HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-11lr.t5a i.. RESIDEI-TIAL.. APP L I C AT I 0 tY?-'E Rl| I T 225 North |th Street Springfield, Onegon 97477 Building Diuision oo4 2qt2tl-Lt-J/o.) 'lech:rn ir-:a SPHINGFTELD Date: res ec E r iJi.t Job Location Tas lat lliesessors l.roP d Svbcliu'ision: A.me Plione:Address: Ci ty: 5inq/, to\d.e--l{\'* Describe h'onk: Value '--l ,o, to-lt -qoDate of App Lication ilobiLe .tddi ticn []cmoileL r.l c () ler ne ra 1 ' l. trtnb .i. ti e rvc-rti;7-1g Iilec t' r ic ia nirrD that ecch cddress is readabieIt ia the responsibtlity o! tte permit holder to see that aLf, inspec_tions an'e nade at lhe propet' ttme, lron the stre'et, anC that the pernit eard ie Located at.th-e. fPolt of,the-property. ,SuilrllinJ D.luic'toy: upVrou'ed plan slu:Ll remain on the Building Sitc at all times. ?:!OC:DU7E FOlt JNS\EC?ION S\Q\LEST:CALL 726-3769 (tecotder) state you? City desigtated iob ;rt"r,rtr;l ,trl-ptt"" yoi uit-iiieady fot, inspection, Contractot's or A^mere nane and plone ' :;it tte nade tlrc sane dcy, requests made after. ?:00 ott vill be macle the ncxt :,nrking day. nunben, job aCdreas, type of itspec)ior rutnbcn. Pequestl recei"-ed befcre 7:00 ct tegu ON 'l'o be nade after prion tc set up of INSULA'TION/VAI'OlI B/rT?RIER IITSPNCTTON :ffi;-a requined uapor bat, iers are in place but befone any Lath, gyPswn baarC or tnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYHATL INSPECII)N: Tc be madeifie. alT-JryiitT-ts in ptace, but priot' to any taPtng. MASoNRY: Steel location, bond iifii]grorting ot' uet'ticals in aceondance vith u,B.C. 9ection 2418. WOODSTOVE:-cc,npGTA.After installation ie Iour City Desigrttted Job Nwnber fs: IENCE: hhen eonPlate -- ProuiCe f,iies on mouable sectians thnough P, U. E. ,l I l fot,ne. U DS.'lISI,,1B PI,L'TEINC, ELECTRIC,IL & iftl)iln!tlt)AL: '!o be nade beJ'ore any ,viT ii'iuc,,ed. fl\)'itNC 1 |'OUNDATICN: To be taCe .t1'! Lr tt,Ltuitcs dre etcauated arul j'orns an'e erected, but Ptior to t,ttt,irtg ccncreta. t, t,t :,'' t t, ; llt ) t t.\! D P i,Utt7 I llc, S ll.lER, W.4f E n. ti;t,il:i,t,;t-'t 7',,, be uu;:le prt<tr to fil- I i',:), t 't,.lJnr,tes. i 1 : ! I ).\) -I : !' 1,iO !? P t,U I.!B I N G,9 I,IECIT A N I C A L :j,i t i,|,i,iiiiioi-n-iGliiiiloi o f f i.,,,r' irsul<-:tton or decking. l;',"i' .lltl) BLlAil: To be natle prior to i,,.i t,iii.,t t.,r-of floor insulation ot i, 'i. : rr.i. ! t::!!tI;!(;- Fr.l;c?nlcAL,l l.Eell' i,',t, 'r.', ,^to :n !,i'is to lre ao"-ered :;t,'i,, it$pectior's haue beet; tr,! ,trl,toued.. 