HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1988-02-10.. RESID NTIAL.. zz s No,th rrlr r,ronlr"t"orfou /Ptnatr Springfie\d, )t,egon 97477 BuiLdtng Ditsision 7 26-37 53 Job locaticn: L Constmtetion Lender # SPFINGFTEL.D -O K- 4'\\\ \ Gd ,tl') Date:-9, It is the rcepon*ibility of the pernrlt hoda. to aee that all inapectione oe nad.e at tle prope? tine, thdt eaeh addrees is rea.dabie fra n _tlu atreet,_ and that the ,p*nrtt eal. ie Located. at the frcat of the property.*Buif,ding Diuicion apptoxed plant sha.Ll remain on the Bunldinq Site'at aLL' ttmes.' PRO1EDAPE=Fo4 INSPETI2N.4IO.aEST;CALL726-3769 (reeorder) state your Citg designated job nw;ber, job aCiress, tgpe of inspeeticn ne4uested and uhen gou rttll be ready for irtspection, Contractors ir anne?s ncne Lnd phane ntnber, Requests rcceiibd befcre- 7:00 an'*iLL be nade the eone day' ?eqltests mcde aftet 7:00 Gn uLLL be nwde the neot aorking- day. t8c@ lct5Iatt, Cifu Desigr,ated Job Number fs: Roatc'narl Aeseeeors Map # I t"t O 3 3 b { I rc.trat# C7b0O S'ubdiuision: /) ( 0.mer: 4 J Ttl -r57Phone:Addtess: ci zip: tu!ar[ r t-t Net)t- t-l c"-f ValueDate of -DeecrLbe Work: A '.b"-""^sjt^h;Additicn RenoCel General SIIE fNSPEC?I)N: Io be rrude aftez, 4caoail-on,-frt pz"tar tc set ip of fortns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANfCAL: Io be made befoz,e any .Lnrk is eotsez,ed, POOTIN} & FOUNDATICN: To be np.de @et t"enct;s a"e ercaated and forns an,e eteeted, but prioz, to portt"ing ccncrete. UND1RGROUTID PLIJMETNG. SE'IER, W.LTER, DRAillAGE: To be nade prtor to fil-lirq trenehes. AUDERFTNOR PLUI,EIIIG & MECIIANICAL : o7 floot ineulation o decking. POST AllD BEAM: Io be made pr.Lor toffifrffifo| floor insul)tion ot, deeking, ROUGH PLUIBIIIC. ELECYRICAL & MECE: ANICAL: No uoz,k is to be co"^ereduntil these inspectiors hanse been made and. approueC. EIP.EPTACE: Pm)or to plccirg facingmatetials and before franing inspeb-tion. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTION : ?o be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn crd tequired uapor baviers tre in p|.a,ce but befoz,e any Lath, Wpsum baatC or tnLL eoueting is applied, cnd. before oty iwulati,on is concealed. DEtnLrTI1ll 0R :.nwt B Scnitazry saser capped at properQ; Line Septic tank pur:ped and filled tith gta;sel linal - t{hen abcrte itens ore ccrnpleted and uhen Cetnolition is eonplete oy atrac- tute notted and prenises cleaneC up. bb, )P od, Set-up eonnectione -- aane? otd, aatet Connection - Blocking, set-up and plunbing connections rn;st be cpprcaed before requesting eleelrical inspeeliot Aceessory BuilCing Firnl - After pcrchee, skinting, deeks,etc. a?e completed, DRYIIALL INSPEC?ION: Tc be made aftez, aLL &yuall is in pl.a.ce, but ptior to any tapirq. ILASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oez,tieals in aceordorce LlLth U.B.C. Sectton 2475. WOODSTO'IE: ccmpT;T;A. Aftet installation is CURB & APPRCACH APRON: ue erecteC but prior After fornsto pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRTIWAI: For aLL con-c"A; patfrffi st?eet right- of-ung, to be made after aLL ecca- oating eorryLete & forn tnrk & sub- base rnaterial in plaee. ?ENCE: hrhen eonplete -- ProuiCe gates or mooable aections tht'ough P,A.E. FRA].ITNG: llust be ?equeated after approtsal of rough plunbing, electri-cat & meclwnical. ALL roofing btacing 8 ehinmegs, ete. trust be . conpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetLon lnsrbeen made and approoed. FfilAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL AWHANICAL ?INAL ELECTRICAL ALL proieet eonditiow, such as ttre i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of therequired Landsceping, ete. " rmtst be eatisfied befote the BULLDLNG pIltAL can be requested. PINAL BUILDIN?: The ?inal Buildittg Inepection nult be tequeated aften the Final PlunbingElectrical, and tleclnnical fnspeetions hque been nade atd'approued. Nobile *ALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MU?? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST!{E\\I IO BE \L4DE r'.r I'tO COS? TO CIty Page 1 of 2 u T e-7 - r8 z SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co cJOB NO. Crt BeC.roons: lleat Lace PLcn Esaniner Uat;e I HAW CAREFULLY ExAlLfNED t?e cornpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infornation hereon is true and. eorreet, and f fuz,ther cez,tify that any ard aLL uork perforned ahall be done i.n aecor- dance ttLth the 1tdinanees of the City of Spr"[ngfield, and, the Las of the* State of 1z.egcn pertaining to the wvk Cescribed herei.n, cnd. tlnt N0 )CCU- PANCY urlll be rmde of any sttuctute uithout permission of the Buildi.ng N- uision. I fut,then eertif'g that only eontractors and enplcyees Dho aPe in conpliance dith 2RS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie proiect 2-1-trr ( Access th DT House Lot Faces - Woodstoxe bt Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooerage_ # of Stozn-es Iotal Height Topography -- Fees -- I?EM SQ. F?G x Value Main C,saae Carpoy,t Accessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid: !. Building Vqlue & Permit This pemnt is granted on the erpress eondition ttnt the said.constmtction slall, in a'l.L respeets, conforn to the }rdinance adopted by the City of Springfield, i,nc?.udtng the Zoning Crdinance, reguLating the ccnstructicn and. use of buildings, otd nay be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of GnA prcoisions of said 1rdinances. Building PetmLt Iotal Clrargea State Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No person shall construct, install., alter or ehange anA ne?, cr ecisting plwnbing or drainage systan i,n ulnle or in patt, unless sueh person i.s the Legal possessor of a ualtd plunbez,'s License, eseept that a pe?son na.g do plunbing uork to ppopertA uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. NO FEE CHARGE * Sani Seuet ,0o.75 Fi.st'uz,es Residential (1 bath) Plwnbing Penrtt State Electricol Permit Wene State Lan reqtires that the electrical uork be done by atz Eleetrical Contnactor, the electz"Lcal portion of this permit slnll not be talil until the Label lws been signed by the Electuical Contractor,, PE?MLX NO. ?otal NailExtend. Citcuits Semsice ITYM NC.CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit khanst Hood llcodstooe Vent Pan Penm.t fssuanee MeeTtanicel Permtt -- ENCROACHMEN? -. Sec,n'itu Deposit Stotage Maintennnce Perwit Clttbcut Sideualk Fence Eleettical la.bel Mobile Hane Do,^.JiJ f,-s-u-( K.oTIL.qo 7 TOTAL A}TOI|II? DUE: *3q,6{ \\ Signed Date c@ LOT TWE _ Interior _ Cormer _ Panhandle _ C'ul-de-sac -{ U