HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-09-10!2.. RESIDAITIAL.. APPLICAi.-I /PERMII 225 North |th Stneet SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 I.lechanic Iilec Er a SrrDe Elec Er: ic ia n SPrIII\|GFIELD- 45r/ Date: Job Locaticn:I ?cr lot ilAssessore MaP il E 0svbdiuision: Otmet: \n Phone: zip: Address: CitU )aI Descr.ibe h'onk: ValueDate of AppL ra Ned /lf,- edditicn RenoCeL i.lobile Hone Ceneral P lurnb in It ie the responsibility o! tle permit hol.der to eee that aLL incpec_tions ave nade at the fron the stre'et, and, that the peilt cavd ie Located at -t-hq fro1t of the-Pt9perfu.iSrildirg Diuicioyz apptou*ed pLan sfu:Ll renain on the Building Sitc at aLL times. P1OCEDU7E FOR INSPEC?I1\\ RSQUEST:CALL726-3769(reconder) state yout' City Cesignated job eadyfol,inspection,Contractol,sona,mersrutneandphoneliil be nnde the sdne day, pequests ncde aftet 7:00 on viLL be made the ncxt :nrking day. F;?ope" tine, that ecch ,:ddress is teadabie I nunber, iob aCdrees, type of inspeclior nwnber,. Requests receixed befcte 7:00 an Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnbet fa:.6t5 SITE INSPEC?ION: "=.arr;;l;;; b"t To be made after pr"iot, tc se! up of INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER II\SPECTION : fo be nwCe after aLL insulaticn a.d required oapor batT iers aae in p'lace but befone any Lath, gypsutn baarC or rnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulation ts concealed. DRY\IALL INSPECII0N: ?c be nadeiftelTndyualTis in plaee, but prior to cny taPing. ITASlNRY: Steel location, bond Eiffilgrouting or oerticals in accordattce uith U,B.C. Section 241s,. WOODS?O'IE: After installation is cctnpleted. forne. UNDERSLAB PLUA tlc,_ELEg!N!4I_ 3 w i!ECH{\IICAL: To be made before any Gii-ii-iors.red. ?CO?INC & F1UNDA?ICN: To be naCe aftdr trenches are eseauated and forns are ez.ected, but Pt'ior to pouring ccncrete. i7 uptacplultD PLaMpltrL_;sHER2- tt!!E&,,J- Lir4 trenchee. UIIDEPFLOOR PLUI,EIIIG & I4ECIIANICAL :of floor insulction ot' decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade Priot to fiiidTTilliof floot' i-nsulation or decking. ROUM PT,U!,!BIIIC, TI,ECTNICAL E MECI!: ANrcAi:-- N;n;il-Z; to be co'*et'ed GiT-these inspections haue been nade and appnoved. FfPEPLACE: Prior to plccirq facing mcterials and before franing inspee- tion. il prut:rttc: t'tust be requested aften LA dpprou"L of rough plwr,bing, 3lectri-cal E neclwnical. AIL noofirry bracing E chinmeys, etc. trust be conpleted. !1o ucrk is to be eott- cecled until thi.s inspection las 'been nade anC appro.*ed, FIIIAL PLUI|BIIIG 7 rrutr MECHANTIAL CURB & APPRCACH ABQN: Aftet forms ee erecteC but Pt'ion to Pout-ing conct ete. SIDEHALK & DRII.EI'IAY: For aLL con-. i aacrete paur"rrg Dithin street right- of-rxy', to be naCe aften all etca- oatina ednplete & fonn wt'k & oub' fuse irutert&L in Place. IENCE: h4ten conPlete '- Pt'ouiCe f,ii6i or nooable seetions thnougli P, U. E. TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT.--- -::--'-- -ALL project conditions, such as the t.natallat;-on of slreet trees, conolction.of the requi"nd torii"pi"g,2tu., mtst be satisfied befote the BUTLDTN1 FINAL canbe requested' Ar\, FrNAL BUTLDTN|: The Final Building rnapection mtat be requested after the Pinal Plwnbing W Electrical, anl Mechanicel Inspections hque been rad,e and appnooed' DEED RESTRICTION SHALL BE SIGNED AND RECORDED AT LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS PRIOR DETIOLI?ION OR Sanitary seaet capped at property line Jlr!r,r.,,i'lrtl r:lafFdt.rr','rl i.) ;i,'.,t Septic tank p4:rped ard. filled vith gra;tel Final - hlhen abcue itens a.?e cctnpleted and uhen Cenoli.tion is cornplete or stvus- ture moued ard prewtses cleaneC up. l'lobile Hcnes Blocking atd, Set-:tP Plwnbing eonnections -- la)e! qrd ualer Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking' aet-ue and plwnbing connections rrust be apprcved before requeeting eleclrical inspecliott Accessory BuilCitq pcrches, skirting, decks, leted. Firnl - Aftet' etc. ate comP P4':e 1 of 2I FINAL ELECTRICAL *AT,L UANIICI,ES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST RE ICCESSIBLE, ADJUSNEW TO BE I,|ADE /1.? IIO CCST TO CI?Y 1 'J' - soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO CJOB NO. AccessP.L llouse [at Faces - Z of Lot Cooetage_ I of Stortes TNT TYPE _ Inteticr _ Corner _ Panlnndle CaL-de-sac ValueFTGAITEM Lot Sq. Ftg. Iopogrqhy Iotal leight ?9.Aq /q./o //a,qzfltbin 224Y CarDort DR4;4 Vzla2a 7 Accessoru "/t/r,frTOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x PLan Check 4-a7 Date Paid: Receipt ll: Signed:8/,r= CHARGENO.FEE Fi.*tures Resil.ential (1 bath) Sanitaru Seuet' l,leten CHARGENO. Res. So. fta Nzts/Ectend Circuits Taflpor@y Setvice CIIARCENC. tlcodsto;se * Mechqnicol Permit Vent Fot khanat HooC t5 Permtt fssuanee Mechanicel Pezldt State -- ENCROACEMENT -- Sec"n-ity Deposit Storage l,laintenance Pcrmit C'urbcu! Sida,taLk Fence Electricql ta.bel Mobile Hone ,4?zrzzu-. 2 =.7o -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit No pereon slall consttact, instal!' alter ot cltange .cnA net -c? eristing ptuinttrq or drainage systez in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal pbssessor of a u'alid plwrbnr's License, eicept tltot a person na! q9 ptunt;ig uork to propertg ihict is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cdnt. Electricol Permit hthere State Lan requires tlu.t the electrieal uork be done by an Electrical contractor, the electrieal portion of thie permit slwll not be ualic until the Label lns been signed by the ElecLrical Contz'acton, f ilAW CAREEULLy EXAMINED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL info:nation hereon ie tnue and eorrect, anC I furthLr certily that ahg ard aLL uonk penforned alall be dote in accor- danee vith the ordinancee of the city of Springfield' aruil the tans of the Stat.e of 1regon pertaining to the urrk Cescribcd herein, cnd tlnt N0 ocCU- PAItCy tli.tl bb rm,te of any structure without permisai.on of the BuildingT Di,- tsision. f furthen certify that only contracto?e ard enplcyees uho are in eanpliance Dith CRS 701.05s uiLL be used on this project Llrru< 57ntry y /-a €/6 z P<*7> fio7777a;*.o.Y1 €4<( q; €/) / fi E < ar= 2 f4ar-,'f* {afz Z> 25'47. Bedrooms Building Permit Sttte ?otal Chatges Plunbing Pemit State Swch,arge Stcte ?otal Total * Permit T0TtL A|'|OUNT DUE: I /27fr * Signed Iliz be 3 Ba- s;e Total C?tan aes IT9M L,a- XrL-l- )) ,