HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-04-02rto+ifiEd b\% INFOR\IITI0N : 726- 575J CI:trTT OF SPF,I}TGFIEI-.,]f SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRI),iCFIELD SIG:.| CONSTRUCTION A.\D ELECTRI C.lL I}ISTALIITION CO}IB INATION APPL ICATIO]i/ PE R\IIT ISSPECTIO)i REQUESTS: 7:6-j:o9 LOCATIoX OF SIGI{(.{o0RESS) LEGAL DEScRIPTIo:'I / 7 O=2 2G ot{:iER oF ADDRESS PROPER,TY Olf,iER 0F SI6:r(IF gffiER TH,rr\ PROPERTY ADORESS 1 rn'c oF BUSINEss, FIf\r, ETC. TY &-f TAX LOT ! PHONE r/toeNrIrr - PROJECTING INCIDENTAI DOUBLE FACE PHONE EXP. DATE _ NON-IDE}ITITY SECONO.\RY -4rxcre *ce lruLT I. FACE PEoFBUSTNEss@ LIC.\BLE I ERECT R.ELOCATE ALTER OTIIER htrfifu otl ??wrf Aar ffiffiC; ro ruat VE]-OORS. CO)JR \CTCRS SIGN EREMCR A.DDP€55 CITY LICSNSE ;\"I.J:.lBER o5 SIGN }LL\UFACTURER (IF OT]IER TIL{\ ERICTOR ADDRESS LICENSE NINIBER rZ-a.*^-oC o PHONE zlP \ u/li,a:.;- :_ RooF I'IARQUEE OTHER FREEST,I\DING PROJECTI}iG READER BOARD BI LLBOARD TOTAL HEICiIT ABOVE VERTICAL DI}IENSION OF SIGN DI:rElrsIoN FRou cR.lDr ro Borrou oF sIGN 91 ' , THIcr$iEss oR DEprH oF sIGN 3" DoEs sl6'l pRo;Ecr BEyoso pRopERry LrNE ,T /io IF YES,DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE HORIZONTAL ITIDTH OF SI c:t.24'__ IiOTE: IF PROJECTIO.\' IS I.|ORE TII)"\ 12'' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY l}IE SIGN TRTCTOd I.II.,IST FILE I{ITII THE BUILDI}IG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUELIC LIABILITY ND PROPERTY DA}IAGE INSURfu\CE POLICIES. lrtLl sIcN HAVE ELEcTRICAL I{TRING? yEs y'tto IF yEs, wHIcH Apply? ELEcTRIcAL SIGN rLLU}IINATED (INDIRECTLy LIGHTEo) DEsce.rBE fipE oF y-rrE9,r.\Ls sr6]1 Is cousrp.ucrED o.E Exf*taA ?Z/,/DZ .H*r PROVIDE UL MJ}IBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN SITE INFOR\L\TION (L'"\D USE).-EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LA.\D (OR LAST USE IF o PROPOSED USE oF BUILDI.T"G OR LA.l,iD CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE:I}iDOOR BUSINESS OTIIDOOR }IERCHfu\DISING EXISTIT;G SIG,{S (S:GN C00E): FIRY, ETC.: ARE THERE EXISTING SIGNS?_YES IF rES, DESCRIBE ALL E-IIST-ING.SIGNS..FoR BUS.INESS,s{o Ar,L Exrsrruc srcNs oN pRElrrsEs(sAlrE rAx Lor) , ll SCa-43 OZ( (n , - I HAVE CAREFULLY EX,$|INEO Ehe coruplered application for peroit and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shal Uniform Sign Code as adopced by the City of Springfield and the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein City of Springfiel.d is in full force and effect as required all required sign inspections Listed on the approved pernit, I be done in accordance with the Springfield Sigtl Ordinance, the all othe! Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of I further certify that ny Sign Contractors License with the by Springfield ty Codes 8-2-6(1) and 9-7-20(2). I vill request NAME(PLEAsE PRrlrr) l/ry?r/cmc4J SIGNATURE FOR OFFICE E ONLY SIGN DISTRI ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL fOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED:SITE,/ LOCATION _FooTING 0R I{ETIIOD 0F A1-I.{C}L\IENT ELECTRICAL I-{NAI FEES TMAL FEE FOR PERTIIT: STATE SURCHARGE: DATE OTHER CTI.ARCES: ELECTRICAL PER-\IIT: TYPE OF SIGN: looelss . fffiEBe-%i€ plo*Ejfi.t€%__ ELECTRIC.{L COYTR,\CTOR . PHONE- SIGN PER}IIT:ou*rrt, #/J-C O PLEASE i'At) t) Seoer:te Siqn Aocl icericn: A separate applicetion is required for each separrre srgn rs derrne<i in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any pernit issued under this application will include wir- ing rn or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electri,cal pernit. Electrical connection must be made only by 3 State Licenscd Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both interneily and exrernally) must conform to Seccions 9-7-.1 (4)6(5) and 9-7-tS of rhe Springiield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plens Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of pLans drarn to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising nessrge on sign; location of sign on properry with dimensions to property Iines, structual details of support frarning, bracing and foocings; nrterials of construction for sign and sign structure; elec- trical equip:eenc and lighting; size and location of existing signs on ProPerly for the sane business, all. as required to deternine complianceuith rhe Springficld Sign ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also, show the foilouing inforroation on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signsJ; a) Show the location of all e-xisting sign(sJ as well as proposed sign(s) b) Shor.r the length of the streec frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Shov the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) l{hen required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculf,tions nust be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall coni-orm to desian standards on iile at the Building Divisi.on Office. 5) Plans of insufficienr, clari.ty or detail will be returned to the ap- plicanl virh no perniE being issued. 