HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1994-10-07\AL \DENT \AL - gIDEUALK / cuRtscuT AFPLICATION / FEB1IT SPRINGFIELD \1,/30 L'#SEiEJJ:'HffiLO'''' +!a-iHeeerr'l6 D lvl9lot{ FlcE NO. 126-3153 NSPECTION L\NE' 126-3163 JoB ADDRE96s 2S3f /Til (tx:: br +3 A59E950RS llAP No.TAX LOT NO. SUBDlYl9lONr O,\- OJ.l.iER,T try /uO/J€. o Jo aooresg,AllB l:C)no/q2 AtZ- cr.:,, S/f- srArE: (2/L at0-5 Z y I 'l PHohrE No. ?21- 7 3J4 * CHECKED FOR DELNAUENCIEg T + /os3 V CHECK L / o '7 1 RECEIFT NO: CA*1 SIGNED: l,Al=. SIDEIIALK: CURB SIDE - gETtsACK _ cuRg-cur, -X,- R=grDElllaL - coxl-lERrcAL _ S=COND DRI\€UJAY ( gEE TRAFFIC ) .REaUlR=9 APPLlcATlorl FoR A gEcoND DRI\zE[JAY(T-4.1a) OR, A coJNTY APPI-ICATION FOR FACILITY F=trlIT (C A8-2O3)tF tN TtlE U65. DATE G APTLICATIC,})1 o UORK TO BE PERfuRIIED tsY:oiil.l=R CONTRAC;OR **.CONTRACTOR ADDE99 R=GISTR.ATION NO,A EXPrR=s, PHoNE, 0O3 -O'7oD PWEDUFE FOR'NSFECTIOI.I REAUE9T, ZALL 12b'^1b5 (re.coFcER ) 9TATE YOUR Ctry D=S|GNATED JO3 Nl-,t]-13=R, )O3 AIIDF<-9S,TyPE cFiNgPEcrlot'l reauEsrED aD tlji-i=N You tl",lLL e= €api ro{ rNse=c;ro}t, coNTRAcroRg oR or.,l,h.l=Rg NAl.1= A\DPI..]ONE NLtr13ER EOU=3T5 RECEI\€D B=FORE NOO K1 IJ,'ILL BE I-.1ADE TH= sAi{E DAY. EAUE9TS AFI;*R, 11OOAY I'ILL BE I'1ADE THE NEXT I.LORKING DAY et\),%1 8i ;3f ?r ss; IIO.OO + rO.t1/LF.(X) (u4Afi^n, z oF IUALK uNtr'fla,rO luaq- &vsr. REAUIRED IN9PECTICI.I9 FEE9;9IDEUJALKS TOTAL FERFlIT FEE:1129 SIDEIUALK / DR|\EIIJAYrcR ALL CONCRETE PAVING TUITHIN TI]E STREET RIGCT 4 IUAY, TO BE I1ADE AFIER ALL EXCAVATING I9 CO|-IPLETE AND FORfi UiCR<AlD SUB-BAsE I'IATERIAL 13 IN PLACE CURE-CUT jlO.OO+*O.])/L.F.(X) CUFe / A?tr.AACH APRON, AF-, EF? FORIS A,E ERECTED BUT PRIOR TO POURING C'oNCRETE, x' I ilA\G CAREFULLY EXA"IINED T}TE COI.,IPLETED APPL ICATION FOR PEB1 IT, A\D DO HER=BY CERTIFY ;HATINTS,iATION I]EREON 19 T,q,]E ALLA\D CORR=CT, A\D I FURTHER /-=Dir=Y ]'HAT.1\Y AND ALL u^2R<PE,+OR:=Dgi-.iALL BE DONE IN ACCORD ANCE LUITH TI]E ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SPRINT.#IELD, AND TiJE LAIIJS G THESTATE G OREGON PERTAIN IN6 TO T}.]E IIORK DESCF?|3ED FiE R=IN, AND irJAT NO OCCUPANCY IlJi I I aE H1^=oF ANY 9TRLICTURE uJtTilOiT PER.1I99IOi.1 OF THE BUILDING DIYISION. IFURTI-.{ER CERTIFY TI]AT ONLY CONTRACTORSntt{o ARE TI-]19 PROJECT COi.1I-lERICAL DRIVEU'AY5 SHALLHA\G 5'TO A'FLAIRS3'- OI'3TA\DARD IND /- IN COI"IPLIANCE IIJITH ORs 1O1O>> uJILL tsE USED ON DATE ? ?rt d cl+rz (f**,Application for Facility Permit Lane County yle To APPLICANON NO. COUNTY PERMITNO. CITY PERMITNO. lrju I vtv-a'%"/ Aowyy l^hds PERMIT TYPE Driveway Approach Utility Plans Attached - Special Event _ Other il, l1+k Plr,, " 14/5af I,hereby make application lor a facility permit on the right-of-way ol Mile Post(s) Description of F,k+i>,'r' Asrcq!*"ffit+- 4l- A#- rzrsi6n=-- ilr'Er- { Date SPECIAL DRIVEWAY ADDITIONAL REOUI THIS P Staff Date Departmcnt ol publlo Works PW 163 - 6i/92 I'l98-201 REVTSEo O6/gZ Denied TIflS UNE WHITE COPY - Perrn! Flle YELLOW COPY - Statl PINK COPY - ApClcant atts amroval 6875799 , CITY OF OREGON )sPFtr.