HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-01-31" RESIvtNTIAL" z2s ltorth rr^ rrrnnAPPLrcArr1N/PERMrr SprLngfield, )regan 97477 Building Diuiston 7 26-37 53 SPFtIFIGFIELD Cons t?,-tc ticfl Lerlde" 'lISPEC?IAN ;CALL 7 26- 37 6 9 (tecorCer ) state yout, Citg Cesigz"a.ted iob ruzr,bet, aau be teaiy for inspection, Contractcrs or A;zers nane crl.plone ntnberL be tr,ade the s@ne ccg,?eqltests mate aftet ?:00 an uLLL be naCe the neet tnrking 6 lo 1 (, job aiiress, type of 'r)nsrec=icn P.equests receir;ed befcre 7:C0 c:i o I-) ie zhe responsibi-Lity of -t|',e penrit holder to see that aL?- nJnspect-ion:, cpe nade at :he pyopez, tLne, thet 22si1 z,1ir25s is rea;a'ci.ej.!o\_1ry sttee.t, an4 tlvt the oernit ca:i. ia keated at -!h-e fzott'of the ptoperty.'3uildir4 V)vicrot eprou-ed ptin stuLL remain on tii iillai"g-?ii"-"t aLL';i:nes.' )-.,45 %3)qbs !JJD!?SL;.3 ?LL':.EITG, iLEC:PIC,I: 1 nlEciil";1rc;L: 7o be nacie beiore ang t.nnit i o .^.t^--; IC1TIIG t ?AU:DAT:C$: ?o be naie afr ;;- t z, "-z ciA- a.;=t c as a t e d. ard. forms are erectei, bui, p/,tcz, to pouz-trq ccncreta, - u:tDiqc?cu:tt ?at;!.tpr.ic. sgrr^?. z,lrr.?.,.J Lirq uerches, 71 wmppacc?. ?:J:.tsErG )t .v!Cg.ttrcAL:,'_t t io oe nace oricr io insccliat:.on of f"oor i,neui).xion or Cecking. er-F rtlcr--a?.rr. ezcalation, but forms POST AND 3EA!,!: dstalGtlcn of FI?!PT.AC!:,tctriG tion. FilIAL PLU:T,SI:IC FI;IAL .WC.]A:IICAL ?IlIAL iLIC?P.ICAL ?o be nanie aiter pr.tcr tc set up of ?o be nade INSULA?ION/VAPOR SA.RRT?R ITISPICTICN : To be nade aftez, aLL ins-ulaticn cd. t equired oqor bavi,e?s Ge in place but before ory lach, Wpfinn bcoii cr unLL eouering is cpplied, crd.'oeiore ozg insuZation .-s eoncealed. Iout Ci,ty'Desigr,ated Job lfuntber Is: DRYtiALL illSPZC?ny: Tc be nadeafter aLL <k-gua'!,L is in pl.ace, but ptior to atzy tapirq. llAS1!lR!: Steel Location, bond beans, ctauting or ,,terticals in accor<ianee,,nth U,ts, C, Section ,ncoDS!O,.,ry: **1 ^-^);wtttu u- tr-g. After tnstallatton "Js )f ',,.o t'r-ese insceeliat:s izatse beer, ctd. a-o_otcuei. CURB 't APPRCACIT A?-c.1N: Ai'ter fotns*e eteeteC but prior to pottz"in4 coflc?ete. SIDll,lA.LK d DRIIUiA'I: Por aZL ean- erece pauinq uixhtn stTeet right-of-tcg, tc be naCe after all e*cc- ,at1-ng eamolete I fozn ,*ork ,3 sub- base mctertal in plaee.Pm)or ;,o placi"q fcc:.ngand before fr*rirq inspel- , '7 ?}4-ra:Jc: !,ttst be recuesteC cf:ent_) c??,roual of rcugh plw-.bing, eleclr)_cal I neci,antical. - SLt robi-:rgbrccitg 3 chinmcys, ete. atsc- be . corwleted. .'to .;crk is to 'ae con- - cea'Led until this itnsoecicn i.a,s'beet nade urC aporo"-e\. !EllC9: hrhen cono @G or nouab|.e- D IT I 'Lete -- ?yould.e secticns througL I II I 5zr<t/r'e-?-* ALL proieet condilions, such cs ttze ins=allaxicn cf stz,eet itees, :o-o|.etior. cf ilerequiteci 7-aniscccir-g, etc., mtst be satisi'ieC bel'ct,e tke tsUILDI;iG FIiaL =cn be requested.. Building. fnsoection rust bo- requeste(i aiter tke linal plwnbing rnspectlcns -naue been nade anC' atcroued. IINAL BUILDI\\C: The Fincl iiec cricai, qrri :techar.icci Job Loecticn: Assescore :!ao i \ Jwd!t..s1.cn: O.;net: Ad&ess: Jturi LOc Deserlbe I'lork: t-l Dar;e of Apg Lieaticn ACd.iticn RanoCeL AwoieL CeneraL DE!l1LIrr)!! 0R Sanilary se-ter eapped .t Wcperq- Lite Septic tozk purped zd f-JLLed uith g.natel linal - l.lhen abcue itens ate ecnaletei anC xhen denclitior is eorwle=e bt s:z-;c-tute noueC dri cz,eises clbanei ut. Blocking od Sat-up PLwnbing connec-"icns -- sare? al. ualer Electr.Jccl Ccmnection - Blockirr4, set-ut and. pltunbing eonnections nr;st bb dpp-r.cr;bC bei'or e requestlnq e! ectrieal ins;ectiol Accessa,g tsuildlrq Pinal - Aftcr :crehes, skTrting, deci,-s,etc. @e c.cnolelad. Pc:e 1 of 2 *ALL I4ANHCLZS AIID CLEA}IOIJTS ]|US? BE.lCCES3Itsi,E, ADJUS?:!i:]I lO 3E,,.UDE I? lIO::5T TO CI:Y *a u r r JOB NO Ipt 5q. Etg. X cf Lct Caterage LC? ?Wt _ fnterior _ Corner _ Pc.nharaile CUL-de-sac ! of StorJes i'oxaL !!.eLEnt iopogrqhy Lot Faces - Setbacks t^.,^^Caxat:e ilate! :leaterIlarrnRange Eost ',laoasto u*e |lest -- lzes -- I!Z:I :{Value C,Ycce )cSessoltt ?OIAL I'I.LU' luc S. D.C. 1.5 c Check Fee: I?a!4 FZi :mcs Reai.denti.a.L ( 1 bc'"h) Scnitaz,u Seuen llcte! Res. So. fta Na,t/Ertend. Circuits lqlDcr@y Settice I)nr). 