'l,'ir': t\,i.ot, to plccir4 faeing r. ; ,tr:r/ ltcfore fratning insPec- CURB & APPRCACH A!!O!!: Aftet formsar* eri;dT;tVii;; to pourins concrete. SIDEI'|ALX ,9 DRII'[:l'lAv: For aLL con- c"et;iaufi uEin street right- of-tny', to bc maCe after aLL exca- oatino cornplete & forn wYk & sub- base -rnatertal in Place. :: t't!: IN:;I'tL":I aJ:t::!L';lLtcn, buL _l ::l ALL p|o,:iect conclitiotts, suah 4s the "installation of |tl'eet t:'ee-s.' co:plotion-of the ,.q"li*oa-iirrd"..pi"g, cte.,,mtst be satisficd before the BUILDTNC PI!'IAL can be nequested' FINAL DUILDINC: ?he l'inol Building fnapectiotr mot be requested alter the linal Plwnbing Et,oi"i;;1',-'aiC Necharicrtl rnspeetions'hqvc been nade arul approoec' OR iiOVED BUI. Sanilaty serset capped at propert'g Line .,, sy*1 r,1.,,11511 qr-,.,,1,t'r,1r,h| i..';' 1,t., I Septic tank pzurped attd filled trith gratel Fi.nal - lfiten abcte ite:ns an'e canpleted and uhen Cemolition is eonplete o? stru.r- ture noued ard premises cleaneC up. Ilcnes and szt-:tp eonnections -- Bcuer" cnC ua'-er trical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-uc connections rrust be apprcu-ed t - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, are canpleted- L and plwnbing !ion etc belorc requeoting Aceeseor"i BuilCing !11!?? 1 ol !),: ! it1,;titlt.t:!: .4Nt) ct,t:,1Nclt'f!: lltt!'l ttl.; lC!'1.):.i!lBt,r, AD,lltsl'!ll.:ilT To 3E t.l.4Df: lT ll0 ccsT T0 ct'!Y ItLr::l: be requetted after . .t t")uUlt plwnbing' electni- . ,:t,n.'LtL. ALI rooJ'ittg t ': .')tiwrcys, etc, rrust be , i, iht ttork 'is to be eon- ,,,. i ttis inspection has . ,'i.l ,rpproved. l tr l !,'l' | , ,' rl ll l -f}Wocking ,| --f1 e)nnt i"s -_Y L - Ccr r't Iat Sq. Ftg. 1 of lct Cooeraga ! of Stories Total Height ?opography OLAR A-C-c ESS REQ.- Gro T.OT ?YPE _ Interior Corner Panhandle - ,rl'dn-ro. Bedroons 7',Lot Faces ' !teat Date Paid: Receipt ll Signed: Lace toue Building Volue & Permit Thispermi.tiegrantedontheexpresscondi.tiontlnttlrcs'rl'r"'r)t''tit'it'ttt-ottslall, in atl reepects,"';.;;'f;;i;-li'e. ordinance adop-teJ tt11 t'h" r i ; "f iwi"bfi."u, inclld.ing'thl \o"ing crdina.nc.e' regulcLilt'1 Ltn ''"' ' ' ' "' 'r-ia u"oL of 'buildirqs'"oni"y be" susp.ende'! or reuokcc 'zL ct:1t t:'' ''. ttt':- toti.o, o7 ony proulsions of said otdinances' I Buildtng Perrtt State Total Clnrgea Plumbi,ng Peniit Stdte Plumbing Permit No percon sIa-LL .constmtct, i'ne!al!'. a!'ter or change ct'y t;c;.6'1' '';i:/ itt' plwnbing o" dralnage "ilf,tL"'ii "noin o' in part' "unless suclt ;:ct's'trt i'r r'l; i"i)1-'tir"'r"*" of " uZlii pl*'tnnts License' except that a pe::san nt" r" plunbins uork to Prrp;;;;""i'1;;";'";;;e' ll""na ;r op'eraLert bv Lt;c 't;'s ti cant. JOB NO. Aacess. | | walloueeCaraqeP, L.I I []artNot,th lEast]LSouthlllest x VaSQ. FTGITEI.I t fiOTAL VALUE s.D,c. 1.5 t CHARGENO.FEEITEM Fi.ztures Residential (1 bath) SeuenSani Na,t/Extend Circuits Sertlice Electricol Permit t[hereStateLarstequiresth'attheelectt'icaluorkbedonebyo"glz2l'fic:al contractor', the electr\ioti)'tion of thia pnitt shall not be oalic utttil l-i;-1;b;1'has been signed 4 tne ElecLrical contractor' ?otal L * CIIARCENC.ITSM ,s Exhanet ilood Vent F@t llcodsto;se , Mechonicol Permit Perwit fssuaflce lleclnnical Petmit -. ENCROACHMENT .