HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-07-07Dete: ., 1 SPFlINGFIELD B,Rt4> /2;D,tL/> .i -(B .le= .2at-: Jobbcaticn: 1I32 I.:. Bth I ?.d. ?€-c(>t7 jatAscessore ilap ll Tcs Lat # Subdi;tision: c.-ner: I.'lichaeI liaser ACti:.ess: I132 N. Bth Phona: 7 26-67 37 ci41: SPRINGFIELD zip: 97 477 Desq-Jbe h'ork: Install- sol-ar hot water system. 2-4XB collectors and 1- B0 qal tank. dLtzDate of AppL d a 1 frenoCeL Val.ue Conxractoys Lise. I EzliresAiiz'ess ceneral Thermal Ivlaster of Or P.O. Box 2877 26689 3/2/83 683-2627 I Electrlcal Plwnbin4 Eugene, or 97402 i,!eciur.!c:L DEI.ICLfiIO!! OP :.:AW) BUILDi;]CS Sani'-ag seuet ccptped ct progerti lit:e Septic tank p-,rped crui filled,,t'!,th gratai Final - Llhett abcue ixens ate caatleted anii xhen ietclizion is eanplete bt st:a:- tute noued, aZ prerLses clecnei up. tsLocking otd. Set-tp Plubinq connections -- scue? oC ualet Electriccl Ccnnection - Elockirg, se'.-ut ani pltnbing connections nr;st be qgrct;eC before requesting eleclricaL inspeetior: Accessory 3til,iiry Pittzl - Afier ;crci"-es, skirting, ,iecks, etc. @e catgleleci. 9n,-o 1 z-'nr---. - vl e I! is lhe responsibility of the penttt ipZder to see iha! aL! ircpectiova dre nade at lhe propet tine, that aach cddtess is ren:'"31-e 1'ron the atteet, and tiat the pe*dt card ie Lxated. at the ircnt of the properfu.2uiUit4 D.Juicict *rplov-ed clot s'r.c.Ll renain on the Buildtng Site at aLL tines. ?ROCIDUPE FoR llls?1ercil RIQUEST;CALL726-3769(yecoz'Cet) state !ou" City designtted job nttabet, iob ai&ess, type of inspee;icn requesxeci ari uhen gou uiLL be teady for inspaction, Contractats cp Anneis rcne ctd plone nznbcr. Pequests receit;ed befcre 7:C0 an viLL be nad.e the sane cicg, "equests ncde cftet 7:00 an utill be nade the nect'arking d.ay. Iout Cii;u Desiora.ted iob tlwtber Is: I Constructica Lewier SIT, IitS?lC!!ilt: lo be after e.cauction, but prlcr tc set up of farns. ailDERSL\B PLi!:.g ItC, 1LAC73IC.1.L A iECIlitllICAL: ?o be natie befote any uori is eouered. PC1TI:IG , l0tJ:tDA?iCN: To be tmie ;fi; t"enci;;-ate *eauated cnd fcnrs ae erecte<i, but pict to pourirq ccnctei€. U!!D!RG?OU!!D ?LL'M9TJG, SS"/EP, il,q?!3, DRAI\I+GE: lo be iaie pfior to fil-Lir4 :renches. UIIDEPFLOCP PT-UiE XI G 1 )!!CqA\IICAL : @offloor insuktaan or decking. POSI,1ND 3EA!.1: To be naie prior toffii.