6) Signs nust meet corner vision clearance requirenents as described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Conprehensive Zoni.ng Code. 7) I(OTE: .r-o sign nay be erecred which is less than 12 feet hori:ontallyor vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froo overhead electlical lines vhich are energi:ed at less than 750 volls. I B) If :r si;n is not instrlled rtithin 60 days after the date of issue ofthis pernit. the perrit shall be void. 9) Insoect ions c n ion - to be made before the si gn is placed. Usual1y, the lioo i r;: q I ;r soec t ion (if applicabJ.e) may be made at the sane tine as che Sice lnspeccion, The Footing Inspection j.s to be oade after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placernent of conclet e. b) finel lr,soection - to be made upon completion of all work c) Electri.cal - All electrical signs nust be inspected for electri-cal hoox up efter the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. cAtL FOR THE REqUIRED TNSPECTIoNS 0N THE 24 HOUq, INSPECTIoN LINE AT726-3769. t: SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED EEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: LID.\TIO:J a) CLERK DATE ADDITIONAL INFO&\I"ATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT I'!{Y BE ISSIJED: PLd''lS REVIEi{ED BY DATE \ ,lcrifrid b\ twstt CIITTT CF SPF,I}TGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 9A 427 INFOR$ATIoN: 726-i7is ISSPECTIo)i REQUESTS: 715-;:o9 CITY OF SPRI}IGFIELD SICS CO.\STRUCTIO:I d\D ELECTRI CAL I],'STALIJTION co}lB INAT IOlt AP PL ICATI0)i/ PE &\lIT LOCATI0x OF SI6l'i(I0ORESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTIOX / 7 ofir\..ER OF o > 2_(-TAX LOT 9 PHONE zlP q r/toeNrrrr - PROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE NON- IDE.\TITY SECCNDARY t/slxctg Frce }[ULT I. FACE ADDRESS ERTCT RELCCATE PAt^trtu oN ? Ywnr 4tr frr**€c: -.-^-l /t3. Sf oiil;ER 0F SI6li(IF OTHER TILL\ PRoPERTY OIINER) ADDRESS 1 xxre oF BUsIrEss. FIR\I , ETC EOFBUSI}IESS@ ALTER crntER A,!/-, I{ALL ROOF I"ARQUEE OTHER FREEST.d\DING PROJECTLT-G READER BOARD BI LLBO.{RD vEri0cRs CO:,7 SIGN ERECTCR ADOPISS CITY LIC=.\-SE :\l.J:l3ER o slclr I|I\UFACTURER (IF OTITER TtL$r ADORESS EIICTRICAL CO}{T&\CMR PHONE DATE ADDRESS LICENSE NI.II'IBER TOTAL HEIGiIT ABOVE GE,\05 }ERTICAL DI}ENSION OF SIGN :ONTAI hIDTH OF SI d 24',u DTIIENSION FR,O}I CR,IDT TO EOTTO:.I OF S ICKNESS OR DEPTH OF SI6N 3// DOES SICN PRO.JECT BEYOSD PROPERTY LI}IE YES NO IF YES, DIIIENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LIT.IE IiOTE: IF PROJECTION IS:'iOR.E TIII\ I2'' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TTIE SICN ERECTOR I.iTJST FILE IYITII TTIE BUILDI)IG OIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUtsLIC LIAAILIfi tr\O PROPERTY DA}[,\GE I),ISURA"\CE POLICIES. hrLL SIGiI HAVE ELECTRTCAL rvrRI.YG? -veS /UO IF YES, WHICH APPLY? ELECTRIC{L SIGN ILLU}IINATED (INDIRECTLY LICTTED) DEscg.IBE TYPE oF I,ITE3I.\IJ sI6}I Is Co}ISTP.UCTED oF fu/OR ,Z/o/D?.4rlf PRC}VIDE UL Id,l}t8ER TF APPLI VALUE OF SI6N SITE INFO&\L\TION (LNO USE)-.EXISTING T'SE OF BUILDING OR LA.\D (OR I-{ST USE IF !. o PROPOSED USE OF EUItDING OR IJ.IiD C}IECK ONE IF APPLICABLE If,iDCoR BUSII\ESS -OIIIDOOR }IERCHA.\DIS I NG EXISTING SIG'IS (SIGN CODE): ARE lllERE EXISTING SIGNS? YES IF YES, DESCRTBE ALL EXISTITIG .SI6NS..F0R 9r.iS.{._\ESs,6, ?ALL EXISTIITG SIGNS 0N PREIIISES(SA.uE TAX LoT): I HAVE CiA,EFULLY EXA\IINED the completed application for pe:mi.t and do hereby certify that all infonaation hereon. is tnre and be done in accordance with the Springfield Si gn- Ordinance, the d and the laws ofall other Ordinances of the City of Springfiel I further certify that Dy Sign Contraclors License rith the correct, and I further certify that all r.ork perforned shal Uniforra Sign Code as adopred by the City of Springfield and the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required aII required sign inspections listed on the approved pernit. NA,YE(PLEAsE PRIr1t l-@?@lA^J s by Spri.ngfield ty Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-7-20[2]. I rill request R OFF E USE ONL' SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL fOOTAGE OF SI6N INSPECTIoNS REQUIRED SITE/ LOCATION _FOOTING OR I'IETIIOD OF ATT.{C}{.\[ENT ELECTRICAL I<FiNAL IGNATURE .DATE FEES TOTAL FEE FOR PER\IIT:a STATE SURCHARGE: OTHER # SIGN PER}IIT: CTi,1RGES:flt J- a o C}IARGES EIJCTRICAL PER.\IIT TYPE OF SIGN: \LIDiT l)Seoer:te Sien lqct icetion: A separate appiication (SePar3te irgn Js.lerrneo in t he Sign Code 2) Electrica : Ary pernit issued under this applicacicng ln or on sign structure, Che supply wires for cc \Ecovered on an electrical pernit Electricrl connectonlv by e Srace Licenscd Electrical Contractor, Illinternslly cnd excernally) nusc conform to Sections9-7-13 of che Springfield Sign Ordinance. i 3) Plans Reouired: This apptication is to be submitted \ sets ot plans drarn to scale, showing dimensions andvertising nessrge on sign; location of sign on propeto propercy lines, structual details of support fram i, t foocin3s; nrrerirls of construction for sign and sig.trical equipnenr antt lighring; size and loiation of,properry for the sr"':re business, all as required to d,nith the Springficld Sign Ordi.nance (Article 7 of thr 6riCode). Also. show the t'oltowing infoniaricn on the Ishowing property lines and location of signs): a) Shorr the locarion of all existing sign(s) as well ( p b) Shor the length ot' rhe sr:eet frontage taken up tbuildiag. c) Shos che locarion of entrances open to che publle (a 4) lt'hen required, bec:use of design, size, etc., engineecalculations nus! be preoared by a licensed engineer Co desrgn srendards on iile at the Building Division r iic, 5) Plans of insufficienc cl,arity or detail will be returtplicanE vith no perniE being issued i6,) Signs nust meet corner vision clearance requirenents !Fig. 9 of rhe Springfi.eld Conprehensive Zoning Code. i 7) !iOTE: .r*o sign ncy be erected which is less than t2 fJ lhoor verric:lIy fron overheed electrical conductors in evolts, or less thJn 5 feet in any direction fioo overhtines vhich ere energi:ed at less than 7S0 volts. 