HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 LRAPA Board InterviewsAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/27/2021 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: AJ Nytes/CMO Staff Phone No: 541.726.3700 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes SPRINGFIELD Council Goals: Promote and Enhance CITY COUNCIL our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: APPLICANT INTERVIEWS FOR SPRINGFIELD REPRESENTATIVE ON THE LANE REGIONAL AIR PROTECTION AGENCY (LRAPA) BOARD ACTION Interview the applicants for the Springfield At -Large representative position on the REQUESTED: Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) Board. ISSUE The LRAPA Board is a nine -member board which meets monthly to establish STATEMENT: policy and adopt agency regulations. To date, Springfield has one city councilor as the representative on the LRAPA Board and one citizen as a second representative on the Board. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Attachment 2: Attachment 3: Attachment 4: Interview Schedule and Questions Application of Terry Fitzpatrick Application of William Freeland Application of Thomas Brandt DISCUSSION/ The Lane Regional Air Protection Agency was created in 1968 to achieve and FINANCIAL maintain clean air in Lane County, Oregon in a manner consistent with local IMPACT: priorities and goals. With the support of its member entities, which include Lane County and the cities of Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove and Oakridge, LRAPA carries out its mission to protect and enhance air quality through a combination of regulatory and non -regulatory programs and activities. To date, the board consists of four representatives from the City of Eugene, on representative from Lane County, two representatives from the City of Springfield, one representative from the City of Cottage Grove, and one representative from the City of Oakridge. The City posted recruitment for the At -Large position currently held is currently vacant due to a resignation after Gabrielle Guidero moved out of the Springfield City Limits. The Council is scheduled to ratify the appointment of the selected candidate during their October 4, 2021 regular Council meeting. September 27, 2021 Interview Schedule/Questions Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) Board of Directors Schedule Interview of Terry Fitzpatrick Interview of William Freeland Interview of Thomas Brandt Council deliberation Questions Why are you interested in serving on the LRAPA Board of Directors? 2. Describe your professional and personal experience as it relates to your desire to become an LRAPA Board member. 3. Please list the areas of concern you have about air quality, community development and the environment in general. 4. Outside of the monthly LRAPA Board meetings, what amount of volunteer time do you have to offer for work involving the LRAPA Board? 5. Can you give us an example of your experience working with a committee? 6. Please name one way you would help inform our community about LRAPA and/or LRAPA Projects. 7. How do you think the work of the LRAPA Board will improve our community? Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 SPRINGFIELD OREGON Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee City Manager's Office - 225 Filth Street - Springfield, OR 97477 PLEASE NOTE: • When possible, council will not appoint people currently serving on antother governing body to the Planning Commission or Budget Committee. When appointing people to any of the other city boards, commissions or committees, the Council shall take into account whether that person is being reappointed for a subsequent term, is currently serviug on another governing batty or currently appointed to another city board, commission or committee. * When possible, the Council will appoint people to serve on one City board, commission or committee only. Board I Commission 1 Committee applying for: Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LARAPA) Board Vacancy 0 (A separate application must be completed for each board I commission I committee) Name. Terrance (Terry) A Fitzpatrick First Middle Initial Last Home address: - Springfield 47478 Street city _ Zip Mailing address: S/A above Street Day Phone: City phone: Zip Email Address: tert��3482comcast.net ^ Preferred Form of Contact. _nay Phone Do you Iive within the Springfield city limits? 0 Yes If yes, how long`. 31 Years No If no, do you live inside Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary Ward number (City residents only): 5 Yes El No Are you a Springfield property owner? ,, Yes No Are you a Springfield business owneO Yes ,, No Are you a registered voter'? r : Yes No occupation: Police Sergeant (Refired) Place of employment/School: Business address: NIA Education: Three years of higher education. hast attended the University of Oregon. Are you currently serving on any other board, committee, or commission? If so, please list them here: Currently a member of the Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union Board of Directors (Volunteer) How did you hear about the above vacancy? ❑ Newspaper ad ❑ Newspaper article ❑ Radio/TV ❑ Mail notice ❑ Word of mouth ❑ BoardfCommissionlCornmittee member Internet (Over, please) For more information please call the City Manager's Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper Attachment 2, Page 1 of 4 iiWOREGON PSPRINGFIELD Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee Please print or type: L What experiences f training /qualifications do you have for this particular board/ commission/ cornmittee? Due to limits on space please see the attached sheet for my response to this question. 2. What specific contribution do you hope to nuke? Due to limits on space please see the attached sheet for my response to this question. 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration.) Due to limits on space please see the attached sheet for my response to this question. 