HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-10-21" RESIE-NTl,<t" APPLTCATT0N/PERMTT 225 ltlorth |t/t Stz,eet Sprtngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 5s Reet # SPT'hlGFTELD -/K Date:-a/- Genet aL Electtical Constr-"t'ton Lender It, ia the respons,ibilitg o! the petmlt holder to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the ptoper time, that eceh address is t'eaCab';e fran the street, and that the penot ca.vd ie 'l,ocated at the frant of the propet,fu.*Suilding Nuisiot appro"*ed plan slnll remain on the Building Site at aLL times. ?R)CEDUPE FOR TNSPECUpIl_glgggE!:CALL 726-3769 (reeordet,) state yout, City designated job nrmbet,, job aCi-ress, type of inspee=icn eadgfoz,inspection'contyaetay,so7a*.,"",,o,eLndphonenunbey.P'equestsreceixbdbefcz,e7:00an *-iLL be made the sane dag" requests mcde after 7:00 on urill be nnde the neat aorkirg d.ay. Iout, City Desigmated Job Nunb€! fs:rfgc qq7 Remtt'-re,4 Tn <n aaft' nn c Tc,s Lot #8q,03 3ro t Job Locaticn: Assessot,e Map # S:ubdiuision: )Grr *wOtmer: -Addtess: V City: DescrLbe llork:t--l Nea value vg!')4 h) I.lobile Eone Date of AppL Additicn RenoCeL l4ecllanieaL SITE INSPECTI)N: ?o be nwde aftez, eacaufion, but pr.ior tc set ip of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUI,IBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHAilfCAL: To be nade befoz,e ang aork is eooered. TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IT|SPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn and required uapor beriers @e in place but before ary Lath, gApeun baarC or rnLL couez,ing is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECTf)N: ?c be nade after aLL dtyuall is in plaee, but ptior to anA taping. tAS1Nfi: Steel Loeation, bond 6dffilgz,outi.ng ot, oerticals in accord.otce Lrtth U.B.C. Section DEI-|OLilTA!] OR ).:OW' BI;TLDI.|CS Sanitary seuer eapped at proper4i Lire Septic tank p,inped and filled rtith graxel lincl - h4ten abcue itens ote canpleied and uhen Cancli+.ion is cornplete o? strac- ture moued anC pz,errLses cleanei up. PaEe 1 of 2 P?)TING & FOUNDAIICN: ?o be maCe Af;;F6encnes a"e eacaoated and fotns are erected, but ptior to pout'Lrq ccncrete. UNDBRGROUIID PLUMBING. SEWER, WATER, DRAIIAGE: To be made prLot, to fil-T@-tr""clee. AIIDEPELOOR PLUI,IBING & I4ECI]ANTCAL : of floor ineulation or decking. P)ST AND BEAM: ?o be made pnior to --^1 installatian of floor insulation or decking. R)UGH PLUMBTilG. ELECTRICAL & \IECH- GliL these inspections Lntse been male and appz,ooed.. FfPEPLACE: Ptior to plaeirq facingmaterials and befoz'e froning inspee- tion. F!$!!nC: l4ust be requested after @pnfrfu of rough plu,rbing, e1ectui-cal & neclnnical. ALt roofirq braeing & ehinrneys, etc. rntst be conpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- , cealed until this inspection lns "been made anC appro"*ed. FMAL PLUMBIIIG FTNAL MECHANTCAL FINI,L ELEC?RICAL concrete. SfDEWALK & DRf',GWAI: For aLL con- u,ete pansing uithin street right- of-usay, to be made after aLL e*ca- oating complete & forn wrk & sub- base materLal in place. Mobile Hcmes BT.ocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnectians -- sa;e? od, uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing connections rn;st be apprcxei before requestirq eleetz'tcal inspecliort Accessor-7 BuilCittg Fina.L - After pcnches. etc. ore eornpleted. skirting, decks, WOODSTOT,IE: ccnaT;tA.. After installation is CURB & APPROACH APPONI ax"e ""..t4-ilrV&o" After fonnsto pourirq PENCE: ta4ten complete -- ProuiCe gates or notsable sections through P,U.E. ALL projeet con&itions, such as the installation of street trees, co:roletion of the requined landscaping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FII|AL can be requested. FINAL BALLDING: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested after the linal Plwnbing ElectricaL, and l,lechanical Inspeetions haoe been made and approueC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BT ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIEIIT TO BE I.!,4D8 r'.T lIO CSST TC CI?Y Contractor.s Ad.dzess Lasc. u tr qq ,^ AR AccEss REQ.- Grt IfrT TWE _ Intericr _ Co?ner _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac L-co d Bedroons JOB NO Zone: Iat Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Cotserage. # of Stortes Iotal Height Topography Date PaLd.: Receipt #: JCTqUTLC Enerau Sourees ?!peLot Faees - Iieat Water lleate!:House Caraqe AccessDf F.an4eNorth tast -Woodstou-eSouth West -- Fees -- QN F7'x ValueITEM Main Ceaae Carport Accessot u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 r PLan Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the enpress condi.tion tlwt the said constructionslmll, in all respects, conform to the CrdLnance adopted fuiy the City of Springfield, includi.ng the Zoning Cndinance, r,egulctitLll the ccnsttwcticn anL use of buildin4s, and may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of any prcuisions of said 0rdir,ances. * Building PerwLt ?otal C|nrges Plumbing Perrnit No pereon s|nl,L constz,uct, instalL, alter or eltange an?j nel cr existing glwnbina or dtainage sAsten in uhole br in patt, unlesi such person is the Le-gal _possessoz, of a ualid plwnber's Licensb, eeeept that a pbrson mag doplunbing uork to p?ope"ty uhich is ouned, Leaeed or.operated by the appli- cant. hlltere state Lan requires tl",at the electrical uoz'k be done by an ET.ectttcalcontnaetor, the eleetrical portion of this pernit slnll not be tsalic untilthe Label lns been sigmed by the ELectrical Contyactot,. Signed rTEM FEE CHARGE * * Firtutes Resid.ential (7 bath) Seuer vLumblng yertilt State 1 Nan/Eotend Cincuits Ianpcrwy Setnsiee State Total Electricol Permit -- ENCROACHI.{ENT -. ITgLI NC ILL Mechq n ico I Pe rm it EcTtanst HooC ,,g I,lcodstooe Perm[t fssuance Meclnnical Perrr[t /5" "' /s. co .bo Seau-itA Deposit Stoz,age Maintenance Peznit Curbcut - Sida,talk Mobile Eome PLAN uaxe TataL f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED the conrpleted application for pernit, and dalereby cettifg that aLL inforrnatibn hereon'is tz,ue aitd. cbruect', cnC. r futtker 9ettify that any ard aLL uotk perforrned shall be done in accor- dance tyith the Ordinances of the City bf Spr.ingfield, anl the Las of theState of O"egon pez,taining to tke aork Cescribed herein, cnd tlut NO OCCA- Pl'Ncy ti'tll b-e rm.de of ana st.uctur,e uithout permission of the Buizding u.-Dision. I fuz,ther eertifg that only eontractoi,s and enplcyees uho arb in conpliance Dith CRS Z01.7ss uiLL be used on this ptoject lo- Zr TOTAL AMOUN? DI]E: *(s,6o Signed %o*q Date Fireplace Vent E@l iqence Electtieal Label ]et*-