8) If a si;n is nor inst:lled r;ithin 60 days afrer the dathi.s perait. thc per.eir shall be void. 9) Inspect ions: a) Site Insoection - to be made before the s ign is ol CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CitY Holl SPringlield, Orogon Dcportmenl of Public Workg OFFICIAT NECEIPT Jlo. B 56299 Dote F ( Received For: (. Amount Received Y, SHELIoi.TURxEULL PllxrERs - EUGEiE. oR 9t'ol 36arr.6 !Y t:the l:ooi l::i tn!_pectiol (if applicable) may be najetine-iilii3l?i-Tn-lFIccion.' - The Fooiing' Inspecti< (s uade sfter hole(s) is excayated, but prior to the ; 'concrete. +_. b)Finrl Insoection - to be made upon completion of all work c) Electricel - All electrical signs nust be inspected for electri-cal hooi up :fter the sign is erecred and before the sign is Eurned on. c,AtL FoR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS gN TtE 24 HOU4 INSPECTIOX LINE AT726-376s. i SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE E.C,ECTION OF SIG$ DATE ADDITIO}IAL INFOR\ITTION NEEDED BEFORE PER},IIT I.IAY BE ISSUED: PL{.YS REVIEi{ED BY:DATE \ ( \ ,#210tt t CITTT OF SPF,I}TGFIEIJ]f SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 INFOR.VATI0N: 726-5753 ISSPECTIOI- REQUESTS : 7:6-;;b9 CITY OF SPRIXCFIELD S I C:{ CONSTRUCTI O}I A,\D E LECTRI CAL INSTALTTTION COiIB INAT ION APPL ICAT IO)I/ PE R\IIT LoCATIoN 0F SIGN(ADoRESS) LEGAL DEscRIPTtos /7 o a or{riER oF pnopenry&3 CLI/ ADDRESS { -5- 4J oliliER 0F SICX(IF OTHER TH.ru\ PRoPERTY olrNE ADDRESS NA.\E OF BUSISESS, FIL\I, ETC. TYP E ,u OF BUSI}IESS TAX LOT 4 ounrrE IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDE\TAL DOUBLE FACE caa s ERECT RILOCATE ALTER gNIER NON. IDESTIfi SECO)iDARY y'st""cl; rrcs TruLT I. FACE?at/.r'm op fulwmn A*o !,E\DORS, COTiL\CTCRS P PHONE siTYPE CHECii APPLI IVALL ROOF I"tARQUEE OTHER FREEST,L\T,ING PRoJECTI.\iG REAOER BOARD BILLBOARD SIGN ERECTOR ADDRESS CITY LICE.T.SE }iI.J:.IBER PHONE EXP. DATE SI6N }h\UFACTURER (I F oTrER rrL\\ ERncroRt 54ZE A.DDRESS E LECTRIC.\L CO}TTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NI.'IIIBER ),i ,\'iD I TorAL HEIGI{T ,lsove cR^oE la /IIIERTICAL DI}GNSION OF SIGN HORi:ONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN DI}IENSION FRO}I GR,\O[ TO BOTTO}I OF SI6N /O THICKNESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN DoES SICN PROJECT EEYOSD PROPERTY LINE YES Z*IF YES, DI}'ENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE r\OTE: IF PROJECTIO.T- IS I'iORE TllA.\ 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TtlE SIGN ERECTOR l.ruST FILE I{ITII THE BUILDI)IG DMSION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIAEILITY I\O PROPERTY DA}[,\6E INSUR"\CE POLICIES. rILL sIcN nAvE ELEcTRIcAL r{rRr.yc? -vw 4!o IF yEs, r{ulcH Apply? ELEcTRICAL sIGN _rILU}TTNATED (INDIRECTLv LIcnED) DESCPIBE TYPE OF I'.TTERI.\LS S16}! IS CO}ISTP.UCTED OF PROVIDE UL M,,}IBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF S SITE INFOR\ATION (L'"\D USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LA.\D (OR LAST USE IF rcxE_fi.Zdo 3.O vfci.rri, #ffef---flf?* - PROPOSED USE OF SUILDI;\G OR LI.t'iD CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE BUSINESS _OUTDOOR IIERCHA\DISING EXISTING SI6ls (SiGN CODE): ARE TIIERE EXISTING SIGNS? YES t4NO IF rES, DESCRTBE ALL EXISTTIIG.SIGNS..FoR BUS.INESS, ALL EXISTING SIGNS 0N PREITTSES(S,$tE TAX LoT) I HAVE CAREFULLY EX.A.UINEO the completed application for pemit and do hereby certify lhat all inforoation hereon. is t:rre and correct, and I further certify that all rork performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign- Ordinance, the Uniforrn Sign Code as adopred by the City of Springfietd and all other Ordinanees of the City of Springfield and the laws of the Scate of 0regon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that ny Sign Concractors License rith the City of Springfield is in full, force and effect as required by Springfield ty Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-7-20(2). I rill request alI required sign inspections listed on the approved pernit NAME(PLEASE PRI}IT)SIGNATURE .. ''DATE OFFICE USE ONLY SICN DISTRI ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL fOOTAGE OF SIGi'I INSPL:CTIoNS REQUIRED: _ SITE/LoC.\TI0N FOOTING OR I{ETIIOD OF A'ITAC}i.\fENT ELECTRICAL O1}IER $ FEES: TOTAL FEE FOR PER\IIT ,7{,0 O SIGN PER}IIT: CHARGES:15.0c EI.ECTRICAL PER.\IIT: C}IARGES: STATE SURCH.