-dlfrof floor insul)tiott or deekitq. i1t!fi! .?LultsI:iG. _EL.tc!?!?At 1 laEc1aAilIil.L: llo 'sork is ;o be cotereci ur: T-these iraoecticrs i,sue beer nod.e ard. apgrcoed. Ff?9PL,I.CE: *Lor r.o ?Lcsiq icc-i.rgnacerials atd beiote fz,o,rtrq inspec-tiot. FP-IJ|MG: ltust be recuesxeC after approual of rcugh plwrbzng, electrt- a,L E nechanieal. AL! z:oofirq btaing ! chir:tncgs, ete. mtst be . ccttpLeted. llo uctk is to be con- . cecled until this insaecttcn ias'l6sn naie cnC ccptcu'eri. IilSALA?IAN /V/.PCR B,A.R?I]R IIISPICTIC :I : required od?or bdrie?s @e in pla.ce bat befcre oty Lath, Wpsrltt baarC or tnLL couering is qplt ed, and. before otg i,rsulatton is concealed. DRY/|ALL IilS?lQfCN: 7c be nade -., aJ'ter cLL ctluall is in place, i;ut priot' to cng taVing, W.SC{RI: Steel Locatioa, boniffi{gtoutirq or ue"t1-ccls in aeccrCctce ',/-th U.B.C. Seeticn 241 5. ilo0DS?0,/E: enpLece<i. After installation ie I I I @ cuP,B 4 4P$AQH 4P3eN: After forms @.; e";;;;Z-GVAot, to boamnsconc"ete. SIDItiALK & DRflEilA!: For aLL coa-q,"-te@C;ffi st"eet fight- of-tvt!, to be maCe aiter ali esca- oating eanplete & fotn wrk & sub- base tetez-)al in place. IT|UL ?LUI,IBI:IC II;IAL |,{SCAIICAL FI:IAL SLECTPTC;' ALL pro;ect ccnCi;ions, src.': as the lnsrallacicn of slleet ctees' la:?iericn_o: t;Le requ.tred LanCsccpit':i, ccc., nf,ist be satisJtJed bei'ore the AUILDI:;G FIIIAL ccn be reqttzs'.ed. ilSIAL tsUfLDIItC: The ?lndl 3uikiing Izsoection r.rust be redrestei ciler lhe !'Lncl ?lnbinEglectrical, oti !4echct:icci insaecttcns i"4ttc been naie erri ccerc"^ei. -! *ALL !4A\|II.CLES AND CLEAI:CUIS:IUS? 3E T.CCISSI3LZ, ADJUS!:I:I! lO 38.'.:4.'! !.!:!O::S! !2 CIIY ..RESILJENTIAL 22s ttorth s*r stneeaP?LrcA? rcN /P,,lffy SprLngfteld, 1regon 97477 ButLding Diuision 726-37 53 7Zr /@- 7a f-a :gtcy: ir4ten conpi;te -- Pt'o:side Ll s"r* ct, nouaLle' aectiors rhrcagi"' nP.U.E. I I t-_llt Tr ?=qe 2 JOB No 8>a|a?B.soLAR I )ESS REQ- Zo-ze:(irqt> SLzte Perrn t lssuance Meciunicel Perrrtt Sec-ti eL ' ,Vobile ilcme Electrico! Permit Were State La requit,es tha.t the electrical aork be done by an Electrieal Contz,actor, the el)ermcal portion of thh oetnit sha.Ll rat be oaliC until the Label las been signed bg the Electnical Contr'.cto?. Mechqnicol Permit 2--rE2 I HAW CARIFALLy gL;-!tf:liD the conroleied ,zooL..caxion fcr petmit, .nd dc hereby certi;! that eLL itfo:,ranian h.eyeon is true anl. cortect, od. I f"uther cettiiy thax cny ar:ti aLL aork aerfot-ned siul1. be Co:.e :.t aceor- dance ',rith the Aydinsnces oi the City of Spr'-ngfield, end. ;he La;s of t-ne Staie of C"egcn pettainino to the uork Cesc:ibed herein, ct"l. iha,x :10 ?CC!.i- PLllc! uiLL be naie of any sr:acrure uithcut peznisaian of th.e Sut liing U.- uision. i futther certr-i! =hnt ctLg cov.t"ectots ani znplc,lees ai:o ate in eonpliance urth CRS 701.055 aiLL ce used cn ihis projeet L-CO G* Rar€e llecalct * )-7- r z 3earccrs: 7ea-" Acczss ioD2 )l i'!ause Lot Fa.ces -lat Sq. F*4. 