HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1979-02-25CITY OF SPRINGIIILD A?PLICATION AND ACRNE}MM FOR SEI^IIR I1OOKUP Application is hercby madc by Ehe unCersigned proPerty owner for pcrmission to connecE thc followilg dcscribcd propcrEy to a city sanitary sewer 1ine, oru'rrcd and maintain.:d by the City of Sprirrg-tield, and I aBrce to pay such a hool<up chargc of $4.50 per iront foot of the property for tl:e first 150 feet in depth to be served by.such city ser.;cr line in licu of an assessnrent againsE Ehe described proporry. An adclitional $0.03 per square fooE will be charged for any additional propcrty beyond the first 150 feet. ?roperty DescripEion:Address:/ss< 5g's7, Beginning at a pojnt on the east ljne of Sth Street, said point being 30 feet East and 986.36 feet North from the jntersection of the center l'ine of "Q" Street and the centerline of 5th Street, thence East .l50.0 feet; thence North 52.0 feet; thence West .150.0 feet; thence South 52.0 feet to the pojnt of beginning, jn Lane County' 0regon. Sewer hookup charge: 4ffi front feet G Wt per front foot =I _{+.^t square feet G $0.03 per sq. ft. This agreerlent has bcen computed as being one-half ()) of the equivalent cost of an eight (S) inch lateral sanitary selrer at tlte rate of $4.50 per abutting front foot and does not lnclude the cost of a house cc)nnect-ion to said city sel'Ier, sel.rer user cha::ges, plui,lbing penrits or oEher such cosEs Eo be assumed by the properEy oHrler OF T}:GF IELD OREGON RS By Date:1., ) STATE OF OI..EGON County of Lane ) ) ) ss BE IT REi'mllBIRnD, that on this 27 day of bef ore rnc , thc trnde rs igned ,a Notarv Pu blic in ancl f personally appcared the uithin natncd /v*P\f|*/l N\ Fo ^erF< , t9 17orthc seid Cottnt.,' ancl State, ltnor.'n to rnc tp bt. tht idenEical intlividtral ---and acltnorvlctlgcd to tne !irat itr aud rviro csccuEcd Lhc rviLhin i-l'tst:rillllr'llE ' cxccuEcd Eltc sallrr) f l:crcly anri voltrntnri ly ' cluscriocd I,lI'INUSS my ltancl ancl scal Elris day atrd ycar last aL'ovc writtcn. a y I'rrb I ic i.Ily ollull l s j.ott l, xp i rt' ri Arnt't