HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-11-22..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLTCA= -)N/PER\LrT 225 Nov,th |th StY'eet Springfield, )r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 s3 SPFIINGFIELD- Job Locaticn: Toa Lot llAssessors Map ll e Sttbditision: Armer: &--Address:Phone /gk ttt/ {7a39 u-52-eZ> Descr.ibe h'ot'l< val-ue /3SO-:oDate of Applieaticn.//-,/a -g a fR,n, Addition RemoCeL # Receipt ll IZ 8o-/ .6F q0q \1,7\ Date 8?" General Plutnbi ELectrical t4echaniccL Construction Lender It ia the t,esponsibilitg of the permit holder to see that aLL inspeetions are nade at the p?ope! tine' that eceh address is readab"e fron the stne'et, anc that the_pernrtt_c_ayd is. Located qt.!h-e. fnont of bhe-property.'*suildins Noisiot appro"-ed plan sfu:Ll remain on the BuiLding S-it. at aLL tines- ?ROCEDUIE FOIIyS1ECTTON=I!0.yES\:CALL726-3769(reeordey) state yout, City desigtnted iob ntorber', iob aCdt'ess' type of inspec=icti @D1.LLbereadaJort-nspection,Cot.tty,actcr,s,1,a,nn,"-,o,e-cndp7nnenunbet,.Requestsreceitedbefcre7:cCcl:i.*iil be nade the sdne day, r,equests nade aftet, 7:00 6.tt uiLL be made tke nect l'tot'king daE./r'Iour City Desigrttted Job Nunber fs ga R e, ouin e-,7 Tn sn c c ti o n s SI?E INSPECII)N: To be nade aftez' eacail;no", b"t pricr tc set up of L|NDERSLAB PLIA t!!,_ t!E!!!!g! required oapor bawie?s dre in place but before any Lath' gApsu'n bcarC or rnLL couering is cpplied, ard before oty insulation is conceaLed. Dtt!t \r TmT^il nD otlar nT'1ac Sanilaty seuer copped ct property Line Septic tank p:,inped and filled uith gra,;el Flnal - I{hen abcte itens ate cct;tpleted. and uhen Cenclition is conplete or stvti:- tuve noued and premises cleaned up. tlobiLe I. To be made a L ticn il c'--fr MECH!.IIICAL: ?o be made before anYi6iT-i" iooernd. FCOTING ,1 F)U\IDATICN: To be maCe after trenches a?e excauated and forms are ev,ected, but pt'ior to pouring ccncrete. uNplRGPAUrp PLUM9TNC, S\VEP, w.|TqR, onailuct: lio be naCe prior to fil- Ti@-trenchee . UI|DERFLOOR PLAI.EING 8, I4ECflANICAL: o7 free*-i"$y14Liw d e c ki n g . POST AND BEA\4: To be nade Priot' to Ti|TdTTatla-i of {14os-i4*+abz-* decking. ROT]Cil PLIJ!:BT:IG. ELECTI?ICAL 4 ,'|ECH-iGliTth"se inspectiotts haue been made and approued. FIPEPLACE: Prior to plccirq facingnat;;l;G and before fratnLng inspeb- tion. F!4!!!-AC: ttust be requested after approuat of rough plwrbing, electri- cal & meclanical. AL! t'oofing braeing E chinmcys, ete. rntst be coiltpleted, llo acrk is to be con- cecled unttl this inspecti,on has 'been nade anC appro"-ed. FIIIAL PLU!.IBIIIG FINAL I4ECHA]IICAI, DRYWALL INSPTC?fill: Tc be made a1te"-aTT'6yuai-rs in plac e, but prior to any taPing. MASONRI: Steel locati.on, bond 6iiii]grottting or uertiecls in accor.dance L)'Lth U,B.C. Section HOODST),T.E: AfLer installation is ccmpleted. CU4B & APPRCACH A?!ON: After forms "r,";;;;;;TiC pno" to pourins conct ete. SIDEWALK & DRI'|EWAY: For aLL eon-.r."CVAfr-;lTE; stneet right- of-t"vy, to be made aftet' aLL eaca- vattng conplete & fonn tnrk & sub' base material in Place. IENCE: Wen eomPlete -- ProuiCe j-aiei or nouable sections through P, U, E. ALL pro;ject conditions, sucl.t ut; the.l.nstallation of street trees, conp'Letion_of tie nnqrlnnd. Landsceping, Ztc., rrust be satisfied before the BU|LDLNC FINAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDINC: The I'inal Bui.Lding Inspectiott mtst be requested aftet the Final Plwnbing Electrical, anC Mechanical fnspections ltauc been nade and approoeC, lrt Pcge 1 of 2 FINAL ELECT]?