HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-08-25Pt, 3{a^rt6? CIT:T OF SPH,IA\TGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 INFORYATI0N:726-575J INSPECTIO:,| R.EqUESTS: 716- j:o9 CITY OF l-LD I LOCATIOX OF SIGN(AODRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTIO:i z-a OI{)iER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS olf,iER 0F SIOi(!F OTHER TlllJ PRoPERTY oliNER) TAX LOT ' E ZIP PHONE TYPE oF BUsI)iEsS T I i6N ADORESS Y$E OF BUS I:iESS, F I L\. ETC K: ,l . ECi: APPLIC.\3LE / rneo,'ALTER crntER I\IALL ROOF II,IARqiJEE olllER -Jr FREESTA\DING _ PR0JECTI,r"6 READER BOARD BILLBO.\RD IDENTITY PROJECTING INCI DE\"l'AL DOUBLE FACE NON. I DENTITY SECONDARY SINGLE FACE. I'IULT I. FACE A. R.ELOCATE grcx qaecion-/|2y 7r d /\r!5 .-Stl*S -::--.,. _ PHoNI-3J.,2.:L?A-?.__ _ - - nons,ss -.?- 91- {eJAer:*.b.-*-*-- EXP. DATECI,'r': LICSNSE Su:l3ER_._ SLGN }r-\U[;\CTURER (IF OTrtER TILN ER[CI!!]--- AODRESS PHONE E IICTRI C.{L CO$TR,\CTO R PHONE ADDRESS LICENSE NurrBER .l-- TOTAL HEIGIIT AEOVE ,6 VERTiC.\L DI}{ENSION OF SICX 2'6 HORI:O:,{TAL WIDTH OF DIIIENSIOY FRO}I CRADI TO BOTTO}I OF SI6N /q'THICX}iESS OR DEPTH OF SICN / c'' DOES sIC:{ PROJECT EEYO)|D PRoPERTY LINE - YES J NO IF YES,DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE riorE: IF pRoJEcrlo:r Is:.iopi,.I1rA.\ l:,'ovER puBLIc pRopERTy rllE sIGN raecroi i.iusr FILE I{ITtt rHE BUILDI}IG DIVIST0N cOPIEs 0F HIS PU3LIC LIAAILITY A.\O PROPERTY DAIAGE INSURA.\CE POLICIES. HrLL sIGri HrvE ELEcTRIcAL uIRING? 2lvus -NoDESC9.IBE TYPE 0F !'i\TERI.\LS SICII IS C0}ISTP.'JCTED IF YES WHI r |!e SIGN ILLU}IINATED (INOIRECTLY LIGHTED) NE { PROVIDE UL I{I,,I.IBER IF APPLICAB *fl cJ 7 7?458 VALUE OF SIGN 5'rc' sITEINFo$l^1'IoN(LA.\DlJsE).-ExIsTINGUsEoFBUILDINGoRLAND(9RIASTUsEIFvAcA^\T}i-_--- , PROPOSED USE OF BUILDI},IG OR L\},iD CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: --I!iDCOR BUSINESS '. OUTDOOR }IERCHA'\DISING EXISTING SIGts (s:GN CO0E): A8E THERE EXISTINC SIGNS?.r YES -NO IF YEs' DESCRIBE ALL E-IIST-II{G .SIGNS..FOR PtjS.l'-\E:S' FIR.{, ETC.:, F" Al.L EXISTIIIC SIGNS ON PREIIISES(SA.\IE TN( LOT):- r HA,E .AREFULL' ExA\tINEo rhe conpleted application for pemit and do hereby cert'i.fy_that all inforruation hercon'is true and correct, and I further certify that all ,oil-puiror"ed siratt be Jone in acctrdancE with the springfield sign- ordinance' the uniforrn Sign code as adopted by the city of"siiiigii..ra and all ittter-orainances of the citr of springfield and the l'aws of the state of oregon perraining !o the ,rott a"!".i6ed herein. t ruither cert.ify that my sign contractors License Hith thc ciry of springfield is in fuli force and "ri".i-rt required by springfiera cit| codes b-z-e(.3) and 9-7-20[2]" I rill rcquest all,.requiiedIigninspectionslistedontheapprovedpernit. SIGNATURENAME(PLEASE PRI}TT) ,Y SICN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT INSPECTIONS REQUIRED:SITE/LOCATION JOOTING OR II{ETIIOD OF ATT.{C}T\[ENT TOT.AL SQUAXE fOOTAGE OF ELECTRICAL PER\IIT ELECTRIC.