4. What community topics concern you that relate to this board 1 commission 1 committee? Why do you want to become a member? LRAPA is a well-run organization that wanks well to communicate with the community. One example is the recent findings of the Seneca power plant. I find it commendable that a meeting was held to discuss the findings even if not required by the Cleaner Aix Oregon program. I wish to serve on the board to continue the good work of LRAPA, represent those with respiratory disabilities, and ensure we are guided by the science when it Gomes to air quality. Most boards 1 commissions 1 cemminces meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Please read the news release for this position which contains the normal dates and times for these meetings and can be found at www.ci.s rin rield.or.us/CMO/newsrel.htm. Are you available to attend meetings on the dates listed for this committee? Yes.0 No Comments: l look forward to hopefully serving the City of Springfield. I certify the Information in this application and attachments are true and complete to the hest of my knowledge, r understand that false or misleading statements or missing Information is cause for rejection of application, removal of name from eligible list, or dismissal from the position. I hereby waive my rights to claims or damages against any employer and the City of Springfield, its officers, agents, and employees, In regard to this exchange of information. I hereby authorize to permit the City of Springfield and/or the Springfield Police Department to review my background Information and if required my DMV records. I have reviewed the Advisory and meet the minimum requirements to servelvolunteer in the desired position. I also authorize to permit any materials fisted above to be copied and retained by the City of Springfield. I authorize the use of my photograph. I will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Springfield, Its officers, employees, and agents from and against all liability or loss and against any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, proceedings or appeals based upon or arising out of or arising from or in connection with my conduct or performance as a volunteer with the City of Springfield iwehuling but not limited damage or injury to persons or property and including without Ilmitation attorney fees and expenses; except for Josses, claims or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City of Springfield. Applicant Si Sept. 13, 2021 For more information please call the City Manager's Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper Attachment 2, Page 2 of 4 LRAPA APPLICATION 1. What experiences/ training/ qualifications do you have for this particular board/ commission / committee? During my professional career I worked with student groups, business organizations, as well as government organizations. I testified before the State Legislative Committee concerning proposed new financial crimes and identity theft laws. l provided training to the Law Enforcement community at the local, state, and federal level. I was also involved in the development of operational and training procedures. These experiences have taught me the value of teamwork, listening to others, and the ability to understand government codes, procedures, and laws. I'm a person who likes to research an issue and follow the science wherever it leads me. Currently I'm a member of the Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union Board of Director's. This position requires me to review, understand, and vote on policy recommendations, monitor compliance with financial regulations, spending, loans, and some limited personnel matters. As a board member, I have a duty to the credit union members that the organization is fiscally sound. I see many similar duties and responsibilities with the two boards. 2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? In 20111 was diagnosed with a lung disease which was determined to be caused by my exposure to asbestos while serving in the US Navy. This disease caused my retirement and continues to affect my daily life. The Veterans Administration lists me as 100% disabled due to this exposure. Clean air is essential to those with respiratory issues. 1 started relying on LRAPA shortly after my diagnoses for accurate information on air quality. I check the LRAPA website several times a week. I wish to bring my experiences to the board and be a voice for those like me and the community at large. I would like to ensure clean air for future generations. 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. Following my retirement, I volunteered as a Veteran's Service Officer (VSO) at the local VFW Post #3965. Working within the local government during my professional career provided me with the tools to understanding Veteran's Administration (VA) codes, policies, and case law related to disability claims filed by veterans. In one such case, I was able to gather enough evidence to cause the VA to reverse its previous denial of a veteran's disability claim. This case later caused the VA to grant the claims of hundreds of veterans who served during the Vietnam Attachment 2, Page 3 of 4 War. This ties into the LRAPA position well due to my ability to research and understand government codes and polices related to air quality. I also take great pride in helping others and I wish to continue helping others. Due to personal reasons I resigned from this position in 2018. . -. Y- . -t......v.. September 13, 2021 Attachment 2, Page 4 of 4 ii PWOREGON SPRINGFIELD Application for a City of Springfield C Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee City Manager's Office • 225 Fifth Street - Springfield, OR 97477 PLEASE NOTE., • When possible, council wt71 not appoint people currently serving on another governing body to the Planning Commission or Budget Committee. + When appointing people to any of the other city boards, commissions or committees, the Council shall take into account whether that person is being reappointed for a subsequent term, is currently serving on another governing body or currently appointed to another city board, commission or committee. • When passible, the Council will appoint people to serve on one City board, convnisston or committee only. Board 1 Commission I Committee applying for, LRAPA Board (A separate application trust be completed for each board / commission J committee) Name: Williatn First A Freeland Middle Initial Last Home address: Springfield 97477 Street City Zip Mailing address: Springfield 97477 Street City Zip Day Phone: Evening phone: E rnail Address: Preferred Form ofConlact: _Email Do you live within the Springfield city limits? ElYes C* 17 No Ward number (City residents only): 