HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-04-17#.. REslDl-'lTlAL" 22 5 North rrt, s,ronlrPPLr cAr 71rn /PERI[rr SprLngfield' 2regon 97477 Bui.L&tng Diuision 7 26-37 53 General Plumbing I SPFINGFIEI-D 26-3769 (reeotder) state yout City' designated job nane cnd phone ,itlspection, Conttactors or Otmers aft* ?:00 att urLll be tmde the nest *tking dag. yoto Cit! Desigr,ated Job Nwtbet fo :: eS tl,at ecch ciltees ie v2ainhi2It ie the tesponsibilitg of tlc penrlt lolla to aec tlnt all inapectLons oe nade at the p;roper t*ne' frun tlu strebt, @d that the p*nrit md' ia L@ated at -t;he front of the-ptopetty-lsuilding Diuiciot aVproted pl,ot shcll remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. Date nranbet,, nutnbet PROCEDII?,E EOB IN1PEC?ION R\QWST..CALL 7 eadY for '*iLL be rrude the sane dcg' requests nade iob altitees' tyPe P.equests receixed of inspeclicn befcre 7:00 qt quasl R o, a t i,r e d Tn sn e e f,i. ans Job Loeaticn: Ics Lot #IAesessors Map # -7 Subdioision: Phone:Address: city: Descri,be Hot'k: rYLqN Date of AppL t--t Na)drtl, Value aildi,tion RenoCel -09(l(t[ o /7 c ].anElect.rS Bloeking otd. Set-up Ptmbing connectione -- sarre? od, uatet Cotnection - Bloeking' eet-up conneeti.ons mtst be aPprcted :ting electrical inspeetio:z Pital - After pctches, ekirting, decl<s' ete. @e conpleted. and plwnbing before ?equea Accessory Buil&-ng Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPECTION: e-;aoatlorr, b"t forns. aNpERsLAB PtlWIllG, ELECtUq4tr-_4 MECHT-IIfCAL: Io be nade before any ffi7l7otsered. UND9RGROUIID PLTJMgING, SEIIEP, W,ATER.amntltACt: To be nwCe pt"Lot' to fi,L- @-#5nches. TIN0ERFLO1R PLUMBTN G 4 MEC!1A,NrC.!L : fo be nad.e priov to instalLation of floor ineulation or decking. POST AND FE4!A: ?o be mole Prtot to Gld@Giof ftoor i.nsulati,on or deckilrg. R)UGH PL|\{BIIIG. ELE?IRI1AL & MECH= lntcll: io uoik is to be couet'ed ,ffitTthe s e insp ec'.ions ltnts e b eer, nade and approueC. FL".EPr.A!E: Prior to placirq faeL"sffiffiffi ard before f"*ri"s inspeb- tion. lEAltllG: Ihtst be requested after apprornt of rough plurbing, eleetyL- a,L & neclwnical. ALt roofing bracLng & chinmeys, ete. rrust be . anpleted. Ito ucrk ie to be con- - cealed until this inspection las 'been nade anC approoed. EIIIAL PLUMBIIIC FTNAL I,IECITANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DRYWALL INSPECIf1N: Tc be made @-dT@at-ts in ptace, but prior to ally taping. I4ASINRI: Steel Loeation, bond dffijgrcuting or oerticals i,n aceordace ?,rlth A.B.C. Section 2415. VO)DSTO;/E: Aftet installation is onpLeted. Dt t 7f nf :lac Scni,tary sanen capped et properQi Lir:e Septic totk p,tnped attd filled ttLth gra;sel Final - When obctse iteme @e eonpleted and uhen Cenolition is eonplete or strue- ture mooed and prettrLses cleaneC up. Mobi Hcnea ?o be made aftet' prior tc set up of INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPICTION : ?o be nade aftet' aLL insulaticn a:"d tequined oqor berie?s @e in Place but before ory lath, ggpsutn boarC ot' tnLL cooeving is qpli-ed, and. before aty insulation is concealed. CURB & A|??x)AcH 4!!9N: After fonnsa," """"tA61@A to pourirq cofi,2?ete. SfDEIIALK & DRIVE\\AI: Pot aLL con- c"ete pA@Affi etreet right- of-txA, to be made after aLL ecoa- lating canplete & fotn rtoz'k & sub- base nwterLal in place. gateB P.U.E. h4zen conrplate -- ProuiCe or motsable sections thrqugh YENCE ALL project conditions, such as the instaLlation of street trees, co:pletton,of tie required LanCsccping, atc., rntst be satisfied before the BUILDING FIIIAL ean be z'equeated. PINAL BUILDIN7: The Einal Buildi.ng Inspection mtst be requested alter the Final Plunbing Electtical, and Mechanical rnspeetions late been made ard approoed. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTtltttt TO BE II|ADE L? N0 C1Sf T0 CITy 71 poormG & E)UNDATT)N: ro be rrucett-L) Aft;i@nes ate eacaated and forns are erected, but prioz' to potrtng ccncreta.I 1,:g e a Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couenage_ # of Stor[es Total Eeight Topography TataL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gro fnterict, Corne? Panlwrulle CUL-de-sac Type/Const L-co c Bedroons Lct Faces -Sourees PLan ErarLner Date f HAW CAREFULLY EXAYINED t?e contpleted application for pernit, cnd do hereby certify that aLL infomution het'eon is ttue and eorrect' amC f fuz,thez, certifg that any ard aLL Dork perforned slnll be dote in acoot'- danee tith the 1rdinances of the City of Spz'ingfield, and the Laas of the State of Oregcn pertaining to the ttork Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 1CCU' PANCy tiLL be nlad.e of ang st?uctur'e uithout permisaion cf the Building N- oision. I further certify that only contracto?s ozd anplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet JOB NO. Df House Catage Access North East il FirepLace South l Woodstoxe Ilest ll -- Pees -- Building Volue & Permit This permi,t is granted on the erpress condition tlnt the said_eonsttaetion slnll', in all r"espeets, eonforTn to the crdinance adopted tiy the City o! Sprinqfield, inclul.ing the Zoning CYdinance, reguLating the ccnstracticn ord use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at en4 time upon uic- lation of @1A prcoisions of said )rdinances. SQ. FTG Value TOTAL VALUE IIE14 x Signed: S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Perwrt ?otal Clnrges State &trehege Date Paid: Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll cqnsttuct, inetal?., alter ot change anA ned cr eristing plwnbing or dtainage syatan in uhole or in patt, unless such person is tle Legal posseasor of a ualid plwnbet's License, eocept tlnt a Pe"son nay do plwnbing uork to propert! uhich is otsned, Leased or operated by the dppli- cant. ILL CHARGE * Fi.stut'es Resid.enti,al (1 bath) Sa'ler Phonbing Penrtt State Electricql Permit Vltere State Lan requites tlnt the electri,cal uork be ilone by an ELectu'ical Conttacto", the electrLcal pottion of thi.e pernit shall not be oalid until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contraetot'. Iotal CN <1\) ?anrpcroy Sensice llau/Ertend Circuits ITEM NC CIIARCE * Mechonicol Permit kltanst Hoo,l. Hcodsto;se Vent Fot Permtt fssuanee Meclaniccl Permit -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Secarttu Deposit Stotage Maintertartce Permtt Cutbcut Sideualk !ence Electrical La.bel Mobtle Hotne TOTAL AllOUllI DUE: *3t Signed Date #.. RESID-\TIAL.. zzs North sth s;treeAPPLrcAT)vN /eunwr SprLngfiald, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 l.lechanica Srr Elec Lr 1an SPFTINGFIE!.D your CitA Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs: Date: ntm,ber, iob aCitess, type of inspec=i.cn rutnber. P,equests received befcre 7:00 an / r- It ie the responsibility of tle penrtt ltoldet to aee that aLL inspections ee naile at the ptopet time, that ecch address is t'eaCqhle frotn tlu st?eet, and that the permtt eatd ia Located at the frcnt of the Wope?A.t.*euilding D"iuiclot approted plnn s?nLL yemain on tlp Bunlding Site'at aLL' tikes.- T)CEDUPE F1R INSPEC?I2I\ RE1WEIrCALL726-3769(r,ecorder) state Aou! Citg desigrnted job eady for inspection, Conttdcto"s oi A-r"r"" rorr" Lrd pt rn tvLLL be made the sane day, "eEtests nade aftet ?:00 an viLL be nnde the nezt tmrking day. Pamtt' nai Tncnaali nn< Job Iocaticn: ?oa LotAesessore Map # Subditsision: Phone:Address: tQ\de(\\ $\ Desct"Lbe h'ot'k: Date of Value 3*qttldditicn RenoCeL N,W t)3 General Plumbi tr Plunbing connectione -- sare! od. uater plwnbing connecti.ons rntst be a'pprcted before requesting electrical inspectiott Accesso?i BuilCing L - After pcrches, skirting, decks, are completed.'etc Eleetnical Ccnnection -Blocking, set-up ud Set-up Page 1 of 2 SITE TNSPEC?ION: ezcao;tlon, but fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHAilICAL: To be made befoz,e any .DOtk iS COtSet'ed. EC)TING & F1UNDATICN: To be rmCe ;fte" trencnes ate eccauated ard. forns are erected, but ptiot, to pour.ing ccncrete. UNDERGROUIID PLAMSING, SEWEP., W.ATER, p84!!4eE: ?o be maCe pz.Lor to fil- @-6inchee. UIIDER?LOOR PLUIDING & I4ECI]ANTCAL : o7 floor insuT,ation oz' decking. P)ST AND BEAM: To be nade pr-Lou, to installaticn of floon insulation ot, decking, ROUGH PLT]!,[BIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & MECE- ANfCAL: No aork is to be cotered ffilT-thosn inspections h,ztse been mad.e and approueC. $:E!494 PrLor to placirq facingnat;i;Z; and before'f"*r4"5 Zn"pe".