--;FIELc, PUBL'C }YORKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTFATION ENGINEERING DIVISION MAINTENANCE ADMtNISTRAT|ON/ENGtNEERING (503) 726.s753 FAX (s03) 726 3689 MATNTENANCE (503) 726 3761 rAX (503) 726 3621 efi ?25 FTFTH SIFIt:7 SPB/NGFIFLD, OR 9i,1,',: APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY / OVERWIDTH DRIVEWAY DATE APPLTCANT (PROPERTY OWNE ADDRESS oF PRoPERTY FoR DRIVEWAY eenr,arr: 1.535 rV. /l+L Pia"- APPLICANTS TELEPHONE NUMBE Please sketch the proposed driv'eway. lnclude the following applicable items: house or building, proposed driveway, existing driveway, and street names. lnclude dimensions and measurements lo property lines. road intersections and bordering driveways. (See attachment for an example.) c Al o \I AII APPUCATIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SPRINGFIELD THAT ARE WITHIN THE URBANGROWTH BOUNDARY REOUIRE A I.ANE COUNTY PERMIT. Note: The City of Springfield will not gtant a second driveway permil on an Arterial or Collector Slreet. ?SIJS N. t?tt Ph.LI o o i 1a-I?r"((\n -7 L t8 1'L'or.I Pr.,).^,c :1 \ f 1. Property type: Single Farnily Residen"" X Duplex;_ Other_ 2. The proposed driveway wifl take access from which street Al I ?tk PLr.a 3. The dislance ltom the edge of the driveway lo the nearest corner (measured lo the curb return) istYO' leel. 4. The second driveway will give access lo: garage_ carport_ side yard_ other_ 5. The dislance from the property line to the garage, carport, fence, watl. or other, (where the vehicle is to be parked) is q'L' !ea. property driveways ornt) {r* 6. will the proposed parking / storage area create a vision obstruction to adjacent to any vehicular movement on a public slreet? (see vision clearance attachmer Applicant hereby agrces to install the rcquested driveuray lo City of Springfnld standards. The applicant further agrces to have 6'of concrete in the sideraalk area (adjacent to the driveuray), and to pave the area behind the back edge of the sidewalk, or driveway apron, with a minimum depth of 3- asphahic concrete or 6'of portland cement concrete. The area behind the sidewalk shall be paved a minimum of i8 feel The applicant agrees that if he/she does not pave the area behind the sidewalk wilhin 30 days of cutting the curb opening, the City of Springfield has the authorky to close the driveway access by removal of the curb cut All incuned costs shall be assumed by the applicant and il unpaid, said cost shall become a lien of the property. When this application is approved by the City, the applicant must obtain a curbcuUdriveway permit from the Public Works Department, Engineering Division. Curbcut / Drivewav Permit Fee a. On an improved street (eristing curb): 510.00 plus S.15 per lineal foot of curb cut. b. On an unimproved street (no curb): S'12.00 c. On currentty unimproved stteets lhat are under construction: 512.00 PROPERTY OWNER'S rc: Ocl? ?Y APPROVED TE /o ? fr/fflr"O fqL 3o' oqd 7* DIVISIONttEF4 * C' tttn725 BUILDING PERh{IT 7 TRA 9.1 ATTACHII,IENT: Msion Clearance, Erample #1 .t i tl.t.t) PL.