HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-03-215f,r-ilr{(:FtI:LE, GN PERMIT APPLIC ATION lvt I\J (L ' t N FO RMATTON: ,26-3?53 ',' .. l tNSPECTtoNS t 726.3769 r!a<<->t lNGS(OF SIGN z LEC^L DESCRIPTION olrNER oR PRoPERTY *@t *,r ti)-T> ADDRESS Ir.Si ot.INER 0F SIGN CIF oTIttrR TltAlt PRoPERTY otlNER) ADDRESS springfield th street LOT ? 'l b-*.3t 9 r.* rr PIIONE NAME OT BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC. E' ,u*ro*r,CONTRACTORS IAPE OF .BUSITIESS D. uru AnD cHARAcTER oF srGN: j i,/ rorHtru INCIDETTTAL . / nousrn recs _SINGLE rACE ' !,IIILTI-FACE ' -r.unrrR Bo RD -BILLBOARDqta, G\oo s&6 - 8)3{ q"?3CIY PIIONE SIGN 5 L CITY LICENSE IITJ:'IBER otz SIGN I.'ANUFACTURER CIF OIHER TI{AN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS I TYPE OF WORK: V ERECT ALTERl*ro.ori- OTH}:R B STP.UCTUML rYPE'OF SIGN:. /IIALL .Y TREESTANDIIIG n6or PRoJEcTTNG MARqUEE . I,NDER I,IAROUEE OTITER C. ARE TITERE ANy D(rsrrtrc srclrs? X yns lto . I.'ILL SIGN ITAVE ELECTP.ICAL IIIRING? IF YES, IJHICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGII _rLLr.JlrrNATED (rNDrpscfE ucHrrp) ELECTRICAL CONTNACTOR ADDRESS LISC.Nt !{BER_!!:ONE_ totcc. 3e; N I( H G. r*rsrr*c srcNs PT? ai''x lo'ALL EXISTINC SIGNS rOR BUSINIISS, ETC. DU,IENSIONS, UISTALITTIOII & CONSTRUCTIOTI TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE CRADE VEP.TICAL DI}fENSION OF SICN HORIZONTAL WIDTII OT' SIGN DI}IENSION T'ROI'I GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIG}I flIICKITESS OR DEPTII, DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROTERTY LINE? _YESIF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOTI IS IIORE TIIAN 12" OVEE pusrlc pnopnp.Ty rrn srcN EREcroR. I.ruST FILE }IITII TIIE BUILDINC DIVISION COPIES OT' }IIS/IIIIR LIABILITY AIID PP.OP- ERTY DA}IAGE IIISUP,AI.ICE POI,ICIES. 6Lt "{'6 -tlo E - -Luo tb" l&+'t . DESCRIBE TYPE OR }'ATERIAIS SICN IS CONSTRUCTED OT.xA*aQ Tvtrt\( . VALUE OF SICN:zBqD*2 I K 'SITE INFOFXATIoN (IAND USE)or BUILDIITG OR LAND (OR 1AST LlLtJtLb- PBOPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR I.AND: 4lt*ry\l-' J .. EXISTING USE usE Ir vAcANr) 'I IIAVE CAREFUI.LY EXAIIINED che compleced appllcaEion for permiE and do hereby cerctfy thac all lnformacion 1s crue and correct, irnd I fuiLher cercify thac all work perforrned shall be done*ln accordance uith che Springfield Sign Ordinance, Ehe Uillform Sign Code'as adopced by qhe ClcZ of Soringfield and all other-Ordinances of rhe City of Sprinefleld and che laws of che Scace of Cregon perralnirrg co t:re worl: <Jescri.bed nErcrn. I further certlfy that nv !:13n Co'rtraccor !.1- cense with Ehe cicy of Springfleld is ln ful1 force and effect as'required by-sprin6fteld Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-2:o(2).' r wltt requesc a1I requlred stgn lnspecEloni ltsted'on'che-approvedpe:mlc.. i' j', I NAHE (PLEASE ,PRI}IT) SIGNATU -{-:'.l-q5+ds !r,$bri'*$|Aani}*.." ''.lf\'otrs ' l -W'qz t l4lrnooon DusrNEss _ourDoo3. r4ERCHAtlDrsrNG r '. I .t ir'l: , ^ A I . i-i iN {i ,, ,: :: i' ill\,PLEASE READ J..o', '-,',:I:,':i r it.j:ril;l , , =,.".,t, ,, l,r., i,. .,,., , ..,",,. I Separ4lg,Stp,n Aptl$Jllg: A separare appllcatLonll ls requlred for each separace slgn as deflned It:.1n Ene srgn gode. ..i