|'CAL XAT,T. MANIIC\,E{: AND CI.IIANOUTS IIIIST BE |CCESSIRLII, AD,IUSTIIEIII TO BE I,IIIDE,4? TIO COST TO CITY L't sc.Contractors t\ Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -' scder ard uatev El-ectriccl Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-us and plunbing connections nr;st be app'r'ctei before requesting el.eelrical inspeclion Aceessory BuildTng Pi.nal - After pcrch.es, skit'ting, decks, etc. av,e comple"ed. I x G^ 5 JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS RE a-L-CO Bedroons Lot lTaces - Setbacks Ileat DT Ilouse Caraqe Access ilater .t{ea ter Norl;h ta:; t ['irepLacc South lloodr;toue Lot Sq. ttg. % cf Lct Cotsez,age # of Stot i,es Total Height Topography LCT TYPE _ Interior _ Conner _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac l,/est Building Vqlue & Permit This perrntt is lJranted on the erpress cond.ition that the said.constraction shall, in all respects, confonn to the Crdinance adoptecL by the City of Springfield, inctuding the Zoning Crdittance, regulctitl11 the ccnstracticn and use of buildLngs, and may be suspendetl or reuckeC at cng time upon oic- lation of an.t1 prcuisions of said )rdinances. SQ, FTG Value TOTAL VALUE /6.62> x .7 S,D,C, 1.5 C ITE14 Main Building Permit Total CVnrges State l)at c Paad Signed Receipt ll: - zz- - 8-z- 7 Plumbing Permit No pereon sLnll consl;t'uct, instaL!, alter or clwnge any ned cr eristing plunbing or drainage systen in uhoLe or in part, unless such person is the Legal pbssessor of a oalid plunber's License' ercept that a pelson may do plwnbing uork to pt:operty uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Pltunbing Pernit NO Dtt CHARGBITEM Residential (1 bath) Seaet, Electrico I Perm it Where State Lca requires th,at the electrical uork be dane bg an Electrical Contractor, l:he electrical ponl;ion of this permit sLnLL not be oaliC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Total Neu/Ectend. Citcuits Senuice NC Dnn C}IARCE * Mechqnicql Permit Eeha.tst Hood. llcodstote Yent Fan Penndt Issuance lleclnnicaL Penmit -- ENCROACHMENT -. Seanrity Deposit Storaae Maintenance, Cuz,bcut Sida,talk Fence Electrical Label Mobile Home TATAL AI,IOUIIT DUE:*7?.?6 I HAVE CAREPALLy CXAMINED the completed application for pennit, and do hereby cetl;ify that aLL itiformation hereon is true anC correct, an'C f further certify that ang ard aLL uork perforned sVnLL be done in accot'- dance tlth the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the state of oregon pertainino to the aoyk cescribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 occu- PANC( D|LL b-e maZe of any stt'ucture Dithaut permission of the Building Di.- uision. f furthen certify thet otLy contracloz's aiid enplcyees Ltho are in eonpliance uith cRS ?01,05s uiLL be used on thie pt'oject 7-B /';; -t/ * Dat.e Fn2You Sounecs Tune Watet, .. RESlr.qNTlAL.. APPLICAtz0N/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Butlding Diuision 7 26-37 s3 SPFIII{GFTELD- gqtq- &Job Locaticn: Aeseeoore Map # )b OZ bb €d tTcoTas lot # subdioision: Ouner:/'72 €D Aitdress: f I lA 5. 