HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-04i54 kq..RESIDFNTIAL.. APPLICAT-* 'PERI/IIT SPF|TNGFIELD 225 North |th Street Sprirqfield' 1regon 97477 Building Dittisio.n 7 26-37 53 Date. r (rs Job bcatton: Tat lpt llAeaeaeore MaP # A,mer: Phone:4riAddtess hlot k: Net) t/)y'-----r ,rrr" ffDate of .tdditian RenoCel tactor General Plurnb l,lechanica trica rr lanSrr BUILDIi,ICSDEt.'ioL,I',l I0!1 Sanitary seuer eapped at propertg Lire Septi.c tank purped attd filled vtth gta;sel Final - I{hen abcue itens ate eonpleted and uhen Canolition is complete o! at?ul- ture mooed and prenrises cleaneC up. Le Hcnee ing connectiana -- sa)er and uater Lectrical Ccnnection - Bloeking' eet-up L - Aften pct'ches, skirting, decks, are c.cmpleted. and plunbbtg connections nr;st be appro"*ed beforc requesti.ng eleclrLcal inspectiot Accescory BuiLC:,ng and Set-up Pqelof2 rt ie the reeponaibillty of tls penrit hotdet to aee that all inapectiona a.re nade at the rro?er tine, that each addteas is realable ftl|C,n tlu etteet, and tfut the pc,jpntt catd ia Loaated at -t_h-e. ftolt of the -property.'tguilding Noiaion apptottcd plan ahall nemain on the Building Stte at aLL times. 1ROCSDUilE FOR INS4ECLI\N REQWST:CALL726-3769 (recorder) etate your City Cesignated io eadyforinepection,Contractol,gora,lnersnclnean.dphone tttit Oe nade the e;ne dcy, requeats-made after ?:00 @n urtll be nade the nett wtking dail . b nunber', iob aCdreas, type of inspecticn rutnbcr'. P.equests receit;ed befcte 7:00 m /284 SITE INSPECTION: ea;"uail-on, Aut Io be rrude after pri.or to set up of INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTTON : fo be ,,ade afi.i aLL insulaticn and required uqot' ba.rriers ote in plaee but before ory l,ath, gAPsun board or rnLL eooeting is appli,ed, and befote oty iwulation is concealed. Iour Citg Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fa: DRYVALL INSPECII0N: ?c be made ;ftel, affAwtrie in place, but ptior to any toryrg. MASINRI: Steel Location, bond Effiilgrouting or uetticals in accordotce ttith U.B.c. Section 2415, forne. ' UIIDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECARICAL & MECHAIIICAL: ?o be nnde before anyffi7i6uered. FOOTING & F)UNDAIIOII: ?o be tmde aftet trenehes ate ereaated and. After itutallation ia . forme are erected, but priot to Wurtng ccncrete. u NDERGR1U N D P LUMB IN CLWl2_Wl& t{P84!E@-. be nnCe Prior to fil- @'frnches. , UNDERFTPOR PLUU|ING & MECHANICIL:'of floon ineul'ation or decking. POSI AND BEAM: To be tmde Prior to ffiiffio7 floor ineulation ot decking, ROUCH PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL & MECH: ant%i: W wrt< ia to be cotset'ed ,ffilTtheee inspectione haue been nade atd approued. WOODSTOVE: @ntp\etA. CURB & APPRCACH APRON: Afl;er fonns ate erected but pt'ior to Pouring concrete. SIDET|ALK & DRIVE\IAI: For aLL con- ;;et; paofrilffi etneet risht- of-reA, to be made aften aLL erea- vating canplete & fortn unrk & sub' base naterial in Pl,ace.PTREPLACE: ,rrat;;l;G FTML PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FIIIAL ELECTNICAL PrLor to placirq and before froning faeing inepee- tton. ERA\IING: l,tust be requeated aften cpproual of rough plurbing' electri- .eal 8 nechanical. ALL roofing . btaeittg & chttrmeye, ete. mtst be ;'conpleted. No uork ie to be con- ..