\.\ \ I\(. ( ()llrl lssl(r.\ ll;i-'l \ Sl,R\rt.\ OR . l).'\ I t: }T 'I-\ ,tSST.SSOR t).\I t_ lJlt I't'l l_D lii-l'1..\ I ()t l'.\R( t-L lll, l"\l{ I I t l(-r.\ l'1..\ | .'\(r. 'J-r'r''lr-TINAI, PAR'I'I'I'I0\ PI,..\T totr DENN lS I-. \\',\l{'l'r.NB uE L'R\ \l. \o. 9J-l)l-Jl i\tA} l\io. l?-01-l{, I r\ t.t11';5=7- . 5\\ l/{.sE(:rloN l{. 1. 17s.. R.3\\.'\\'-\l- \\'ll lil\'l'tlE "\\ ll.t,l.\11 sPE\('[-R Dl.(: \(). s0" | : t.,\\E c'ouN-l'l'' oRL,Go-\ ' 7-O\l\c = t.o\\ DENSI't'\ Rl.stl)ENt I.\l-/t RII\\ J [.r L, l5' 19,,-l eusLESW.CiltrE t AssoculEs, c0. Ltnd Surrryrrp 6? Cantr^rsl Lcop f tJgr.6.. OR 97aol O'IEGOH,.t a. t.o t-rur{L-[.S v/. GUILE' ;..1 72: EARI- L. IIcELI{.A.NY ,1: \ \ :{ N J.. \ I t. i\2'& NANhAT t1 T-: TIII PI.;RPOSf ('t.riN.Is PROPf RTl' ot'Iilrs stRvtl \4'AS TO StiRvf\ A:'iD Dr\lltf ol:R' AS Srr(J\+:\ rlf,Rt0)i Pf l{'I IIE COIDfTIOttS OF ArPH{)\'Al loR ..r l-\lD PAR'frI ro\ Bt-l\G SPRTIGFIf,LD'S JOt',R)i.\L NO. 9{-Ol{:. TIITS P,\R]'N'to} LS Oi'PARCI I, III OF A PRE\'IOUS P.TR TTTIONIl'Itl(,ll w.L\ S PIT l\(;rrf.t.D's Jot RNAL t\o' 92{}170 Bf ING l-A}\D PARTTTIo \ PLAT NI'}I BIR e.}Fo.l{l Ar.'D Atso Bf,N(; t-\NEcot i^-f.r' SL:RVt-t ORS nl-f, lxDEX NO. (st'31706. TIII B,LSLS oF Bf .rR.tscs 15 B.AS[:D silo$!{ tlER[oN tT,() ts .rs sllo\lT\ IILRf ON. ALL, B[:'\RlN(;S ,\TD I'ISTANCf,S It TllE sot-nl\r'fs-t' (:()R:{ER OF ',rllf Ff t.rr sc()r-r, Ji. Dl c I\o. 3l TO Tllf. l\rn'{t-'Pot\T A\D .\ROt'r..D Tlll: Bol.'i\^.lrs ()r' TIu-s P,rRrrrl0r sl Rt tl"ARl: .l-llt. sA}'r' 'l's Rf PORTI'D lli Tllf s.ril) ('st stiR\ t-) oRs (:f R rlrlcA'l't: . t.CIlARl.fS\r'.Glll.E.RtGlSTERfl)l.l\D'\LTvflOR,BEt'\-GnRSTDL'Lt s\\'(,Rr oN oATll. s{t'TIl.{1 1 tL\\'f ('Al'stD To BE SL'R\T}'ED A5D }t {RKEI) $ ITll PRoPER IIO\IItENTS'rllt FOt-lO\l L\G P \8lTnON PL\T: EtGt}}I\G '\l' -ntn i,.rl-L COUNTy BR{SS cAp r\ .\ }ro}l }tt}T c{sE I\IARKI}c Tllt solrl illl'EsT coRt\ER OF'I-llE Ff UX s( olT JR I)oN.\Tlo:i l-.t\D cL\lll \o. sl. Ir st('Iro\ 15. TollxslllP l7 sot:Tll. RAIGT I \\rsr oF'lllt \rll.t-\\tt'I-It \tfRlDtA\:-IllfSCt It)RI'll 0p 0J' {J" WEST 18')l'19 }fEI'rO A} lR(r\ Rot' \1 lfll Ar t IS('tt,\Ll.]lt\tilt C{P }t\RKED "t \Sr r'l\f SPESCT'R"r ltlt.\('t' loRlll f yt'2!'' f-.{sT l6:.16 Ftt.T-I ()Artl\(lllRO\Ri)D\\'t-ltl'\PL\srl( C\Pll.\RKfD"NLS.s PIsRsl"lTllt'\Cf NORlrl s'/' r:' tll \llS'I 3q-l'r:l il r I E, ', (\ u t d \l $ il u \! iT 7;a,7-.4=7 -€ /?/t_.<N\ ;1. . .,322@ lr -. $ h il H\ \ li\ NI ao I t \.{il rt J \l (t .\ \,\ .t \t d,.\q rt 't\\. r rh Ar T\ /3 @ tI d ,') ^J NA .l\ #fr$'{ \L \z.2 49 a'47 /,&.@?.. -L/a< {\ n\ di\ri.i.-: -=€T :;r"* - a' .,: -. lr ercrlrrncc \I pnoresspxau i I trxo sunvEYoRI a 3, :.t.-t { ( I _I \ ajJt ia _ ,,<7 -.:: l: :'. . t", ANI) t- L$:An rad ('l|RjSTL\A F. rnd DELORES RO.\D : ST.{TE OF i. -:. - oR-EGO)- l -' or L{:\f -i? ,. I ltctll.HA\\,b$*"-.t J.WARTf\riE[., h&tr.Jr7{}6 SURvf.} :u..rP. t'. tlcELri.d\). L Dr:l.oRfs J. Tnf o-r\\fRS oF I-Hl-IJ\D DTSCRIEf,D' ro BE P{R TIl IO\ED A5D PI.A ITID 'TS 'i ji.'-:'-_t+ 0 h PZqAE llt HERrO}-. TIIE 1o ctl \rrI.R e:} oRr(;o\R F.\a.i f D'