HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-07-01-, //833 sPFllNciFlFr r\ tr..':; ." [:,]]P,f"]J,l#]",' j North ith Street i'- ingfield," 0t'egon 97477 '/ B- Ldtac Dit:ision 7 26-37 5s rob r.ocation, q eS n/ A 3 #5P*c Aesessors Map #Ic,z Lot #$o?vsvbdiuision: Asner: Addtess: ci Phone: zip:? - ?7"? I\I Descrtbe llotk: \\7 4 4ldditionYvrou€ V * 35 77"o6'/e Aa'-'( rb ,rtoL,'/e b:-" yu.-t a/ ?ziS d ziht--l RenoCeL Date of Applicatian 'Value'W GeneraL PLtonbiru Oa,/n€r Date 1-t- 8 Phane ELecttical bh)npr l4echotieal 4)n er ConsJ@ion_Leder__ | I-t i8 the respanaibility of tle permit holder to aee that alt inspectiota ee nad.e at the p?ope? tine, thdt each ad.dress is Tsasa'rig f1a1 the atreet, atd tiat the -petttt -c-ard ia L,xated at the frpat of the wope?ta i*Bui.uing Diuicion apptoced plan shcll remain on the Bualding sttc bt aLL' ttmes.' PPOCIDUPEFF04 If=lSPEnI1il =8:8!|EST;CALL726-3769(recoydet) state yout, City designated job ntotbez., job aC*.ess, type of ir:spee=i,cnreQuested ar.<i uien'gou uiLL be ready fo,r inspeetion, Contrdctors oi a,ntez,s ncme -crrd ptar. number. p.equests receilc'ed befcre'?:00 s,rtill, be nade the sane dag' "equests na.de a|ier ?:00 on aLLL be nwde the neot wtkinj day.t#q t&os 7./!ou! City Desigrated Job Nwnber IsReouirerl Tn -- SITE INSPEC?ION: Io be made after J ...AAo", b"- prLor xc sex up oJ'. rorns. -I AflDERSLAB PLAMBING. ELECTRICAL &lffinsLbrK Le coilered.. a poqrmc & pouNDATrcN: ?o be np.Ce) Aft;;t es are "rcaoated. and. forms ate ereeted, but prior to pour"tng ccnc?eta. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?TON : To be mad.e after aLL i.nsulaticn a".d required uapor borie?s @e in place but befote ory Lath, Wpsn bcatC oyuall cooering is applied, otd beforeoty insuLation is concealed. BUILDIi]CS Sanitay saser capped ct propetfi; Line Septic totk pwnped aan, filled tri.th gra:tel i Final - Ifiten abase itens ate ecnpleted, and uhen Cqtolition is eornp;Letet o? st"uc- tuye moued otd pretrLses cleutei up.'r- 1 a^) _l l unDlRGR)UrD ILWING, SgWp., |/.AIER, FIIIAL PLUl,lBIIlc FINAL A*HAIIICAL FINAL ELECIRTCAL DRY\IALL INSPICIf)N: ?c be madeafter aLL C*yuaLL is in pla.ce, but priot to any taping. I"|AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, g'z,outing or oerti.cals in accordotce LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. W))DST)./E: After installntion is.", ,ecntpleted. :" q1 CURB & APPRCACH APPON: Aftet formsee ereitecETiifr to pouring \?con2?ete. SfDEWALK & DRIIEIIAI: For all eon- crete pruing uithin st?eet right-gf-txA, to be made aftet all erca- vating canplete & font utotk & sub- base ttaterLal in place. { tJ) lENCE: gatee hhen eonplete -- ProtsiCe or nooable sections tlwough DRAIIIACE: Io be nade prtor to fil-.lirg trencltee. AI|DERELOOR PLIII.EING & T,IECIIANICAL : o7 floot, insulctian or decking. 1 posr lfio Nau: ?o be made prLor to) ffilffiioy fr,oor insui.ation oy decking. -_I ROI,IGH PLUEIIIG. ELEJTPTCAL & I,IECE- I - .w:til these inspeetions ltaue beeri nade and cppnooed.. I EIP.EPTACE: PrLor to plccir4 lacingI mdte"ials and. befote froning inspeb- tion. PRAjlItlG: l,tust be tequested after approoal of rough plwr,bing, electrt-eal E necTnnical. ALL roofitq btacittg & chinoteys, etc. rrust be : anpleted. llo tprk is to be eon-..cealed un'.il this inspectLon lne I been made anC approtsei. E ALL proieet eonditions, sueh as the installation of street trees, eonpletion of the required