1 cf lct Caseraga_ t of stor)es 4W?otal leight LCT :29 intericr -_ Cottlet _ ?ttliunile CuL-de-sac!cgograch.y -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This penntt is granted on the et?ress cotl.ition tr@t the said.constrtc)ion slall-, in all z,bscects, confcrm to the Crdirsr;ce aciocte,i.5ig :he :itl of Spr".ngfie7,C, '-nc!uritr,.g lhe Zoning Crdinance, regulating ;he ccnscrtclicn ad use cf cur|Ldtngs, ar,ci m=,g be susoend.ed oz. re:tckei at tE tine uDon uic- Lation of a.y prcuisions af saiC Crdirances. VaLue ?CIAL '/.T,LUE I:U x a- .E a an^ , (- Euild.)ng ?enit lotal Chetges PLan 7a .D Plurnbing Permit ilo person shz.ll co*imtct, install,, altet or ciunge dnJ r.eu cr e:isting plutnbirq cr &ainaae sgstetl in dthole on in part, uxless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a ltalid plwrber's License, eecegt iilat d ?elson naX do plunb;-ng uork to ?roDetf4 Lthich is ouzed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. NO iEJi?ii! Reaidenti.a.L ( 1 bath) Squter C:'4E,CZ.r, lb .?aState Sutcl"ztpe .?a ::T:4 ,t0.a\ | )-, Pes. Sc. fta. ilan/Zrterd Circ'aits lanpcroy Sezvice :TJ:,! C.,n---^ DOlllc *lwnst HooC Vent F@T Tcodsto:se -- E:|CF.2ACi!:.!E:]T -- Storcoe i4air.=erance blca)dik --3!)L Ai.lCU}tT DUi:.v6 / 'ial\an .. RESIUENTIAL.. zzs itorth rrr rror"aPPLrcA?ro* /PE?'w! SprLngfield, 1regon -o7 47 7 BuLLding Diuision 7 26-37 s3 { SPFIInlGFTELD F,Rtl> PP,tL/> fr-o.lcps--.2a 7Z+- /o- 7a JobLocaticn 1132 I.l . Bth ' - a).1€!(>/7 3ettcs bt ,4Ascassore .',!ao I Subdi:t')sion: c-zer: I''lichaeI l"laser ACdtesa: 1132 N. Bth Phone: 7 26-67 37 zip: 97 477city: SPRINGFf ELD Descztbe'lork: Install solar hot water system. 2-4XB collectors and 1- B0 qal tank. il1) a)): ': ^- Z&.rn dntz-vatue -3.{d () 7-, i Daie of General Thermal Iniaster of Or P.O. Box 2877 26689 3/2/Bi 6A3-2A27 PLU:ncitw 1 Eugene, ot 97402 i,!ecitcr,iccL nctlnf rdf^rl ^D t ritE^ Sanilay ee,ter ccpped ct ?toparii lir:e Septic tank p:,ryed cxti ililled u'Jth gtatzl linal - l'then abcoe itens ate ccnalecei and uhen letclition is comclete br sin"- ture noued. ai pre*iees eleanei uV. llobile icnes tsLocking od Sec-tp Plunbing connectiats -- saner d. aa;er llectriccl Ccnzeet,lor. - Blockir?, se'u-tli and plunbing connectione nr;st le qgra:eC b e ;'or e reque s t)ng e'!. eetrical insg eet i.o:': Aceessotl- gutldinz Final - Aftar Vcrches, sbJrting, decks, etc. @e conpleled. ?c?e 1 oi 2 Conslrrgj!ca_Lewie!_ It is 2he reeponsibility o2' tla penri| ialder to see that aL! incpectioia de nad,e at lhe proper tine, that ecch ,;ddresa is v2a;,q'.'r. fron tlu street, at4 tiut the perlrit catd is Lccaled at the ircnt of the prqetty.