HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1991-04-30city of springfielrl 225 n. 5th street A. E. SPFlINGFIELCI SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION =* E . I N FORMATTON z 726-37s3 LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRES LECAL DESCRIPTION 'OIINER OR PROPERTY R trv ru ADDRESS 4 S p OI'NER OF SIGI{ CIF TIrAN PROPERTY otrNER) ADDRESS /.1,/, NA}IE OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC lNSPECTrol{s: 726-3769 PHoNE 747-6obC) ztP "7177 bF3 - v/z_- 6;es- rdafr^-Itlv TA.Y LOT 0r .BUsil:E.sS USE AND CPARACTER OF SIGI{: 4oorrrrn INCIDET{TAL a- pountn recu -9INGLE FACE . !{T'LTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD I D.TYPE 9F WORK:,/t/ tnncr ALTER . RELOCATE OTTU:R B.' STP.UCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:. -'/'IIALL 'Z TREESTANDITIG . ROOF PROJECTING }IAROUEE . . I'NDER I,IAROUEE OTHER C /?r:aau+Ea./aDU.tEilSIoNS, TIISTALIJTTIoII & CONSTP.UCTIOII TOTT1L HEICIII ABOVE GRADE YEP.TICAL DI}IENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL HIDTII OF SIGN DII.IEI.ISION FROM GRADE TO BOT'TO}1 OF SIGN NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE TIIAN 12" 6vEE pusrrc pRopERry rltE srcN EREcroR I.ruST FILE WIIII T}IE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI,ID PROP. ERTY DA}TAGE ITISUP"ANCE POLICIES. E YES TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTTI 7' DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPf,RTY LINE l- DEScRTBE TypE oR yATERTALs srcN rs ./ 0 ao \. VALUE OF SIGN:K 0r L+1 A coNs' ' srTE INFOFTTATIoil (r-ArrD lrSE) -- EXTSTTNC USE OF BUILDI}:G OR I.AND (OR IAST USE IT VACANT) _INDOOR DLISTNESS r-OftOOOr ITERCHANDISINC PTI.OPOSED USE OF BUILDINC OR IAND: J ( n) S l4-)SEkt2/zE VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN . lnnDrcc rl)lrc 76 o z= r&2CITY LICENSE TIWBER SIGN I,IANUFACTURER CIF OTIIER TIT1N ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS PI:OlrE G . EXISTI}IG ARE TIIERE ANY EKISTIIIG SIG}IS TINIBEP. SIZE TN SO ALL T,\ISTINC SIGNS rOR, DUSINESS, ETC. H' ,r"" srcN IIA'E ELEcrp.r,cAL tfrRr IF YES, I'TIICH }.PPLY? _ILLUIIINATED (INDIPJT ELECTRICAL COIITRACTOR L Fpa Xkdla,"' t"dQ Pl:cltE tro ADDRESS LISC. NU},IBER I I i I I I I I ' I HAVE CARF:FULLY EX.$IINED che compleced applicarion for permic and do hereby cerrlfy Ehac all Lnformacion ls crue and correcr, ind I further cercify ghac all work performed shall be done in accordance Lrirh che Springfield Slgn Ordinance. rhe Uiriforn Sign Code'as adopced by che Cicv of Sorinqfleld and all other-Ordinances of rhe Clcy of Sprinqfield and che Iasrs of che Scace of Cregon perralning Eo clle worl: <lescribed irerern. I furcher certl fy chaa rnv .91;r.. Corcraccor I-l- cense wich Ehe CiEy of Springfield is ln fuIl force and effecc as'reauired by-Sprin6field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(?). I r.rilI r-equesc all required slgn tneogqql..s lisced on Ehe approved permic. NA}IE (PLEASE PRINT] SICNATI'RE t4/.C2os5 ^3 -?/ I 4r?!to'' PLEASE READ olica on:A separare applicatton ls requlred for each separare slgn as deflned 8n e. r)S lraEe S n 2) Electrical: EEE-s[ppIy w musC'be nadeand excerna! dlnance. 3)Plans Required: 4) -Any P_etmlc lssued under thls applicatlon wll1 Lnclude wiring in or on slgn sErucEure,tres for connection nrusc be covered on an elecE,rical perrnit.- Eleccrical ionnecElon -ollf by a Scate Llcensed Electrlcal ConEractor. Illurni.naced signs (boch lncerncllyly) utusc conform co Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Sfrlngfield Stgn Or-- mensions Enffieioensions to propot conscruction'bf exlstlng signthc Sprlngfleld Lng tnform:clon a) .show the tocatron of all exlsttng slgn(s) as werr an proposed slgn(s). b) Show the. length of the street'frontage taken up by E,he buslness or bulldtng. For walt , , signs,'show rhe length of the building frontagL. c) Show che locacion of entrances open Eo the publlc and drlveways, I'ihen.required, because of design, slze, etc., englneered drawings and calcularions srusc be pre-pared_by a licensed engineer or shall conforo to-design sEandaris on flle aE Ehe Building Divi-slon Offlce. Plans of lnsufftcLenE clarlty or detail will be recurned to the applicant with no permic being 1s sued. !fS." Inust meeE corfler vlsLon clearance requiremenEs as descrlbed ln Figure 9 of rhe SpringflcldComprehenslve Zoning Code. N9TE: .No-sign.nay be erected whlch ls less than 12 feet horizontally or vertLcally from overheadeleccrlcal conducEors ln excess of 750 volcs, or less than 5 feer in-any dLrection'froo overheadelectrical ltnes whlch are energized at less chan 750 volEs. If a stgn ls not, lnstalled within 60 days aft,er the dare of lssue of chis peroit, the perrnic shallbe vold. Thls -appllcatlon ls to be suburltced wlth two conplete eets of plans shouing dl-ght of sign; adverEisLng messege on sign;, location of slgn on property utth-dt-erty llnes, structural detalls of supgort fraoing, bracing and foocings; Eraterlalsfor stgn and sign !rtruccure; elecErlcal equipmeni and ligf,clng; slze ind locaclon ,s^on propercy for t,he same busl.enss. all as rEquircd Eo deteruing comgltance wit.hSlgn Ordlnance (Arclcle 7 of the Sprlngfleld Ciry Code). Also,. ihow the follow-on che plot plan (plan showing propcrt, Iines and locaclon of slgns): s) 6) 7) 8) e)Inso tions : b) c) REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: ffioortNc oR METII.D oF ArrAcl{MENT Krrscrarcar. .}lruHer, a) Slqe Ilrspecrlon - Eo be made before the slgn ls placed. ftrTpptrtca6Tfl- may be made ac the same riilo as th" Stcntlon ts .to be made afEer hole(s) ls excavageci, buc prlor Flnnl fnsrreccloE:- to bs mado upon complorlon of all work. Ulectrlcal - all electrlcal.signs must be lnspected for electrical hook up afreriGEecEEa and before the sign-is Eurned on. Usual 1y , the Footlnq InsoecElon Insp ec t1 on, Ihe Foocrng Inspec- Eo the placeoenE of concrer,e. the sign DATE CAIJ TOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON ]}IE 24 HOT'R INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTi,I MTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISTIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SICN: \ ADDITIONAL INTORMAUON NEEDED DEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSI'ED A.PPROVED BY: 4ffi RECEIPT E;D tp CLERK SIGN PERMIT JOB # DArE *4:9J- TOTA],: SECTION:SPRINCEIELD SIGN OI(DIIIANCE