HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-08-15P,ceei.. RES.JENTIAL.. APPLICATION /PERILIT 225 Nor.th |th Street SpringfieLd, )regon 97477 BuildLrry Diuision / zo-o / Do Mechanieal vSPRINGFTET..D ryrL 0K- r Constmtetion Lender 726-3769 (yecoydet,) state you? City designated job nunbet, job aCitess,type of inspeelicn z,eady fot inspection, Contracto?s o? A,ners nc,ne cnd phone numbet,, P,equests z,eceixed befcz.e 7:00 ci ?LrL L be nade the sqne dc.y, z,equests nade aft* z:00 on utill be made the ncct ttorking day Iout, Citg Designated Job thnbet' rs: €rfagZ Z It ie the ftonr the s*Bui !ding Reati-rarl ln<non tespottsibi_lily of the penrit hod* to eee that aLL inspections oe nade at the pyope! tine, th,at each address is reaCabi.e:t1eqt,- and. that the _permit catd ie located at the frcnt of the wope?tANuicion appro"*ed plhn slnll remain on tlp Building Sitc Zt aLL' ttmes." '!iou 4Job Locaticn:€ ?cs lat # O.Aasessore Map #aa subdioision: E? ZAddtess:Phone: Sur 2? Ak S{'/4avce ,4b/vc Date of tpptioori", fuS *85 Desct"Lbe l,lotk: Value tl Xeu) TI Additicn RemoCeL Gsnet aL ELeetrical Page 1 of 2 SIYE INSPEC?ION eoeauation, but forme. Io be nade after pt"tor tc set up of TNSULATTON/VAPOR 8488!ER il\SPECTTON :DEUOLruIA]] OR }.1OWD BU. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL &WcuWng wrk is eotlered. POO?ING & FOUNDATICN ?o be truCeaftet tretrches aie-d.rcaoated and forns are erected, but pnioz, to porr'tng ccncrete. u N p E R GR 0 ul! p Plw I ! G -_s Ew 4_ w ATLL Tfi-trerch^ee. ANDER?LOOR PLAMBING & MECIIANICAL : o1 floo insul,ation or decking. POS? AND BEil!4: To be nade prLor toffiffion of floot, insulation ot deckittg. ROUGH PLU{BIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uork is to be cooered ut:til these inspeetions ltatse been mad.e and. approoed.. FIPEPLACE: Prtor to plaeirq faeingmaterials and before ft,aning inepee- tion. ?RAIIING: litust be tequeeted after appto,tal of rough pLwrbing, electr"L-cal & neclnnical. ALL roofing bracLng & ehittmegs, etc. rrust be . eontpleted. llo uctk is to be eon- -.cealed until this i.nspection lws 'been nade anC approrted. FTilAL PLUAAING EINAL MECHA,NICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Io be nade after aLL insulaticn and. requiz,ed oqor buvie?s @e in place but before oty Lath, Wpsum boatC ot, tnLL eooering is applied, and beforeay irnulation is concealed. DRYilALL fNSPEC?f)N: Ic be nade after aLL drguall is in pl,ace, but prior to any taping. IIASONRI: Steel Location, bond. beons, gtouti,ttg ot, uetticals in acco?darce Llith A.B.C. Section 24L5. W00DST0|/E: After install.ation is atnpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: After formsee erecteC but prior to pourtng ancrete. SIDE,IALK & DRTIWAI: For aLL con- e"ete p@-Gm styeet right- of-twA, to be made after aLL esea- oating conplete & forn ttotk & sub- base naterial in place. ScrilatnJ seuet, capped at properQ; Lit:e Septic totk punped and. filled trtth g'ra;teL Pinal - I{hen abcoe itens az,e caraleted cnd uhen Cenolition is eomplete Zt sfuac-tute noued and. premtses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbing connectians -- sare! od. uater Electrical Connection - BLocUng, eet-up ard plunbing conneetions rnist be apprcted before requesting eleetrical inspeetion Accessot; Building Piztal - After pctches, skirting, deeks, etc. @e cotnpleted. ALL proj, required IENCE: When conplete -- Prouide gates or mouable sections through P.U.E. ect cort&itions, such as the i.nstallation of s+-!eet trees, conoletion of the' Landsecping, etc., trust be satisfied before the BUfLDfNc FLNAL can be requested. n PrNAL BUTLDTN7: The ?inal Building rnspeetion mtst be requested. after the Pinal Plunbing \--l Electrical, qtd Meelnnical Inspeetions haue been made and approueC *ALL ttANHcLES AND cLEANou?s uus? BE AIIESSTBLE, ADJUS?!{EIr ro BE M4DE AT No ccsr ro crty ID Date:M rouorn ro^n T l T tr rage. JOB NO.SOLAR ACC,\S REQ.-u-co * t:Bedt oqts : Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cweraga # of Stortes Total Height Topogrophy Access. -- Pees -- Fi th DT House Lot Faces - Ileat Souree's Laee toxe LCT TWE _ fnteriot Cortle? Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac I?EM FTG x Value Building Vqlue & Permit ?his pemrLt is granted on the erp"ess condition ttnt the said eonsttuetionslnll, in all rbspects, confcrm to the 7rdinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Cvdincnce, r,eguLating the ccnstructicn otd. use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reookeC at cr'lA time upon oic- Lation of anA prctsisione of said Ordirnnces. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c Building P*nrLt State Date Paad.: Total Clanges rTEM NO FEE CEARCE Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll consb."uct, instal!, alter ot, elnnge anA ned cr eristing plutnbing oz, dtainage systan in ulnle or in patt, unlees such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunbet,'s License, escept that a pe?son may do plunbing uork to prope?ty uhich is otned, Leased on opetated by the appli,- cant. Fi.ztures Resil.enti^a.L (1 bath) Sa,ter 6.> Plwnbing Pertrlt 60 State Electricol Permit Whet,e State Lau requires that the electrtcal uork be done by an Eleetrteal Contractoz,, the elee+.rical portion of this permit slnll not be ualil until the LabeL lne been signed by the Electrical Contractor. N0. & .7d Neu/Eotend. Citcuits Set uice State ?otaL NC I LL CIIARGE Mechonicol Permit Vcodstorse Vent Edt bhanet HooC E?UI Permlt, fssucnee Meclnnical Permit -- ENCROACEMENT -- Sec,u,itA Deposit Storage Maintetunce Permit Cltz,bcut Sideualk !enee +Elec ,&c Mobile Hone )4tez zf.* a t# Signed: ,t f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,fiNED tlte eornpleted applieation for pennit, cnd. do hereby cettify tTnt aLL infoz,rnation hereon ia tyae and correct, and. f furthet' cet'tifg that any ard. aLL uork perfonned slnll be done in aeeor- dance tith the 1rdinances of the City of Sptingfield, and the Lans of the State of )z,egon pertaining to the uolk Cescribed herein, end tlnt N0 OCCU- PANCY ?nLLL be na.d.e of any structure uithout pernission of the Building DL-oision, I futther cettifg that only eontractoys and anplcyees ?,)ho are in eazplianee uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project Crs-&s- TO?AL Ai'IOUNT b oo Signed q Date r zone: )W*i Watey Ir/^// lazo? :TEM ?otal Charoe-s Stote,