:l^tj;n)' seuen s SDC/Adnin Regional SeuenRegional Seyer fotal: Thank /our Lisa H. lopment Charge Dare:, t/-' Fee -3b,74b.19 AUTHORIATION tize|to debit tre -following fundp frgm th9-account of rfortlrepurposeorp"t*'i?ttJ'"rut"atocurrentCapital Fee P3, a35.05 er189.b5 I , 7+9.8e 10. 00 9r 561 .67 .00 School .,? K Heery by: Copy of billing rnrched: 960599-6/19/96 aL 1/ qer\ DaE:- ^L-il 07/o8/e6 11:20 tlOOr 728 ,A}C or Coqlray: 6PIqr,D SCIrcOr, DIST Locatsion: 90O S 32![D ET ipeuctopsrcoc flpcr C Build.lug glae: I SPFD DEV. SER @oor crrr of gDtutrilE lltD gnSEEal DtltlloDrtt EfNr.oE(ffirncrlIr r/ ilIDU5lrAI.tr,.l !vo. : 960599 I*t Sl.se: 'P88le 1 gq rr 1. tllonlr DnlIXlr F ifqnnrvtsuB 8q Ft 1'o X o i I !2, gerrrrrnr Errtn, - emt :mrrlber OE ?8trr 1. O ,C 535' (ree ragc 2) *L L.6rlt62 6lorr x o.210 o4rfr kt,r1!J offiEo ql4qu Eer 89 Ft r #2,L99 -63 $o.oo $23,235. Os 92,1A9- 55 f,Lo,O4t.23 s46e.58 $9, 571.57 g3{, 995.37 Qtr749-e2 IrS. !!lrrSAOnErfffi ir*r.nraer gf Ebitc ir.o x. soo x ,( Trip n*too.oro x Tota.1 i'1. tlrtltttr:r attr - rre ilttrniber of FFUE i 535 5. IIIITII?:RIIIVI'EE' BsSa Cibar.ga (tlulrtotal Abore) A 43.{3 Per PfTI - x eost PGr frip a37.93 E F€r FE? + 18.750 + x It unuc Adnlltr Fea 10. oo i* CR$IT If Applissblr (scc Dasr 3) MWMC gDC gUglqUfl& - (Aild ltan L, L, e & {) x o-Eo TC}rAL BDC 136.716 -A9 Dats6r 06ll,sl96 ( Rewicscd gyr TRoY FICATII,ISTEP A7/08/96 11:18 Tx/Bx N0.1298 P.003 I O7/08/eO 11:20 E5O3 '128 !880'l msribsr: 960s99 SPIID DEV. SER. rrxrunB rnf,Er cf,rcttutrlor !mE&! @oot Pag€ 2 Ilrixctrre qpe r I iBrEbEuborlrkiagr Fountaia lrloor Drain ;Iatereclrtoffi For oreare/oiL /soridc/Ete Itnteoeptors For Sc,sdlluto ilach/Bic frf,unilrll Tub./Cl ot-heasalfhsr Cl(,thrFrrtghsr - 3 On l{o:re 8sa€E)tor Fer BotrlEerator/(acor statia/ruc fu,eeeptor f or corrarcial El Lnk/Dirhra *krclr / tr;t*.c, phouor, lliregle Ata11 lShrlusr, @ag ptalc, rar, coamerc"Lal , ResidcrrEl4l Eitcbeu , 6t:I1,/HaIL Errin/LsvaCoqr, SIDEl'e' eloBets, nrbllc xn6tal.I.atioo C].otet, Pri\ratc laneous FIICr(,PE ttr\ITTg g 0 a 21 1 o 2 a o o 3 Nurriber of, Ner Fixture t2 29 1.7 52 4L L? o rh.lt Eguiv-alcnt Flxtsure llaltE 2 1 2 3 6 I 6 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 6 * oI t4 3 0 4 o o o 6 12 5B 3d 62 ?46 {8 0 535 I'g@m Cf,LCTuIATIOIT AiABLET Eaeqd rrq atgoeeed waIuc. If inprovcmrrrts o€cua36 i af,tcr -n-axrtios drtc, erGd:itsr nae calculatsed aelri,ratoly. i (crlsul:elons ars by $1000) iYear lrucxed: LggO I ICre*iE For Pareel or l€nd tuLy If, Alrp]-l,calrler I |IglE rsv.fitaat I ! I (tf after r8Box.tiom, date): (If, ].and rralue 16 fiu].tLplied by l tsben the parcel/larrd oredlt is not aocurate,) 138,520 X 3.39- 469.5S 0 X 3-39= 0.OO (h$m Tl0lll& r E4;9.38 07/08/96 11:18 Tx/Rx No.1298 P.004 I l' i l. ;,iil :.r..,,, Iifrr'' i :r"ir.i ;. d li i:: i i l: !r ::. t. r' '-' r' l, :-i i::, i ri. n ,; ir :i ',,' l i:i : ii ti !i l' + ;' ; i 5i.!:1 : ."ii;.-li?'l;i:r 'i r'..;i t 1c;;,i.: 1; ' ill i\ I i r.,'ti ii ''t il;) l" t '":i |'i:1;, lii.i 7 i.'.:)ri;' 1. i :' i i: r:rii !ir..,t.:r-:.i..;t,-ii {''t:rt, : i;r'i.i;rii,;i i I I l'' i ;:1i'l1i:"' ilti,1.i..lrc l,.i'[.]+,ti : i:i-i',i rr-iii iri'-i.i H .:';:.l'lli Adijr'l+t'i; :::i:li t'LI {'.rli-i:':':': -,,-.....r,,r.._a.,.