- cealed unti,L thia inepection lae ' .t been nade anC approued. YENCE: When conPlete -- ProttiCejfi6i or nouable eectians tht'ough P. U, E. ALL project condtttons, such as the i.nstallation o.f sr,eet trees, conpleLion-of the ,'nquirnd Landscaping, etc., rmtat be sati,sfiorl befo're the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FIttAL BU1LDIN7: the Finat BuiLding fnspeetion mtst be requested cftet' the linal Plunbing ElectricaL, otd Meclwnical Inspections lraoe been nade ard approoed' TALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOWS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD,IUSTIIENI TO I]T: I.I,4DE AT NO rcST TO CITY :.,-,.,:-L ': Subdhtision: q1L/ 1rCita:ZLP: W,,oorr" ,*n l rege z Df House Can aqe Access North F:ast tt Fireplace South ll i,loodstoxellWest Iat Sq. Ftg. Z cf lot Ca;erage # of Stories Total Eeight fopogr,cphy LCT ?YPE _ Interict, _ CoPnef' _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac Lot Faces - dSOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO.L-CO Bedt ooms:Crq,t o^^^ Building Volue & Permit This permlt is granted on the erpreas cotdition tlat the eciid-consttwction shall', in all r-eapeets, contforTn'to the Ordinance adopted'tiy the Ci'ty o.f spring|ield, including- the zoning crdinanc-e, r,egulatdng the ccn-sttucticn ind. ,-"'" of buildings,- and may be euspended oy, yeuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of sny prcoisions of said )rditnncee. VaLue TOTAI, VALUE ITEM FTG x S.D.C. 1.5 x BuiLding Pet'mit ?otal Clnrgea State Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person sLn|,L consttact, install,- alter or clnnge-cny neD-c? eti'sting ititl"g on d,ainage syst-an in ulale o_r in part, unlees such pe,son is the iegoT p"osses"on oT"a riolid ptu b"r,rs Lic-ensb, er-cept tlnt a peraon nay Qo- ptiibfirg uotk to property ihi.h i" otned, Leased on opet'ated by the appli- cant. CIIARCENOt,EEITEM Sani Seuet Firhtres Residential (1 batlt) ,AO .ooPlunbing PerTnit State Total Electric<rl Permit Were State Lau ?equites tlwt the electr.ical uork be done by -an Electtical Contractor,, the elictt ical portion of thie perrnit ehall not be ualiC until the Label lns been aig:ned by the Electrical cont"actor' ( Neu/Extend, Circuits Set"uice ,,7 F5, OO State Iotal ,oo CIIARCENCFYEI?!M I * Mecho nicol Permit Erhanet HooC Vcodatooe Vent Eol Petnrit fssuance Mec?nnical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -. Seatritv Deposit Storage Wintenance Permit Cvvbcut Sida,talk Fenae Eleetrical Label 801,25Mobile llone 41*-u,,r 15,45 6,25 ffi TotaL I HAW CAREFULLL EXAI'|INED the conrpleted application foz'petnit, and do h";;Ly .iirtiTy- tnii-oll in1on *tibn hez,eoi- ie tmte and, con*ect, and. r furthLr certTiy that ang ar.d aLL uo.tk perforned elnll be done in accor' 'dar.e ',,rith thZ- ordinanc'es of the City of bpr"ingfield, and the Lae of the il"t" "f 1regon pertaining to the tnik Ceecribcd he,ein, and tlnt NO OCCU- zunCy ,LU b"e naCe of any'structttte without penniasi-on of the Building N- uision. I further' "-*it1y that otly cont?acto?a and .enplcyeee uho are in conpliance uith oRS 701.-055 aiLL be- used on this proiect PLarT Eadnlner Signe-d /z Date \OTAL AI.IOUIIT DLI!?: A /4t.1{