{RGE: ? PLEASE i'TO 1) Sep:rete Siq n Aocl icetion:A separate appiication is required for each seParsEe srgn Js dL'rrneo in the Sign Code 2) Elqgl11ga!: Aay pe rni t ng ln or on sign struct covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connec!i.on must be nade onlv by J, Sta[e Liccnsed Etectrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both i.nternelly and excern:Ily) must conforn to Sections 9-7-1 (4)6(S) and 9-7-13 oi the Springr'ieJ.d Sign ordinance. 3) Plans Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two complete secs o! pl.rns dreHn co scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising nestage on sign; locati.on of sign on propercy with dimensions to properE/ lines, srructual details of support framing, bracing and foocings; naterials of constn:ction for sign and sign structurel elec- trical equipnent rnd lighting; size and l.ocation of existing signs on Property for the sa.ne business, all as required to determine compliance riith the Springficld Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield Cicy Code). AIso, show the r-ollowing informati.on on the plot plan (plan shouing properEy lines and location of signs): a) Shov the location of al1 existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s) b) Shov the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Shov the locarion of entrances oPen to the public and driveways. 4) l{hen required, beceuse oi desLgn, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculerrons nusr be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall cont-orm to desr;n standards on iile at the Building Division Office. 5) Plans of insufficienc clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- Plicans viLh no per::l!,r being issued. 6) Signs nrust meet corner vision clearance requiremenEs as described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Conprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NOTE: lio sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet hori:ontally or vertic3lly fron overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or l,ess Ehf,n 5 feet in any directi.on frotr oyerhead electrical lines vhich are energi:ed at less than 750 volts. I B) If : si;n is noc insrell.ed rtithin 60 days after the date of issue of this perlnit, the per.xit shall be void. e)Insoect on5: a) Site Inscection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the i:oci rn Insoeciion (if applicable) nay be nade at the s:une tine as che ce lnspeccion. The Footing Inspection is to be oarje after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placenent of concret e. b) Final L.,soection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electri,cel - All electrical signs nust be inspected for electri- cal hook up sfrer the sign is erected and before the sign is lurned on. CALL FOR IHE REQUTR.EO INSPECTIoNS 0N THE 24 HOUT.INSPECTION LINE AT726-376e. jl SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED EEFORE E.qECTION OF SI6N: issued under this application will include wir- ure, the supply wires for connection musE be R,i!IT \,\LID,\ CLERK DATE ADDITIONAL INFOR\I.\TION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT IIAY BE ISSI,JED PL{YS REVIEiiED BY:DATE ,#a 10tt ,/- I:,lFOR\ATI0N: 726-5753 CIETT C)F SPF,I}TGFIEIJ]3 CITY OF SPRI:ICFTELD S IG:{ COXSTRUCTI O:{ A.\D E LECTRI C.{L IYSTALIATIOI.I COltB INAT I0N APPL ICATI0.T-/ PE R\IIT IlisPECrIo.\ REQUESTS : 7t6_ j:69 LocATIo.rr 0F sIGs(.{DDRESS LEGAL DEScRIpTIo:t z7 C orh-ER oF pnopeRrylz'- Cc-Zl ADDRESS * 5-<) OIf,iER OF SIC,\(IF OTHER THIY PROPERTY ADORESS IIA.\IE OF BUSISESS, FIR\I, ETC. t-a E OF BUSINESS TAX LOT ! PHONE P PHONE IDE}fTITY PROJECTING INCIDE\TAL DOUBLE FACE l/ v en:cl RELOCATE ALTER crntER _ NON-IDESTITY _ SECONDARY y'srxcre recs }IULTI - FACE qar*tr'rr> o*; L{ulrron a^tr) I I{ALL ROOF I,IARQUEE OTIIER FREEST,L\DING PROJECTIIiG REAOER BOARD BI LLBOARD SIGS ERECTOR ADDRESS CITY LICE)iSE sI6N lrA\uFAcruREB (IF orrER TrL.r.\ ER[croR] $hE AODRESS EIJCTRIC.{L CO}TTRACTOR PHONE ADDRESS I ICENSE NI,.IIUBER TOTAL HEICiiT AEOVE GR,ADE DIIENSIoN FRou c&ro[ To Borro]r oF sIcN /O DTITENSIoN oF srGN 3 'HORI]ONTAL TIDTH OF SIGIIIC.{L THIC$;ESS OR DEPTI{ OF S DoEs sro. pRo.JEcr BEyo)iD pRopERry LrNE -rii-7xo IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE !{OTE: IF PROJECTIO.I' IS !.iORE TII.I"\ 12" OVER, PUBLIC PROPERTY TTIE SIGN ERECTOR I.iIJST FILE I{ITII THE BUILDI}IG DIVISIO.\ COPIES OFHIS PUBLIC LIAEILIfi A.\O PROPERTY DA.\L,\GE INSURA.\CE POLICIES. rlLL slcx il,rvE ELECTRICAL ttIRI.\G? -v* 4!to IF yEs, $lHIcH Apply? ELEcTRIcAL SIGN rLL$TINATED (INDIRESTLy tlcrrEo) DESCPIBE TYPE OF !,ITER,I.\LS SIIS)I IS CO}ISTP.'JCTED 09 PROVIDE UL NU}I8ER IF APPLICAE SITE INFO&\IATION (LA,\D IJSE).-EXISTING IJSE OF BUIIDING OR LA.\D (OR IjST USE IF m-{._$43,o 3D u' LE 0Fs I l. PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR II.IiD: C}IECK ONE IF EIISTING SIG'IS (S:cN C00E) : ARE THERE E.{ISTING SIGNS? YES DCOR EUSINESS -OI'TDOOR IIERCHT\DISINC IF YES, DESCRTBE ALL EXrSrrNG.srGNS..FoR pljslllEis, APPLICAB t4" tE. IIRV, ETC., AIL EXISTIIIG SIcNs 0N pREltIsES(sA.