-: i: ill, I ili;: ,: r.i :,i":L l.)' : .-,r'11 -i.l?r"l- .1.1" i.- iii;.i.':"il:iirt- Jrih t,r 3hilli95 )l e:'. t t' i, i.: L 'i. rr n Sign *,ii;ii .:,'r ^fi { .. l't i. t i: r* li .1. ;,'r l" il i.; r -l ii - iit: lr:: i :i. ;., l; i. i:: rr ll*iir::i::.i. i'i t 'i l: i-;trFt.:'.1'' I i' T",i': !- 'j'i'r;'i /i i.: '/ r.; ! r , i... :i. ..,,r ;l .t TIEERY MEMORANDUM May 28, 1997 City of Springfield Lisa Hopper, Development Services Tim Woodley, Program Manager SIGN PERMIT FEE DATE: TO: FROM: RE: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION The City of Springfield is hereby authorized to debit the following funds from the account of Springfi-eld Schooi-District; held by City for the purpose of permit fees related to current Capital Improvement Projects. Project: City Job No.: Fee: Amount: Agnes Stewart Middle School Sign Permit Application FeeY sDP Date:5.7fr "q K.W Program q e,z,o7 d-,l fu^ Post-lr' Fax Nole 7di1 ?i."' .r I{EERY MEMORAnIDUM February 18, 1997 City of Springfieldfroy McAllister. Public WorksLisa Flopper, Development Ser.rices Tim Woodley, Program Manager SAT{ITARY SEWER DEPOSIT o. Phen\ttt ?L/4 h jZ{' # _4r{ -1o1.I DA'TE TO: ITROM: R},: Proiect: Cir-v loh nro. Fg,): ^r\mcrunt: \.,[t A4totd &qq1 PAYM E NT AUT H O RI ZATI O IV the. C1Y.ot-Springfield is !"!gby authorized ro clebit the following fund.s lrom the accouur 6fSpringfield School f)istncr: hcld 6y Ciry frrr the purpose if p"r-, rtcs .ctateJ ro cu.,crr CaplmJfun Jrrovement Projects. hy' Ncw Middlc Schorti Sanitary Server Exrension 3-021 Sanitary Sewer Public Improvement Deposit $1,6s8.00 Dau-z. t8-'l -7 K.. kog:ram r International LIbA {t -t d.o.Voti* AE\ 4,r I ?leatn t, on CrT3 P"gee* 3-OZl *{", *hi* filo" e' *o t.z)" oAe x3688 rJ,C9rr.{, Irg \\'..1 60 !T jfi {t ;{.) c"ifitiT P-n""r4 ZzG - 3bffi our 7zG -ar.trl- - " ili :lf\\'\31.\IYli (I5S ( Fr D fB-b{rrts M';41,47,2r' .* iltJ ' H P$ I -l r nol :1ur:q1 : IE.l0l aaj tJItxpV Zf,a{i.-rtrql.lng a.+p,+s 6ur p1 'rrrg uor 1dr;osa6 665056 !+ qot -Surpl rrrg_ lrsndaq,.l.;.rrl I(]oqJsi uor ldr.rcsag -snoauEI Ia;)srH_ T8'e i f;il' re 0c'/e, Eit -l ?I'T?,- #sl glr.t6 ;'Jr7 96 :15 r]llIJtNIX.Jti :{,+13 ljjl:iHl"$ rINIi CISSI :$E0.rppVLll.JlllS rlNilE HtfiCIS 006 Xt,.j ! uig71"u.r1ro3IIll.liIr.l ltltil-l:,b rI-t:rtI.J:tNIU,Jq ;,ilo.rJ pBnrn;raU t,l.l 6T;E 156T (6a .:aq,161,3** BC[/;0 .-raqurru u0r.+.f,psrrE.Jl st/e_9el ( $ilfi )Llt!_L Uil I pTaTJEur._r,JS ,+aa.-1,+S \,1.+j.iJ *ae p 1;r r g"fru l.-r,jg jo l1r: ;1 CO lViM E RCIAL/ I N D UST R lHr- PERMIT APPLICATTON 225 Fifin Street, Springfietd, Oregon g7477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK ASSESSORS MAP sPetr{cFt€Lo JOB NUMBER INSPECTION LtNE: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726.3759 TAX LOT: OWNER ADDR CITY:STATE: PHONE: ZIP: NEW - REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER VALUE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: NAME ADDRESS PHONE CONST. EXPI AM ADD R# MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: ARCHITECT: PLUM B I NG: GENERAL CONT NO.FEE CHARGE Single Fixture Relocated B fix. ad er fr ce Sanitary Sewer ft rm ft Backflow Device TOTAL PERMIT NO FFF CHARGFFurnace/burner & vent rnace/burner & ventFu >1 Floor furnace and vent mounted unit heater or oor nppance n evary p. cool r an duct ng e n f rom em apart or ht Permit lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PEBMIT - OFFTCE USE - LAND USE LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: OCCY GROUP: r OF STOFIIES: QUAD AREA: , OF BLDGS HANDICAP ACCESS: _ FLOOD PLAIN: WATER HEATEB: CONSTR, TYPE: a HEAT SOURCE: r OF UNITS:ZONING: SQ. FT.