7 Stcte Sw,citorge Total Crnvees 'l 1:^'. r!!:,t ?,pne.ce 3TU'S EzLwnst HooC tlent ?az ''lcocisxoie ?:oe 2 L-co c tsedtcoms: Buildirrg Vqlue & Permit This pernit is grantezd on the efi"ass coruiition tlwt the said-eonsctwcclon sha.Ll, in til z.escects, eonfotm to the Srdinance ad.opted by the CitT of Springfleld., tr..cluiing ;he Zoning CtCinolce, regulcting the ccr.str.tet'Jcn atci use of butltitngs, cnd nzy be suspe'tuieC ot, reuckei at cr! tlne u2cn uic- Lation cf .my prcuist'.ons cf saii Crdir"ances. soLAR, - -ESS REQ.- 3at:ctv Euilding Pernit ?otal Charges Plunbing Penrit State Suz,charge t#: Plumbing Perrnit No pereon shall consttuct, insfal!, a!.ter oz, elnnge any neu cr eeisting plztnbirq cr dtainage systein in :,tiole or in pott, unless such pet'son is the Legal possessor of a ua|.id plwnberts License, escept that a petson r,ay do pltnbdng uork to prop'ertg ufuich is ouzed, Leased or apercted by the appli- cailt. Signed Elractricol Permit l{he?e Stdte Lan requires tl"at the electun-cal uoz'k be done bg an Electz'ical Contryetor, the electricaL portion af thia petnit shall not be xaliC until the Label itas been signed by th.e Electrical Contraclor. Mrachq nicol Permit Pet*tt fssuotce l4ecianics.L ?ertnt -- i:lc,,.cACt:.!!:t? -- Secrz-)t1a Deoosit Storaoe I4dantenince SiCa,taLk Mobile llcne -aT -^Eat Atthtt\rfr attt. a 0g EZec L I HAW CA-RE?ULLr gl;I.li:jNED !!e eomplateC cpoLicacior,. for petmit, ai d.o hereby certify thct aLL info:'natton herecn is ttue a*C ccrtect, ar"C i furiker certifr- Jhat ang ard aLL uork periorneti sLaLL be <ione in accov- dance',rLth;.he Ard.inances of the City cf Sprtngfield' an7, tha Lc;s of the State of 7regcn pet'.tzinina tc tke Dork Cescr"JbeC heretn, cnC :;6t )lO 1CCU- p/.!tCI ttill b2 oaZe oi anV str'ltcture aithout pemnissiol of, the EuildinE f.i- tisian. I fw,th* ::ertii'g that only ccntractors atd enplcgees ah-o are Ln col:plr.ance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this prciecx l-sr- 97 r1 ?otte: Ceanancu Crouc:7';oe,/Cor,st: 'ia. ?en= e. -t ,#o,t\\o.ur, N": ^'4CITY OF SPRINGFTELD--BUILDING D 346 MAII{ ST. 726-.3753 (BUSTNESS) 726-3769 (INSPECTIONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL LABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OWNER The Electrical- Safety Law cf the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrician and,/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by hi-mself or a member of his immediate family which is not intended for sale, lease, or rerlt. (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANT I S NAI'IE D"lu ^ A\.*on 4., ADDREss n q2 CI 4 l4 ^s*, * n-rf PHoNE .7 q/ -9.?o / ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED T{ORK t17t il.qa^e s,f, BUILDING OWNER (IF OTHER SHAN APPLIC.PNT) * CT-dT?A'f ADDF(ESS ' S*a,r,'*e -PHONE 1'/l-2Ao I I certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiringr system requiring a label as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the buildinq or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Inspections are generally required for at least the following cond.itions and or stages of construction: 7 I 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 Temporary Service Underground Service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions Mobile Home Connections Signs Swj:runing Pools I further certify that I will notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAL INSPECTIoNS are ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregonr dnd that if not the building owner, I am a member of his or her jmmediate family. Signa Date 2-t:- KL7 INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE I4ADE ON THE BUII,DING DIVISION'S 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTTON LINE. THE T}ISPECTION NUMBER lS 726_3769. INSPECTiON REOUESTS WHTCH ARE CAILED IN BE_ FOR 7 A.I4. WILL BE MADE ON THE SA),TE DAY. LABEL NUMBERS CC ? O B LABEL ISSUA}ICE FEE RECEIVED BY L- FOR OEFICE USE ONLY DATE )-t7-*q LCI I AA