\rE TAX LOT) I HAVE CAIEFULLY EX,"\!INED the conpleted application for peruit and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is tnre and done in accordance with the Springfield Sigrl Ordinance, the other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws offurther certify that Ef Sign Contractors License rith the correct, and I further certify thar all work performed shall be Unifom Sign Code as adopted by rhe City of Springfietd and allthc State of Oregon pertaining to the work descri.bed herein. ICity of Springfield is in full forcc and effect as required byalI required sign inspections lisred on the approved pernit. Springfield ty Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-7-20C2). I vill rcquest NAr'.rE (PLEASE INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: SITE/LOCATION SIGNATURE TOTAL IOOTAGE OF SIGN -FOOTING OR I.IETIIOD OF ATT.qCEIIENT ELECTRICAL ZONE DISTRI FEES: TOTAL FEE FOR PE&IIIT:a{,0 o STATE SURCHARGE .DATE OTHER 4J--t SI6N PER}IIT: CTL{RGES:d .0c EIJCTRICAL PER.\tiT: CMRGES: s . DATE SICN PLEASE i'AI) l) Seoeret: Siqn lo:l ir'rticn: A separate applicerion separ3r,e slgn JS uerrnco in the Sign Code. 2) Electricel: Any pernir issued under this applicatiring rn or on sign structure, the suppty uires for cr covered on 3n electrrcal per:nit. Electrical connectonly by r Srire Licensed Elecrricil Conrracror. Illinternllly rnd externelly) nust conforn co Seccions9-7-tS of rhe Springfield Sign Ordinance. 4) l{hen required, beceuse of design, size, etc,, enginee calculrtions nusE be prepared by a licensed engineer Co design standerds on r'ile 3t the BuiLding Division 5) Plans of insuffici.ent clirity or detail will be retur:pliclnt vith no peraiE bei.ng issued. 6) Signs nust meet corner vision clearance requi,renents iFig. 9 of the Spri.ngfield Conprehensive Zoning Code. I I7) |SOTE: No sign nay be erecced which is less than 12 fCor verticrlly fron overhead electrical conductors in evolts, or l,ess thrn 5 feet in any direction froo overh lines vhich ere energi:ed at Less than 750 volts. 8) If :r si;n is noc insr:lled rithin 60 days after the dathi,s pcr.:ric. the penrir shall be void. s)In so ections: a) Site Inscection - ro be made before the si gn is ol,;the l:ooi r;i I:r:oection (if applicable) nay be rcade tine rs tne Srce lnspeccion. The Foocing Inspectic uade gfter hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the Iconcrere. +- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Ci?y Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. B 56299 PEIt.\!IT '.'1L ( 3) Plens Reouired: This epplication is to be submitted DOtesecs ot plans dr:rn ro scale, showing dimensions andvertising nessrte on sign; location of sign on propeto property Iines, structual derails of support fran foocings; nrtcrials of construction for sign and sig.trical equipeent and lighcing; size and l,ocation ofproper!), for the sa,::re business, all as required to dtrith thc Springfield Sign Ordi.nance (Article 7 of th,Code). Also. shon the iollowing infor:iaricn on the Ishouing properry lines end location of signs): a) Shov 3hs locarion of all existing sign(s) as well b) Shov the length of the streeE frontage taken up tbuilding. i c) Shov che locerion of entr3nces open to the publii i \r 6ir t- (a i.ho From (' ,{'llCl ( ( ( BY(. (s Amount Received SIGN Y, aHaLrox_ruixaull ttltYEra ' EuGExE' o' l"or !tll!'' -..ql b) Finel lr,soection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electricsl - All electrical signs nust be inspected for electri-cal hooi up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR I}rE REQUTRED IUSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOU4 INSPECTION LINE AT726-376e. jl SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO 8E SATISFIED EEFORE E.C,ECTION OF SIGN DATE ADDITIO.\AL INFOR\T{TION NEEDED EEFORE PE&VIT I,IAY BE ISSIjED: PLTYS REVIEi{ED BY DATE ( Received For: ( \, . .'t i \ INSPECIOil lrNE 726-3769 NA.f,{E (pleose I HAVE CAREFUI.I.Y EXAMINED thc completed oppli coiion for permii, ond do he reby certify rhot oll informolion hereon is lruecertify thot ony ond oll work performed sholl be done in ociordqnce with the Ordinonces of the City ofpertoining lo ihc work dc :oibed herin, ond thot N O OCCUPANCY witl be of ony slruclure wiihout tsion of@ttl{y thot my regi:totion with the Euilder,r Boord is in full force ond effect o red by ORS 701 .055,heron,ond thot only rubcontrociors ond who ore complione with .055 will beEosir for Builder,r CIIY OT sPRINGTIETD COMBINAIION APPIICAIION/PERMIT INTORMAIION TINE 7?5^3753 ond correcl, ond I furtherond the of tha Stote of Oregon Divirion. I furrher the lor exemplion ir DATE ) lue of Work: Sooo lOa, 3 ntegol R. Addrer;d 5q. frg. OtherWoler Heoler Heol d ttoched Sq. Ftg. Access. Sq. Flg. Moin --Other New-Add/Alr".-Rep. --Fence-Demo-Chonge/ Use Building Permit lnfo: Deccribe Work (i.e., Build Single e.r -v, 0r 0 0\ .0 /454 4e,PhoneAddre r r ) (nome)(oddress)no.)