5.] & R-1ab t57bPhone: Deacribe Hork: are.s-la^A a, tlM=hnr<- k4 ll-tc-<< L t-t Na,) Date of AppL ication aaValue 5z>ve-SGa- oa L Additicn Pege 1 of 2 Reeeipt # uQr onz tll I \\l Siqned: Date: CeneraL ELectrical Mechanical Const?uctton_Lende" 'r0N :CALL 726-3769 (t,ecotder) state gout City designated job aou be z.eady fot, inspection, Contractcrs or A,tnets nctne cnd p'noneL be nade the sane dag,"equests made aftet 7:00 @n ttill be nade the neot wtkini dag. I-t i8 the tesponeibi-Lila .of .tne permtt ho_ll,et to eee that aLL inspections ee r,ade at the prope? tine, that eaeh address is readabi-ef.foytlp at?eet,. and tllat the-petmit-eatd ia Loeated at the front of tlte property*Building Ditticiot appt'o"*ed pLan shcll remain on the auLtdlna- site Zt aLL' tiines-' ntmber, job aCiress, type of inspeelicn nunber. P.equests teceixed befcre 7:00 c:t you? Ci.tA Designted Job Nutnber fs:AB bt+ SITE INSPEC?I1N: To be nade aftet, ezcaoation, but priar tc set up of forns. UIIDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEC?RICAL & MECH4\IICAL: To be made before Zngwrk ie eooet,ed. Fo1?INC & F)UNDATICN: Io be naCe;fte" .te"Wa"; eicauated and forns are erected, but prior topouring ecnerete. UNDERGPOUT]D PLUMEINC. SEWEP, W,{.TER, DRAfilAGE: lo be ntade pr.iot, to fil-Tt iinehes. aNDFREL)1R pLUt4BINc & MECILANICAL :Io be nad.e prion to installation of floor insulation or deeking. POSI AND BEAM: To be nade pr.tot, toinstallatian of floot, insulation op decking. RoUGH PLUEIII?. ELEC?RICAL & ttECH- ANICAL: No uork is to be couerefwttil these inspections ltatse- Sssn nale and. approueC. INSALA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION: ?o be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ed. required oqor beriera @e in place but before ory lath, Wpsun boarC ov' tnLL eooering is applied, and beforeoty iraulation is concealed. OR !!OW' BUILDI\ICS Sanilarg saser capped at Wopez,fii Lire Septic totk yattped and filled trith gz,axel Final - l{hen obcue itens ate earaleted and uhen denolition is complete br s*,uc-tute motted otd. pnenrises cleaneC up. l,lobile Hcmes Bloeking ord Set-up Plwnbing connections -- aaie? ozd uatey Electtical Conneetion - Bloekitrg, set-uu ard pLunbing conneetions rn;st be apprcued befoz,e requesting el.eelrlcal inspeetio;t Accessory Bui.Lding Pinal - After pcrehes. etc. ate cornpleted. skirting, decks, DRYWALL INSPECII)N: ?c be madeafter aLL ClAuaLL is in pl.ace, but prior to ang taping. IAS1NRY: Steel l,ocation, bond beans, gtouttng or uerticals in aceordanee vtth U.B.C. Section 24L 5. lTl wooDsro,tt: L4) etaT;TA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: d,e e"ectAE;V;lot' After formsto pourirq PIPEPLACE:,rat;i;G faeing Lnepec- Pt'iot, to placirq and befot,e frori.n4 conc?ete. SIDE\IALK & DRT"EWAY: Eoy aLL con-c"A; pao@Affi street r.tght- of-txA, to be naCe after aLL esca- uating eanplete & forn rnrk & sub- base naterLal in place. tion. FRAL'|IIIG: Wst be requested after apptooat of rough plwnbing, eiectz,i-cal & neclanieal. ALt noofing btacittg & chinmeys, etc. nntst be completed. tto uork is to be con- cecled until this inspection lws