HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-09-11A 225 North Sth Street SprLngfteld, )r'egon BUL LdLrLg ulDl.sLon 7 26-37 53 Job Loeaticn: Aesessore Map # subdiuision: )tmet: City: n=sp,- lTlAL.. nrnN,/DDDMTm1-. t.--! /Vll/ L DltlJLl 97477 5 N.J {Jaa SPFlINGFIELD Address: 53 *7?.=rs aLz;7q7- &//Phone: tt Neu Descz,ibe llotk: bJ)Q 2r*/'L at the frcnt of the Building Site at aL Wope"tyL tines. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs: I N SU LAru 0 N / vAPoR BABBlEgJlEtxClr9 N :Io be made aftet, aLL insulaticn qrd. required uapor bavie?s @e in pl.aee but before ory l.ath, Wpsum baatC or tta.Ll couering is applied, attd. beforeay insulation is concealed. DRIIIALL INSPECTfON: Tc be nade -. after aLL dtyualL is in plaee, but prior to cny taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, groutittg or uenticals in aceordorce Llith U,B.C. Section 24L5. Additian RemoCel e/2v Date: Date of App Lication General Consfuuction Jende? It ie the responsibility of tle permit lzolder to aee tlut aLL inspectiols ee nade at tle ptope" tine , tldt "s6fi atirirses is teq)n'n'.e fron the at?eet, ard that the*Building Nuiciot approt:ed p FOR INSPEC?TOII L 726-3769 state Aou? City desigrated job ntolber, job ali.z,ess, type of inspee'-icn !ou Lbe ov A.mez:s ncnte cnd piane runber, Eequests receixed befcre 7:00 an be made the sane day, r,equests an UnLLL be nade the nest aorkirg day. r-t-k L yemain ,(s oftrs -- UNDERSLAB PLUIIBING, ELECTRICAL & I IECH{:IICAL: ?o be made before any uo?k Ls co0ered. -A poorrwG & F\uNDATT\N: Io be tmd,e ) A$;;-amate escaated a,d. forms are erected, but prior to pottt"irtg ccncreta. - UlpEgcplutD pLtl,E tr,tLEWEE2_ w.4r!!))lirq trenehee. 7 uantnrr,ooR zLULBTNI & r"rECHANrcAL:lo7 floor insulation or decking. I P)ST AND BEAM: To be nade prtot to ) ffitffi" of floot, insui)tion on &ckirq. -1 ROUGH PLUEIIIG. ELEC2RICAL & I,IECE- I - w:til these inspectioris iuue been nod.e attd, approoed. a ru-wPtl,cti wLor to plactra faeLna) ^at;AaG arui before't'"*rt rS in"pu""- tion. a rnunnC: ltust be requeated aftet, ) approrral of rough plttrbing, eiectz,i- cal & nec?nnical. ALI roofing btacing E ehinmeys, etc. tntst be . antpleted. Ilo ucy.k ie to be can-. cealed until this inspeetton lae'been nad.e anC apptotted. SIIE INSPECTION: ._....iii--:-_ eucauaxLon, out fonne FIIIAL PLUIEITIG PIIIAL I4ECHANICAL ?IIIAL ELECTRTCAL To be made after pt"ior tc set up of VOODSTOT/E: cctftpT;t;A. Aftet, installation is CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fonnsee erecteC but prior to pouz"ing conc?ete. SLDEWALK & DRfIEilAY: Fot aLL eon- c"ete pAACffi stteet right- of-teA, to be maCe after all erca- oating canplete & for"t tnrk & sub- base naterial in pl.a.ce. lIl l ?ENCE: rlhen conplete -- ProuiCe gates or nouable seetians thtough P.A.E. ALL proieet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street tz,ees, conpletion of thenequined LanCseqir4' ete. ' mtst be ;atisfied before the BUTLDIN1 yfNAL can be requested.. ETNAL BUTLDTN1: The Pinaz Building. rnspection mtst be requested after the Firnl plunbingEleetricaL, otd. Mechanical Inspeetions taoe been nad.e and'apptooed. Iot #a3 247 Erpines Phone-.,4F Lisc.#/Z*-/ DEilOLTTIA!! OR !