HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-09-28.. RESIDTNTIA[.." APPLICAI-_ N/PERMT? 225 North |th Stz'eet Spz"ingfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 'ob Location: Aeseeaore Map # /2OA3l0O0 SiPFII{GFTELE'- raz lat # O/ Subdioision: Otmer:q,Cara/ Nr t/1 Addtess: Ae +5 !o5Phone: 4-7 1trCi Deecrlbe llork: /tfW - t-l Ne0 V ,oorrn ro^n - Va'LueDate of ILddition Renodel 4td,uJ4, A^z' fr r General Plumbl Srr Elec Er clan l,lechanica ET Scnitary easet capped at 2roperty line Septic totk punped ard filled urtth gra;tel Final - l,lhen abcue itens tre eanpleted ard uhen danolitiort is conplete oP attac- ture moued ud. prewisee cleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking otd set-up Plwnbing connectione -- sa)e? o1d. dater Eleetrical Connection - Bloeking, eet-up and plwnbing eonneetions ;ust be approued befor e requesti.ng eleclri.: aL i,nspec tio;t Accessory Buildirq pct'chee, sk'.r'ting, decks,Pinal - After etc. ate eanpt SITE INSPECTION: escd"ati-frEt ?o be afterprtot b set up of INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : fo be rwde after aLL insulaticn a"d tequired oapor batriete ane in place but before oty lath, Wpetn boorC oz' rnLL aoering i,s qplied, and. before oty inauT,ation is concealed, DRY\IALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nade @alt@le in place, but prior to any tapinS, I,\ASINRI: Steel Location, bond Wgtouting or oerticale in accordotce rrtth U,B.C, Section 2415. VO)DST0VE: After inatallation ie anpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: After forrnsd,e e?AteAEt@o" to pouring concrete. SIDEWALX & DRIVEWAY: EoI aLL EON-ctet;nilfrAffi street right- of-teg, to be nade after all etca- oating eanplete & forn wrk & sub- base naterLal in pLace. IENCE: I{hen eonplete -- ProoiCe ffi or mouable'sections through P.A.E. It ie the reeponoibility of tte penrtt lzolder to eee that aLL inapec_tiolts ate nade at the p"oPe" ttne, that ecch cddees ie reaCahie ftan tla at?eet, atd tlat the petmtt oasi ie Located at !h9, fzotlt of the- -p"oPe"tA.lAuitding Noicion approt;ed pl,an,slnll remain on tle Building Site at aLL tines. PROCSDURE FoR INS1ECTIQy4IQU\$!;CALL 726-3769(tecordet) etate youn Citg ,Teaigntted iob nmber', iob adLt'ess, lUPe. of inspeeticn eadyforinspection,Contnaetoleo7asners-,1a,,,eandphonenunbel.Requeetereceiaeabefcre7:00an r,vill be nade the eone dcy, tequeete nade aftet 7:00 an ttll be nnde the nert rnrking da.y. your CitA Deaiqateil Job Number fs:8?/0>* forna. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL &ffins uork ie cooeted. POOTING & EOUNDATION: To be IMd,E ;fdeffis at e escaated attd forne ate erected, but pri.or to pouring ccnerete. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING, SEI'/ER. W,qTER. PBAIMIE: ro be rrude prior to fil- @'66n"hee. UNDERFLOOR PLU|'IBING & MECTIANICAL:fo be none giot to instaltation of floor ineulation ot decking, POE! l|ND BE4M: Io be nade pylor toZffiTffiof floor iwulation or deckiry, ROACH PLU4BIIIG, ELEtrRICAL & MECH. ffilTthese inspeetions lwue been nad,e arui apptooeC, FIREPLACE: ^aEfrAG FTilAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Prior to placiry and. before froni,ng factng inepec- tion. FRAI.'!!!!: l*ust be nequeated after approttal of rough plwrbi.ng, electni- cal 8 neclanical, AIL roofing braeing A ahinmeye, etc. mtet be : conpletod. No wtk ie to be con- ,cealed until thie inepectton laa 'been nad.e and apptooed. ALL project conditione, such ae the i.netallation of street trees, conpletior. of the required Landeeapitq, etc., rmtst be eatisfied befone the BUILDIN? FfNAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDINC: The Final Buildiry Inepection naet be requeated aftet' the final Plwnbing ElectricaL, and Meclunical fnspecti,ons hqoe been made atd approved. *ALL MANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE IL4DE /1.T NO COST TO CI?: Date: DEMOLITrc]] OR !,IOWD BUILDINCS ll l fl Yv fl F Pege 1 of 2 I L-co d Bedrooms JOB NO, 7 of Lct Cctetcge ll of Storles Total Height Topogrqhy TotaL SOLAR AC CESS REQ.