HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-09-19?'arT, CflL dY.UH- SPr<(D - La,ne Counl y Authori za,t ion SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEI^I EOR OFFICE USE ONLY Applica b"a8Permit * 1\]WiiSHIP 18 RANGE 02 SECTION 06 4L Eour oF 8406 PROPOSED USE OP PROPERTY Er Re s idential Cc,nunerc i a1 l-l lndustrral PubIicaUfe )IOTIPARCTi BI.oCK IO}I ADD STREET L'I':'Y ZIP t227 S. 39th ield oR 97478-9501 CURRENTLY D.scRIPrIoN oF PRoPoSED woRK - Bf, SPECIFTCSEPTIC INSPECTI0N FOR L OAN REVIEt,J = OF BEDROO!,IS # OP STORIES # OiT UIIPLOYEES I./A?ER SUPPLY Proposed Exi s ti O:tl'--R ADDRESS Rose Site Address TELEPHONE NUMBER 741-@96 Coutnecton's NAME AND osR f TELEPHONE NWBER IIESS) Che.rvl Neu Real Estate g2o2g }rlarcola Roa.d, Springfield, OR 97478-97C TELEPHONE NWBER3 933-2221 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI{INED THE COiIPLETED APPLICATIoN !'oR PERMIT, drld do hi:rel)y certi.fy that all rnfotration hereon is true and correct, ed that I have the follwing legal interest in the property, Io*tu. of record; l] c<a,"..,,l p,rrchaser;flauthorized agent. I flrther certify that any ild all work perfomed shall be done in ocuordail.re rilh tl,r o.Cr!)ancec of Lane Cowty and the Iaws of the State of Oregon Irertaining to the work deicribed herein, and that No occupANcy wiLl he nade of 3ii srrrlcture without the pemission of the Building Dj.vision. I fur- itrer certify that registration yith the Builderrs Board is in ful.r force and effect as required by oRs 701.055. that if exenpt the basis for exemPtion is notedhereon, and that onLy subcontractors md employees who are in conpliance with oRs 701.055 will be used on this project. I tlAvE READ AND CHECKED T1IIS APPLICAIION TROROT'GHLY. Cl-lCRq L N E,u NAME (please print) 9-tb-Itrr---;fi'- YOUR AUTHORIZATION 'iAS BEEN BASED ON TIIE FOLLOWING CONDIT]ONS: 9lt6/88 COM}IENTS: Date I pr,aus COMI'IENTS: @ No Date tr cL, f.ort- c", =i SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEt^l**NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRE D B. P. *SANITATION: s. I. fl (;rour, Use rnstallation Record rssued? f] r"" fl COI{\ENTS Parcel size Minimurl Setbacks: READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. intertcrr rear l'laximum Depth of Trenches Lineal Eeet of I)rai.rlfield callon Tank Installation Speci fications I pmunrnc/zoNrNG:zone- Partition *- Parcel #. SIGNEE oRS 456.80s (1) ) OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 OFF E COUNTY D 125 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INE'ORMATION cL4-2s R* F -TFEe?f'tiS-T6-STr Nnna Girren DECI,ARL]D ) VAI,UU r tr { 4 a,Cr Io 3 nt ,,,\ It. dti a-rr Q { d \o sc\q- s<-o- \ -,€ [ \+"K I \_u\.{tolo kt- \So\.o o*\ \\o*,**.*A b ) €$flc-'$Ro="q Loq'1 s.$\\\t\ Please complete all lines inside white boxes, if possibte. LOL not sma a3 t ??1 5. not 3ama as abovc) LicGn3r * MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax map. ln th. Ais3rm.nt & Jlxatlon g.pl) -Jho#o#4,k%*4!k 7o D 0 L OWNEBS N ttLu 1 q llo "71 ZD 1ql- o6 Bq1 tc ltftrLD 56Zt *-ffi ;;il ffi rFiiiiiii r"-, L"-i- ffi- TfiA- $Ei16n- rtr'ltiEii6i- -liiifdi- U NtrU Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Property d sor""Ef Barn El Garage EI lt/okrile. Home E Shed SEPTIC INSTALLED Yes Dlrectlons to site trom Courthouse d El tlo Water District SITE ADDRESS ztP +h L 11 tr MAIL PERMIT TO: Zfrt-c 5 k L 1L For Moblle Home Placement Only Brand No. of Tip-outs- No. of Bedrms License #- Year Size Land Management Dlv. staff can not bs held responslble for evaluallons or recommendattons based on false, lnaccurate or lncomplete lnformatlon