HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1997-06-23t COM M ERCIAL/ I N DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fiftn Street, Springf ield, Oregon 97477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: l7t)33to t t 2 z# sl JOB NUMBER ? INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 TAX LOT OC SP'IINGFIELO ASSESSORS MAP V-(PHONE: o* k STATE: 5L1t-14133,1 ZIP:11q t 8 OWNER ADDRESS CITY; DEScRrproNoFWoRK' 'Rpohn^ - fr*a<.a b- T, -.I NEW - REMODEL ADDITION VALUE:DEMOLISH OTHER ARCHITECI MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: NAME ADDRESS PHONE ADDRESS EXPIRES PHONECONTRACTOR'S NAME CONST. CONTRAGTOR ' GENERAL: PLUMBING NO.FFF CHARGE Single Fixture Relocated Bldg. (new fix. addtl) Water Service (t Sanltary Sewer ft Storm Sewer ft. Backf low Device TOTAL PERMIT MECHANICAL Nrl trFF CHARGF Furnace/burner & vent <100,000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent >100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or f loor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate Stationary evap. cool er Vent Fan/Single duct Vent from System apart AC or htg. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Permit lssuance s10.00 TOTAL PERMIT - OFFICE USE - ZONING LIGHTING POWER BUDGET:OCCY GROUP: * OF STORIES: QUAD AREA: # OF BLDGS CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: * OF UNITS: HANDICAP ACCESS: - WATER HEATER: SQ. FT.$/so. FT.VALUE TOTAL VALUE OF PROJ X x X SQ. FTG MAIN SQ. FTG ACCESS SO. FTG OTHER RCPT#PLAN CHECK FEE OATE BY el >{ BUILOING PERMIT 52,%PLUMBING OEMOLITION 5% State Su rcharqe 7,-B.z 5% State Surcharge MECHANICAL FENCE VALUE $ 5% State Su rchAroe SIDEWALK FT. SUBTOTAL PERMITS PAVING CURBCUT FT. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL I LAND USE:FLOOD PLAIN: REOUIRED INSPECTIONSIt is the responsibill ty of the permit holder to see that all lnspecilons are made at the pro per time. To request an in spection, call 726-3759 (reco rder),state your City desi gnated job nu mber, job add ress, type of i nspectio n requested and when you will be ready for inspecilon.R equests received before 7:00 a.m. wil l'be made the same working day, req uests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. SITE INSPECTION To be ROUGH P LUMBINGmadeafter excavati on, but ELECTRl CAL &PAVING: After gravel is inp rior to setup of forms.MECHANICAL:No work is to place but prior to placi ng UNDERS be covered u ntil these asphalt or con crete. ELECTRI LAB PLUMBING,inspecilons have been made spEctAL I NSPECTI ONS: tn accordanceMECHANICAL:'Ic be made and a pproved before any work ls covered-.Section 306 of the State S pecialt y Code CONCRETE SLAB: To bemade after att tnJraoliiroino ::ly]"" equ i pment,' c;;;j t., "prping, accessories "no Jitiu,ancillary equipment items-aietn place but before ,.,r...- -'" concrete ls placed. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS &CURTAIN WALLSFOOTINGS &FOUNDATI ONS:To be made after tren ches areexcavatedand forms areerected,all steel ln place, butprior to placing con crete. UNDERGROU ND: plumbi ng,electrical , gas, sanl a special i nspector shall be emp loyedby the Ow ner/ Contractor durin sconstruction of the fol lowin g work. Acopy of th e special testing reports shallbe furnis hed to the Buildin g Division storm s ewer, waterdralnagellnes. To be madepriortocovering or fiiltngtrenches. INSULATI ON & VAPORBARRIER:To be made after allinsulationand required vaporbarrlersare ln Place butbeforeany lath or gypsum applied. board I nterlor wall coverlng ls RETE: ln (306 a.t) STRUCTU RAL WELD S:Perform ed on the jo b. (2722 O HIGH STRENGTH B OLTING:Durl ng all bolt inst allation andtightening operati ons. (306a.6) SPRAYED ONFIREPROOFTNG: U.B,C.Stand ards 43-B 'ln dltlon to lnspec.tlons s €d,the B ulldlng requ lreOfflclamrke oroth.r I n!plotlon!of anyconStructlon work to en8uro FIREPLACE: prtor to ptacing I3_"]1S materiats and before"rramlng inspecilon. I"ltYlTci.rq be made after il:+ll tll."Sllfl;*i ":lT:fl : lli o-r qes, ini. n"y" ;: ,-,,.: a,e comptete and :1e_ rougfr etectricat, ntrmUingand mechanlcal are' jpproved. STRUCTURAL CONCexcess of 2500 pS.l. tary sewer, and y,x"T :5:?,?: ; Slis t, +:, ^ -made prtor to inst;il;;io; ;ifloor lnsular";; ;;;;rjlli;, o""*'n, o' POST & BEAM: To be madeprtor to rnstalratron-Jr,iil;ilnsulauon, Oecklng ;; i;;;;sheathlng. FI.OOR INSULATION &VAPOR BARRTER& io-bemade prtor to lnstailailJi ordeckir,g or rtoor "neiinlnsl' M r.,uO,t t.11,: Sleel locailon,Lond heams groutfng oi , verilcals ln aCcordan"ce wlthuBc 2415. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL:Located and constiu;G;-..according to plans. LATH AND,OR GYPSUMBOARD: ro oe-mfde-irter arrtathlng and gypsum Uoi-ri.-,,tnterlor and exierlor. liI;,ptace but Oetori ani'- ,,, plasterlng ts apptG6 or beforegyDsurn bcald joi,rts inJ- -," fasteners are tipeo ,ij-ftntshed. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY:Flequlred tor af t concreiepavlng wtthtn street;;ir-t ofway, to be made after iti- -. ;I":i,: ll'" ;3fl Xi:' ?":i$, :f ixplace. CURB ANO APPROACHApRONS: Atter foime are :9cteq but prlor to ptacingconcr€te. SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATTON a r.r dll r_ r- lru c,During earthwork. (io;; rilChapter 29) cLU.LAM BEAMS: lnspecilonC_ertificate by .an approvedagcnoy, ,urfi s-, I ii I i's' ijr Jr c hed lor t hc cl ty's B?flEl ril.?.:, r" " u a.-r-z sri I u, sc, - STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306a.7) rpeclfl I may !!fl,"H=#[1l::*ffi,"nany roof coverlng.com By slgnature' I stat€ and agree' that I have carefully examlned th€ completed rppllcatlon and do hereby cerilfy thgt 8ll lnformeflonhereln ls true and correct' and I further c€rtlfy that any and lll wori pbrlormei'arrait oa oon" ln rooordrncc wlth the ordlnenorrof the clty of sprlngfleld, and the Laws of the state of oregon pertalnlng to the work J"""iru"o rreiern, anJirrai'ilo occupANcywlll be made of any structure wlthout permlssion of the Bullalng Safety Dtvtston. I further certify that ohly contractors and employeeswho are ln compllance wtrh oRS 70i,0ss wilt be uged on ttrie projlct. t further agree to ensure that all requlred lnspectlons are requested at thE proper ilme, that prolect addres8 lE readable lrom lh6street, that the permlt card ls located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans wlll remain on the slte aI alltimes durlng constructlon.ka<._4_Signatu re Date $^ z-]7 ^2VALIDATION: RECEIPT *:a62>/RECEIVED BY: DATE PAID:AMoUNT RECEIVED: 4q >, pllance wlth the Bultdl i0,Clty or Develo Pment Code,FTNAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICI\L FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: PLANS REVIEWED BY DATE Y