HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1990-12-07\" OREGOTU ?TDAELOPMEII| SENWCES ADMINISTRATION PUNNING / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ET ROPOLITAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AG EM ENT December 7, 1990 CERTI PIED LETTER l{r. DoLan Alexander 1792 North 42nd Street Sprlngfleldl Oregon 97478 Slncerely, , Llsa Hopper Buildtng Technlclan 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR97477 (50s) 726-3753 RE: TemporarY OccuPancY Dear Mr. Alexander: 0n December 7, 1990, a Temporary occupancy lras granted-to you to occupy the manufactured home at L7g2 North 42nd Strelt, Springfleld, oregon' As a condltlon of the Temporary Occupancyr You ..t t"qulred to conplete the follovlng ltems no later than JanuatY 7 ' 1991 1. The skirtlng vith the required vents must be lnstalled. 2, Permanent steps vlth handpails must be constructed' I have enclosed a diagram to ""!iri you vttir the requlrements for constructlon' An lnspection vlII be conducted on January 8, 1991 to ensure compllance' If the items are not completed the Temporary $ccupancy v111 explre and legal actlon may U"-t"t "n ln order to ensure compllance' If you have any questlons, please phone me at 726-3790' SU\ 1