Electrical: Any perurlc lssued under fhis appllcation w111 lncludq wlrlng ln or on slgn scruccure, EIEEFFIy wtrei Eor conneccion mrsc be coviied on an elect,rical'permit,- Electrlcal connecElon .. urust b;-uride only by e State Llcensed Electrlcal ContracEor. Illuminaueg slens (b-oth-lncernally and externally) irust confom t,o Seccl.ons 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Sprlngfleld Sign.Or- dinance' , .i/, ,r.i Plans Requtred:. Ttrls appltcaElon ls to be submlfted wtth tr,ro courpleEe sets of plans showing.dl-+.rDenslons.ano netgnt of iign; adverEistng message on slgn; locaBlon of stgn on-ProPerEy ulth dt- uensLons to propirty ltnei, structural Ietaile*of suppdrt frauing, braclng and-footlngs; naEerlals of consEruction-for-slgn and sign structure; electrlcal equlpmeni and lightlng; sl.ze and locaEionof ext.stlng signs on property for the same buslenss. all as required to deterulnq cosrpll.ance wlth the sfrinlEfefE srtn brdinanle (Arrlcte Z of the Spitngfleld Cicy Code). Also,.ihow the follow-lng lnforrnaEton on the plot plan (plan showlng property llnea. and locaclon of slgns) : a) Show the locatlon'rof 'a11 exlsElng gl,gn(s) as t e1I as proposed stgn(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by Ehe buslness or bulldlng. For wall slgnsr'shor{ che length of the btrtldlng fronEage. c) Show che locacLon of entrances.open co the publlc and drl.vewaya. 1) 2) 3) i l I 4) 5) 5) 7> B) e) l{hen requtred, because of deslgn, slze, etc., englneered drawlngs and calculatlons nusc be p pared by a lleensed engineer or shall conforo to deslgn standards on flle et the Bullding Dt slon Offlce. Plans of lnsufflclenc clarity or detail wtll be returned to the applicant. wlth no perurir being lssued. SLgns must Deet corner vlsloo clearance requlrements as descrlbed in Figure 9 of the Springfleld Comprehensive Zoning Code. $OJE: No sign nay be erecced whlch ls less than 12 feet hortzontally or vertically from overheadE[Ecrlcal cSnductors ln excess of 750 volt,s, or less rhan 5 feec Ln- any dlrect,ion-froo overhead elect,rlcal lines whlch are energlzed aE less than 750 voIts. le- If a slgn ba vold..ls not, lnstalled wlthln 60 days after the date of lssue of thls peroit, the permlE Inspecclgrls Slce Inspectlon - to be Eade(if applicable) may be nade atlon Is co be uade afEer hole t the same Eime as Ehe Slte Inspecclon. Ihe Footing lnspec-(s) ls excavated, buE Prior to the placeuenc of concret,e. Flna1 InspecElon:- to be made upon conpletion of all work. Ulectrical - all electrlcal slgns utust be lnspected for electrical hook up afcer the sign cArr roR TltE REQUIRED INSpECTIONS ON t1tB 24 HOUR INSPECTToN LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DI ZONE MIAL SqUARE'FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: shall ,! a)before the slgn ts placed. Usually,the Footing Inspectlon b) c) V SLTZILOCATIOII fu"t n "* OIITER .// FOOTING OR METIIOD OF ATTACHMENT ujml* SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BETORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MEDED BEFORE PERMIT }TAY BE ISSIIED: L )), APPROVED BY: I 47. STA:IE SURCITARGE: ,75 PERUIT FEE: t5wELECTRICAL e1 DATE -23- SIGN PERMIT FEE: JOB # TOTAL:40 CLERK O SECTTON:SICN ORDINA}ICE 4zr lm 0.Ia t ,.