1 Are you a Springfield property owner?P Yes No ,Are you a Springfield business owner? Yes ,, No Are you a registered voter? Yes Na If yes, how longi' 4 years If no, do you live inside Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary? Yes 17No El occupation: Retired Place of employment/School: Former Environmental Protection Specie Formes' Ett'vi'roumental Protection Specialist with various federal agencies Business address: Education: College graduate with post- graduate class work. _ Are you currently serving on any other hoard, committee, or cotrtmissicn? If so, please list them here: How did you hear about the above vacancy? ❑ Newspaper ad F1 Newspaper article Fv] Radio/TV ❑ Mail notice ❑ Word of mouth F� Board./Commission/Committee member ❑ Internet (Over, please) For more information please call the City Manager's Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth St-oSprin field Oregon 97477 Attachment 3, Page of 13 Printed on Recycled Paper SPRINGFIELD Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Cornmission/Committee OREGON Please print or type: 1. What experiences 1 training /qualifications do you have for this particular board 1 commission 1 committee? I have been a member on several previous boards in my resident cities. l was a member of the City of Sequim, VISA, Citizen's Parks Board. I was the chair for 5 years for the City of Eagle Point Parks and Recreation Conunission. As an Envirernrnental Protection Specialist during my career, I oversaw or ran progi-ams to address air quality issues under the Federal Ctean Air Act for suets areas as the Olympic National Park, the DOE Yucca Mountain Project in NV, and smaller projects for Bonneville Power Administration-. 2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? T believe that citizen involvemont can make a difference when both social and economic issues greatly affect the health and environment of our communities. I believe my understanding of environmental issues such as air quality under the Clean Air Act and such environmetftal issues in general will bring to the table the ability to examine both the human aspects and the environmental aspects ofcurrent and new industries in the county with some new eyes for the subject.. Bxiefy describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration.) As I mentioned above, I have workers with and on volunteer boards wherever I resided. I also helped organi2e the Friends of the Olympic National Palk group, as welt as the Multi -recreational Users Group in southern Oregon when I was with the Bureau of Land Management, During my career, i organized, directed, and run over 144 public meetings and workshops for my various federal agencies that addressed air quality and other environ nnetal issues. I was a Public Information Officer (in training) for BLM on wildfires, so I am intimately familiar with the associated air quality issues. 4. What community topics concern you that relate to this board / commission / committee? Why do you want to become a member? I believe that air quality bas a direct effect on the health, bath social and econmic:, of our communities. I think that we need to attract clean industry as well as preserve the air quality of our communities, so that growth can occur or continue. T also believe that the future will present ehaltenges with climate change issues that we are already seeing and that our affecting our communities ( both socially and economically). I would be a valuable asset for the Board_ 5. Most boards 1' commissions 1 committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet -more frequently. Meetings general ly last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Please read the news release for this position which contains the normal dates and times for these meetings and can be found at w«-w.ci.s rim field.or.us/CMU/newsrel.htrn• Are you available to attend meetings on the dates listed for this committee? 0 Yt;s0 No Comments: I also hal have the equipment to do virtual meetings if necessary. I am willing to do site visits if they would be advanm_ocous. Enclosed is a coley of my resume for your use. I certify the infurragdon in this application and attachments are true and complete to the best of my knowicdge. I understand that false or tnisltading statements or missing ip wwalion is cause for rejection of application, removal of name from eligible list, or dismissal kom the position. I hereby waive toy rights to claims air damages against any employer and tke City of Springfield, its officers, agents, and employees, in regard to this exchange of information. I hereby autborii a to permit the City of 5pringtteld andlur the Springileld Pullet Ikpartment to revie►v my background information and if required my DKV records. I have reviewed the Advisory and meet the minimum requirements to servelvolunieer in the desired position. 1 also authorize to permil any materials Listed above to be copied and retained by the City of Springfield. I authorkr the use of aW photograph. T vtill defend, Indemnify and hold harmless Ike City of Springfleid, its officers, employees, and agents frum and against all liability orluss and against any and all claims, arA aw, causes df actions, proceedings or appeals based upon or arising out of or arising from or in connection with my conduct or performance as a volunteer with the City of Springfield Including but not limited damage or injury to persons or property and including without litaitafinn attorney fees and eWhses; except for Imes, Claims or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City of Springfi cid. Applicant For more information please call the City Manager's Office 541.726.37110! Return this application to the City Manager's O#ftc ttZachFrne t�VPap P-0�13 cgon 47477 09-13-2021 Printed on Recycled Paper Resume William A. Freeland William Albert Freeland, RE.M. Work Experience Cabela's (316/2012 —1/2612013) - ATF Counter Outfitter - $111hr, Springfield, OR. David Babkirk, Gun Manager, 541-942-9242 (moved to Columbus, OH store). Hours per week: 20-25 Duties: As a team member, provide ATF background information checks on gun purchasers. Provide Point of Sales (POS) checkout for gun and merchandise sales. Provide inventory assistance to gun vault personnel as needed. Work with OR State Police personnel on ATF background checks. US Coast Guard (5124109- 713112011 