*?ui!<iit4 Diuicicn r+r.e'ed pZbt sbc.Ll rema-Jn on tiu Buiki--ttg Site at aLL'tiaes.- ?ROCIDUPE F1R !|t|?!enil RTQU|ST:CALL726-3769 (tecorCet) state you" City Cesigtated job nmber, iob aiitess, tgpe of insoeelicn requesceci a*i uhen gou ttiil be ready fcn ir.spection, Cont?acta?s o? Atrers ncae cnd plane runbcr. P.equests reee*;ed be1'cte 7:C0 a:'iLL be rade the se,e ticg, ?equests ncde after ?:00 an vtlt be nade the nest wrkini- day. Your Cii;u' Desia,ated Job Nunbet fs: e7?r ?trc=-^'7a!r. qcau;rGn, ,n lo be nad.e afterprior tc se! up of forns UIIDEPSLAE .'!,U!,8 IIC. ZLECTRIC,I.L 1 |,ECli!.:lICAL: ?o be r.atie beiore any ttotk is covered. FC1TI:IC , l1tlltDATICN: To be tmtie Afret trenci;; ar"e e.caated c:td fants cte erected, but prict, to pourtrg ccncteta. u!!DgRc?au!!D ?i!M9!;l:G- ,i,EP, ilAr!,?)onnn-ta.c@- Lir4 =renci.es. AUDEPFLCCP Z'LUI,IBNG 2, ITlC1ANICAL :@o1floor insuktian or decking. ?OSLI\ID dEA!.|: To be mad.e prior todfrTGliiof ftoor insuhiior or deckitq. nade ard, ,zpptcuo-!. FI?EPLACE: Pz-i,or to plccirq fca.lngnaxerials and. befote iradn4 inspee- tion. FFA]:IIIC: itust be rec.ueszeC af'.er approual of rcugi,r phtrbing, electri- a.L I nechanieal. AL! toofitqbraitg I chi,zttcgs, etc. rrust be . ccmpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- , cecled until this inscecticn has 'been nade cnC aoprc"*eZ. IIISULA?IAN /I/T.PCR B,I.RRIER IIISP1CTIAI : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. tequired uapor berie?s @e in pla.ce Lwt beflcre ay lath, glpsltttl bcarC or tnLL couering is qplt-ed, cnd. before ary insulatian is concealed. DRY'IALL IilSP|eICN: 7c be nade after cLL arguall is in place, but prJor to cng tapirg. MASAIIRI: Steel Location, boni beons, gzoulin4 or uettieals in accorCarce'nLth U.B. C. 1ecticn After installation,Js CURB 4 APP?CACI! ).?PCN:After forns @.e ,"eetA-ilrnfio" to pour.Jn4 coflc?ete. SfDE',|ALK & DRf'"EilAY: Por aLL cott- ct"-te ?aDAGtffi st?eet nigh!- of-,,rA, to be maie aiter eL!, azca- oatino canplete & fora tnrk & cub- base tatez-Jal in place. I I Irr @ TiOODSTO'/E:-----:- f - /Rorlca ?L(.x!zr::c, ELEC:?:IAL I :,{tct-l Kl - uzsil chese ")nsoecxicr:s 'rt:uc- beer 9T1UL PLUI,IBI:iC d7t/.f rGa!l.l7a1f FI1IAL ILIC?PICA, !!ltCE: ;rrhen conplete -- Pto'.tiCe @ o* nottable'aections th.r'ough P, U. E. ALL pt'o;ect cotditione, suci as dte i.nscallccicn of s+-reet irees, :c-V!et:.on ol ti& required LalCsccping, eic., nast be satisJ'ied. beJ'ore "-t',e AUILDI::G llilAl ccn be neqtesxei. lIttAL tsAILDINC: The linal Suild:.r,g lnspection rrust be yeotescei ziler'"he !,Jtr.cl ?'Lnbin-z lleccx,ical, oti :4ecicrtccl itsoectict".s i'auc been ncCe arti ctcroxai ,ALi !4AttECLiS AND CLEAtiCUyS:ru57 Bg ACC1S,|3LE, .4DiAS?:3:1t lO 3E:,!!'