been nade and approued. IENCE: gates h4ten conplete -- Pz,ooiCe or mooable sections through FTUAL PLUMBING FINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL D U.E ALL project eanditions, sueh as the i.nstallation of street tz,ees, conplati.on of therequined Landseapirtg, ete., rmtst be satisfied befot,e the Bt)fLDfitG FfNAL canbe requested.. ar\ PrNAL BUTLDING:- The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested aftet the .vinal plunbing Y_/ ELeetz,ical, and Mecharteal fnspections hqoe been nade atd'approtteC. E *ALL I|ANH1LES AND cLEANou?s MUST BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJus?![Etn yo BE IL4DE /1.? tto cosr ro crty \ conu?acto?s Addtess ,-fl-^ t TI JOB NO tot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Caerage # of Stortes Total Hetght Iopography Bui.lding Pexnit State ?otal t*nrges ?otaL soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Grr, LCT ?WE _ Interiot _ Corner _ Pcnhandle C'uL-de-sac L-co c Bedtoons: Lot Faees - Ileat -- Fees -- Date Patd Receipt #: I HAW CAREFULLY EXA].ENED the cornpleted application fon permit, and do hereby certi.fy that aLL infotmation hereon i.s ttue and. cbruect, ord f futtken eer+-ify that any ard aLL oork perfotned slnll be done in accor- danee tith the tudinances of the City of Springfield, and. the Lc"ss of the State of 1r,egon pertaining to the uork Cesq,ibed herein, cnd tlat N0 )CCU- PI.NCY tlill be rmCe of atTA sttuetuz,e uithout permission of the Building Di.-tision. f further cet,tify that onLy contractops and enplcgees uho are in conpliance Dith )RS 70L.0ss uiLL be used on this ptojeet Building Volue & Permit This permtt is granted on the egpress eondition tlnt the said consttactionslnll, in all respects, confonn to the 7r&inance adopted fiig the City ofSpryngfield, includ"Jng the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn and -use of buildings, a:nd may be suspend.ed oz, yeuokeC at "*g time upon oic- T.ation of oty prcrsisione of said fu,dinances. * Df llouse Carage Aceess No?th East Fit,ep', South West I?EM sQ. F?C x Value I'b.tn C,eaoe Carport Accessoru rOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 t Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No, person stall consh-"uct, install., altet or elnnge anA nev cr erieting p_lunbirq or dtainage sAsta.n in uhole or in part, unlesi sueh pet,son is- tlte le-gal possessoz, of a ualid plutnbeztts License, eocept tLnt a pbrson may doplwnbing uork to property uhich is otmed, Leased or operated bg the oppli.- cant. NO EEE CHARGE ?Lxtutes Resil.enti.a.L (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Pertr[t State Electricol Permit llhete State Las requires tlnt the eleetrical uoz,k be done by an Eleetr-ical Contractor, the elee+-r-ical portion of this perrnit shall not be oalil untilthe label has been signed by the Electri-cal Contractot,. Permii FEE ?otal Na,t/Erterd Cireuits Setoiee t5.d) ->(/ aA NC.FEE CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit tt zf,,+ bhanet HooC lJcodstooe Vent Fot PermLt fssuaT,ce Meelwnical Permtt 5 -. EIICROACHMEN? -- fgc,!?itU Dzposit Storage lila'tntenance Permtt Clsbcut Sida,taLk Penoe Electy,ical tabel Mobile Eonte TO?AL AMOUN? DUE:',Date U "y PLan Cheek Eee: ITEM llc.tey h.dnaee P?11's -