Retirement), -Environmental Protection Specialist, GS - 0028 — 13, Juneau; Alaska, United States. Supervisor; Calnan, Joe, CDR -406-625-5791 Contact: Yes (retired to Frenchtown, MT) Hours per week: 40 Duties: As EPS (Environmental Program Manager), I worked. closely with the Unit Commander to carry out the NEPA program for the USCG Rescue 21 and NAIS projects in Alaska, I was responsible for all NEPA documentation for 29 legacy communication sites and 39 new sites. I also was responsible for NEPA documents in Guam and Saipan (new and collocation sites). I provided threatened and endangered species expertise on these projects. Achievements: • Prepared Environmental Assessments for new Alaska R21 sites on Kodiak Island (sites), us Glacier Bay National Park mid Preserve, and on the Duffield Peninsula on Baranof Island. Prepared 12 Categorical Exclusions for R21 and NAIS sites in Alaska for wind turbines, equipment removal, and site modifications. • Prepared Categorical Exclusions and an Environmental Assessment for four sites in the Territory of Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (Guam, Rota, and Saipan). Persuade a major government contractor to begin NEPA preparations earlier in their planning process. Worked with Environmental Planning Lead at Glacier Say National Park and Preserve on locating communication sites in designated wilderness under ANILCA. • Worked with the NPS Regional Office in Anchorage on wilderness issues about locating facilities inside designated wilderness. Attachment 3, Page 3 of 13 Resume William A Freeland • Worked with USFWS personnel on issues ofloeating facilities inside a potentially designated wilderness (NWR system), including studies of threatened species potentially impacted by facility development. ■ Received Level II certification as a US Coast Guard COIR for CEU/CLP courses from the Defense Acquisition University. USDI Bureau of Land Management, (08110103 to 5123109). Supervisory Natural Resource Specialist, GS -401-13. Medford, DR 97504, Tim Reuwsaat, 541-618-2440 (retired). Tour of Duty: 40 His per weck. Duties: I lead the Medford District Manager's staff as Chief Resource Advisor to eleven resource specialists. These were the District's Program Leads for various natural resource programs. I oversaw the District staff budget and budget processes. I developed and implemented policies and programs for the District. I lead or co -lead various program initiatives in the District. I kept the District abreast of program developments on the Washington Office, State Office, and Resource Area levels and advised the District on critical concerns. I lead District efforts on communications, consistency, and training opportunities. I was Title 11 Program Coordinator for the Secure Rural Schools Act ($17 million) and was staff resource to the Medford District Resource Advisory Committee, I provided habitat expertise on threatened and endangered species such as the Spotted Owl., Marbled Murrelet, and fish species such as salmon in Oregon. Achievements: I developed the schedules and communications plan for the Resource Management Plan on the District as well as represented the District on the overall Western Oregon Plan Revision. 1 lead. the District Program Lcads in, developing a Roles and Responsibilities.. Supplemental Manual, ■ I co -lead with the Glendale Field Manager to successfully address Greenpeace and other protest concerns on the Kelsey -Whiskey Timber Sale by developing response alternatives, developing a threatlresponse matrix for law enforcement, and developing public response statements for the media. • I was the acting Field Manager in the Glendale Resource Area for one month addressing resource, performance, and disciplinary concerns. 1 developed an innovative process in acquiring legal expertise for the District to help improve the NEPA process. • I hired personnel: 1 forestry lead and 2 cruiser/appraisers, conducted performance reviews and conducted disciplinary actions. As acting Associate District Manager in Twin Falls, ID, I worked with the District Manager and Field Managers to carry out the District Program in resource protection and- conservation, I was responsible for the supervision -of the' Staff and Line Officers. I filled a temporary detail position as Acting Branch Chief for the Planning, Science, and Resource Information Branch in the Oregon) Washington State Office when the Attachment 3, Page 4 of 13 Resume William A. Freeland incumbent was filling a similar detail. USDI National Park Service (05111112001 to $!09120[13). Environmental Protection Specialist, GS -002$-12, Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, WA 98362, Bill Laitner, 360-565-3042 (retired). Tour of Duty: 40 Hrs .per week. I developed and prepared the initial Olympic National Park's General Management Plan (GMP) and all NEPA anti associated planning and compliance documents. Projects ranged from proposals to repair washed out roads or collapsed bridges, re -vegetation and stream bank protection projects, visitor center construction; to large proposals such as resolving reining rights for precious metals in the }nark, restoration of the Elwha River Ecosystem (breaching darns), and reintroduction of threatened or endangered species. Documents ranged from a few pages in length to complex documents such as the ONP Fire Management Plan EA. I worked with the USDOT Federal Highways Administration, on highway and road projects within the park. I advised the Superintendent on external projects including water resources, stream bank protection projects of the County and U.S. Forest Service. I advised the park safety officer on environmental audit and hazinat regulations. I provided expertise on T&E species to the Chief of Resources. Achievements: + Development of the Park General Management Plan - schedules, scoping, and initial outlines, purpose and needs statement, and mission revalidation. ■ I initiated government -to -government discussions for the Plan EIS with the eight Tribes of the Olympic Peninsula, 0 I developed documents on the Kalaloeh Visitor Station, the Olympic Park Institute Anders Admin Building, the Graves Creek Road Repair, the bridge on the North Shore Rd at Lake Quinault, and the Olympic Park Fire Management Plan. US Department Of Energy (0512511995 to 0510912001). Environmental Scientist, GS -401-13. Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office. Las Vegas, NV 89134, Suzi Mellington, 702-794-1454, Tour of Duty: 44 Hrs per week. I was 'Technical Lead Scientist for the Environmental Impact Statement on the Mined Geologic Disposal System located on the Nevada Test Site. I planned, directed, and coordinated EIS functions as governed by NEPA, and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. I worked in the Office of Project Execution, Environment, Safety, and Health staff; overseeing project contract scientists, engineers, and various stakeholder groups. I worked with DUE Headquarters and other Field organizations on environmental coordination issues, including collateral duties as OCRWM representative for the Clean Water Act Initiative and as a Class AfB accident hoard member. I guided contract scientists implementing the Socio-€oonomics, Ecological Studies, and Cultural Resources monitoring programs. I provided expert knowledge on the full range of environmental regulations, including NHPA, N.AGPRA, CERCLA, RCRA, TSCA, CWA, CAA, and various pollution prevention regulations, including NPDES requirements. I was responsible for all field oversight as the Site Attachment 3, Page 5 of 13 Resume William A. Freeland Operations Division Environmental Field Coordinator. I managed all surface environmental activities related to the scientific activities, including land access, desert rehabilitation, construction techniques, hazrnat requirements, and pennit activities, I ensured that Native American, archaeology, and socio-economic issues were accurately integrated into the EIS. directly oversaw the Project's Ecological Scientists (up to 30 persons), including desert tortoise scientists. I provided expertise in integrating ecosystem adaptive management systems into Project strategic planning documents. Achievements: + Initiation and development of the EIS for the Yucca. Mountain Project, including schedules, scoping, and initial outlines, and purpose and needs statement. + I lead development and successfully conducted 30 scoping workshops across the United States for the EIS. + I lead the development and implementation of Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) for 17 contractors, the Federal workforce, and over 1600 project workers. I lead the Departmental certification of Integrated Safety Management System including a third -party verification review and prepared the certification reports for the Secretary of Energy, 49 I received a Quality Step Increase award for Superior Job Performance and Monetary Awards for Special Acts for the initiation, development, implementation, and verification of the Integrated Safety Management System. Bonneville Power Administration — USDOE (02!0311986 to 0612411995). Area Environmental Manager, GS -0028-13_ Spokane, WA 99201. Earl Schoerr (retired). Tour of Duty: 40 His per week. I developed and managed environmental matters within the Area, providing an interface with the BPA Regional Office of Operations and Maintenance. I supervised Area environmental staff (5 personnel). I identified issues and concerns leading to policy development, final policies, and implemonwion of those. policies. I irnplerriented Arm Operating Plans- for the. Pollution Abatement and Control Program. I initiated acrd managed actions under the following laws: CERCLA (Superfund - 6 sites), RCRA (8 Districts), TSCA (PCBs), the Clean Wader Act (and NPDES permits), the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). I directed actions including in- house .personnel,.such as Construction Force AcooWs, as well .as contract resources. I provided technical oversight as Area Hazardous Waste Coordinator and as Contracting Officer's Representative (COIL) for contracts. This work included guiding consultant services in conducting Site kspectioris -and Rtmuvai Actiorrs'under the-uapeer£uxrd regulations. I developed and managed the Area Self AuditlAppraisal and Corrective Action Program. I developed implementation plans for corrective actions. Achievements: + I lead change through the development and implementation of an Environmental Protection Program including Self -Audits and Correction Action Plans in the field. Attachment 3, Page 6 of 13 Resume William A. Freeland + I developed and implemented the Hazardous Materials Program in the field from scratch. I lead the change in field processes (Polychlorinated Diphenyl's equipment identification) for Substation maintenance, Substation operations, Communications Systems operations and maintenance, and Transmission Line maintenance activities. • 1 lead the implementation of Superfund site Removal and Rehabilitation Projects in the Upper Columbia Area (6 sites). i 1 initiated actions to correct Oil Spill Containment (SPCC Plans and facilities) and -permit-requirements underNPDES. + I developed and coordinated environmental protection guidance for the BPA Generation and Transmission partners in eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and western Montana. • 1 trained, developed, and supervised lip to seven direct -report employees as supervisor, mentor, and/or program lead by dealing with performance, EEO, and disciplinary concerns. • I trained as a. COR for environmental contra,, ivied certification asan environmental tort claims officer, and was a DOE -certified Accident Investigation Board Member. Bonneville Power Administration - USDOE (0310311979 to 0210211986). Environmental Specialist, GS -0028 -12, Portland, OR 97208. John Kiley (retired). Tour of Duty: 40 Hrs.per week. I was a GS -11 Ecologist and GS -12 Environmental Specialist, involving: 1) analyzing and describing the environmental impacts of the BPA Vegetation management Program in a Programmatic EIS; 2) organizing and coordinating review of NEPA documents; and 3) assuring compliance with laws, regulations, and procedures. One assignment (2184 to 1186) was to develop the BPA Environmental Appraisal/Audit Program. I lead the implementation of this program by developing policy and gaining program approval. I organized and conducted twelve field appraisals. The Audit and Appraisat program lead to development of the TSCA, RCRA, and CERCLA field programs at BPA. l was co -lead with an engineer from the Office of Engineering on the Leaking Underground Storage Tanks team under RCRA, Achievements: I lead change by developing and implementing the Environmental Protection Audit and Appraisal