$/SQ. FI.VALUE x x X TOTAL VALUE OF PROJ ) SQ. FTG MAIN SQ. FTG ACCESS SQ. FTG OTHER PLAN CHECK FEE RCPT/DATE BY BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBI NG DEMoTtnoN_- 5% State Su rcharg e 40lr 5% State urc M HANICAL (r.-r-- FE VA E E $5% State SIDEWALK FT.SUBTOTAL PEPAVINGCURBCUTSYSTEMS- DEVELOPMENT \ TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECIRICAL < 100,000 BTUs Mechanical exhaust- hood and duct REOUIRED INSPECTIONS It ls the responslblllty of the permlt holder to see that all lnspectlons are made at the proper time. To request an inspectlon, call 226.3769 (recorder), state your Clty deslgnated iob numbel lob address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for lnspection. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made.the same working day, requests made af ter 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work daY. S|TE INSPECTION: To be ROUGH PLUMBING, - PAVING: After gravel is in made after excavation, but ELECTRICAL & place but prior to placing prior to setup of forms. MECHANICAL: No work is to asphalt or concrete. be covered until these UNDERSLAB pLUMBING, inspectlons have been made SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: ln accordance ELECTRTCAL & and approved. Section 306 of the State Specialty Code MECHANICAL: To be made a special lnspector shall be employed before "ny *oik rs covered. tl,'J?^?^lt[J.sroPs & :lii;f"il:;'1i..1'l:i3;,0"'n''i,3,n. o FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: ErDEDr Ar^E. copy of the special testing reports shall To be made after trenches are FIREPLACE: Prlor to placing be furnished to the Building Dlvision. excavated and forms are faclng materials and before erected, all steel ln place, but framing inspection' srRUcruRAL GoNCRETE: ln prlor to placlng concrete. FRAMTNG: To be made after excess of 2500 PS.l. (306 a.1) coNcRErE SLAB: ro be S:J...............,::lii'lJ'3[L:]fl;tXi ," srRUcruRAL wELDS: made after all lnslab building place aid all plpes, chimneys Performed on the iob. (2722 ll servlce equlpment, conduit, and vents are'complete andpiping, accessories and other the rough electrical, plumbing HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: ancillary equipment items are and meihanlcal are approved. During all bolt installation and in place but before any tightening operations. (306' concrete is placed. INSULATION & VApOR a.6) BARRIER: To be made after all UNDERGROUND: Plumbing, lnsulation and reqlrired vapor SPRAYED ON electrlcal, gas, sanitary sewer, barriers are ln place but FIREPROOFING: U.B.C. storm sewer, water and before any lath or gypsum Standards 43-8. dralnage llnes. To be made board interlor wall covering is prior to