HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1982-11-04{q..RESlDtr{TlAL" zzs Nonth rrn rrr""APPLicAYroN/PERMrr Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 Buili,ing Diuision 726-37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D Signed.: J( \?7q rLod), 3, tf Sfu-,-/Job Locstictz: ?az Iat # .>4Aeseseorc ;'!ap $ Subdiu.)sicn: };ner:Ztr nu,3. tl"-- Phone 5 7 7 ,ld<i-ess: vevg iate of sppti"rti"n \\'4 -$L Descibe I'lotk: lCditicn f1'- a^oe"t r- Vai.ue d-.-^.- -o- DTIIOLI?IOI! AR w) Sanitary aeaer ecpped .t p?cp.!-r- Li.e Septic tank p:iryed ad. filled ,rtth gratel '.L - i,hen cbclte itens ee ccnoletei xhen ler.tcl)zion is ean=Lele cr s'-t-.t:- naueC oti ??r:i:ses elbanei up. cnd tu?e ECNES tsLocking otd Set-ug Plmbirq connec'"ioze -- sare! ad, ualet Elecdcal Cotzection - Blcel<tng, set-ui and pltnbing contections mist be acptcr;ed. before requestang elecirical insgec|ior: Accessa,! 9uiZinng Fi,n.el - After ;cnches, akirting, decl-s, etc, @e ccnple=id. P General Conslprcica_!e@g!_ u:tDg?sL;3 ?LL':.!r'i:rc, ?LZC:PIC,tt I iE3'ii.,liiCAi,: io be nccie befcr"- cny r;ork is eo;terei. ) rcor:tc t ?ou;tDAT:c!t: ?o be nace L) M .re"cn;; az,; ercq;ateri ard. fo*ns ote eteetei, but priar topoutirq ccnciet€. u!!DZRG?CU:!2 ?tL,!.!3!:;C, SS'Ep,',r.1T!3. DRAIIIAGE: io be np;.e pr"Jat to jil- Ltr4 tter:.ckee, UTI'EP!:CO? ?LUi9 i:]G I .\'JCiIA]IICAL: [-l SilS -i.'JSPtt::,'i,': To be rmlie aflet L) e=cau;n;;1ut priar cc aet up oJ' JOznE, your City Desigr.ated Job !tunbet Is:8))3 7_ INSULATION/VAPOR 3/.RRT9R IISPlC!fiil : To be nlaCe aftet aLL insulaticn ed. required ttqor ber.Je?s @e in place bat before @tA l,o.th, g.lpsun bcarC cr taLL coueting is cpplied, crd. befcre oly insulaiion is concealeC. 7 I! i8 the reegons'ibi_Li?y of _the pentit i'otl,er to see that aL! inspec?tons @e r,ade at lhe proper tlne, that e^ch ad,lness is reai-l.ie ;roat t,iu st"eet, anC tiu.t the perwtt cad. ia tocated at the frcai of the properfu.,ZuilCit4 Luictot.:oproted itiz shcll remain oft tz.e BuaLdir,4 Sttc ac aLL'!imes.' ?:?Oc!DUPl. ?0R. IySPr*IClr.F=?FS?:CALL726-3769 (tecotCet,) state you! City Cesigl,aied job rum,ber, job aCiress, type of insoee=icnre.quesxed aii u!".en'riou ut'it be reaiy fo-r inspection, Contract"r" oi G\,mers'r,.one -na pU"," runber.' -pequesis n"Leii\a befcre'7:a0 c:,'.1LL be nade the sane Ccg, "equests naie aftx 7:00 an viLL be naCe the nest,"totki$ dag, ,--llt I kxian Io be naz.e f"oor insu to instcli*zcton of or decking. DR!'IALL I!ISP!C?IC)1: TC after aLL at^gua!,L is in but p?iot to any tapin4, be naCe pl.a.ee, \USC!!.RY: Stee! Location, bond beans, groulin4 or verticals in aceordaue ,.rtth U,ts,C, Section 24 1 5,. ||-OCDST1VI: Aftet irctallation ie a,ryLeted. CURB & APPRCACH APPCN: Aftet fotnsae evecteC but pr.Jor to pcur)ng conerete. SIDIWLLK d DRf',EWAI: ?or aLL ccn- crete PaD7.n4 dL stTeet right- of-taA, tc be naCe afler aL! ezca- oating c6rpLe'.e & fotn ,,;ork 3 sub- base trctertal in place. fl Post arn stu,tt lo be naCe priot lo, I TGiii-i-a;rcn ci Jloon irsu|aric-n or Cecking. a)Ltc:.! ?aulg!:1c, ztzc:9ICAL ,/ )tEC:t- A!1iC).1: ;io ';orz .is tc ce cauereG ut:t.)L ;hese )nscec=iors haue beer naie c.nd :g-orc:te7. Pm)or '.o plccir4 ;'=c:.ng ard. before fratt-rq insoec- ?P-4J'!MC: litst be tecuesteC cfler aporou.zl c1' :cugh pLwrbing, electr-:-cal I neehanicai. AL! mofirq braing 7 ehinmcys, etc. tusc be conoLe--ed. )lo -;crk is to bo- :m- - cea-LeC unril this insoecicn )us'beett nade cnC cporou*ed. a'a-f t.