- Secari D s Pcrmit Curbcu! Sida,taLk tabeL le llane PLan Excmtner I HAVE CARilFULL| EXAMINED the con-pleted appli'cation for per.nit' and do herebu certify tnot oli"-;'ii:Tnati'on hereo'i ie tnue and' corrccL' an^l I 'fr'o'ri;'"r"".'nlrriTa- tiot ;;v-;:;- oll uo"k penformed etall be dote in aczor- -dance r,rith the ordinri2orr"'it7ir"a'ti.'"7'bpiiisti"td, anl' Lh.e tc;e of tha State of oregcn p"ntoi-nlig-'to tle wik aes'ciiALa herein' cnd iln! No occl- pAncr wiLL be ruce ,;';7:;"2;";:;;;;;it\;;f i"itu'io" of the Buttdins DL- rtision. r further "n"l7'i?'tl thtL otly conLra"'tor" a"d e'plcyens ul:o are Ltt L;:;1:,;;""'" Llli dns zoi'b"ss utLL be" use.d on thia projecb Date Total Arli: T)TAL AMOUNT DUE:' r?)1/-7o I * 225 FTYIJi SIIEEf, SPRINGPIBLD, OREGON 97477 INSPBCTION REQIESTT 726-3169 OPPTCB: 726-3759 IJGAL DESCRTPTION COHPI. TB TEE SCBEDT'I.E BBtOg Nev Resldential-Slngle orHu1tl-panlly per aviUtng unlt.servlce rneruded: rt";" cost Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Clrcultslnc_Iuded ) . Ins talta t ion , -eii";";i;n" or.Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 aurps to 400 amps,-401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 .rp"-0ver 1000 anps/volts Reconnect only - SPFaI'. |ELO EIJCTRTCAL PER}TTT APPLICATION Clty Job Nunber 1 .Zlc t'L1..-) 3 A. B c. D. B. Sum Permits are non-transferable and explreif vork ls not started rrlthin feO-Aiysof issuance or lf vork is. suspenfed for180 days. 2. CONIAACIOR INS'TALIATTON OIITY 1500 sq.ft. or less Each additlonal 500sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf ,d Horne or - $ 15.00 Hodular Dvelling Service or Feeder Electrical Contractor (-. Address 4.rtll (),, 1 1*t "1, [/ . ci Phone 2 lc {-/f Supervlsor Llcense Number (' $ 3s.00 $ 60.00 $ e0.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 3s.00Expiratlon Date O Constr Contr. Number Explration Date o ture of Supervislng Electrlclan Jempol3ry Servlces or FeedersInstalldtlon, Alteratton -or-ielocation 200 anps or less over-45i i; ffi I'P" - $ 40.00 -o;;; ilo;;p:"i,iltioar," l"lo;39 "#Branch Circults Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel One Clrcult sach Addtrl ten orportion thereof c J 0uners Name Address ci ),-, I Phone s $ s 1s.00 00 00 35 50O9N8R TNSTALI.ATTON The installation is belng made onproperty I ovn vhtch f" iot-iitlnauotor sale, lease or rent. Omers Signature: Ii:fft*l;:ii"[i;;,r.ce/reeder not rncluded) i1'yttii[i:liif,"s-- I if:BB _ llmlted energy panet S 36.00 DATE: BRECEIVED 5 ST'BTOT,A,L OP ABOVE5f State Surcharpe TOTAL v