- Crott LCT TYPE _ Intet'Lor Co?net' Panhandle CUL-de-sac Lot Faces -Heat i; PLan Eraninen uate I IIAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED the cornpleted application for pennit, and do hereby cettify that aLL information het'eon is ttue and correct, and. f fut,tker" certify that any ard aLL aonk perfortned slall be done in accor- ilance trith the 1rdinances of the City of Spningfield' and. the Laas of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the aork Ceseri,bcd herein, and tlat No occu- P/.NCy uill be mCe of any strlucture uithout Pernission of the Building Di' uieion. I fut,ther certify that only eont"actors and. etplcyees dho are in eatpliance uith 1RS ?01.055 uiLL be used on thie projeet -41 -Access.) | WateCaraqeHouseP. L. North East South West ITDM x Value r,bin Caaae Ca?Dort Accessoru TOTAL VALUE (uelue)S.D.C. 1.5 r Plan Cheek Fee: Date Pal-d: Reeeipt #: Building Volue & Permit This penmt is granted on the er??ess condition tLat the said-constmtction s?wLL', in a|.L t"espeets, confornlto the fu,dirwnce adopte,l 6y the City of Springfield, inc|uding the Zoning Crdinance, regulati,ng the ccnsttacticn cnd use of buildtngs, and mey be suspend.ed ov, neuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of any prcoisione of said 1tdittances. Build^;ng Permtt Iotal Charges State Signed: Plumbing Permit No pet,eon slnll constmtct, instal!, alter or elange any neD cr eristing plumbing ot drainage aysten in uhole or in part, unlees such person is the Legal poseessot, of a ualid plumber'e Ltcense, eccept tlnt a pe"son nay do plwnbing uot'k to p?opertA uhich is orsned, Leased or operated by the appli- eant. NO.FEE CHARCE Lr Fistw,ee Resid,ential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbtng Pevntt State Surchange .1,]'EM NO.FEE CHARCE W1l, }a-u-- /ilLr- {//A,rhrb unfr"Ldol. Electricol Permit Were State Lau requiree ttnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleettical Contractor, the electrteaL portion of this pemnit slnll not be ualil until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contracto". I L Neu/Eeten * NC f LL CIIARCE *TotaL Mechq nico! Permit Eshanst llooC Ucodsto:te Vent Fot Petmil rssuanee Meclnr.tcal Perrmt -- aNcRoAcHt'tEN? -- Seeuritu Deposit Storage Maintenance Pennit Cvrbcu Sideaalk Mobile llone ?enee Electnical Inbc1-gq,>5 // 5.75 - I T?TAL AM2UltT Dt t: ^/7ln,0O ? 0z{E/4,/Date 21- 17 --1 Fl Job Locaticn: Ias Lot ilAsselsors I'!ap ll Sttbdiuision: A,mer: Phone:Address ci Describe htork: ValueDate of Applic'eti \a\"NAddition RenoCel #.. RESIDF\TIAL.. Zzs North stt, s;tonffPLrcA,i* /PERItrr Sprtngfield' 2t'egon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 s3 Date SPTIINGFTELD ,ES General Plurnbing Electr Elec Er c 1anfvS DEIALITIOII OR Sanitaty saser capped at ProPertA Line Septic tank putped and filled uith gra:sel Final - h1ten aboue itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cenolition is eornplete or sttac- ture nooed and pnetrLees cleaneC up. Le Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- salter od water ElectrieaL Connection - Blocking, set-up Pinal - After pcnches, skirting, decks, etc. are conpleted. and eonnections nas t^appncuedpLwnbing eLec*.rLcal tiolLnspecrequesti,ng Accessong Butlding PqelofJ inspection,Conttactot's ot otmers rwne and phone nutnbet. rt ie the reepo;tcibility of the perttt tpld,er to aee that aLL incpec^tions ave nade at the prope! tine, that eceh ad.drees is reaCable fln the stteet, and, that the permtt oard ia Located at -!h-e- frcnt of the-ptoperty.'*Suitdi,W D,luiciot approu*ed pl-at shall remain on tlp Building Site at aLL times. 26-3769 (recotdet,) state lour City Cesignated job nwnbet,,of inspec;icnjob aCd-z'ees, tyPe Requests receiued befcre 7:00 anPR11EDUPE FoR ItSPEcrI)tt \?QyIsITCALL 7l "esue;iAffiTlfrtr6iTlTT b. ready fortill be nade th,: eone day, requests mcde SIIE INSPE:?ION: To be trude after e4;au;no":Tut pr"iot, tc set up of fonns. UI'IDERSLAB .'LUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHA.IIICAL. To be nade before any ffii-1Zpev,ed. ?))IING & !)UNDAIICN: To be nqde af-t ei -t t, eru, hi s ar e ee c ao at ed attd forns are e?ected, but prior to pouring ea,.crete. UNDERGPOUI]' PLLIMDTNG, SEI,IER, W,4TER, -a PnntWACt: fo te maCe Prior to fil- T@-fr6n"l.ee. UNDERFL11R PLUIUIBING 4 MECII$NICIL : roT;ffi;ptioi io installation of floor ineu':.ation or decking. P1ST AND B:IAM: To be made Prtot to ffiT\ffirrn of floor insuLa,tion or decking. ROIICH PLU!,!]IXC. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: N,' aork is to be couet'ed ffilTthes,, inspections haue been na.de ond ai;pnooed.. !!!:EELACT: Pyiot' to plaeirg faeingna$AAG ,:nd before frani.ng inepeb- tion. FF4M!.A.G: )tust be requested after @6aL o." r,ough plwr,bing, electri- cal & mechrnical. ALL z'ooftitg bracirtg & c:hinmeye, etc, rmtst be . arnpLeted. llo ucrk is to be con- , cealed until this inspectton lwe 'been made ,inC approrsed. aftet, 7:00 on uvill be nade the neat aorking day /D?1Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nunber Ia: INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : fo be iaCe after aLL insulaticn atd required uapot bam'ie?s are in Place but before any Lath' gypsun boarC or wLL couering is applied, and before ay inaulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTI1N: Tc be made 7fte"-77-6yu"tT;s in place, but prior to anA taPing. MASINRY: Steel Location' bond iiffiiigrouting or oerticals in accordance tLth U.B,C, Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: ;cntpTetA. After installation is CURB & APP$)]CH APROry: After fomnsil'" e;ectAEtnfio" to pouring conctete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAI: For aLL con- cte*-pio;inS uithin street right- of-txy, to be made after aLL etca- oating conplete & fonn wrk & sub- base materLaL in Place. FIIIAL PLUM3IIIC FINAL MECH,',NICAL FINAL ELEC:RICAL YENCE: hthen conpXete -- Prouide gate6 or mooable sections through P. U. E. ALL pyoject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, conpletion,of the reQuired Landscaping, etc., mtst be satisfied befone the BUfLDfNG FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDINC: The Final Building fnspection mtst be requested aftet the Final Plunbing Electrical, and Neelnnical rnspections hare been nade and approoed. *ALr' t|AllilCr,Lls AND CLI:ANOUTS liilt:,"T RE AC(:tlSSfBtli, AD,IttSTtltNy T0 BE l.l.ADE.4r N0 CCSr T0 CT?y I T tr JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO * -ua;a-PLan Efionlner * r ItAw cAREFuLLy EXAI.IINED the completed application fo-r penr.it' and do ininty eertify that aLL inforrnation hereon- ie true attd correct, amC f futth"er eerti"fy that any ard aLL Dork perfofiied ehall be dotae in aeeor- 'dan e ,,rLth the" ordinanc'es of the ci.ty of springfield, and the Lase of tha itate oy 7regon peytaining to the uoik Ce1e"ibed he,ein, ani that NO 1CCU- pANCy tttl bL na4e of any" st?uctute uitlaut pernissi-on of th-e Building DL- oision. f fu,ther c-erti'fy that only conttacTors and anplcye-:s uho are in ca,zpliance iith cas 701.0-55 aiLL be used on this pt'oiect TotaL Signed P, L,House Cdraqe North East tt FivepLaee South ll Woodstoxe llWest Lot Faces - BedroomsGrou Corner Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac rot Sq, Ftg. % of Lot Cotserage # of StorLes Total Height Topography . LOT TYPE fntet ior n^^^ Building VoJue & Permit This permit is granted on the express eondition tlnt the sa-..d-construction shall', in atl rZspects, eonfomn'to the Ot'dinance adopteti 6:y the City o.f Sp?iigfield, ineluding- the Z;i>ning Crdinance' negulati-rtg the ccnstntcticn "ia "Zb of buildinga,- and ney he suspended or reookeC aL cn1 tine upon oic- Lation of any prcutsions of said 1rdinanees. Value TOTAL VALUE s. D. c. FTG i * Si.gned: ITEM Main 1.5 c Total Clnrgea Buildtng Permlt 6tate Date Paid: t. Plumbing Permit No person slwll consttaet, install,, alter ot' clnnge -any neu -ct etisting pt;ntLng or drainage systal i.n ttlnle or in patt, unless suci; person is the ingol pb""e""on o7"o ulolid pl*rber's Lie-ensb, eacept that apelson maa 40pt"otl,ig uork to propertg uhi..h is ot)ned, Leased or operatec by the appli- eant. CHARCENO. Sani Seuer Fi*tw,es Reeidential (1 bath) Plwnbing Pemit State Electricol Permit Wheye State La,t requires tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrieal Contractot,, the el)etuieal pottion of this perrnit elwll not be tsalil until the Label has been signed by the Electtieal contractor' *Total Na,t/Ectend Circuits Sertsiee bhanet HooC Vent F@t FgE CI]ARCE Hcodetooe * Mechq nicql Permit Permlt fssuanoe Mechanical Permtt -- EIICROA,CEMENT -- Secaritu Deposit Storage Manlntenance Permit Cutbcut SideuaLk ,senee Electrical Iabel Mobile Eane TOIAL AMOUNT DUE:,5 5 Date