-a. tion. IT|UL ?LU:,!BI:IG FI:IAL :,IEC|IAIICAL ?T:IAL !LEC??ICA' a;1tad.llhen eonplete -- *ouiie on nouable eectians thtough ALL project eonCitions, suci cs the installaxicn cf street trees, :c:pleticn cf zie tequired Landsccpirg, etc. ' ailst be sax'lsJieC bel'cre tl".e eUiLDI;iC lIiiAL :cn be reqaestei. FINAL BUTLDMC: TA,e Final Eur.Lding lnspection atust be reo.uesteci zfier the iir-zl ?lu:nbingllecttica|., drd, ltechariccl lnspecttcns 4quc been nede atd. ttotovec. IALL IIAIIHCL1S ATID CL1{.TIOUT9:IUS? BE ACCZSSitsLE, .4DJAS?:!:::I lO 3!:!Dg /.I lIO::Sr TC CI:Y gates DII? I:lI ?4e1oi3 2 l l l ] l 2 Iot Sq. F4. 7 cf Lct lcueraga_ ! of Stor)es lotal lleighx ?opogrqhy ?evtr[t fssucrce Mecl.,aniccl Perrit ito,tt _ Interict _ Cor.ne" _ Paniun"d.Le Cul-de-sac 3er!rcqs Mechqnicol Permit JoB No.tzz3e? soLA, .ccEss REQ.-L-co c Lot ?aees - t )f ilouse Access. ?ireoLace -- Fzes -- I!E:.1 K VaLue Building Vqlue & Permit This pertntt is granted on xhe ecp?ess :oruiilion tlat the sciid.constraction slall, tn all reseecxs, eonfcz"n to the 3z,dirnrce edopteC iliy the City ci Spr;-ngfield, incluiing :he Sonir.g Ctdincnee, regulctin,J the ecnst?ret'.cn ctti use oi bu:-Li'.rqs, and nay be suscerieC or re,tckei at cr.! tine upcn uic- Laticn of .zny prcuisicns of saii 3rdincnces. ;.lazn ano! r. !! | I:e lucei^r(- Zuil'Cing Pernit Cheek ?ee: To+.aL Cl"anges Ii:!.t CAP,GJ Plumbing Permit Ilo person shcll cotstt"tct, instal!, a!,ter or clonge any Trea cr e:isting plwnbtng cr, <bainage syatelt in:siole oz, in pott, uttess sueh person is the LegaL possessor af e oalid plwabet,'s License, a.cept that a pe:son na:J do plwbing uork to pyope?W ahich is our.ed, Leased or operated by the dppli- ent. ?iztut,es Resid,entia.L ( 1 bath) Seuer Plunbtng Pern-it State Suz'clazge Electricol Permit I{here State Lan nequires that the electtlcal uork be done by an Eleatt'tcal Cont?detor, the electrical portion of this permit slwll not be ualiC untiL the Label ius been aigned by the Electrical Contractor, D^^ Nau/Extend. Circuits larocroy Semtice L Per-rt'" Total !!i:t C!iA,D,CE ?.ttr,ace 2TU|S bhast HooC Vent ?ot Tcodstote -- z:lc?cAc!t.E:!! -- TctaL PTanL Jrcn@ f HAW CAREIULU lXAltiNED the eotrcLeted copltcation icr petni", cni <ia |ereby eertify tltat aLL itfo;nat'Jon hetecn'Js true ar"C, carreet, oti i f'arther cevtaii that anA crd aLL uork Teriortted slnll be dote in icear- dance ''r[th the Otdinattces of the City of Spr.ngfield, arui ;he Ld;s of the State of 0regcn gertzinino lo lke aork Cescv")bcC herein, al. :iuc Y0 )CCU- PAICI viLL be ta,de ci cnl sc?ucture ui;hout pernissiot of the Suilding 9z-uision. I frtrther eeriifg th-at oTtla eontrcctor,s and ctplcyees ai'a arz in cazpllance a:.th CRS 701.055 r,sill be used. on this pz'cieet !,lobile Hone //^a- 72 ieqy-ty Derccit Stotege i,laintedcnce Curbeu! ELect?LcdL i.c.teL l*-oo T1TAL LtlOUilT DUE:'lg 00B a State Sutchage lolal Ac:rqes #: