HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-06-19.. RESIDET 'IAL.. APPLICATION /PERI,IIT 225 Nonth Sth Stv'eet Spr"tngfieLd, )regon 97477 ButldLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTELD r\es-,nffiJob Locaticn: \n pa3 \ cc)\Assessore Map #Ic,z Iat # Subdioision: tnNrAsnet Address: nas._n,ua70 Phone: f\ 6-YC- zie'q7+-T['Ci.ty: Desez,ibe Ltot'k: ,) Nan ValueDate of N b \q-q I t\ Addition RemoCel Contractors Address Lisc. # \ Bldrs Board Ree ectr a Electr c 1anSrt / ttJ Date: fes , ntmbev, iob aCi.r,ess, type of i.r,speeli.cn nunber, P.equests z,eceixed befcre 7:00 cn General Plumbing Llechanic Reai-nerl It ie the responaibilitg of the permit hold* to aee that aLL inspections ate nade at the p"opet tine, that eaeh cddrees is neq1,ab1-e fiotn _the str.eet,_ atd tlat the _pernrtt catd. ia Located at the froni of tle property.*Suilding Dirsicion appro"*ed ptan sha.Ll remain on the Bunlding Si,te -at aLL' tihes.- P?OCilUPE. FOR INSPEC?r)lt R!1UEST:CALL726-3769(reeotdet,) state your City Cestgnated job tequested and uhen gou uiLL be ready for irspeetion, Contractors o? O,met,s nane and plnnet"iLL be nwde the eone dag' ?eErcsts ncde after ?:00 @n ryill be nade the nez.t wtki$ day. Iour City Desigra.ted Job Nwnber Is STTE INSPEC?ION:?o be nwde after TNSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION : ?o be made aftet' aLL insulaticn ad tequired ttapor baz,rie?s @e in pl,ace but before ory Lath, Wpsun baarC or tnLL cooering i.s applied, and. before oty ir*ulation is concealed. DEilOLnI)N OR !.:OW) Sanitaty saset, eapped et properfii Lire Septic tank p;rped attd fnlled urith gra;sel Final - hhea abcue itens axe ccxrpleted and uhen Canolition is conplete o? struc- tuye noued and. prer,rises cleaneC up. etcantation, but pr.iar tc set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & MECHA-\|fCAL: ?o be made before any tlotk is eotsered. FAO?ING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be rruCe Mffitrs a,e escatsated arld fonns ane erected, but prior to pout*ing ecncrete. DRWALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nadeafter aLL dtyuall is in pl.a.ce, but prior to any taping. MASONR! Steel Loeation, bond beons, gz,outing on uert.Lcals in accordotce Lrith U,B.C. Section 24L5. Page 1 of 2 UND,RGROAND PLTIMBING, S!'IEP, W,ATER. DRAIilAGE: To be made pt"ior to fil- @-trenches. AilDERYLOOR PLUI|BIIIG & MECIIANICAL : o7 floor ineuLa.tion ot decking, POST AND BEAM: ?o be made p?ro" toffiiitTffiTof floot, insul)tion or deckittg. ROUCH PLUIBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uotk'Ls to be cooet,ed .w:til these inspeetions hatte been nade and. approued. FTPEPLACE: Prior to plaeirq faeingmaterials and before froning inspee-tior. W: ltust be requested after apptoual of rough plunbing, electri- eal & nec?wnieal. AL! r,oofirq bracing & chinmeys, etc. rntst be . eonpleted, Ito uctk ie to be con- .. ceaLed until this inspeetion lns 'been nade anC approoed. FruAL PLUABIUG PTNAL MECHANTCAL FINAL ELECTRICAL TIOODSTO'"8: enpTAA. A,fter instalLa.tion is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prion to pourLng conc"ete. SIDEWALK & DRf'|EWAI: For aLL con-;;;t; wrAGiEn street risht- of-my, to be maCe after aLL eoca- oating eanplete & forn ttork & sub- base nntertal in place. !4!E: hlhen conplete -- tuouiCe gates or nouable sections through P.a.E. Hcnes Bloeking otd Set-up Plumbing connections -- sa)e? otd. ualet Eleetrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and plunbing eonneetions rn;st be apprcted befote requeeting e?.ee:rical inepeetiol Acceesorg BuilCnng Pinal - Afte" ete. ate eomp pct ckes skirt"Jng, decks, u_e ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street tyees, conpleticn of therequired Landseeping' ete., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDLNC FII\AL canbe requeeted. n FrNAL BUTLDTN7: The Final Building rnspoction mtst be requested aftet, the Pital plunbiry \--l Electnical, and Mechanical fnspectione lt*uc been nade atd'approueC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I,I,|DE I? IIO CCST ?O CNY EeEDtQ.c, trr JOB NO. IotaL SOLAI..:\CCESS REQ.-L-co d BeCroons: PLqn ExanLnez,uace f HAW CAREFULLy EXLUfNED the conpleted application fon pennit, and do l'ereby certify that aLL infotnation hereon ia tnrc and, eorrect, and. f fuz,thet' certify that any ard aLL aork perfor-ned slnll be done in accor- dance trith the Oydinances of the City of Spr"tngfield, and the Lc;s of the State of )regcn pertaining to the wrk Cesctibed herein, otd tlwt No )CCU- P!.tlcy trill be nad.e of any stouctu?e uithout permission of the 9uilding Dt-uision. I futther certif'g that ottLy eonttactot,s anQ erplcyees aho are in enpliance uith oRS 701.1ss uiLL be used on thie project Lot Faces - Setbacks P.L House Caraqe Aceess llater qeater Not th East FirepLace South tlaodstoxe Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cwerage LCT TWE _ Interict _ Co"ne? _ Panhandle CUL-de-sae # o! Stories Total Het ght Topogrqhg i,lest -- Fees -- rTEM SQ. FYG x Value Main Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the express cond.ition tlwt the said consttactionslwll, in all nespects, eonfonn to the Ordinance adopteii by the City of Spr"Lngfield, rneluding the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ecnstntcticn otd use of buildings, ord may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of any prcoisions of said )ydir,antces. ?O?AL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 t Building Pqtdt State #Total Clntgea Siqred: NEM UffiNUL Plumbing Permit No pe?son slnll consfu,uct, instal!, alter or elnnge anA neu cr existing plutbing ot, d.rainage sgstan in ultole ot in part, unless such pez,son is tlp Legal possessor of a ualid plutnber's Lieense, e.aeept tlnt a pe?son nay do plunbing uork to propettA uhich is otsned, Leased or opetated by the appli.- cdttt. ?i.ctutes Resil,ential (1 bath) Sazi Saner Plunbing Petwit State * Na,)/Ertend. Citcuits Electricol Permit Vhere State Ian tequires tlnt the electrieal uotk be done by an Electz*Leal Contraetor, tlte electrLcal portion of this permit slnll rot be oali.C. until the Lobel lns been signed by the Electtical'Contracto?.Sensice S lotal -- ENCROACHMENT -- rrcM UiiANCL I,lcodstooe * Mechonicol Permit khanst Hood Vent Fat PermLt rssuorce Mecltanical Permit Seaarttu Deposit Storage Maintenanee Permit Cttvbcut Si.deuaLk Pence Eleetrieal Label Mobile Horne TO?AL AI4OUII? DLIE: *IS.IS * Signed Date