..r! t!::0::S: i3 C!:y Date: r ?=ce 2 JOB No. 8>al3?BsoLAR > A :ESS REQ- Receiot l: L-CO G* Seircors: )-7- r z bt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf lct Caserage # of Stories ?otal leighi ?opogrcphg Stcte ?otal Perrm.t issuance ]{eciuniccl Perrr|t i Yobile ilcne fntericr;- _ Corr.er _ ?eni,c+iLe Cul-de-sac w Electricol Permit llhete State L@i "equi"es tls.t the electrtcal oork be done bg ot Eleetrtcal Cont"actor, the eleetrieal pontion of this pemnit sltall not be ualil untilthe Label las been signed bg the ELecA.tcaL lontraetoz,. Mechqnicol Permit 2--'A> I HAW CARTEULLY 9X+LE:lnD tie conpleced aopllcaxicn fot perni.-,, cd do herebg certi;! ,i1a.t aLL info:naticn heyeoi is tt\te anC cbn*eet, al. f fr"*,he? cer*-ifi that any ar..d aLL uork penior-,ted sita.Lt be Co-e it acccr- dance ',rith the Ordinances of the Cit! bf -<pr-ngfiatd, anC the Lc;s of ti.eState of Cregan pertaining to the L)o"k Cescy)bcd herein, ad. t'l"z.i tO CCCA- PlJICI aill be r,aie oI' caA suluctitra uithout peznisaio:t of the Juiliing D.!-uision. f furthen cercii'1 ch.at cnly cont?ecto?s o-d. aryLcyees u'no *b -in co:rpLiance ,otth CRS 707.055 wiLL be used cn +.hia .otojecx I Lot Fzces -Zter:t't Soutces )f ;,/at2/ !e4:2! ilott j1 lcs;I ?treoLcce Souxir lle sv -- lees -- Building Volue & Permit This permit is gtan+.ed on the eeress cotl.ition tha.t the said.-eoastrtc-,ion siu.Ll, in a!7- yescects, confcrm ,o the C"dirla'tce adooted. b:y the iity ofSpringfield, incluriing ihe Soning Ctdinance, regulct:lng ;he ccnstrtclicn al use cf bulltiirgs, oici nay be susgend.ed an reuckei et cr.,J tine ulon uic- Lation of ctt:1 pt'cuis:;ons of saiC CrCirances. VaLue tsuildtng ?el,trit n--^ D--'). ?otal Chetgea ::!x ai d{tt State Sigzed: s.r.c. 7.s ?O?AL I/!.LUE ?a .2A Plumbing Permit ilo pereon shz.ll cottsbzaet, instal!, al,te: ot citarqe cny r..eu cn ezistingplunbirq or drtinage sgstan in ulole or in part, unless such person is tl^.e Legal possessor of a ltalid plumbeyts Lieense, escegt th.at a pe:son na7 do plunbing aork to ptape?fu ahich is ouzed, Leased or operated by the q?pli- cant. ?tn -a L,:.4::'L .4}. Residmtr,al (1 bath) Ss.ter .> .?o Ptunbing Penit ,t0.,^, I >^' ilaa/ZztenC Citcuits Sezwice .!u.Fti ?. ne- ^^ OAtt I c.4,$c. --J O khalst HooC Yent Fot Vcodstote -- i:lcRcA Sec.c-)'-u 1ztosit Sto?.oe i,!air.=erazce -!:.1, ^t:au.it tUa: -v6 Date lcs- .\n- tfn