Program. • I developed and implemented new and unique policies for the Hazardous Materiais, Tonic Substances, and Superfund Programs at BPA, I was the program lead for vegetation management, coastal zone management, NEPA processing, RCRA, CERCLA, and TSCA at BPA. • Developed, prepared., and wrote NEPA documents on vegetation management, impacts on marine mammals from underwater transmission lines, and construction of substations. + Provided wildlife expertise on T&E species for environmental policy and NEPA documents. Attachment 3, Page 7 of 13 Resume William A. Freeland U.S. Arany Corps of Engineers (03110/1978 to 03/02/1979). Ecologist, GS -0408-09, Portland District, Portland, OR 97208. Robert Moulton (retired) Tour of Duty: 40 Hrs per week. Achievements: • Recognized as one of the first Wetlands Ecologists in the Pacific Northwest. • Initiated the guide Wetlands Plants of the Pacific Northwest. • Conducted wetlands delineations for ACGE projects. USDA Soil Conservation Service (0611011974 to 0310911978), Soil Conservationist, OS -0457-09, Portland, OR 97208. S. Swanson (retired) Tour of Duty: 40 Hrs per week. Achievements: ■ Planned over 50 farms in the Willamette Valley, • Developed plant materials for conservation and wetlands work. • Coordinated the first Wetlands assessments with the USFWS in the Willamette Valley and defined wetlands as used by FWS Wetland Ecologists from the Washington Office. • Participated.on..the first .watershed .and irrigation.district EISs conducted in the SCS. Total Years in Federal Service: 37+ years. Education • Bachelor of Science Degree, 1974, Wildlife Science, Oregon State University, Total Credit hours earned quarter: 193. • Post -Graduate, Portland State University and Lewis and Clark College, Total Credit hours earned quarter: 10. • Defense Acquisitions University, Certificate as Contracting Officer's Technical Representative. • High School, 1970 Graduate with Honors, Ashtabula, Ohio. Additional Information TRAINING: Numerous courses including project management, program development, fire management (incident Command System), hazardous waste handling and remediation courses, -federal contracting courses, mountaineering and first aid shills (and instructor training), Wetlands delineation, IT courses including Microsoft Office Suite components, supervisory and administration courses, and facilitation/ mediation skills courses. Certification as COIR for the US Coast Guard, Bureau of Land Management, National Paris Service, and for the Department of Energy. Attachment 3, Page 8 of 13 Resume William A, Freeland JOB -RELATER SKILLS: Team building and facilitation skills (training and ability), photography, computer skills and GIS knowledge (word prooessing and GIS software). AWARDS: Quality &Q Increase Award - 2001, development and implementation of the integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) Program at Yucca Mountain. Superior Job Performance -- 2011 for initiating NEPA process at R21 PRO Alaska; 1987, 1990, 1994, 1998, for directing and overseeing the environmental field programs at BPA and Yucca Mountain. MonetaQ� Award for Special Act - 1985, 1989,'1991,- 1996 (2), 1998, 2041, 2410: exwnple achievements - Departmental verification of ISMS at Yucca Mountain, for development and implementation of the Audit( Appraisal Program, and for developing the Hazardous Materials Program at BPA, Career Service Award - 1983, 1993, 1999, 2063; Certificates of Appreciation - 1984, 1995; National Ski Patrol National Appointment # 6646, 1 Blue and 2 Yellow Merit Stars. LICENSES/CERTIFICATES: Certified Wildlife Biologist - The Wildlife Society, 1980, Registered Environmental Manager (R,E.M.) - National Registry of Environmental Professionals - 1997 to 2011. OTHER INFORMATION: Lifetime Alumni nierdber: National Ski Patrol System, Former Board member: City of Sequim Parks Citizen's Advisory Board. Former Commission Chair: (5 years) City of Eagle Point Parks and Recreation Commission. Ex -officio President: Hillsborough Estates Homeowners Association. Ex -officio Vice Chair: Tamarack Trails Homeowners Association. Attachment 3, Page 9 of 13 Mr. William A. Freeland Rescue 21 Project Resident Office Alaska 100 Savikko Road, Douglas, AK. 99824 Bill: I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding performance and tireless effort as Rescue 21 Project Resident office (PRO) Alaska's Environmental Protection Specialist from May 2009 through July 2011. In short order, you quickly established a professional work ethic and immersed yourself in the business at hand by developing environmental review plans for now R21 planned remote sites within Glacier Bay National Park and Prescrvc, on Kodiak Island, and on the Duffield Peninsula and vigorously pursued the National Environmental Policy Act (NIEPA) process for these sites. This effort formally established guidelines fur R21 FRO Alaska on which all other remote site Environmental Assessments (l3A) will be governed. Your work resulted is completed EA and FONSI actions for sites at Middle Cape, Twin Peaks, and Glacier Bay (Deception .Hills) in 2010 and completed CA.TEX processes for Rescue 21 PRO Sevtcsdale sites at Rota, Mt. Alutom and Merizo by April 2011. Other CATP-Xs that you completed in association with R&D testing by R21 PRO Alaska were for the Dillinghamfl'uklung microwave testing, the Sharatin wind generator installation, the Cape Pawhaw, 5itkinak Island and Duke Island wind generator replacements, as well as the removal of I 1 5ecnrp Passive Automatic Identification System sites for the NAIS program. In addition to your R21 PRO Alaska efforts, you were able to convince General Dynamics that it was in their best interests to start NEPA processes early in their site planning programs and also convince R21 PRO Scottsdale that the only Legal way to conduct the N EPA process for their new Saipan site was tlu'ough an Environmental Axsessmenl, Your "can -V' spirit and expertise was vital to all of our mission successes. Your sense of teamwork and work ethic are inspirational, and your willingness to go above and beyond to assist another writ demonstrates your stellar support of the Team Coast Guard concept. Thank you on behalf of Rescue 21 PRO Alaska and the Rescue 21 Project, Bravo Zulu! 7. Sirtc% y. .erf 3.5. �S1rWr1 ~ Commanding Officer Rescue 21 Project Resident Office- Alaska U& Coast Guard Attachment 