lanCsecpitq, etc., tmtat be eatisfied befo|e the BUILDfNG FfNAL can be reques P,Uf l ll l n PT,NAL BUTLDTN|: The Final Build.ing rnspection mtst be requested after the Final Ptunbitq \J Electrical, od. I4eclur.ical Inspections h4oe been nade and approtsed. lulobile llcnes od. Set-up connections -- gane! otd. uater Ccnnection - Blocking, set-ua and plunbing eonnecti.ons rr;st be cpprcoed before requesting eleelrLeal inspection Aecessory BuilCrng L - Aften pcrekes, skirting, decl<s, etc. a"e comoleted. Page 1 of 2'ALL MANHCLES AND CLEA\IOWS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI1EIE TO BE uL4DE /t? NO CCST rO Cpy I oI I t I I i I ! I I I I I i.t I ' I I r-,,' R ,rouurn,o u tr T JOB NO. Penrit fotal C'tttbcut Sida^talk 514 ljULAK AU(;ED) KE\.).- -- ENCROACHMENT -- ?ri. t). L-COG- #: PLan Etom,ne?udEe f EAW CAREFULLY gXAl,lIIlED tle cornpleted application fot perwit, and. d.oleteby certify that aLL irformation hereon is ttae and. eoruect, attd. f further certify that any ard. aLL uotk perforaed slnll be dote in aeeor- dance trtth the 2rdinonces of the City of Spt ingfield, and, the I-ans o1' the State of 0regcn pertaining to the utork Ceaeribcd heteit, ct1d. that NO OCCU- PANCY tLlL be nade of anA atractu"a urLthout pernrLssion of the Building DL-t"tision. f further certify that o:,tly cont"acto?s ad. ezplcyees dho dte in canpliance uith 1RS 701.055 ui,LL be uaed on this project * #ju \1Mobile Home TAIAL AttOllW DUE:. /d" Df House Cayaoe Aeeess No"th ll South lt toue TPT ?WE I _ Inter.ior _ Corae? _ Panlnnd.Le CUL-de-sac Zorze :Beirox,s: Iat Faeee - lieat t:Gtou^ Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Caterage - ll of Sto ies ?otal Height Topogtcphg This permi,t is granted on the erpress condition tlat the said constrwetionslull, in all respeets, conform to the Ordinance adopted 6:y the City ofSprlngfield, includ.ing the Zoning Cvdinance, r,egalating the ccnstructicn od. -use of buildi.ngs, otd may be suspended ot rbookeC it ory time upon oic- Lo.tion of any prcoisione of aaid Ondirnnces. -- Fzes -- SQ. FTG TOTAL VALUE Fee: Date Paid: Signed: *S.D.C. I.5 c Building Palrit lotal Charges State Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit No- person slnll cotzshact, instal!, alter ot change cny neo cr e*istingqlunlirq or drainage aystal in uttole or in patt, inlesi sueh person is- theLegal possessor of a ualid plunber,,s Licens-e, escept tlnt a pbtson nag dopltmbing aork to p"ope?ty uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the oppli- cant. --3 | FEE LMftltL , * (x) .oo Ei.ztures Resi.d.zntial (1 bath) Seuen Plunbing Pemrtt Electricol Permit l{ltere State La,t tequites tlnt the eleetr.ical uork be done by im Eleetrical Contraeto?, the electtlcal portion of this permit slull rot be taliL wttilthe lobel has been sigzed by the Electrical Conttactor. )> Iotal NO. I rl NC.Pqn t Mechonicol Permit Nztt/Mend. ciradts Sentice 15,CD blt@lst HooC llcodsto;te PermLt fssuowe Mechanieel Pernrit .C)o -Vent ?@t l-g ,ZO 5,5,dlas -ltI tsZ Date FT Sot last FireoLace Uest ll ITiNI x VaLue t'lai-n (ltaao Canatf Acoessoru * I?EM Uctea Tctal Clwraes State Surcharge spaeu tt e ? aS rr) ,g+t tI andc _oE?& Co*+l Side tJ-tk <- &o '6+ + 4.-"' rnob',k *o maU, t< y11 , 2d ^ranao)'"''w"t;J &,rt| S,d e W-lK l%fZn 5€8r/<62//4€<7D/Y at F+ --+ .lrrrrn mob',le+" ;*.le \ss\\ t --}.\I \n ff,lt 5e,,:e" --+LJ Lt+,1:+\ Bted t $ \,V N trtt\ \q\ SLtt6#+ t' I -----_----I FI