HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1988-08-04/2 aq3I.. RESIDENTIAL... APPLICAT-T._|/PERILIT 225 Notth ith Street SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Iacaticn:z Aeseasots Map ll SPHINGFTET-D Subdiuision: Asner: Address: ci Tc,s Iat # Phae: DescrLbe h'otk: Value 47U,tt./ t I-l t/[ t-l /anrzrr @q {=6ur.E \,Additicn CenetaL PLtafiing I Constmction Lenden L Date of oppt;.or;on '8-7*GE I Date:^r**>R I rt ia the tesponoibility of tle penrit hold* to eee tlut atl inapections oe nad,e at the p?opea time, t1at 24ch sritsss is vsa)ahlgfra n tlze atreet, and tltat the p&rh catl ia Located, at thZ fioii of .tne -wope"ty. I*BuiUing Diuictbn avproted plbt sttc.Zl remain A-lG riilai"lg' sliie 'at aLZ' tikes.' r - PI?ocgDUPE FoR rNSPEnroN RgQws?rCALL726-3769(tecordet) stdte you? city,Lesignated. job nrmber, job a4"'ress, typerequested ar'd' uhen uou uiLL be z'eady fot' ir"spection, coitrl.t."i- ,; a,mers ncme -and. phone rumbq. p.equests reeeixed;"iLL be nu.de the sdte dcy, ,nq"niii"rldn ift* z,oo- *, tiLL be,*e;i":;;L:;;"7:,;^n'Lo. of inspeclicrr. befcte 7:00 q:t Il. I iIout Cifu Desigr.ated Job Nutlbe? fs ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRTCAL & ],tEc!/ YcAL: roii-ffi-ieforTZns tlOz,k is eoOered. tequ'tz,ed oapor borie?s d?e in pla.eebut before ory lath, WpsLn bcayC ortnLL cooeying is applied, otd beforeoty insulation is eoncealed. PO)TINC & F?UNDATICN: ?o be rruCedftet trencnes d?e eecatsated and. forms_ are ereeted, but prior topourtng ccnctete. DRWALL TNSPEC?ION: ?Cafter aLL dtguall is in SI?E INSPC?I)N: lo be rm.de aftez,ezecvation, but prtor tc set up of rormg. DEMOLNIO!'! OR !,:OWD Le Hcnes Blocking od. Set-up i Pltnbing cormections -- aaL)e! otd uatet I EleetricaZ Ccnnecti.on - Bloektng, aei-up and pltnbing connections rrust bb apprcv'ed before tequesting electrtcal inspeetion AccessoryBuitCnng ' . I Sotitey aaset capped. et p?opetw- lire-t Septie tutk y.odped attd fitled atth graet.i Final - t{hen abcoe .itql @e o);r"r.O arid uhen datali.tion is canpleteibt struc-ture moued otd. prerrlees cleuteC up. /_ I .\:- / To made but priot to any taryng. Laticn be made place, After installation ie f, .Litq trenchee. -,,.; .:. i'. I aI|DERFL)1R ?LULEING & IfiEC\\ANICAL: floor insulation or decking. I P:0. ST 4,t!o 4Eau: ?o be nade pntot toI installatian of floon insulation ot aecR1,flg. - ROUCil PLUEIITG, ELEC?RTCAL & T,EEH-_t .w:t-il theee inspeetions haoe- been _ mdd.e and, approued. I fnPtnct: prLor to pleeira faeinaI mcterials and, befone fronirfi irrp.L_. tion. | ?Rfi:InG:_ thtst be nequested aft.et,I app-z,o_ttal of tough plwrbing, eieetri_. u.L & meclanical. - nlt robfing .' .btacing E chinmeys, ete. rrust- bei eompleted. ilo Gtk is to be ci__.