3, Page 10 of 13 Resume William A. Fmeland U-5- Mpnrtment of � Sl�alea Rid kAK Homeland security ted Gast OtLNt Da�UPs M24 PtA60 Resident 006 Mash® 5W3ymbo1: GG PRO AK ljni#ed slates Phore:9U7�6-M8 Coast Guard FAX: Bo7.463-2959 5000 July 22, 2011 Mr. William A. Freeland Rescue 21 Project Resident Office Alaska 100 Savikko Road, Douglas, AK. 99824 Bill: I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding performance and tireless effort as Rescue 21 Project Resident office (PRO) Alaska's Environmental Protection Specialist from May 2009 through July 2011. In short order, you quickly established a professional work ethic and immersed yourself in the business at hand by developing environmental review plans for now R21 planned remote sites within Glacier Bay National Park and Prescrvc, on Kodiak Island, and on the Duffield Peninsula and vigorously pursued the National Environmental Policy Act (NIEPA) process for these sites. This effort formally established guidelines fur R21 FRO Alaska on which all other remote site Environmental Assessments (l3A) will be governed. Your work resulted is completed EA and FONSI actions for sites at Middle Cape, Twin Peaks, and Glacier Bay (Deception .Hills) in 2010 and completed CA.TEX processes for Rescue 21 PRO Sevtcsdale sites at Rota, Mt. Alutom and Merizo by April 2011. Other CATP-Xs that you completed in association with R&D testing by R21 PRO Alaska were for the Dillinghamfl'uklung microwave testing, the Sharatin wind generator installation, the Cape Pawhaw, 5itkinak Island and Duke Island wind generator replacements, as well as the removal of I 1 5ecnrp Passive Automatic Identification System sites for the NAIS program. In addition to your R21 PRO Alaska efforts, you were able to convince General Dynamics that it was in their best interests to start NEPA processes early in their site planning programs and also convince R21 PRO Scottsdale that the only Legal way to conduct the N EPA process for their new Saipan site was tlu'ough an Environmental Axsessmenl, Your "can -V' spirit and expertise was vital to all of our mission successes. Your sense of teamwork and work ethic are inspirational, and your willingness to go above and beyond to assist another writ demonstrates your stellar support of the Team Coast Guard concept. Thank you on behalf of Rescue 21 PRO Alaska and the Rescue 21 Project, Bravo Zulu! 7. Sirtc% y. .erf 3.5. �S1rWr1 ~ Commanding Officer Rescue 21 Project Resident Office- Alaska U& Coast Guard Attachment 3, Page 10 of 13 Resume Willialrl A. Freeland U -S- Ueparhnrent or Canmmiding Cfter 1525 GrnrtP..n (reef Rd homeland S•cw city Unned swge Caw1 c ,ard Scaftadale. AZ &5257 -Mo Fleecue 21 PmMct Rin idem Gfke GLA Symbol, CC Unhad Stales Phcee: 48O 421-028@ Coast Guard F -AX 48G42¶ -CM MM 04 Aug 2011 From Commanding Ofiloez, Rescue 21 Projekt Resident Office (R2 i PRO) Scottsdale To: Mr. William A. Fretlasrd Subj; I ErrHR OF APPREC ATION 1. I would Rb to siUMely thank you for the outstanding sapPort YOU provided tD R21 PRO Scottsdale Ewan August 2010 to August 2011. Your efforts performing all of the enVironmmW urauaVemenf activities necsssary for the dcptoymcnt of Rescue zi to Sector Guam was csseutial in maintaining the project budget and schedule- Atter being assigned fire task to augment a staff burdened with m,+emus otbar eavironmeutal actvities, you immediately carne in, assessed the situation, and worked with PRO Scottsdale personnel to came up to speed. You promptly conducted thorough site visits 2nd commenced you review and consult®tion activities. Yon caraftrlly and methodically outlined the steps necessary to complete the National Envirottrnental Policy Act [NEPA} process, set forth realistic and ac5swevable nrilesto> , and coordinated all necessary support to achieve threw goals. This included prcperariun and review of visual simulation studies and Consultations with nuarerous agencies including, but not limited fie, the Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI) Coastal Resources Umtoric Preservation District, and Division of Fish and Wildlife. The end result was the timely pmparation of Categorical Exclusions allowing aai real property trausactWas to proceed on schedule, 2. Of specific note was your thorough efforts preparing and executing the Environmental Assessment, and the resultant Finding of No Significant Impact, for the deployment of a new Coast Guard Rnrccue 21 tower on the island of Saipan in the CNMt. This critical site tegWmd careful coordination among W diffemat parties to erasure timely and thoroughly vetted approvals. This extraordinary effort was completed nearly a month ahem of Schedule allowing tieployrMent activities to P MCCed without delay. 3. You dedication. pride, and professionalism reflect credit upon you and the United Stapes Coast Girard. In appreciation, I would like to present this Rescue 21 PRC] Scottsdale unit coin as a small token of our appreciation. Thank you on behalf of the Rescue 21 PRO and the Rescue 21 Project. Brave Zulu CUR S. F. O.Sood Commanding officer Rescue 21 PRO Sootsdale Attachment 3, Page 11 of 13 Resurne Adderidurp William A. Freeland Work Experience Since Retirement from Federal Service - August 2011 March 2012 — January 2013 Cabela's ATF Outfitter Hrs: 20-251 week Duties: As a team member, provide ATF background information checks on gun purchasers. Provide Paint of Sales (POS) checkout for gun and merchandise sales. Provide inventory assistance to gun vault personnel as needed. Work with OR State Police personnel on ATF background checks. June 2013 — March 2014 Teardrops NW Marketing as an independent salesperson Hrs: various Duties: Guerilla marketing of teardrop trailer/ campers both in the field, at special events (such as Sportsman Shows), and in the showroom in Salem, Oregon. Worked on commission from each sale of a trailer. December 2017 — July 2-019. Lane County Waste Management Division Recycler Hrs.: 20-35f week Duties: Provide recycling infOrrTlatiun, educatio ri, services, olid oversee safety of The generaf pubic at both the Central Receiving Site and at multiple rural Transfer Facilities of the County Waste Management Division. Provide maintenance and groundskeeping duties as required. Attachment 3, Page 12 of 13 July 2019 — OctoiYot-2019 US Census Bureau Enumerator Hrs.: 20 —40+0T/week Duces: Participate as a QC Enumerator with the US Census