HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-12-10..RESIDENTIAL.. 225 North sth streeaPPLicA,r,N /PERl,rr Spm.ngfield, 1regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 ConstFrc+ic-n Leruiea SPFIINGFIEL.D Pcee'-cc 4 ilrw* D,ilL &/-up 6po /'6c l5'oo,6d /0,0c,40 ,{ \ I-t i8 the responaibi-Lity of -the penrit itolder',o see thot aL! inspectiorls @e nad.e at'lhe propat time, thct aach aidr:esa is z.o-a;abiejron the st?eet, and, thdt the penit cail ie Lccated at lhe frcnt of the trooertu.*Suiui,g v|vicion a;roted pr.cn sic.Ll renain on the Buil<iing sitc bt "tt'|;his."?!?)C!DUP?- Pc4 IitsPrnnil,??Q|IES?:CALL 726-3769(recorCer) state your C,:ty Cesigrated. job ntmber, job aC&ess, type ::.Y":_lri ari.u\en you -uLLL ce teaiy fo,t, inspecticn, cont?dctar" oi a-zetr" ,c,rre 'sd. pbTe nunber.' iq"iir" receilu'ed.,nLL be r,ade the aane Ccy, requests ncde aftet ?:00 on ttill be taCe the ne.et1mrkinE'd.ay. of insoee=icn befcre 7:C0 c:i Si!! I:tSP!C::alt: To be nad.e after ezcavatian, but prior tc set up of U\ID|RSL;.3 ?LU!,EITG, ZLZC:.?IC,1.L 1 ilECiii.,liiCiL: ?o be r,crie celate cnywt,k is ecuet,ei. lCQl:lC 1 !AL';lDA?:e!t: ?o be raCe;rt;" '-"-r.;;; -';2"canated. atL fcrns cte etectei, bux pricz, topourir,4 ccnc?et€. ullDiRc?ctJ:t9 ?aL'tt9 I:;c. sEE?., |t.17I3. DRAIIIAGE: io be r.a.:.e pr4ar to jii- Lirq cz,er.ckee. ultDEPllc2R ?Lii:.ig i:tc I !,tlCxAltICAL :Ioberei@oi floor insulczion or Cecking. yots City'Desigr..ated Job ltwber fs: ;YSULA?:'N/ZAPOR E.A.RRI:? T]S?lC?fiiI :lo be naCe aftet aLL insuleticn cd. required uqor beriers @e in -olacebut befoz.e ory l.a.th, Wpan bcatC cz, tnLL couering is coplied, erd. beforeory ,Jraulation is concealeC. DRIilA.LL illSPlC?IC)t: Tc after aLL ct-guall is ,Jn but prior co cny tapin4 be naCe pl.ace, I u l"lASCllRY: Steel Location, bond beans, gzoutit4 ot uetticcls in aceoriorce ,'nth t|.ts.C, Section 241S. ICADS!0,/8: Aftez' instaltation isatoleted. CUP.B .t A?PRCA4| !?i.9N: Aftet fornsa,;;/,*;A-;1:uiVAA to patz--,q eone?ete. SIDEWI.LK 4 DRf-,TiAI: For aLL eon- cr"-Ye pau6-E;E; st"eet right- oi-r';cy, tc be naCe af'.a-r aL! exec- uating eonolete & fon u;oyk I cub- base natertal in place. i!IiC!: ,lhen cotryiete -- Prctiie gates o" nouable sectians through D II ' ALL pro;ect eor.<ii:ions, ;uc.i cs che instaLlaxian cf streec .?ees, :c:eletion ci therequired l.cncsccp'Jng, etc. ' tiust be satisi-ied before the AU7LDI:;C ?MlL ccn be raqttes:-ei. IIilAL BUILDI:IC: Tne E'-nal Buildiry Insoecticn xtust be rec.uestei .zfter the ii"-zl ?lunbingELeettical, oti :,lechar.ccl inspeet--ons |ate been naCe al'ccarouaC. f1 post AitD 3EA:1: ?o be ncCe r?:o" to, I Gifficf ii.cor ir.sui^a.tic-n or &ckitt6. ;-tl:'-r.-: .,O w.tiL :kese irscec:"Jcra ',zaue beer naie crd. aggrcl'ed. FIP!?7ACE: *r,or '"o plcctr4 iac.-ngmcter,)als cr.d, beiore franng insoei-tiot. FR4JII)|G: llust be tecuesteC cflet cpproual of ruugh plwrbing, electr)-cal 7 nechanieai. ALI tcoi)r4 btacing A chinmeys, etc. rtsc be . co,@Leted. llo ,;crk is to be con- - cealed until this insoec2icn ias'been nade anC aporot;ed. ,j. en,rc pL(J:4BrJc FI;IAL :.IEC.]AIICAL \-1- oz-Ro-EL[Tcs tat #oL{qob Job Loccticn: Assessorc :!ao I Subd.Lu.)sicn: 77 },>ter: Ad&ess: -n4khlL iffit'S'f, S1448- Dril!, l-l n2 Date of .