covering or f illing applied. SpECIAL GRAO;NG,trenches. ,NDERFLo.R: Prumbins , - [;1:'St"t^?:A'J3]"[tt* El:lI1'iii-:lL:'5Jbti]'"1 electrlcal, mechanlcal. To be according to plans' chapter 29) made prlor to installatlon of , Aru Arr^,^D ^vDerr^, GLU.LAM BEAMS: lnspection' floor lnsulatlon, decklng or LATH AND/OR GYPSUM floor sheathlng. BOARD: To be made after all Certificate by an approved lathlng and gypsum board, agency' furnlshed to the City's posr & BEAM: To be made lnterlol and 6xierlor, ls in ' Buildlng Divislon before prlor to lnstallatlon of floor piace but before any eams are placed' (2501 u'BC' lnsuta.on, decktng or ftoor Fiastertng fs appf le6 or before STDS' 25'10J1)' sheathlng. vvvr\rrru gypsum board lolnts and fasteners are tiped and STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 FLooR rNsuLATroN & flnlshed' a'7\ VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made Prlor to lnstallatlon of decking or floor sheathing. MASONRY: Steel locatlon' bond beams groutlng or vertlcals ln accordance with uBc 2415. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Requlred for all concrete paving within street rlght of way, to be made after all excavatlng complete and form work and sub'base material in place. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but prior to placing concrete. 'ln addition to the inspec- tions speclfled, the Bullding Officlal may make or require other lnspectlons of any constructlon work to ensure compliance wlth the Buildlng, Clty or Development Code. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prlor to lnstalllng anY roof coverlng. By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have car.ef uily examlned the completed appllcation and do hereby certlfy that all lnformatlon hereln ls true and correct, and I further certify tnat any and all work performed shall be done in accordance wlth the ordlnances of the clty of springf ield, and the Laws of the state of bregon pertainlng to the work described herein, and that No occuPANoY will be made of any structure wlthout permlssion of the Bullalng safety Divlsion. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are ln compllance wlth ORS 701.055 will be used on thls prolect' ree to ensure that all required lnspections are requested at the prope Slgnatu r time, that prolect address ls readable f rom the I further ag lans will remain on the site at allved set of Pt card ls located at the front of the property, and the approstreet, that the Perml constructlon.times durl Date qtq VALIDATION D: RECEIVED BY: DATE PAID:AMOUNT REC RECEIPT T: FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DE ENT AD ONAL COMME SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be requested 2 days ln advance of the date you wish inspection. All pro,lect conditions such as landscaping, parking lot stri ping, etc. must be completed before requestlng this lnsPection. FINAL BUILDING: Requested af ter the final plumbing, electrical, mechanlcal and Fire Department inspections are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a iertlftcate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Divlsion and ted on the Premises.' PLANS REVIEWED BY DATE