-:.cealed until this inspection lne:bee,l ttod.e and approoed. IIASONRI: Steel Loeatiott, bond beons, grouling or uerticals in accordotee tLth U.B.c. Section 2415. WOODSTOI'E: anpLeted. CURB & APPROACH AP.D,ON:a,e e".;rA-frt piA 'After formsto pout-tng coTlcrete SfDE|ALK & DRftryWAy: Eor all con- cr_ete paoirq uithin street right-gf-txA, to be maCe after al,L -ecea- oating canplete & fotn tsork & sub- base naterial in p'laee.Pinal - Aftenetc. @e comp, pct ches, Leted. g o,R'),*,," ) runnt MEcilANTcAL ) umr, ELEctRTcAL l skirting, decks, !EIl!!: When conplete -- proui,Ce gatee on nooable eectians tlwoughP.A.E. r ALL ptoj tequired eet conditions, such as the installat.ion of st"eet trees, eonplcti.on of theTatidsccping, etc., tmtet be eatisfied.before the BULLDING PfNAL can be requested. FhNAL BUTLDTNG'. m? Fi.nal Building, rnspection tmtllt be requested, after the pinat plunbinx\J Eteetrtcal, od, uecturicii iiipZ"ii."o tarl i"in-;;.-;; approued. Page 1 of 2 .ALL MANH1LEI AND 1LEAN1UTS MUST BE AIIESSIBLE, ADJUS?ITETI? ?o BE TaDE A? IIo coST ?o cuy j I i I I I ! I I I i I I I I o 72 u tr T I JOB NO. ZoTte: Iat sq. Etg. Z of Lct Cooerage # of Stortes Total Height TopogtaPhY khanat HooC Penrtt C:utbeu! Sida'talk Mobile llone Settsice -- ENCROACHMENT -- IotaL :iULAK AUUE)D KEV.- Grot'- ^ T,AI ?WE + _ Intertor _ Corile? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac BeaJ'oons: L-CO G^ g-?-#r Ta.€e Lot Faees - #: I I,AW CAR1FULLy EXAI,ENED tle completed application fot penrit' and' do h.;;L; iirlify ttat all- infonnatibn heteii ie true and correct, anC r ii"tiL" in*tiiy that o* ord aLL aork perfotned slnll be done in decor- a""Li" Atn tttZ" otaAei,cZ"-of itn City of bprLngfield, .anC the Ia;s of the State of d,egcn p""toiiiig to the ,nrl< Cesbr.;tbd het ein, otd tllat N0 1CCU- pANCy tLtL be na.d.e o1'iy" "trol,ture vLthout permissi-on of the Building DL- ii"r:i",. I f,tther "-""ii?l- tn"t otly con_traitors ad enplcgees uko are in Lorpl;.""i"i'i.tt ons ?il.o;ss uiLL be used on this proiect lieat P. L.House Aecess. -- Fees -- I?'I\I F?G x Va TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid: Sigted Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted an the erp"ess eondition that the sciid-consttaction shall', in aLL r"espeets, eonfortnio the Zrdinanee adopted 6y the City o.f Springfield, inctuding the Zoning C)dinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn arrd uie of buildings, otd may be suspended or rettokeC at c.nA t'lne upon oic- Lation of a1y prcoisione of said 2t'dinances. i Building Penrtt ?otal Clnrgee State CHARCENOFEE fistutes Resid.zntial (1 bath) Seuer azt Plumbing Perrnit No pereon shall construet, instalT-, alter or elonge,any neu-cr es'tsting i1*rbirrg or dyainage saytan in ulale or in patt' unles.s such person is the iegol p"osses"o, of o rtLtld' plr bnr's Li.c-ens-b, en-cept that a !?"s?n ^av 49 ptint;irg uork to property ihi.h i" otmed, Leased o, operated by the tPpli- cant. * Pl'atnbing Perdtt 9tate ?cta FEE Ileu/Ectend Circttits Electricql Permit I{here State La,t reqttites that the electrlcal uotk be done by,im Eleett'ical Contraetor, the elictr"ical portion of thi.s permit stull rot be taliC until the l,abel lfis been signed by the Electrtcal Cont?acto?' L L State PFN CHARCE YIU I, Vent Fot tlcodstote { Mechonicql Permit Permtt fssustce Mechanicel Pertdt TMAL AIaOUNT DUE:."t I Signed Date 4-ffi Cat:aae No"th East tt FireoLace South tt waodstoxe Hest tt rTELI 1,'lleten I