HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1984-01-26Robert B. and Jane A. Whitec/o Timothy R. and Rhonda G. Smith
37L43 Parsons Creek RoadSpringfield,Oregon 97479
RE: 345 North 36th Street, Springfie.ld, 0regon
Dear Mr. and Mrs. White:
we have received a ca'll from a former tenant regarding the safety of thedwelling located at the above-refu..n..J uJi.Li.. Our records indicatethat you are the owner of this property.
This letter is to inform you of a service that we provide which may bebeneficial to you.
At your request,,lh" Building safety_Division inspectors will inspect thebuilding - including the ptuiluing, 6l..t.ical and mechanical systems, forpossibte safetv hazirds. 'Fortoring tne rnip..iion, *" *iii r;tify you inwritins of our"rinaings: H;;;ils iornJ ,uiii-;; described and possibre so_lutions will be offer6d.
Jlr{:l.l.l; ilX_3y8::,on', prease feet free to contact the Bui tdins Safety
Si ncerel y,
Lorne [,l. pleqer
Senior Plans-Examiner
Building Safety Division
D epartment of Public Works
January 26, 1984
225 North Sth street o springfield, orego n gz4zz o 5oL/zz6-g7b8