Bureau during AdCan operations prior to the start of the official 2020 U5 census. Travelled to NE Oregon to provide QC enumeration of Mocks in that -a rea . February 2020—August 2020 US Census Bureau Clerk Hrs.: up to 40 + OT Duties: Perform clerical dutlres-for-bath-administrative and field operations -phases -in -the, Eugene- ACO office, including, but not limited to, UL, GQAC, TNSOL, TLAC, and GQe functions as a LAPPS employee. Use of DAPPS, OCS Ecase, and spreadsheet programs critical to phase operations. Also, use of telemarketing skills during hiring, GQAC, TLAC, and GQe operations. Use and familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite products: I ami adept afthe'use of several oWthe office products. These include Exel, Ward, Powerpoint, and Publisher. These include many of the previous versions of the Office Suite since the early 9Vs. I am familiar with Access, but have not actively used this program since the late .90's-and.early 2000's. I do have and use Office 365 at home as well as the Exel spreadsheets, Word, and Outlook at the office. And I use the DAPP5 Peoplesoft program for US Census operations. Attachment 3, Page 13 of 13 SPRINGFIELD SEP 16 RECD Application for a City of Springfield 1 AA -P ` Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee OREGON City Manager's Office 9 225 Fifth Street + Springfield, OR 97477 PLE;A$E NOTE; • When possible, council will not appoint people currently serving on another governing body to the Planning Commission or Budget Committee. • When appointing people to any of the other city boards, commissions or committees, the Council shall take into account whether that person is being reappointed for a subsequent term, is currently serving on another governing body or currently appointed to another city board, commission or committee. • When possible, the Council win appoint people to serve on one City board, commission or committee only. Board 1 Commission l Committee applying for- t vn,,,e- Rea r-, &,li1 Aa, A�4 (A separate application must be completed for each board 1 commission l committee) Name: "AL1 First Middle Initial _ r Last Horne address: Street City -'7ZI79 Zip Mailing address: �,,17 '42 Street City Zip Day Phone_ _ Evening phone. elvl �n3.. Email Address: Preferred Form of Contact: Do you live within the Springfield city limits? El Yes E::* If yes, how long? [O"No If no, do you live inside Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary? Ward number (City residents only): Yes ®No Are you a Springfield property owner? Yes No Are you a Springfield business owner? Yes No Are you a registered voter? Yes No �- f Os�upation: 6 e.1 t Y- e_Place of employment/School: Business address: ''—' Education: Are you currently serving on any other board, committee, or commission? If so, please list them here: How did you hear about the above vacancy? ❑ Newspaper ad F] Newspaper article ❑ Radio/TV ❑ Mail notice Word of mouth 13aardlCommissionlCatnmittee member ❑Internet (Over, please) For more information please call the City Manager's Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfleid Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper Attachment 4, Page 1 of 2 SPRINGFIELD Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee OREGON Please print or": 1. What cxperiences 1 training 1 qualifications do you have for this particular board 1 conmiission 1 committee? e�rt�dq �e CJ; A °� ��e-� e- � � , cc�.al�•rrr G e aJ �r� p �.�+ e�C'r�rayilGi I Yf r� f 1-P_G �l r�',� $�H,6 ems' �7�+�'c3lr 2. What specific cay]J}' butio�2A?Ueg� do you hope to make? +� f r i+ 1�(q%!rf c+S1'' d t3 i Y— ! L��(� C Ir J�• 1 �1 + 11 ` �Sr� �C NCS �V�t Sr Coyrt%G f2Y1�,] a�° Y2: VGJI'!*_�]¢ 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from considerati7n.) r g'x QC �! ' V �° !�, ,rte er�Qlr U � aYrJCr de%-tt) r-&Lf5���}�. .fie►-,� �. � c>z.rl� ��m m to '�'� � rim to � _T, r.v-q A� r 4. What community topics concern you that relate. to this board/ commission/ commit tee? Why do you want to beco e a member? ri r C � r►J e - --x )< *—=, 6 tJi 6� c� iT- ry e 3r* ,, r~ ,� m ,��{�f} .. 1 j`�q• Sew erf r �'rl y a7' �� *�s �.e� �P:;VASS r P_ mai 4! f J+ � (�'S-t- 40,-- tr / fi 9-Y A 77 L t*,, aw! Vr t G l.J cn 1 �J V cps ter� r�iJ r >� +~ zJ-f �i a tr►J C 5. Most boards 1 commissions 1 committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application_ Please read the news release for this position which contains the normal dates and times for these meetings and can be found at htips:l/www.springfield-or,i,ov/6ty/nowsirl2on)/. Are you available to attend meetings on the dates listed for this committee? Q(Yeso No I _ �, y 1j [� f l ! r Comments: YZCff � )Y� *^ CJ !'S r !" r drLia 1 ry t J a • C I certify the information in this application and attachments are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that false or misleading statements or nAssing information is cause for rejection of application, removal of name from eligible list, or dismissal from the position. I hereby waive my rights to clalms or damages against any employer and the City of Springfield, its officers, agents, and employees, in regard to this exchange of information. l hereby authorize to permtt the City of Springfield andlor the Springfield Police Department to review my background information and if required my DMV records. I have reviewed the Advisory and meet the minimum requirements to servefvolunteer in the desired position. I also authorize to permit any materials listed above to he copied and retained by the City of Springfield. I authorise the use of my photograph. I will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Springfield, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all liability or loss and against any and all claims, actions, causes of actions. proceedings or appeals based upon or arising ant of or arising from or in connection with my conduct or performance as a volupteer with the City of Springfield including but not limited damage or injury to persons or property and including without limitation attorney fees and expenses; except for losses, claims or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City of Springfield. Applicant Signature: Date: `7 ~ f �, —2 - For more information please call the City Manager's Office 541 .7263700 Return this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper Attachment 4, Page 2 of 2