HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Development Code Update ProjectAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/7/2021 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Mark Rust Staff Phone No: 541-726-3654 Estimated Time: 50 Minutes SPRINGFIELD Council Goals: Encourage Economic CITY COUNCIL Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE PROJECT — QUARTERLY CHECK IN ACTION At this meeting staff is giving the Council an update on the community outreach REQUESTED•' efforts on the project and the upcoming steps for moving into public hearings. The Council may take this opportunity to provide feedback to project staff and ask questions. ISSUE The Purpose of the Development Code Update Project is to change the Springfield STATEMENT: Development Code to support efficient, timely, and clear development review. The updated Development Code will support Springfield's economic development priorities and will honor Springfield's hometown feel now and in the future. Staff will give the City Council an update on the Development Code Update Project and present the responses from community outreach materials. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Council Briefing Memo Attachment 2: Development Code Update Project Schedule (3/16/21) DISCUSSION/ Background FINANCIAL Staff last presented to the City Council on this project on June 7, 2021. At this IMPACT• meeting staff gave the Council an update on the progress of both Phase 1, Housing, and Phase 2, Employment Lands of the Development Code Update Project. Council gave direction to staff to proceed with the community outreach and release the public review drafts of the code sections. Discussion Staff is getting ready to transition into public hearings for Phase 1 and 2 of the Development Code Update Project. The public review draft code sections will be updated to respond to the community input and suggestions from the Planning Commission and prepare public hearing drafts of the code sections. Next Steps Staff is scheduled to continue a series of work sessions with the Planning Commission on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, to continue familiarizing them with the public review drafts of the code sections in anticipation of proceeding with the public hearings. Staff will provide the next regularly planned quarterly check in to the Council in January 2022. MEMORANDUM City of Springfield Date: 9/7/2021 To: Nancy Newton, City Manager COUNCIL From: Tom Boyatt, Community Development Director BRIEFING Mark Rust, Interim Planning Supervisor MEMORANDUM Subject: Development Code Update Project—Quarterly Check In ISSUE The Purpose of the Development Code Update Project is to change the Springfield Development Code to support efficient, timely, and clear development review. The updated Development Code will support Springfield's economic development priorities and will honor Springfield's hometown feel now and in the future. Staff will give the City Council an update on the Development Code Update Project and present the responses from the community outreach materials. COUNCIL GOALS/MANDATE Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships BACKGROUND Staff last presented to the City Council on this project on June 7, 2021. At that meeting staff gave the Council an update on the progress of both Phase 1, Housing, and Phase 2, Employment Lands of the Development Code Update Project. Both Phase 1 and 2 of the code update project are proceeding concurrently. Council gave direction to staff to proceed with the community outreach and release the public review drafts of the code sections. I Y�111.X [Ix,I Community Engagement Staff will be providing a summary of the responses to the community engagement virtual open house and survey. The community survey is open until August 31St (after the issuance of this Council memo). The public comments and survey results will be discussed at the work session. Phase 1 and 2 public hearings process The next steps for Phase 1, Housing, and Phase 2 Employment is to move into the public hearing process. This involves revising the public comment drafts of the code sections based on the community feedback received to prepare public hearing drafts of the code sections. Additionally, changes to other sections of the code must be prepared to reflect the major changes being made in the Phase 1 and Phase 2 code sections for consistency throughout the code. New legislation, SB 458 (Middle Housing Land Divisions) is also impacting the code update project. Staff is working on evaluating the impacts from this new legislation and the impacts to the code update project. Staff will provide an update to Council on this legislation at the meeting. Legal findings must also be prepared as part of the public hearing package. The Council authorized submittal of a grant from the Oregon State Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to assist with the development of the legal findings to support the Middle Housing changes. This grant application was successful, and the grant was awarded by DLCD to provide consultant services to assist Springfield with this portion of the project. The approximate value of the consultant services being paid for by DLCD is $30,000. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 2 Once the public hearing drafts of the code sections are ready, notices will be sent for the public hearing at the Planning Commission. Staff is coordinating the Planning Commission public hearing process with the Lane County staff to facilitate the necessary joint planning commission public hearing process. After the planning commissions public hearing, the planning commissions will make a formal recommendation to the City Council and Board of County Commissioners, respectively. Then a joint public hearing will be held with the City Council and Board of County Commission for the final decisions. Phase 3 The project schedule has Phase 3 of the project beginning in October of 2021. Staff is working with a Fellow from Portland State University to provide additional staff capacity for beginning the Phase 3 project work. Initially the Phase 3 work will involve an audit of the remaining sections of code that have not been revised with Phase 1 or 2 and recommend a prioritization for how those additional code section updates could take place. Proiect Schedule According to the overall project schedule (Attachment 2) staff is on track with the project phases. Staff is scheduled to begin Phase 3 in the fall of 2021. Phases 1 and 2 are on schedule to begin the public hearings process in the fall 2021. RECOMMENDED ACTION No formal action is being requested. The Council may take this opportunity to provide feedback to project staff and ask questions. NEXT STEPS Staff is scheduled to continue a series of work sessions with the Planning Commission on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, to familiarize them with the public review drafts of the code sections in anticipation of proceeding with the public hearings. Staff will provide the next regularly planned quarterly check in to the Council in January 2022. 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