HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-11-16t" RESIf .,lTlAL" APPLICATION/PERTIIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, Oregon 9?477 Butldtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPTINGFIErl' al {,/-o tc ? Additicn Descrtbe llork: /eFeo Et/" "/ a* {Xer/.^ CLnLe Home Date of Appl /r .f GeneraL PLmbing Date: Value rob rocation, /[/ 0r ' //C9;" O 77y .1 05Jb24Aeseaoors Map # Sttbdilision:Z IL 4///obt4J h, /d,fr//O.mer: 141- avvDAddyess:Phone: city: Meclw:ieal Constmrctiorr Letdet :+ I_t i, tto reepotsibi_Lily of tta penrit holda to aee ttut dLL inspectiotts oe nad,e at tle Fopet tine, tl,at ecch &reas is renz,tbiefwn tlu at?eet, atd that the p*trit catd. ia lpcated at the froat of tlte p"opertu*BuiUing Dtoicinn apprw-ed pLot eltc.ll renain on tle tu;U;ng Site 'at aLL' tihes.' PPOjEDUPE FOR TNSPEflTON R|?WST..CALL 7 requested arti uhen gou uiLL be x,eady fort'il,L be nade the sane dcy, ?equests ncde 26-3769 (recordet) state yout City desigmzted job tazi;ber, job aCitees, type of inspeclictrirtspection, Conttacto"B ot A,ners nane cnd piane nunbet. P,equests receixed befcte ?:00 e,aftet ?:00 en viLL be nade the neet luorkitta dau. f\ ' vour city Dedisrateil Job lhnbet, ,"," f /0t60 Rcmti.rorl Tn.n SITE INSPEC?I)N: Io be rrude after ezcauation, but pz"ior tc se! up of forne. INSaLATI)N/VAPOR BARRIU? IIISPEC?TON :DEtr1LnI2!] 0R !.:1wt ITNDERSLAB ,LUI,,BrNG, ELECTRT,AL & but-befo?e -oly .Lath, -gyp-suttt b-oarc ot na . tnLL.eooering is applied, otd before 6qaEi6oered. ozy insulttion is concealed. F0O?fNG & F)UNDATfCN: ?o be rruCeafter trenches a?e escaoated antd forms ate erected, but prio? to Io be nade after aLL insulatLcn ed requi.red ttapor buz,ie?s @e in pla,ce DRYTALL fNSPEIfON: ?c be made after aLL dtyuall is in pla.ce, but prior to cny taping. MASONR!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticaLs in accotdotce LtLth a.B.C. Section 241 5. T,/OODSTOYE: enpT;;A. After irstallation is CURB & APPRCACE APPON: After fornsee ereeteC but ptior to pouring cot'erete. STDEWALX & DRfIEWAI: For aLL eon-etA;nAG dtid street right- of-rxy, to be naCe aftet aLL ecca- oating eonplete & forn uork & sttb- base naterial in place. Sani,!.eg sa;et, capped et propetfil Lirte Septic totk pnc'qed and filled rrith gra:tei Pinal - I{hen abcte dtazs are carpleted ord uhen Catolltion is canplete o? at?ue- ture mooeC and. prenrlses cleaneC up. Iicmes Blocking od, set-up Plunbing connectiote -- aa,)e? od. uatet Electrical Connection - Bloeking, aet-uc and. plunbing connections mtst be apptct;ei before z,equesting eleelrical inspectio:t Aecessory BuilCittg I 7 uno*rr,ooR pLUlErNc & uEClrANrcAL:loy' floor ineulation or decking. t zl POST AND BEAM: To be nade priot, to AJ dtal1ffi" o1 fr,oor insui.ation or dccking. -_I ROUGH PLLN,IBIIG. ELECTRICAL & IIECH- I - .w:tiL these irnpections hatse been nade and. aporoued.. 