(expires)DESIGN TEAA Slruclurol r/- PIUMBING A,lECHANICAL fEE Reridence of furnoce/burner lo RS ddre ,(' ETECTRICAT NO.CHARGE NO.CHARGE ARGE Eoch fix turc ft Electricol A{echonicol Relocoted building fir. oddirionol)New circuiis, olterorionr or extensions 2 arOfile,/f,*Applionce vent SERVICES Slolionory evop, coo le r cs <h T Cons lruclion Vent fon with duct Addirionol borh Wqter rcrvice Sewcr ler Slorm Sewcr FEEDERS ISSUANCE OF PERAAIT cAITOT.CHARGES 6ATIOT,CHARGES TIO'AL CHARGEs 5TWHERE LAAIE w REQUIRES ,hot ,hc workElectricol be done th€by Electricol Conlrabello theclot,bcrnhos elsctricoldon thisofrigncbyEla ctri <q I portionControclor :hollpcrmit nolond br vclidtoitochsd untiltheelectricolnsl.Po SIGNATU 2{. oo /s.60 /U,4 .Plqn Ck. Res foR Per ?e Per -Sa Ftg- Accelr Plon Ck. Com mli"d Conrlrvp.l Sy:lems Development IoodFlood Ploin Zone x -Volue IOTAT VATUATIONBUITDING PERMII Chorger ond Surchorges Sq. Frg. Other--Grovp i?' 2 - Fire Zone Bedroomr MBPI.U ING PERMIT ondChorges Surchorges Demo Torol Comb. Permit S6PERA{IT ondChorges Surchorges c Sidewolk -6o I. PERAAIT,!IECHANlCA Chorge: ond Surchorge:Curb Cut TOIAI.s6. /6 I 'ey )<-/ seporoleS.F. Rcridencr (l borh) Ampr.Vent lfslem oport from heoting or A.C. Mechonicol exhou:l irood ond duct Heot Pump Ampr.Air hondler b 10,000 cFM Air hondler ovar 10,000 cFA^ o (I.59^l Fence ^ aa COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) l. Applicorrt t6 furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Description l. exomple-lox lot 100, Lone County Mop Referer 2. ex#FE-Lot l. Block 3,Znd Addition to Springfi C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. EnergY Sources I . exo mpl e'heo t /ell5ili cg I cei I i n-9 / o, {:::"d:"-9. 2 e-7o1fr6]E'wo te' trEEfe'-/6lEi?i?o I ro i solE r E. Squore footoge or voluotion, etc. l. exomple-l 250 sq. foot house, 500 sq' foot gorot 2. to#E-iTi-e, ' proiect, check nEi-if oddition' < odd, etc. t. Building permit informotion: i. "r"iif"-construct single fomily house wilh on c goroge Z. J*o.rrilu-remociel existing goroge into for-nily rc a. t"*PC-convert single fomily residence into i6lGiEnt (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Section 303 (o) of the Structurol SPecioltY Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction deloys' Building Di Sloff must betbte lo contoct oppropriote Persons I design informotion or iob site correclions' etc' ll. Abbrevioted Plumbing' Mechonicol & Electricol Schedt" A. Except where blonk spoces occu.r-in the description of the Mechot;;i ;"i Electricol Schedules' the opr need fill-in ..iylftt No' Bo"es odiocent to the oppr item(s) to be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol' o1d. ElectricoI Schedule-' ";; ovoiloble ot the Buitding Division l. To conser""-t;;;t ;;ihu"p"t-it form the sched hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the itt-fJl-tl'[u instolled ore not covered on . ot"a ttn"iii"'-yt' ti"'ra consult the full sched C. BUITDING OTVISIO,N STAFF WILT FILL OUT 'ALT FEES-' iilnors oN THE ScHEDULES lll. APPlicont to sign ond doie Whenever pot'ible' the iniriol ooplicotion will be used worksheet ""lv' ilh;;; f"ttlUf""Buildino Division Stot prepore " ,rr"*''i'l;'1;ii'J l:t:i: ';t" the oppiic' the time the octuol permi'tis issued for his signoture' i1i PERMIT VALIDATION CITY oF SPRINGFIELD ( | Ci?y Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFIC!AL RECEIPT No. B r9 d ,l 5602C Do Add I ( ( ( ( 6,, Qi ( ( Rece ived For: 2 \l nt ReceivedDAmou SHELION'TUiXEULL Permit Clerk EY HORIZEO SIGNATURE ( PirrlEi3 EUGEiE. oi 97'Ot lasrr'a tV. Fees ond Chorget L Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the opplicolion' ond no plons will il;;;;JJ"itit tt'"'" fees ore poid' All other fees "na tr"'o"'!Jt;t';;; onJ poy"blu when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDIIIONS TO BE SAIISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: (z-t Addirional Proiect lnformotion: / PLANS REVIEWEU BY' dote signoture + nome ?'- /l At-z>1 J* ( ( nctiFt<.cl a'ttVfufr CIItrTf OF SFF,II$GFIEIJIS SPRINGFIELD. OREGON,97 477 INFORIL\TI0I: 726- 3753 IISPECTIO.\- REQUESTS: 7t6- j:o9 CITY OF SPRI}IGFIELD SIC:i CONSTRUCTIO}I {\D ELECTRI CAt TNSTALIJTION CO}IB INATION APPL ICATION/ PE R\tIT LoCATI0.Y oF SI6)J(.{DDRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTIo:'I I 7 OIT}.ER OF PROPERTY AODRESS EREfi RELCCATE () b 2_Q sf TAX LOT T PROJECTING INCIDENTAT DOUBLE FACE NON- IDE)ITITY SECCIiD.\RY-rdr*.., ,^.s IruLT I - FACE OliliER 0F SI6r"(IF OTHER TIL\\ PROPIRTY OlrNE R) ADORESS l( *** oF BusrsEss , FIf\I, ETC. TYPE or ausr.tEs s fr d p@Ag</4)€ y'roexlrryALTER crntER PAran€tl ON ?W,.*? 4^lf W6:.P-ufrll D ztP q oF ifoRii PE OF SIGN:EC;:L FREEST.d\DINc PROJECTI!i6 READER BOARD BILLBOARD ,r/wett ROOF I"TARQUEE OTTIER VE\OCRS CO:;TL.RS SIGN ERECTCR ADDPJSS CITY LICE);SE }iU.IgER o5 PHONE EXP. DATE sIGN IIA\UFALrU-RER (IF oTI|ER TrL\.{ ERICToR' ADOR,ESS ELECTRI C.{L CO}IT&\CTOR ADDRESS PHONE PHONE LICENSE NIJIIBER TOTAL HEICiIT AEOVE GRrDS DII{ENSION OF SIGN AL wrDrH op stc:t.Z4t DI:rElrsIoN FRou c&ro[ To Borro]r oF sIGN 91 ' THIcKNEss oR DEprH oF sIGN 3"Z NO IF YES, DI}fENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE I{OTE: IF PROJECTIO:I IS:.IOR-E TIIA.\ I2.'OVEN, PUBLIC PROPERTY TTIE SIGN TeecToi }ilJST FILE I{ITII THE BUILDI}IG DiVIsIoN coPiEs oFHIS PU3LIC LIAAILITY A.\O PROPERTY HILL SIGX HAVE ELECTRICAL IVIRI]{G? YES INSURA.\CE POLiCIES. IF YES, MIICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN -ILLU}IINATED (INDIREfiLY LI6}ITED) DA.i'[.\GE fio DESCPIBE ?TPE OF }l1TER,I.