|OVE) BUILDI;ICS ff l Sanitaty sasez, capped * ptoperfui lir:e Septic tank ya-ped attd filled uith gta:tel Final - tr4ten abctse itens ote ccnoleted and uhen d.q.rclition i,s eompLete bo st-.o"-tute noued and. prenn ses cLeaneC up. Mobile Hcnes ord Set-up connectians -- aaoe? otd. uatet Electrical Cc,nneetion - Blocking, set-uc and plutnbing eonnectione m;st be qtprct;ed before requesting eleclrical inspeeliot: Aecessory- Building pcrekes, skiz,ting, deeks, Leted. I X E ?irnl - Aftez, etc. ue comp, \ato"t<t s flru,utw Page 1 of 2 *ALL I4ANH1LES AND cLEANou?s MUS? BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJUST\I1IE ?o BE LL4DE tL? ilo ccs? To cr?y T l tr r T &-U JOB N Total TotaL gffi soLAR Ao-Ess REe.-L-co d Beitoons:CtouD: Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Signed: Electricol Permit weve state Lan requires t|".at the electrieal uork be done by an Electrieal Contz,aetor, the eleclr,Lcal portion of this petnit shall not be oalil. untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electrieal Contractot,. Plart Erotriner Datte f EAW CAREFULLY EXA)LfNED the eorrpleted application fot, pennit, and do hereby certify that aLL infortnation het'eoi is true artl. ebrueet, and. f furtker certify that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be dpne in accot- dance trith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of the* State of 2regon pez,taining to the work Ceseribbd henein, and tlnt No occu- PANCY Lltll be nad.e of cn! st?uctur,e uithout permission of the Buitding N-oision. f further certif.g that otly eonttacTors ad. atplcgees uho arb in eanpliance uith oRS ?01.0ss ui.LL be used on this project Lot Faces - Setbacks Seat Df i!ouse Caraoe Aceess.Vater lleaterNo"th East FirepLace Sarth Waocistoxe lnt Sq. Etg. % cf Lot Catserage LCT ?WE _ Intericr _ Corder _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac # of Stortes Total Height Topogrqhy West -- Fees -- ITEl,I x Value Building Volue & Permit This pennit is granted an the erpress condition tlat the said consttuctions-lnl.L, in-a-ll -respects, gonforn to the OrdLrnnce adopted 6;y the City ofSpt'ingfieTd, including the Soning Crdinanee, r,egulatino th'e ccnstru-ctibn and .use o_f buiLdtngs, and may be suspended or reuokec at cna tine upon oic-l,ation of GnA prcuisions of said Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Paldt State lotal Clwges NEM N0.FEE CHAP.GE Fiztut,es Plumbing Permit N9 pet,son sltall consttact" instal!, altet or e?tange any neD cr eeisting qlunb-ing on drainage sAstel in ahole or in patt, inlesi sueh person ie theLegal .possessot, of a ualid plutnbez,,s Ltcens-e, eceept that d pet,son mag dopltnbing uotk to p?ope"tA uhieh is otmed, Leased or operated by the oppli.-cant. Resiletttial (1 bath) Seuer Plwbing Penrit 04 o 0 Res. Sq. ftq. Na,t/Ectend. Circuits ?atpcroy Setoiee /O - o--.. , ,4d -- ENCROACILMENT -. NC trcr I { Mechonicql Permit khanet HooC. llcodstotte Vent Fot Petmit fssuotee Meclnnical Pernrit Seatrtta Deposit Storage Maintenance Pentrit Ctttbcut Sideoalk steotr;"ot rotut L O88 /, ?t) Mobile llone i25:, &o TjTAL A]{CUI|T DUE: *4/d Signed Date Fence // -J 2, 1 LcJ-3 d* -'- T k I \ I \ '+A V +h* eF -T ,t t II i 1 I i I \ I I I t I i L---' N \