1 r*tptncti pri,ot to olceira facinoI Ate"ials and before fronirfi ir"pnZ-tion. S fnat:tuc: l'tust be tequested after LJ dpproD"L of rough plttr,bing, eiectrt-a,L & neclnnieal. ALL roofing btactng E chittmeya, ete. nrast be i cornpleted. Ilo ucrk ie to be con- ...:.aealed until thio inspectton hae'been rude anC approoed. DRAIIlAGE:oe @trench,ee. FIIIAL PLUIIBIIIG FITIAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTBICAL Pinal - After etc. dre eomp, pct ches, ekirting, decl<-s, leted. ?ditnd. gate6 h4ten conplete -- fuotsi,Ce or mouable seetians thtough P.U,E lIl l ALL proiect eonditions, such ae the installation of street trees, eonoletion of tie required landsccping, etc., mtat be satisfied bcfore the BUILDIN? FINAL can be requested. 1!\ EINAL BurLDIItc: The Einal Buildirlg rnepection mtet be requested after the Fittal Plunbittg \a/ Electrical, otC ttechar.ical fnspections laue been made atd approved. 'ALL ttAilHCLES AND CLEANOUTS truST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSalEill rO BE tltDE AT tto C1ST TO eI?y Page 1 of 2 /J tr tl 8 JOB NO. Lat Facee - Setbaeks Df Houee Carage Aceesg North East South TDT ?WE _ Interion _ Cortet _ Panhatldle _ Cul-de-eac SQ. F?G x Iot Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Ccoerage ll of Stortes ?otal Eeight ?opogtr?hy Veet ilr,in C,oaoe C@Dc"t Accessoru 4a TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c 16.'-PLan 8a Date Paid Reeeipt #:/4.9o LUTUL Fi.rfiites Residettti-al (1 bath) Satt'itary Sewer llatey , t.::;o Res. Sq. ftc Nal/Ecterd Circuits Iarporoy Setoice all A Da?FF= h,*naee PTU'S bhanet HooC Vent Fot Hcodsto;te Mechqnicol Permit Petmit- fssuutee Meclnnieal Permit -. EIICROACEMEN? -- Sec,*,it! Deoosit 4Alrltenanc 0 soLAR ACCESS REQ.- -- Fees -- L-CO G+ Gn Sigzed: Becro@ts Building Volue & Permit This perttn t io granted on the erpress eond.ition tlnt the said eonstructionshal-L, i.n all ?espeets, conform to the Ordinance adopted 6ig the City ofSpringfteld, inelud.ing the 1oning Cydinance, regulating th"e ccnsttu-ctiZn and.use of buildings, ord may be suspended or pbuokec -ot ory time upon oic-Lo.tion of dty ptcuisione of eaid Ordinances. * Building PermLt State ?otal Cltargea Plunbing Pernit State 7 Stcte Total Plumbing Permit No_ pereon slnll construet, instal!, alter ot eltattge cn! netn cr e:tsting glwnb-ing on drainage systal in uhole or in pott, inlesb eueh pet'son is- tteLegal.possesson of a oalid plwzber,s Lieensb, eacept tlnt a pe"son nny doplunbing uork to propettA uhieh is otrned, Leased or operated by the qpli- I HAW CAREFULLy EXLAINED the cotqoleted application for permit, and dohereby certif-y that aLL itfotnation hereon'is t"ue aiC ebrrect, anC. t fut'thez' eettify that any ard aLL uork perfozned slall be dote in aceor-dance rith the ordinences of the city of sprtngfield, atuc the l"a.;s of the* state of oregon pertainina to the uotk cescribbd henlean, cnd ttat no occu- PANcy trill be tmd.e of a\a st?uctu?e dithout permission of the Building DL-oision. r further certify that otly eont"acto"s ard. enplcyees uho atL inco:tpliance uith CRS 70i..055 uiLL be used on this project Electricol Permit where state Lan requires tl"a.t the eleett ical uork be done by an Eleetricalconttaeto", the electrical portion of thi.s petnit slall rot be uali.c. untilthe label las been sigaed by the Eleetr-ical Cont"dcto?. 4' -8? i Storaoe Perwit TotaL Clpbcttt Sid.a,talk Penee tlobile Harc T7TAL AjlCUilT DUE:./6.aa Signed fute -/6 8d/.* fqiLt