\pg Licaticn L n"t J88,4OO r )).' L-' ^- General ELee 1 )!eclut:ic=L BUILDi::CS:.-! Scnitaty seter capVed =t pt,cpetzg Lit:e Septie totk p'';-ped ail. fillei aith gta:;zi Pinal - ll4ten abcue itens ate ecnoletei anC xhen !encl-'J--ior is =crrcLele bt s::-r:-ture naueC qi =ra=,ses elbaned ut. Le Ecnes Elocking otd. Set-:tg Pltntb*.q ccnnecticns -- sctior d. ua:er before requesting eleelr,tcal insgec!--a:t ::rehes, sktrting, CecT-s, 1^.^) tionCcnnec esLcckirq connectionspLLOTDLng .4cces:c.y Suililrq Finel - :4,ft.r etc. are eane ?4e 1 oi 9, ,] =7Vtr ?f=aaof,-.t |ALL !4AlttjCLAS AttD CLEAttcUTS:tUS? 3E ACcZSSitsi.E, .lDJtJ57:9:;l lo 3Z:.:tDE t?::o::ST 7C CI:y Phsne: ,l Lisc. i,t);-^^^ 9'n-rr* ,\r n(Itr- T 2 JOB NO :?te Lat Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct la:eraga ! of Stor.es iotal leight Topogqrrg ZuiUtng Penrrt Stcte !o+.al lhatgea TotaL Permi; fssuowe Meci,tcniccl PetirLt ileccricaL SOLAR. CESS REQ- _ Intetior _ Corqe? _ Pa:nhanl.Le CUL-de-sac L-coc Sei"rcons Building V<Ilue & Permit This pertnt is granted on the eupress :onditi.cn tlat the said-constzwccion slall, in ail respeets, eonfcrn to the 1rdinance adopte,C by the CitT cf Spmngfleld, rncld,ing :he loning Crdinar.ce, regulati.ttg the ccnsin.ciicn ozci use of bur-Ltiings, cnd nay be ;usoeruieC or reuckeC ct cr.1 tine';icrt uic' /,a::.on af .ttg prcu,Jsions of sa',i Crdir,ances. Sigred: Electricol Permit llhere State Lan requires that the electrical uork be done by an lleet*ical Contru.eto", tlw electr[cal portion of this Vermit slaLl not be uali.C. until the l.abel ius beet't signed by the Electz,ical Contracto?. Mechqnicol Permit PLqn i.cnlne? I HAW CA-REIULLY SXILAINED the eonpleteC coplr,catiot. ior germit, ai dc hereby certifg tlnt aLL itfonnation h.erecn is t?ue anC. ecrtect, a,.d. i furlhez, certiJ'y lhat any ard aLL ,;ork terforned alall be done in accor- dance tith the Ardinanees of the City of Soz",.ngfield, and. ;he Lc;e of the Sr.ate of Cregcn pertainina to tke wtk Ces*ibcd heretn, crlL :ic,e ]10 1ccl- ?AllCI uLLL be nu,i.e of cnu sttltcture uithout permiasion of the 3uilding h"- uision. f f,trther:ertif'g th.a.t only ?cnitactots o"d. nplcyees uho,ze in cazpliance ar.th CRS 707.055 r,till be used cn this prcject a /tt t Lot leces -Enerau Sourees :ieat)iiouse :c"aae Aceess.7/ate! '!ea:et lloPth Ran€e East !n|reoLace South fluuuo aauc i'lest -- Fees -- M:.t x VaLue ;.lcin Xlzce 70?.11 7A.LL'' Is.D.c. 1.5; Plan Check Fee: Plumbing Permit No person shall coz,.sttwct, instal!, al,tet' or clran4e an! r2ea ct ecisting plmbiq cr drainage egsten in aioole or in patt, unless sueh petson is lhe Legal possessor of e talid phlnbet's License, a.ce?t that a petson na'1 Co plrnbing xork to prope"t! ahich is ouned, Leased or operated by the dppli- @flt- CTAEUL t !i,etutes Residettti.o.L ( 1 bcth) Seuer PlunbJ,ng Perr:it State 1 1es. So. ftc il a,t /Ectend. Ci?ani t s latrocr*y Semsice ih,00 ln,t:o,40 )Ar 4A F!3 Funeee 3?a'S *hast ilooC Vent ?ot 'rlcocisxoie -- ilc?.cAc!:.5:tT -- Sectrirt Dzooei'. Stotage ildlntencnce Penr.t 5L1.e)aLr: {_0 ICTAL *t!)UllT DUI:'6 l,o !,lobile llatte Signe<i Yq 6 z )ntccscr.t lolal Chdroes State 1trehaae Cutbqt! ,35,nC