\IJ 516}I IS CO}IST9.'JCTED OS PROVTDE UL MJ.UBER IF APPLICAE SITE INFOR\L\TION (LI\D USE).. VALUE OF SI6N EXISTING USE OF SUITDING OR LN"\D (OR LAST USE IF ,. I o PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR L{IiD ITiDCOR BUSINESS -OLTTDOOR }IERCHA,\DIS ING IF rES, DESCRIBE ALL EIISTIIiG SI6NS..F0R pqS.{,_\ESS, FIRV, ETC.: IIii '-';JI AII..ABLE Af,L ExrSTrlrG Sr6Ns oN pREltrsEs(sA.\rE rAx Lor) . ,l- 9/l:'::*/J,2 rn/', (1o ,'- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXi\IINED the completed application for pernit and do hereby certify that all info:mation hereon. is tnre and correct, and I further certify that all r"ork perforned sha]1 be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign- Ordinance, the Uaiform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that oy Sign Concractors License sith theCity of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield ty Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-7-20C2I. I vill requestaIl required sign inspections listed on the approved pernit. NAHE(PLEASE PRI}IT) L@/(ME4,) SIGNATURE .. ..DATE F E E ONLY SICN DISTRI INSPECTIoNS REQUIRED: ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL _FooTING 0R FrETiloD 0F ATr.{C}r\tENT ELECTRICAL lrflsru fOOTAGE OF SIGN -SITE/LOCATION FEES: T0TAI FEE FOR PER\IIT: STATE SURCHARCE OTHER p SIGN PER,IIIT CI{ARCES: EECTRICAL PER.TIIT:fit J- c o CIIARCES: DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYor"D PRoPERTY LINE YES 8t.c o a l) Seoer:te Siqn Aocl icrticn: A separate application separl,ce srgn Js uerrneo rn the sign code. 2) Electrical: Any pernit issued under this applicati< ing rn or on sign itructure, che supply sires for cc covered on an electrical pernit. Eleccricel connect only by I Srire Licenscd Electricel Contractor. III internslly and externelly) nust conforn to Sections 9-7- lS of che Springfi,eld Sign Ordinance. 3) Pl:ns Reouired:This application is to be submitted 5e!s or pians drrrn Eo scale, showing dinensions and vcrtising nessege on sign; location of sign on prope to property lines, structual details of support fran footings; nsteritls of constnrcrion for sign and sig: trical equip:rent and lighring; si:e and loiarion of , Properi), foE the sa.ne business, all as required to d,r.ith che Springficld Sign 0rdinance (Article 7 of thr Code), Also, show rhe r'ollowing i.nfor:iation on the 1shouing properry lines and location of signs): a) Shou the locac|on of ell existing sign(s) as well b) Shov the length of the stree! frontage raken up t bu i lding. c) Shos the locccion of entrances open to the public 4) l{hen required, becsuse of design, size, etc., enginee calculat:,ons nust be prepared by a licensed engineer to desr;n standards on r'ile at the Building Division t 5) Plans of insufficienr clarity or detail wil,l be rerurr plicent vith no pernrE being issued. 6) Signs nust meet corner vision clearance requiremenEs ! Fig. 9 of the Springfield Conprehensive Zoning Code. ; 7) !(OTE: tr'o sign nry be erecled which is tess than 12 fJor veriic:lly fron overhead electrical conductors in e volts, or less rhrn 5 feet in any direction froo overh lines vhich ere energi:ed ac less than 750 volls. 8) If:r si;n is nor. inststleC within 60 days after the dathis pcr.iiE. rhe per.iir shai.1 be void. 9) Insoect ions: a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is ol: e) nay be nadethe I:ooil;:i [:l5oection (if applicabl tine as rn.: Srte Inspeccion, The Footing Inspecti< oade efter hole(s) is excavated, but prior to rhe Iconcrece. l- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CitY Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT No. B 50299 l9 Rece ived For t, Amounl Received 'r'.\LtD.\il0:l r \II iho te i! pr:r tp (a licr ( ( ( ( ( ( (" _3r- (:IH Y, sHELtoR_YuRilu!! ?RlNfEEs - EUGENE oi 97'ol 345!l'' b)Fin:l Ir.,soect ion - to be made upon completion of all uork. c) Electricel - All electrical si.gns nust be inspected for eleccri- cal hoox up efrer the sign is erecled and before rhe si.gn is turned on. c{LL FOR lHE REqUIRID INSPECTIoNS 0N THE 24 726-3769. SPECIAL COXDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED EEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: DATE HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT ;. ADDITIO.\AL INFO&\IATION NEEDED BEFORE PER}'IT }IAY BE ISSIJED: PL4.!S REVIEi(ED BY DATE I ( ( \ 5to^)2 CITTT OF SPH,I}TGFIEI-D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 I:{FORYATI0I: 726-3753 I.\-SPEC[I0:{ REQUESTS: 716- j:o9 CITY OF SPRI}ICFIELD SI6]i CONSTRUCTIOI f\D ELECTRI C.lL IYSTALIATION COTIB INATIOT AP PL ICATION/ PE R\ItT LocATrox oF sIG:{(.{o0RESS) LECAL DESCRIPTIO:I /-G ou:{ER oF pnopgnrrAz'- ADDRESS * 5-<J oriliER oF slct'i(IF gorER TH.:r\ PROPERTY ot{!\iE AOORESS NA\IE OF BUSIT-ESS, FIf,\I, ETC iioR K O/< OF BUSI}IESS TAX LOT { PHONE ZIP PHONE IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDE\TAL DOUBLE FACE a s ERECT RELOCATE ALTER crnlER _ NON-IDESTITY SECOI{DARY y'srxcu: rrc= - IruLTI.FACETantrer> o*,hlwmo A^o IYALL ROOF r'TARQUEE OlHER FREEST,L\DING PROJECTLT-G READER EOARD BILLBOARD VE\DORS CO}iiL\CTCRS: SIGN ERECTOR Ft,/lFtrtF </Zi/4 ADDR.ESS CITY LICS.\SE !\LN,I3ER,EXP. DATE sIGN In\UFACTURER (IF OTIER TrL\\ eer.Crpn fuF A'DRESS -54/28 1$ 4P;, - E LECTR I C.\L CO$TR^CTO R ADDRESS ICENSE NI.I}IBER- TOTAL HEICIIT AEOVE CE,1D5 VERTICAL DI}IENSION OF SIGN HORI:ONTAL WIDTH OF SIGII DIIIENSIOX FRO}I GR,\D[ TO BOTTO}I OF SIGN 'THICI(.I.ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN ooEs srclr pRGJEcr BEyorio pRopERfi LINE trt {C IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY IINE lioTE: IF PRoJECTIO.\- IS :.ioRE TtlA.\ 12" OVER. PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECToR !.iUST FILE ltlTtl THE BUIIDIIIG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUSLIC LIABILITY A.ID PROPERTY DA.\L,I.GE INSURI"\CE POLICIES. frLL SIG.Y tlAvE ELECTRICAL IvIRIIJG? -UtS ,/NO DESC.D.IEE TYPE OF }'.1TERI.T6 516.\I IS CO}ISTP]JCTED 09 IF YES, WHICH APPLY? ELECTRIC\L SI6N ILLUITINATED (INDIRECTLY LI6HTED) PROYIDE UL I|I,,}IBER IF APPLICAELE VALUE OF S SITE INFOR\IATION (LT.\D IJSE).-EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR Lq.\D (OR IAST USE IF o PROPOSED USE OF BUILOING OR L\}iD: C}IECK ONE IF APPLICAELE BUSINESS _oUrDOoR :IIERCHI\DISING EXISTING SIGIS (S:GN CODE) : ARE 'IHERE EXISTING SIGNS? _YES 6, rF Es, DEscRTBE ALL ExrsrrNc.srGNs..FoR prfs.{}lEis, ALL EXISTIilC SIGNS 0N PREUTSES(S.$rE TAX LoT): I HAVE CAIEFULIY EXA.UINED rhc coEplered appl ication for pe:mit and do hereby certify that all inforruation hereon. is tnrc and correct, and I further certify that all r.ork perfor:l ed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield S ign- Ordinance, the ld and the laws ofUnifom Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfie ld and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfie the State of Oregon ining to the work described herein.I further certify that ruy Sign Concractors License rith thePertais inCity of Springfield full force and effect as required by Springfield ty Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-7-2OC2\. I vill request all required sign inspections listed on the approved pernit. NAI.{E(PLEASE PRI}rT)SICNATURE .DATE SIGN DISTRI ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL fOOT,\GE OF SIGN I INSPECTIoNS REQUIRED: SITE,/LoCATIoN FOOTING 0R IlETlloD 0F ATTACIL\IENT ELECTRICAL L FEES: TOTAL FEE FOR PERIIIT:,7{,0 O STATE SURCHARGE: I--FINA OTHER SICN PER}IIT CHARGES:d {,oc ELECTRICAL peR.rrir CIIARGES: \LtD.\iI0:t l) Seotrrte Siqn Aocl ic:ricn: A separare applicetion ,.separrre ilgn rs ,riiliti-r.n the Sign Code. (CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Ci?y Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT\P 2) Electricrl: Any perni.r issued under this applicatiting rn or on sign structure, che supply wires for cr covered on Jn electrrcal pernit. Eleccrical connectonly by r Stare Liccnscd Electrical Contraccor. Illintern:rlly and externtlly) nust conform to Seccions9-7-tS of che Springfield Sign Ordinance, 3) Plens,Qeouired: This No. B 56299 sets or plens dr:rn to epplicacion is to be submittedscale, showing dimensions and t9 vertising nessJge on sign; Iocarion of sign on propeto propeny lines. structual details of support franfoorin3s; nrtcrials of constnrction for siln and sigtrical equiprenr snd lighting; si:e and loiation of-properiy for the sa"re business, all as required to dvith rhe Springfi.cld Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of thrCode). Also. show rhe r'ollowing infor:iation.on the Ishoring properry lines and location of signs)': a) Shon the locacion of all existing sign(s) as well b) Shov the length of rhe sr:eet fronrage taken up t bui ld ing. , c) Shov the location of entrances open to the public 4) l{hen required. becruse of design, size, etc., engineecalcul:tions nust be preoared by a licensed engineer Co desrgn srendards on r'ile at the Building Division 5) Plans of insufficienc clarily or detail will be rerur:plicent rirh no pernrE being issued. 6) Signs nust mee! corner vision clearance reo.uirenenrs ;Fig. 9 of rhe Springfield Conprehensive Zoning Code. ; 7) IiOTE: lio sign nay be erected which is less than f2 fJor vertic:lIy fron overhead eleccrical conductors in .volEs, or less then 5 feet in any direction froo overhlines vhich are energi:ed at less than 750 vol,ts. 8) If r si;n is no! insr:Iled liithin 60 days after the dathis per:.rir. rhc penrir shall be void. 9) Insoect ions: a) Sire InsDection - to be made before the sign is ol; @ (if applicable) nay-be ruaiet1:re as cne Srae lnspeccion. The Footing Inspectiraade .rfter hole(s) is excayated, but pri.or to the I Rec'di! pr: b.r (a iLc' Received For iho (s ( ( BY----- ql Amounl Received Y, 3HELTox-lulxluLL atlxrEis _ EUGENE oi a,aor DATE concrete. +_. . b) Finel lr.soection - to be made upon conplelion of all work. c) Elgc.tric:l - All elecrricar signs nusr be inspected for electri-cal hook up :fter rhe sign is erected and before the sign isturned on. CILL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOU4,INSPECTION LINE AT726-3769. ,i SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE E.R,ECTIC,Y OF SIGN: (' ADDITIOIAL INFOR\ATIO.\ NEEDEO BEFORE pER.\rIT l,ti{y BE ISSTED: PI..A,YS REVIEi{ED 8Y: l!l!r.a ( ( (. (. (( \ T g' J p2,(-l 2u' T $ J T I 'l/ l-g /4'-6" r.| \QeoP-o?€., lp t N D0uJ fuaU'ralqil Dteer-nouA L- ft4/ru a rA4ze N4<Tll #qz ft3pr1*s1p-- N:#:::r,ffi- -+- (2 ,n G.4 Signed $ s v O,, frL€IGNS LfrG @ altTat H 0$ $r 6et da! qfen ',, %x2"d46 Bzzs w646 tree I I I I I I I I I I zo'-6't .f .L I I I