\L SIGN PER.IIIT C}L\RGES:CI{ARCES: STATE SURCHIRCE b FEES TMAL FEE FOR PERTIIT: dj$aq11 \. . FI NAL DATE OTI{ER VET"EORS, C0:JR \Ci 3RS: 't PE.q:.!tT'.'.\L t D.\i I0../ l)Seorrrt: Sien .\c:l ic:ricn A seprraEe appiication is required for each sepJrf,ce jlgn Js .terrneo in t he Sign Code 2) Electrical: Any pernic issued under this applicacio ing tn or on sign structure, the supply wires for co covered on r.n electrical pernit. Electrical connect onlv by e State Licenscd Electricel Conrraclor. tllinternllly end ertern:lIy) rnusr conforn to Seccions 9-7- lS of the Springfield Slgn Ordinance. 3)Plens Reouired: Th is 3pptication is to be submittedsels ot plans dr:rn to scale,showing dinensions andvcrtising neisage on sig:n; locati.on of sign on prope;to propert), lines, strucrual details of support frarn:footings; nttcrials of construction for sign and sigrtricrl equipeent rnd lighring; size and locarion of ( properi), Eor the sa.re business, all as rcquired to der.ith the Springricl.t Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of theCode). Also, shou rhe following info:naEion on the Fshouing proper!), lines end location of signs) a) Shov 3i1s locarion o!' 3Il existing sign(s) as well b) Shos rhe lr'ngth of the scree! frontage taken up bbuildi;rg. c) Shov the loc:cjon of entrances open.to Ehe public Rec'd Received For 4) lthen required,. bec:use oi- design, size, etc., enginee: d. calculecrons nust be precared by a licensed engineer r to desr;a scrndards on rile 3t the Building Division ( S) Plans of insufficienc .clarity or detail wilI be returr t" Pliclnr virh no p€rnrE being issued. 6,) Signs nust mcct corner vision clearance reouileEenrs : ,e-Fig. 9 of the.Springfield Conprehensivo Zoning Code. (. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CirY Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportmenl of Public Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT ilo. B 57155 Amounl Received SIGNATU RE EUGaXE Ot 9raol ( na Fn fa (e fie 7) liOTE: .r-o sign ney be erecred which is less than 12 feor verricttly fron overherd electrical conductors in evolts, or less rhrn 5 feet in any direction fioo ovethlines vhich arc cnergi:ed aE less than 7SO volts. 8) If r si;n is nog inrr:tleC rithin 60 days after the dathis pcr.ric. rhe per.:tit shall be void. 9) Insoect ions: a) Site Ins:ection - to be nade before the si le the i:oo::.:nsoecllon t i:re as thc rcc insPec (if applicable) nay rion. The Fooring gn is pl:' be nade Inspect it (. (: ( narJe eftcr hole(s) is excavated, but prior ro the Iconcret e. SHCTTON.TUiX3UL! FilnrEiS OATEb)Finel I:'.soect ion - to be made upon completion of alh-*rr. c) Electricrl - Arl electrical signs nust be inspected for electri-cal hoox up efrer the sign is erected and before the sign isturned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOU4,INSPECTION LINE AT726-3769. i,] SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED EEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ialu il- ADDITIO.\AL INFOR\IATION NEEDED BEFORE PER.VIT IIAY BE ISST,IED ,r-tl,t1i/ .. /,'/'', r',i.. 'I PLTYS REVIEI{ED BY:DA' 1 ( ( ( ( T \ I