- tion. {84U1!c: l,tust be requested after approuat of rough plwrbing, e-Lectri- cal & neclrunieal, ALI roofin4 braeing & ehinmegs, ete. rtr,tst be . eorryLeted. lto uctk i.s to be eon- , cecled unti.L this inspectton tns'been nade anC approtsed. ETilAL PLUIIBIAG PINAL I|ECHANICAL FII,IAL ELECTRICAL IN9ULAIIONIVA?OR BARBIER IIISPECIION :nFltnr 14 ORTo be nade aften aLL insulaticn c:"d required uapot, ba,z,iers @e in plaee but before oty Lath, gApswn boatC or rnLL couering is cpplied, cttd beforeaq insulation is concealed. Sanitoty saser ccptped at pz'operfi; Line Septic totk y"tr,:ped and filled tith gra;sel Pinal - It1ten abcue itens axe ccrnpleted and uhen Cernalition is cornplete o? struc- ture motsed and. prenrlses cleaneC up. Mobi Hcmes Io be nade aftet, prior tc seL up of I DRYWALL INSPEC?f0N: ?c be nade aftet, aLL CryuaLL is in place, but priot, to any taping. I'IAS)NRI: Steel loeation, bond beans, grout'Lng or oerticals in accoydance ?,tith U.B,C. Seetion 24L 5. VOODSTOI,IE: empT;T;A. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPAN:After formsee erecteC but prior to pourtn4 conc"ete. SIDEIALK & DRI'"EWAI: For aLL con- c"ete paD@AfiG street right- of-tnA, to be made after aLL eaca- oating conplete & fonn Dork & sttb- base materLal in place. IENCE: h4ten conplete -- tuouiCe gates or motsable sections thrqugh P.U.E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstallaticn of street trees, conoletion of t'ne required Landsccping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDING FiltAL ean be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection rrust be requested aftet the Eirnl PltanbingElecttical, and Meclwnical fnspeetions haue been made and.'approoed. *ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS ttUS? BE ACCES1TBLE, ADJUSTltEilt ?o BE L!.ADE A? NO ClST TO CI?y qUHs] I tr Otmer: c f1 *-,, OLAR ACCESS REQ..L-co dJOB NO. lleat Df ilouse Caraae North Firep LaceEastll l,/oodstoxeSouthlllIlest Iot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooenage # of Stortes Total Height !opography Lot Faces - Beiroons LCT TWE fntet ict, Conner Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- ?ees -- Building Volue & Permit This pertn[t is granted on the erpress condition tlnt the sciid-eonstmtction stnll', in all r"espects, conform to the Crdtrnnce adop.ted !;A the City o-f springfieLd, inctuding- the zoning cYdinance, r,eguLating the ccn-sttucticn id ,nn of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed oz' reuokeC at cny t1me upon oic- Lation of anA prcoisions of said 0t'dir,ances. TOTAL VALUE ETG Value Sigzzed: S.D.C. L.5 r Date Pai,d: Building Perlrit ?otal Clangee State Plumbing Permit No pereon shall constratct, instal'!-' alter ot clnnge anA ned -ct' eristing pt intlttg or dz'ainage sAsta"n in u?ole or in patt' unless such pet'son is the iegal pZs"e""oo o7"a r:-olid pl*rbnt's Lic,ensb, en-cept tlwt a !)??son na7 49 pti^ontl..i"g uork to propertg uhich is oxmed, Leased or ope?ated by the appli- cant. FEE CHARGE Sani Saner Fistures Resil.ztlti.a.l (1 bath) Pl'atnbing Pertrit State Suteh,a.r,ge 1 Electricol Permit Whez,e State La,t requites tlwt the electri,cal uork be ilone by an. Electt*i.cal contraeto?, the eleetrical poz,tion of thb pertnit shall not be oalid until the Label has been signed by the Electtical Contt'actor. Iotal Neu/Eoterd. Cincuits Setnsice CTIARCENC.FEE d Mecho nicol Permit Fltrnaee tC llcodstooe Vent Fa bhanst Hood Permlt Issuanee MeclnnieeL Perrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -. Seeuri.tu Deposit Storaqe lilaintenance Perwit Czubeut Sideualk !ence Electrical Label Hcne ?f4 a5r5E:i &s PLan Eroniner UADE I EAW CAREEULLt EXLMINED the completed application for permit, and' da hereby certify that aLL informati-bn hereon is tt'ue a,td cortect, aruC I furtkZr ceytiiy that ang ard aLL uork peyfor.ned shal_L be done in aecor-'darce ',,vLth the- Ordintncbs of the City of Spt'ingfield, artd th,e Lans of the* State of 1regcn pc?taining to the aork Cescribed herein, end tVnt NO )CCU' pANCy ;tL bZ rna-Ce of any sttucture uithout permission of- the Building N- uision. I further c-ertiiy thct only contractotts and enplcyees uho ate in eonpliance uith oRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this proiect Tatal V-/ L'-fu,| TOTAL A\,IAUNT DUE: A Date !. qn( 6b L,Y't €.,^ *(\o L 5'I )p' -lo "tJ- 1*' l" ,h \^)^t 5' ? *l (*.** -7 zE /v Jtr