HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-03-30Job Locaticn: ?c,s Lot #Aeseesote Map # Svbditsision: Phone:Addt ess: City Descz,Lbe l,/ork: +uDldd\ \ Date of AppL t--t Ned a!-U Value Ad.dition RenoCel c1aElectrS Pege 1 of 2 !.. REslDr'lTlAL"SPHTNGFIELD zzs North rrrr rronf"'rcATM /PERI,rr Spri.ngfield' Oregon g?477 Builaing Diuisiqn 7 26-37 53 Date: General Plurnb It is the responaibilitY pernrtt lpldet to aee that all inspections ate nade at the pvoPer tine, that ecch,z4l'ess is t'enCabie t eart ie l,*ated,fron *D,'q' the etteet, dfld that tding Dioi c ion crylw* ed,s?tall renain on tle at the fttnt of the proPertY Building Site at aLL ti.mes. Iour Citg Desigr,ated Job MunbeY Is: PRp LE/U PE !pl? Ilt flE t!!9!--Req!!; SLTCALL 7 eadY forliLL be made the sane dag, r'equests made 26-3769 (r'eeorden) state youz' City designated job nwzber, job aCdtess' type of i-nspecticn irapection, Conttactot,s o? Aile"s nane and phone nutnber. Requests teceixed befcre 7:00 an aftet 7:00 an uttll be nade the neot rnrking dag Required fnspeetiono T]NDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be made befoz'e any ffi7i-iooeted. T]NDERGROUTID PLI]MEING, SEWR. IIATER'+OnlttUCt: frte naCe Prtor to fil- T@-TF6"chee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUl,tBIllG & I,IECIANICAI, : of floor insuktion or decking. POST AN? BEAIA: To be nade Pr"Lor to ffiiTTdGTof floot' iraulation or decking. ROTIGH PLUEI:TG. ELEC?RICAL & MECH- lUtCnf: No uork is to be co.-et'ed ffiTT-these inspections ha,te been nad.e and approued.. DRWALL IIISPECIT0N: Ic be made after aLL fuyuall is in place, but pt,ior to any taping. ILASONRY: Steel Location, bond 6iffi, grouting ot, oerticaLs in oceordotee trLth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'IE: enpLeTA. After installati.on is CURB LAIPPFCACE APP,)N: After fortns e,e e;ectAEfi;lo" tu pourtng conc"ete. SfDWALK & DRIIWAY: For all con- cretenaofrAffi s tv,e et right- of-txA, to be naCe after aLL e*ea- vating canplete & fotn uotk & sub- base matet"ial in place. DEr.l)LrTr)tl 0R !.:)vE Sanitary seaer eappted at pt'opetty Lite Septic totk pur,ped cil filled urLth gz'a;sel Einal - hhen abcoe itare axe cctpleted and uhen Catolition is eonplete o? st?ul- ture noued ard. prer'rLses cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plurnbing connections -- aaier sd, uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-uo and plwnbing eonneetions mtst be apprct;ed before requesting eleetrlcal inspeeti,otz Accessory BuilCnng skitting, decks, fotns F)1?INC & FOUNDA?ICN: To be naCe Afi;;AenciG a"e escauated and. fonns ate erected, but prior to pour*ing ccncrete. effrD TmQDEaofnil- ercaoatton,ffi EIPEPLACE: ^"t;iA; FIilAL PLUASIilG FINAL MECHANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL Io be rmde aftez' pr.tor tc set up of INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER II'ISPECTTON.: fo ie made after aLL insulati.cn std taqui.red oapor berie?s @e in pl.aee but before ary Lath, WpsLon bcarC or rnLL couering is applied, ard. before oty insulation is concealed. Pt Lor to plaetrq facing and before franing inspee- Pital - After etc. are cornp pcrches. Leted. ti,on. Ffl4illlc: Must be requested aftet appnouat of rough plttr,bing' electz,i- cal & meclwnical. ALL roofing bracing & ehitnneys, ete. rntst be . eonrpleted. tlo ucrk is to be con- .. cealed unttl this inspeetion has 'been mad.e anC approoed. Wen conpLete -- ProoiCe or motsable sections thrqughAates P,U.E ALL pnoiect conditions, such as the installatl.on of street trees, emoletion of t;E required Landsecpir.g, ctc., tmtst be satisfied befone the BUILDING FMAL ean be requested. FINAL BUfLDINC: The Final Building fnspection mtst be requested aftet the Final Plunbirq Electrical, anC. Mecharical Inspeetions have been made ard approtteC. *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BD ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE IIADE /,T IIO CCS? TO CITY l T I qD)s',l tr I LOT ?YPE _ fntericr _ Cor.ner _ Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-d Ileat JOB NO. P.L House L-CO Bedtooms Lot Faees - Gto Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Cooenage # of Stoz,Les Total Height Topography -- lees -- Building Volue & Permit lhis penfl,t is granted on the erp"ess con-dition ttat the said-constntction slnll', in a|.L rZspeets, eonforn to the Ordinance adopted b:a the City 2fSpringfield, including- the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccn-stracticn &d u-se of buildings,- otd may be suspended or ?euokeC at cr.y time upon oic- Lation of cny prcuisions of said Otdirances. TOTAL VALUE M XITEM Signed: Receipt #: PLanBuilding Pemrtt ?otal Clanges State Plumbing Perrnit No person shall consttttet, instaL?.,_ alter ot ehange _ang ne?r)_c? eristing pltirbLrq or drainage systen in ulale or in part, unless such pez,son is the iegal p"osses"on oT"o rtLtid pl*rb"t"s Licens-b, -cept that a pe"son nay d.2 ptinAi"g uork to property uirtch is oumed, Leased o, operated by the cppli.- eaaft. CHARGENO. Ei.stutes Resil.znti,al (1. bath) Sani Seuet, Plunbing Penrit State Electricql Permit t{he?e state La,t requires ttlot the electyical uotk be done by _an Eleettical Contracto", the elictrLcal p;ortion of thi,e pe?ndt shall not be oaliC until the Label lns been stgned by the Electu'ical ContTactor' <,\) * lla,t/Etterd Circuits Sezntice State Iotal khanst EooC FEEITlM , * Mechqnicol Permit Vent Ean I'lcodstoile PermLt fssuotce Mectnnical Permtt -- EIICROACHMENT -- Sectritlt Depoait Storage liaintenance Permit Sida,talk ?enee Electnical Label Mobile Horne V[an Eraniner uate f HAW CAREFULLy EXAtr'INED t?e completed qplication for pe?rnit, cnd do ieieUy certifg tha1 aLL infotmatibn het:eoi is true a,d correct, crtC r fuythZr certily that any i"d olt aork perforaed sLnLL be dote in aecor- 'dance ttith th-e" 7rdinancLs of the City of SpringfieLd, anC the Laas of the State of Oregcn pet,taining to the uork Cesctibed herein' end tVnt NO OCCU- zuiCy ,itt bL ,m7. of any" sttuctw,e uithout permissi-on of the Building Di- uision. I further certifS bhat otLy eont?acto"s c/d. e'npLcaees aho are Ln conpLiance uith cRS 701.-05s uiLL be used on this project ?otaL TOTAL AI,IOUTU DUE: */5.Ts Signed S.D.C. 1.5 c Total Chnaes State Suvchan oe